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<br /> 76- 002 '726
<br /> To HnVE ANn To 1{oLD the snme wito thc 1F4ortgngee, a�s herciii p�roeided. nlortgiigor reprc�ents t��,
<br /> and covenlnts with, the Mortgagee, that the 114ortgt�gor hxs goud riqht to seU and convey said premises ;
<br /> thnt they nre free from encumbrance, except ns hereinothec���ise reciled ; that the Mortqngor ���ill warraut
<br /> and defend the same agninst the ina�ful clxims ot nll persons �vhmnsoevcr. AlorCgngor hereby rclinquisltes
<br /> all rights of homestead, all maritnl riqhts, cither in la�ti� or in equity, nitd nll vtl�er contingent interests of
<br /> � the niortgaqor in and to the above•descriUed premises.
<br /> YROVIDED ALWAYs, nnd tliese presents nre executed and delivei•ed upon the following conditions, to
<br /> p'lt I
<br /> Afortgagor ngrees to pay to the Dlortgagee, or ordcr, the aforesnid principal sum ti��ith interest froui daite
<br /> at tlie rnte of lii�h{: and One-liulf per ce�itum ( 8?_ S`o ) 1�lirs�;n��uc.�°ra�t�ua�ina��an��lio�aii� 171a�oc:iation
<br /> Tlte snid principal and interest sltnll 6e payaUle �it the o[lice of of L ic 1
<br /> in P1eUraska , or ut sucli other pluce us ��ie�ioYder of tlie note mny designnte in
<br /> �vriting delivered or mniled to the Aim•tga�or, in montltly instnllme»ts of One hwid�r�d iift,y- t�ao attd 19� 100- - -
<br /> Dollflrs ($ 1�2 . 1� ) , cunm�encing on the first day of Jul,y , 19 � , nnd continuing on
<br /> the first dny of each mmith therenfter tuitil snid note is fully pnid, except that, if not sooner paid, the tin:il
<br /> payment of principnl nnd interest shtill be due :tud puynble on the first d.tv of June , �001 ; all
<br /> according to the terms of tt cert�lin promissory note of even dnte here�vitti e�ecuted by the said ➢iortgngm•.
<br /> Tfie Mortgagor furtlier agrees :
<br /> 1. He will pay the indcbtedness, as hereinbefore provided. Privilege is reserved to prepay at any
<br /> time, �vithout premium or fce, lhe entire indeUtedness or any part thereof not less thnn the amount of one
<br /> installment, or one hundred dollars ($100 .00), whichever is less. Prepuyment in full shnll be credited on
<br /> r '. the date received. Pnrtial prepayment, other than on sui installment due date, need not be credited until
<br /> the next following installment due date or thirty days after such prepnyment, whichever is eurlier.
<br /> 2. Together �vith, and in addition to, the monthly payments of principnl and interest payable under
<br /> the terms of the note secured hereb��, Btortgagor will pay to I4iortqagee, �s trusteq ( under the terms of this
<br /> ttvst as hereinafter stated) on the first da,v of encli month until s.iid note is fully paid :
<br /> � (a,) A sum equal to the ground rents, if am�, next due, plus the premiums that ��•ill uext k�ecome due
<br /> nnd payable on policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgnged property,
<br /> plus tnCes xnd assessmeiits ne�t due on thc mortgaqed propert�• ( ail as estimated by the lSort-
<br /> gngee, nncl of �ti•liich tl�e nfortgagor is notiticd ) tess all sums ulready paid Uierefor di��ided by
<br /> ` the number of months to elapse before one month prior to the date �t�hen such ground rents,
<br /> premiums, taxes and assessments �cill becomc delinquent, sucli sums to be lield Uy Mortqagee
<br /> � IR tTI15t t0 pfly Said grotmd rents, premituns, tazes aud special assessments. . .
<br /> ( b ) The aggregate of tl�e amounts pa,yable pursunnt to subparnqraph ( a ) and those pnpable on the
<br /> note secured hereby, shall bc paid in a single payment each month, to be applicd to the follo�v-
<br /> �; ing items in the order stated :
<br /> ( [ ) ground rents, taxes, assessments, fire and other haizard insurance premiuma ;
<br /> r Q� ) interest on the note seccred hereby ; and
<br /> % � ( ttt ) amoi•tization of the pi•iiicipnl oC said �iote. �
<br /> ;; Any deficicneg in the nmount of an�• sudi aggregate monthly p1��ment shall, imless made qood
<br /> : Uy the llortgagor prior to the duc date of the ite�t such pa��meitt, constitute an event of default
<br /> �j under this mortgage. At 1lorlgagee's option, �Iortgngor �cill pay fl '9ate charge" not exceed-
<br /> ing four per centum (d ','� ) uf an�• iuslallmcut �chen paid more than tifteen ( 16 ) dnys after the
<br /> ; due dnte theceof to co�•er thc c�tra espense imrol�•ed in handling delinquent pa�•ments, but such
<br /> "I1te charge" shall not be pa}•able out of tlte proceeds ot nny sale made to sntisfy the iudebted-
<br /> ness secured hereby, tniless such proceeds .ire sufiicient to dischiirge the entire indebtedness and
<br /> ° all proper costs and expenses secured theceby.
<br /> � 3. If the total of the payments made by the DIortgngor under ( a) oP parngraph 2 preceding shall
<br /> exceed the umount of payments actunlly made U,v the ilfortgagee, as Crustec, for grouud rents, taxes nnd
<br /> ' ; assessments or insurance premiums, a9 the cnse may be, such excess shall be credited by the 111ortgagee
<br /> on subsequent payments to be made by the biortgagor ior such items or, at ➢fortgagee's option, as trustee,
<br /> � shall be refunded to �tortgagor. If, ho��•ever, such monthl,y payments shall not Uc sutlicient to pay� sudi
<br /> �: itemn when the snme shall become due and paynble, then the blortgagor shall p1y to the \IortKagec, as
<br /> ` trustee, uny nmount necessary to mnke up the deficiency �cithin tliirtp ( 30 ) days aftei• ���ritten notice from
<br /> the Mortgagee sttiting the nmount of the deficieucy, which notice may be {;iven by mail. If at any time
<br /> the hiortgagor shall tender to the 11lortgagee, in ticcordance �rith the provisions of the note secured
<br /> � hereby, full pnyment of the entire indebtedness represcuted thereby, the ,llortgagce, as trustee, shall,
<br /> in computing the nmount of such indebtedness, credit to tlie account of the hfortqagm� an}• credit balance
<br /> ; accumulated under the provisions of ( a,) of parngrapli 2 hereof. I£ there sh:tll be a def+iult under any
<br /> of the provisions of thia mortgage resulting in a public sale of the premises covered hereby, or if the
<br /> bSortgngee acquires the property other�ti-ise nfter defnult, thc Diortgagee, as t�vstce, shall apply, nt tlie
<br /> time of the commencement oF such proceedings, or at tlie time the property is otherwise acquired, tlic
<br /> nmount then remnining to credit the 11lortgagor under ( a) of parabn•aph 2 preceding, ns a credit on the
<br /> y interest accrued nnd unpaid and the balnnce to the principal tlien rem:iining unpuid on said note. . , ;. i . ,,,; ;
<br /> �1. The lien of this instrument shnll remain iu full force and ef�ect durin� any postponement or esten- N :�:;;,
<br /> � sion of thc time of plyment of the indebtedness or any pnrt Htercof secured hereby. �
<br /> u. He t�•ill puy all grouuci rnttts, tnses, assessments, ���ater rtites, and other uovernmentnl or munici- ;�
<br /> _ pal churges, hnes, or impusitions, le��ied upon snid premises and that hc �vill pay all taxes le�•ied upon this r''� "
<br />_��. ' mortguge, or the debt secured thereby, toRether �:ith nny other tn�es or �ssc�ssments ��•hich may� be Ievied �
<br />�� under the 11���s of Nebraska aqainst the 1lortgngec, or thc le�al holder ot said principal note, on nccount of
<br />�.� this indeUtedness, except o�hen payment fm• all such items has tlieretufore been m:�de undcr ( a) of parn-
<br />,�,
<br />�� graph 2 hereof, and he ���ill promptly deli��er the otlicial rnceipls therefor to the Jlortgnqee. Iu defnult
<br />�?'x thcreof the '�'I�rt�flgce may piq� thc samc.
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