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<br /> 5 . R.ePai .rs and Malntenance . Lessee shall keep , n�aintain and make
<br /> replacements with�n tie n—��terior of the premises in order to ma9ntain the �
<br /> interior of ttie premises in 9ood condition and repair , including , but not
<br /> limited to , air conditioning , electrical , plumbing and sewer systems con -
<br /> talned in the leased premises which the Lessor warrants to be in good working
<br /> condition as of the date of occupancy of the leased premises , the exterior
<br /> � doors and window frames and the replacement of all broken and cracked giass
<br /> and excepting , however , all repairs made necessary by reason of damage due
<br /> to fire or other casualty covered by standard fire and extended coverage
<br /> insurance . If Lessee refuses or neglects to commence or cor�lete repairs
<br /> promptly and adequately , Lessor may , but shall not be required to do so �
<br /> make or cortg�lete said repairs and Lessee shall pay the cost thereof to
<br /> Lessor upon demand as additional rent . Lessee shall comply with the directions
<br /> of proper public officers as to the aaintenance of the premises and shall
<br /> con�ply with all health and police regulations applicable to or affecting
<br /> Lhe interior of the premises . Lessor shall keep thc exterior of the premises
<br /> in good repair and order and shall keep the water line , electric lines and
<br /> soil pipes in good order and repair to the point where the same enter the
<br /> premises . The Lessee shall keep the area imn�diately around the leased
<br /> premises neat , clean and free of rubbish , ice , snow and other obstacles .
<br /> inasmuch as Lessor has full responsibility for assuring tl�at the leased
<br /> premises and all irtq� rovement theron comply with applicable building codes and
<br /> other regulations , Lessee shall have no obligation to install any equipment
<br /> or make any modification with respect to tlie interior or exterior of the leased
<br /> premises as a result of any alleged building violation , and Lessor shall be
<br /> solely responsiGle fur rnakiiig driy r�eyuir�d carrzct � ons �r r�dificatiars to com-
<br /> ply with such codes .
<br /> G , Taxes and Assessments . The Lessor stiall pay all installments of
<br /> real estate taxes and assessments and any interest or penalties related there -
<br /> to which become due and payable with respect to the leased premises at any
<br /> ' '� time durin9 the term of this lease . The Lessee shall pay all taxes with
<br /> respect to any business conducted on the leased premises or any personal
<br /> property used in connection with the leased premises or any such business .
<br /> Lessor has the right to increase rent during lease term the amount of any
<br /> real estate taxes increase , upon proof of increase . If the rnat estate taxes
<br /> applicable to the demised premises for any lease year during the term of this
<br /> lease shall exceed the real estate taxes applicable to the demised premises
<br /> for the base lease year of the Lerni of this lcase , then for said lease year
<br /> r. ,' the Lessee shall pay to the Lessor as rent ( in addition to all other rent
<br /> .,, ; payable ) the amount of such excess . The "base lease ycar " of the term of this
<br /> lease shall be the first lease year after the commencement of this lease in
<br /> accordance with Paragraph two ( 2 ) . A real estate tax year comnencinq duriny
<br /> any lease year shall be deemed to correspond to said lease year . 7hc real
<br /> estate taxes assessed against the demised premises for any lease year shall be
<br /> � the product of ( 1 ) the amount of the real estate taxes ( includinq extraordinary
<br /> assessments ) assessed aqainst the entire parcel of which the demised premises
<br /> � fo rnn a part for said lease year , and ( ? ) a fraction , the numberator of which
<br /> ; is the square footaqe of the ground floor area of the demised premises and the
<br /> denominator of which is the total square footage of the qround floor area of
<br /> � ' all of the stores in the entire parcel determined as of the conn�encen�ent of
<br /> the lease year , appor N oned in the first and last years of the tenn hereof , or
<br /> any extension thereof , for the portion of such tax years included within
<br /> ; said lease years .
<br /> ;
<br /> � 7 . Utilities . Lessee agrees to promptly pay and be responsible for all
<br /> ` electric , te eT p—hone , gas and water used or consun�ed on the premises , to9ether
<br /> with all taxes , levies , sewer charges , or other charges on such utility serviees ,
<br /> and the Lessor shall not be liable for the quantity , quality , or interference
<br /> involving such utilities except 1f as a result of its own neqliqence or neqlect .
<br /> In any case , if any such utility charr�es are not paid by Lessee at the tin�e the
<br /> same are payal>le , Lessnr may n� verCttelr55 , � t. it � � ntipn , pay th� � am� , and in
<br /> that event , said anrounts shall be declared to be so much add1tional rent and
<br /> shall be due and payable with the next installn�ent of rent thereafter due under i
<br /> ;. , :
<br /> tMs lease . . � ` , .,.:.,
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