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� <br />�. � p - � � <br />�' 1 <br />� " � 6� () 0 �? 24 �1 <br /> 4 <br /> G. If he fails to pa�� auy sum or lceep uny ccivenaint providecl for in tliis mortgage, the ➢4ortgagee, at <br /> its option , muy pay m• perforn� the �ame, tuid ull es�enditures so made shnll be xdded to lhe principal sum <br /> oa�ing oii the :�bove not�, shull Ue secured l�ereby, aiid sliall be�r interest until pi� id ut the rtite piroviQed � <br /> for iii the pri�icipal indebtediless. <br /> I 7. Upon request of tlte 1foi�tgngee, hiortgagor shall execute niid deliver a supplemeiitnl iiote or notes <br /> for the sum or stuns aci��nnced by 1�iuctgagee for the alteration, modernization , m• improvement made at s <br /> tlie Mortgngor's request ; oi• for maintenntice of suid premises, or fw• taxes oi• <issessments aqainst tlie <br /> sume, artd for any other purpose etse�vhere nuChorired liei•eundei•. Said uote oi• notes shall be secured r: <br /> hereb,v on a parity ���ith .u�d ns fiil►y as if the fldvance evidenced thereby �cere iucluded iu the note first �' <br /> described ubove. Said supplemental noCe or notes shall Uear iuterest at the rnte pro��ide�l for in the prin- <br /> cipnl indebtedness and sh ,tll be p.iyabie in approximately equnl montlily payments for such period ns may <br /> �e flgreed upon by the �lfortgzgee �nd biortgzgor. i'ailing to zgrce on the muturity , the �chole of the sum <br /> or sums so ad�•anced shall bc due and payable thirty ( 30 ) dnys after demaud by the 1lortgagee. ] u no <br /> e�•ent shall the m �iturity exteud Ueyond the ultimate maturity of the iwte first descriUed above. <br /> 8. fIe hereby assigns, transfers and sets o��er to the \iurtgagee, to be applied towflrd the payment of <br /> the note and all sums secuced hereby in case of a defaulE in the performance ot :ui�� of lhe terms and cmidi- <br /> tions of tltis moi•tgage or the said nuie, .ill the re�itc, i•evenues and iiicome to be derived from tlle mnrt- <br /> ' gaged premises during such time as Ihe mortgtige indebtedness shatl remaiu unpaid ; and thc llortgagee <br /> shall ha��e po«�er to appoint auy agent or agenta it ma�� desire Por thc purpose of renting the s2me xnd col- ' <br /> y ' Iecting the rents, re�•enucs and incane, and it may pny out of said incomes all necessary commissions wid <br /> exp�mses inctrered in rentinK and m �naging the sssme aud of collecting rentals therei'rom ; the Uatance <br /> �, rem �imng, if ant�, to be applied to���ard the dischnrge of said moi•tgage indebte�lness. <br /> �.�.IIe wiil continuousl�� m liutain hazard insurance, of such iy�c or t�pes iuid amom�ts as \Icrtgagec <br /> � m�y rom t?1ne to tittm require, o�� the impro�•ements no�v or hereafter un said premises iuid except u�hen <br /> pa�• ��r�t foi all such prcmiwns I�as theretofore been made under ( n ) of paragraph 2 hereoi, �cill pay <br /> pcom�t�5• icl�en due Fin�• premiums therefor. Upon default thereof, lforty;a�;ec may pn�� the same. :111 <br /> insurance shnll Ue cai•r�en in compames aE�proved Uy the liortgagee and the pulic �es aud re��e�ti•sis thereot <br /> sh .ili bc held bp t}�e \Iortgagee and iinve nttached tiiereto toss pa��able clauses ii� f.i�•oi• of :uid in form <br /> acceptttble to tlte Aiorlgaqee. In eeent of loss Dfurtglgor �ti� ill give immediale uolice by mail to the lfort- <br /> gagee, �vlio mziy mal:e proof of loss if not made promptlp by 14Ioi•tgngor, and each insui•anee company cmi- <br /> cerned is hereb�• authoi•ired and directed to tnake pay�ment for such loss directi �� to tlie diurtg.� gec iustea<I <br /> of to Hie Jlortgagor nnd tiie Dfortgagee joi �itly, and tlte insurance proceeds, or any part thereof, <br /> mny be applied 6ti• tlte Mortg.igee at its opCion eitlier to the reductiott ot the in�lebtedness hereb�� secured � <br /> or to the restoratimt or repair of the propert}� dnmaged . In ecent uf fore� tosure o [ this mortgage, ur other <br /> lransfer of' title to the murtgage�l propertg in extinguishment of the indebtedness seciurd hereby, all <br /> right, titic auid iuterest of tlte �Iortqagur in and to auy insw•nuce policics then in fucce shalt pass to the <br /> purchaser or grantee <br /> t 10. �1s additiauil :uid coliateral security for the i��lstneut of the nute described . and all sums to becmne <br /> dtie under this tnurt�:�ige, Ute \Iortgagor hereby ���signs lo the .11m•igagec all lease bunuses , pro �its, re� e- <br /> �; " nucs, ro��alties, rights, and other benelits accruing to the ASortgagor under .ui}• and all oil nnd gas lr,ises <br /> r ; non•, or duriug Lne li (e ui this mortgage, executed on said prcmises , �cith the ri �;hL to recei ��c tmd receipt <br /> for the same �u�d appl�� thetu to said indebled �icss as ���cll before as aftei• dcfaulL iii Uie conditia�s of tliis <br /> mortgage, :md Uic \tortgagcc may demaud , suc for aud recuver ,u�y siich p:q•ments u• hen due aud pay- <br /> able, but shall nut bc required so to do. This assignmet� t is to terminate and become nuA �uid �•oid upon � <br /> �� ' relcase of this mortg:�ge. <br /> + I1 . IIe shall nut commit nr permit ti�•aste ; <uid shall mnintain the property in as good condition :�s .tt <br /> present, reasmiable �ccu• and tec�r e�cepted. LJpon :uiy Cailure to so niaintaiu , �fortga�;ee, ut its option, <br /> may cause reasona�ic nuiiutenance u•uric to lie perfuruied aL Ute cust of 1lorlg�igor. :1n�• .unounis paid <br /> theretor u}� nlurtgagee si�all bear interest at the raLe pro�� icied for in tl�e prircipal iude�leclncr�s, shall <br /> thereupun become n ��art ot the indebtedness secured by this instrumeut, rat.ibl}• aud on a p.u• i [}� «� ith all <br /> � : other indebtedness sccured hereb�•, aud shall be pay� ble Lhirty l30 ) days after demand. <br /> 1 '2. IC tlte premises, or au�• part thercof, Le condemned imdcr the ��o���cr �if emincut domain , or <br /> i : acquired fm• a public i�se, the damay;es mcarded , the piroceeds fm• ihe tal< ing of, or the consirieration for <br /> such acquisition , to Uie c�lent of the fuU mnount of t.he renuiinin�; unpaid indebtedness secured b�� this <br /> ntoi•tgage, on c�i•eU�� �issigned to the niortgagee, and sliall be paid forthu• itfi to s;iid :�Iortgagce, to bc <br /> appliecl on accouut of Uie lasL maturing iustallnunts of such indebtedness. <br /> � 13 . ] f the Jtortg':tgor f.iils to mal;e a �iy payntents t+•he�i dtte. or to conform to :tnd comply n• ith an�• <br /> ' ' of the conditions or .igreements contained iu tliis mortgage, or the notes a• hich it secures, then the <br /> ` � entire principal stun and accrued iuterest shall at once become due and pa5'ab1e , at the election of ti�e <br /> \Iortqagee ; :md this murtg.�ge tnay thereupo�i be furedosed immediately for the �chote of tl� e indebtecl- <br /> ness hereb>� srctu•ed , includiug thc cost of eatending the abslract of title frwn lhe date uf this mort- <br /> � gage to the time nf eonunencing such suit, a ruasonable attorne}•'s fce, and au>� sums paid by the �'eterans <br /> AdministrnLion on accowit of the guarantt� or insucance of the iudebtedness secm•ed hei�abti� , a� ll uf «�}� ;�}� � <br /> shull be included in the decree of foreclosure. i <br /> 1 �1 . If tlie indebteciness secui•ed hci•eby he gu:trautced nr insured under '1'itle 38, [Jnited States Code. .;� <br /> N '.,.., , <br /> such Titie and Regulations issued thereunder nnd iti elTect ou the d :�te lrercoi' shall qoeern the i•ights, duties � r:. <br /> and li :ibilities of the parlies hereto, and .tny proeisions of this or other instruments ezecuted in connectiun <br /> with said indebteclness wl� icli � re inca�sistent with said 'fitle ur Refiulatiuns are hereb�• mnended to I �Y <br /> cunform thereta �'" <br /> Tlie co�•enants herein contained shall � ind, znd the benelits nnd adv.uitages sh ;il ! inm�e to, the <br />�'� � <br />,�� <br /> ti�_{ <br />,`�. � � <br /> -; C <br /> , . _g -- <br /> 9 <br /> - x <br /> .._ <br /> t <br /> t <br />