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<br /> �' �PO HAVE AND 'PO �{Oi.D tlle sAhle lUito L11� nloCt$A[;CC, 71S Ill' Pl' ill �) COA' i(1Cc1. P'fOTt(;Rg01• 1'e�)PCSl'Ilts t0,
<br /> and covenants «� ith , the Mm•tgagee, that the nlortg�igor h:�s good rig�hl tu s�� ll xud convey said premises ;
<br /> that they are free i'i•om enci�mbi•ance , escept :�s hereinotheru� ise recited ; that tl�e ntortgagor �rili u�arrant
<br /> anil defend the s:unc against the I.in� ful cluims of all persons �rhomsnever. �\Im•tgagor liereby rclinquishes
<br /> all rights of I�omeslcad , ull marital rigl�ts , either iu l�i�r or in equit��, ai: d all othcr contingent interests of
<br /> the i11a•tKagor in aud to the abo ��e-desccibed premises . �
<br /> Y�tov[n�:n Ai,�Vnv5, and these ��resents are executed and dcli ��ered u ��on the following conditim�s , to
<br /> K'lt :
<br /> Tini•te�i4;�p �fil•�es to pay to the ,ltoi•tgaigee, or order, the i�foi•esaid principal sum witlt interest from d��te
<br /> st the rnte of Eight and One -Half per centum ( II • 5,"'v ) per annum on the unpaid balnnce untii paid.
<br /> The said principai and interest shall be pny�:ible at the otlice ofFirst Federal Savin�rs and Lonn Association of
<br /> iii I,incoln , or at sudi oU� er place as tlie l�older of the note mtty de;ignate ir� Linco]s
<br /> writing delivei•ed or m.iiled to the \Iortga�or, in montlil�� installments of Two hundred ei�hty i�nd GE�100 - - -
<br />� Dollars ( $ 280 . fi6 ) , commencing on the first day of June , 1�J 76 , and continuinq on
<br /> the first day of each month tlie.reafter unLil s�licl note is fully paid, except tliat, if not sooner p:ud , lhe linnl
<br /> payment of principal nncl intcrest shall be due nud payable on the lirst day of DL•ay , 2000 ; all
<br /> according to the terms of a certain promissory note of e��en d.ite here �+� ith executed by the said ➢iortgagor.
<br /> Tlie bloi•tgagor further agrees :
<br /> i
<br /> 1 . He �aill pay the indebtedness, as hcreiubefore provided . ['ri �•ilege is reser��ed to prepat� �t any
<br /> time, �vi 'ti�out pi•emiwn or ta�, the cutirc indebtedness or any p,u•t thereof not less tha�i tlie amouut of oiic
<br /> I inst�llment , or one hundred dollurs ( $100 .00 ) , whichever is Icss . Prepayment in fuil shall be credited on
<br /> the date received. Partial prepayment , other than on a�� instailment due date, ueed not be credited until
<br /> s �,
<br /> the next following instaliment due date or thirty duys after such prepayment , whichever is esrlier.
<br /> 2. Together with, and in addition to, the monthly payments oF principal and interest paynble under
<br /> lhe terms of the note secw•ed hereby, �lortgagor n� ill pay t:o Iliortgaqee, as trustce , ( un<ier the terms of this
<br /> trust as hereinafter stated ) on the first dny of each month until said note is fully paid :
<br /> ( a ) A sum equal to the ground renls, if auy , next due, plua the premiums that �eili next uecome due
<br /> aud papable un policies of lire .ind olher ht�znrd insurattce covering the mortgaged property,
<br />� plus taxes .u �d assessments next duc ou thc mm•tgaged Irroperty ( all as estimated I�y the \tort-
<br /> i ; gagee, atnd uf �� hich the �Ioi•igagor is nutiliccl ) Icss .ill sums al �•cady paid thcreior di4ided by
<br /> G ; the num �er ui mnuths to el.ipse Ue (ore ouc month prior to the date �rhen sttcit ground rents,
<br /> premituiis, taxes and assessmenis u ill becume deliucµient, such sums to be held by B'[ortgagee
<br /> in trust to p.i�• saiid gtrow� d renis , prciniutns , taxes xud special .issessments.
<br /> ( L ) The aggregatc uf the amounts pa�•nUlc � iursu.u�t to subparn�r.iph ( a ) and those papable on the
<br /> note secured hereby, shall be paid in :t sin �;le pa}� metit enclt month , to be applied to the follo���-
<br /> iug items in the ot•der staleci :
<br /> � � ( I ) growid rents , t�xes, assessmcuis , fire .uul oLher h :uard insurxnce premiums ;
<br /> ( 11 ) intemslunthenotesecuirdhereb}• ; aud
<br /> ( 1u ) :unortizalion of lh�� principal of said note.
<br /> i ; Am� deiicicnc�• in the amuwil �, f :ui }� s �u•h aqgreg�de monihl�� payment sh.ill , unless made good
<br /> i� ` by t6e Dlort };agor prior to the due date uf the next such payment , constitute vi event of default
<br /> � wtder this mortgage. At ltortgagee's option , :llort�t�gm• will p;ty a " late ch.irge" not excced-
<br /> inq four per centuni ( • I ','� 1 of .iny iustall menC �chen paid mure thmt fifteen ( 15 ) days nfter the
<br /> duc date thercof to co�•cr the exlra c� peuse in �•ul � cd iu hcutdlingdclinqucnt pa}•ments, butsucii
<br /> " latc char�;c " SIi1II I10� UL' �).11',l� Il' uut of the prncccds uf :iny sale made lo satisfy the indebted-
<br /> ness secured hereb�•, uuless such proceeds ace sutticient to dischurge the entire indebteclness and
<br /> all pcaper costs and e� pcnses secm•cd thereh5�.
<br /> 3 . If the total of the payments madc by the lliortgagor under ( a ) of paragraph 2 preceding shnll
<br /> exceed the lmount of payments actually made Uy the Mortqagce, as t.rustec, for gromid rents , Laxes and
<br /> � assessments or insurance premiums, as the aise may lx, such excess shall be credited by thc hlortgagee
<br />/ on subsequcnt payments to be made by the llortgagor im� such itenu or, at hlortgagee's option , as trustee,
<br /> shail be refunded to �1lortgagor. If, liowever, such monthly p.iyments shall not be sutficicnt to pay such
<br /> itecns when the same shall bc�come due :md payable, then the Dfort�;agor shali pay to the lfortgagee, ns
<br /> trustee, any antount necessair�� la make up the deficiency «• ithin thirty ( 30 ) days after ���rilten notice from
<br /> r the lfortgagee stating the amount of the deficicncy, �vhich noLice may be given by mail. If nt :iuy timc
<br /> the ➢fortgagor shall tender to the lfortgagee, in accordance �eitlt the prov � simis of the note secured
<br />� ; hereby, full payment of the entire indebteclness represented Uiereby, the \Iort �ager., as trustec, sh �ill ,
<br /> in computing the amount of such indebtedness, credit to the account of thc lfortgagor any credit balance
<br /> � . accumulated mider the provisions of ( R ) of para�•aph 2 hcreof. If there shall be a default under n�iy
<br /> of the provisions of this mortg:c.gc resulting in a public sale of the premises co�•ercKi hereby, or if the
<br /> hfortgagee acquires the property otheitieise after defnulC, the :1lort�agce, as irustce, shull apply , aL thc
<br /> time of the commencemeni of such proceedings, or at the time the property is other�vise acquired, thc
<br /> n amount then remnining to credit the ifortgngor under ( a ) of paraqraph Z preceding, :�s n credit mi the
<br /> f interest accrucd �md unpaid aud Lhe Ual.ince to the principal then remnini �ui unpaid on snid note.
<br /> 9 . The lien of this instrument shall remain in full force nnd eftect during any postponement or exten-
<br /> sion of thc time of payment of the indebtcdness or miy pnrt thereof secured hereb��.
<br /> 5. IIe ���ill pav all gromid rents , tases, assessments, ��� ater rates, and other governmental or munici- ,
<br /> � pal charges, fines. or impositions, Ic�•icd upon said premises and Uiat he ��• iil pa�' all ta�es ]e�• ied upon this
<br /> _ , �. mortgage, or Hie debt secm•ed thereby, !o�cther �ci1 h �u�y uthcr taxes or nsscssmcnts «�hich ma}� be levied
<br />� ^}�a under the la���s of \TeUraska a�ainst thc 1lnrtgagee, or the :c;;al liolder of said principail notc , on account of
<br /> >�.t�`C���crt
<br /> ��;� this iudebtedness, escept ���hen pat�ment tor Ftll such items has thr, retofore brcm m �de under ( n ) of para-
<br /> .ts. -
<br /> �.:,s;r.�,,� graph '� hereot, attci Ite ��' ill promi�th� dr. li �'er thr otlicial recr_ ipts therefor to the \fort�,i�ea In default
<br /> r�`�=` °='� thereof tlte ➢fortfiagce may pay the samc.
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