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<br /> G. If lie fnils to pap any stun or lceep auy eovenant provi �leci for in this mortgnge, the Mortgagee, at
<br /> its opCion , may pay or perform the same, :md all r.xpenditures so made sh.all be added to the principal sum
<br /> o��� ing on the abo��e note, shall be secured hereby, and sliall bcar interest unlil paid at tl�e rate provided
<br /> for in the principal indebtedness.
<br /> � 7. Upon request of the Nlortgngee, Mortgagor sl�nll execute imd deliver :x supplemcutal note m• notes
<br /> for the sum or sums ndvanced by ➢'Iortgagee for the alteratimi, 1110(�l' Clll'L21t1011 � or improvement mnde nt
<br /> the Rfortgagor's i•equest ; or for maintenance of said premisev, m• for taxes or .issessments aglinst tlie
<br /> same, Rnd for auy other purpose elsewhere authorized herewider. Saicl �wte or notes shall be aecured
<br /> ltereby on a parity «� ith and as fully as if the ad��ance evidenced thereby were included in the note first
<br /> described abuve. Said supplemental note or notes shall bear interest at the rate provided for in the prin-
<br /> cipal indeUCedness mid shall be puyable in approximatel)' equal monthly payments i'or such period ns may
<br /> be agreed upon bti� the ➢Iortgagee aud 141ortgagor. Pailing to agree on the maLurity, thc �rhole of the sum
<br /> oi• sums so adatuucd shull be due .uid pa}�able thirty ( 30 ) days after demmid by the ?tiortgagee. In �io
<br />' event shall tl�e mnturity exteud beyond the ultimate maturity of the note tirsC described above.
<br /> 8. IIe hereby assigns, transfers aud sets oeer to the Mortgagee, to be aapplied Lo�vard the payment of
<br /> the ntite and all sums secured hereby in c+ase of a def�ult in the performance ol' any of the Cerms and condi-
<br /> tions of this mortgage or tlie said note, all the rents, revenues and income to be deri ��ed from lhe mort-
<br /> � gaqed ��i•emises <luring sucli time as ltie nioi•tgage indebtedness shnll i•er.iain i � �ipaid ; c�iid tlie \to�•tgagee
<br /> shail have po��•er to appoint any agent or n�ents it may desire foi• the purpose oi' i•enting the s�une �u��l co1- '
<br /> lecting the rents, re��enucs and income, and it may p�y out of said incomes all necessary commissions and
<br /> expenses incurred in renliug and manngiug the same and of collecting rentnls therefrom ; the balance
<br />� remaining, if an��, to be npplicd to�vard the dischai•ge of said mortgage indebtedness.
<br /> 9. He u• ill continnously maiutain hazard insurance, of such Lype or types and amounts as hlortgagee
<br /> m �y from timc to time require, on the impro��ements now or hereaftcr on said premises 1nd except u�hen
<br /> pa��ment for all such premiums hns theretofore been made under ( nJ uf paragraph 2 hereof, u•ill pay
<br /> p�romptly ���hen due an,y premituns 1.hcrefor. Upon defltilt tltereof, 1lfortgagec may pay the sume. All
<br /> in�i�,«nce shall be carried in companies appro��ed by the ilfortgagee and the policies and renewals tliereof
<br /> � � shall be held b,v the llorlgagee and have attaclied thereto loss pa��able clauses in fa��or of und in form �
<br /> nccept�tble lo the lIm•tgagce. Iu event of loss Bfortglgor �vill gi��e immediate notice by mail to the �fort-
<br />, gagee, �+�ho may mal;e proot of loss if not made promptly by Mortgagor, and e:tch iiisurance compauy con-
<br /> cerned is hereby authorized and directed to make payment for such loss direcU�� to tite ;llortgagee instead
<br /> of to the \Iui•tgngor :md the ;iloi•tgagee jointly, .uid the iusurance ��roceeds , or any linrt thereof,
<br /> � may be applied b�� the Mort �agee at its option either to the reduction of the indebtedneas hereb�� secured
<br /> ur to the resLoration or rc�;air of tlte property damaged . In event of foreclosuce of this mortgage, or other
<br /> 6ransfer of title to the mortg•aged property in cxtinguishment of the indeLtedncss securecl hereby, all
<br /> � right, title nnd interest of tlie ilfortgagor in and ta any insurance policies then in t'orce shall pass to the
<br /> pw•chaser or grantee.
<br /> c 1U. As additimial and collxleral security for the payment of the uote described , aud all swns [o become
<br /> � due under this mortg.ige , Uic :�Im•tgagor hereby .issigns to the AIortgagce .ill leaise bonuses, prolits, cece-
<br /> F nues, royalties , rigl� ts , :md othm• benefits accruing to tlie 1lfort�agor tuidci• :iu�� and all oil and gas leases
<br /> no�c, or dw•ing the liCe uC this morlgage, esecuteci on suid premises, u• ith thc right to recci�•e and receipt
<br /> for the snnie xnd apply thetn to said indebtie<hiess as ���ell before ns aftcr default in the conditious of Uiis
<br /> � mortgage, v�d the lIortgagee ma�• demanci, sue for and recover any such px��ments u•hen due .tnd pay-
<br /> '., .iblc, but shail not bc rnquired so to do. This assignment is to terminate and becume null and �•oid upou
<br /> i� � relcasc of this mort}!agc.
<br /> ;
<br /> I1 . He shall not commit or permit �vaste ; and sl�nll maintain thc property in xs �ood condition as at
<br /> Eiresent, re� smiable �ce:ir aiid tc<u• excepted . IJpon n �ty failure to so maintain , :1lortgagce, at its option,
<br /> may cause reasunabie maintenance �corl; to be performed at the cost of 1lortgagor. :� n�� amounts paid
<br /> therc [or b>' iviurtgagec shall bear interest at Uie rate pro��ided for itt the principal iudebteducss, shall
<br />— I � thcreupon i�ecumc a j�a �i o : the ; �uiebte� ress se�u .ed b} t�ii � ; ustrumenl, rulabll' aud on a purity ��� ith all
<br /> E � other indebtedness secured hereb}•, tutd shall be payable thirt5� ( 30j �iays .ifler cicm:tnd .
<br />� 72. If tlie pmmises , or an�� part thereof, bc condemned under the po���cr of emineut domain , or
<br /> ucquired for a public use, the damages a�ti�arded , tl� e proceeds for the txl� ing of, or the cousirleration for
<br /> '� sucli acquisition, tu U�e estent of the ftill amount of the remnining unpaid indebtedness secw•ed by this
<br /> � mortgage, or herebp lssigned to tl�e Alortgagee, and sliall be paid fm•th �rith io �aicl ltortqa�;ce, to be
<br /> ��' applied mt accotmt uf the L•ist ntaturing inslallntents of such indebtedness.
<br /> � 13. If the �Iortgaqor fails to mal:e any pa��ments �vl�eu due, or to conform to �uid comply ��• ith any
<br />� _ of the couditions or agreements cuntained in this mortgage, or the notes ��• hich it secures, thett the
<br /> entire principal sum and accrued interest shall at once bea'ime due .mcl pa��able, at the election of the
<br /> \ Ioi•tqagee ; .ind this moi•tgage ma�• thei•cupoii be foreclosed immedi �itel�• 1'or th � �� hole of the indebted-
<br /> ness hereby s��curcd , iucluding thc cust of exteuding tlie absiract of litle fcom tlte date of this mort-
<br /> gage to the timc of commeucing such suit, a reasunable attorne��'s fee , and aut• sums paid by the Veterans
<br /> Administrntimi on account of the guaranty or insurvice of the indebteduess secured hereb�• , all of' tirhich
<br /> shall be inciuded in the decree of foreclosure.
<br /> 14 . If the indebtedness secured hereby be guai•antecd oi• insured under Title 38, lh� ited States Code,
<br /> snch Titic and Re�,ntlations issued tliereundcr and in elCect on Lhe d:�tc hereuf shull govcrn the ri�;l�ts, duties
<br /> aud liabilities oC the parties hereto, and an}� pro�� isions of this or other instruments es �•cute� l in connection
<br /> �+•ith said indebtedness which are inwnsistent with s�iid TiUe or liegulations .u•e I �crebp amended to
<br /> � �.� conform thereto.
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<br /> - �� The co�•enants herein conlained shall bind , and the benetits and a� t��anta�es �hall inure to , thc
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