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<br /> ° To Einv� nNu 'Po lloLo the same wito lhe hlortgagee, as hercin pcovided . ;1Tortgagor represenis tu,
<br /> 1nd cocenants �vith, tlic Mortgagec, thaib Lhc �ltortgagor has good right to sell and convey said ��remises ;
<br /> that they ttre free 1'ran encnmbrance , except tts I�ereinother��� ise r��cited ; �hnt the MorLgagor tvill warrant
<br /> :uid defend the same against thc la�vful claims of all pm•smis ���homsoever. 1lortgagor hereby relinquishes
<br /> all rights of l � omeste:id , al! mariLal rights, either in law or in r. quilp, ancl all othcr contingcnt interests of
<br /> � the hlortgaqor in and to the above-described premises.
<br /> YRov�oLu A �tvnYs , and these presentis �u•e exeeuted and delivered upon the follo�ving conditions, to
<br /> K'lt :
<br /> Alortgagor ngrees to pay to the Dfortgagee, or order, the aforesaid principal sum �vith interest from date
<br /> at the rate of Eight and One Half per ceutwu ( 8 . 5io ) per nnnum on the unpaid balance until paid .
<br /> 1'he said principal and interest shall be puyable nt tlie oHice of �'irst Federal Savings , and Loan
<br /> ps ociat on of Lincpin
<br /> in Nebraska , or at such other place as the I� o�cier of �lie note may designate in
<br /> writino delivered oi• mailed to tihe lloi•tg.igor, in monthly instailments of One Hundred Ninety Nine and 92/ 100
<br />� � Dollnrs ( � 199 . 92 ) , commencing on the (iist duy of June , 1 �J 76 , and continuing on
<br /> tlie fiist day oF eacli month thereafter until said note is fully P��id , except that, if not sooner paid , LLe fin.il
<br /> payment of princip:tl and interest shnp be due nnd p:iyable on the In•st day of iday ?_006 � ;ip
<br /> accol'diug to the terms of a certain promissory note of even date here�vitlt executed by the said bfortgagor.
<br /> The Mortgagor furlher agrees :
<br /> � 1 . He �+• ill pay the inde6tedness, as hereiubefore provided . I'rivilege is reserved to prepay at �my �
<br /> ° time, without premium m• fec, lhe entire indebtedness oc nny� pnrL th �reof not less than the amount of one
<br /> s. installment , or one hundred doliars ($100 .00 ) , tivhichever is less . Prepayment in full shall be credited on
<br /> �: , the date received . Partial prepayment, other than on an installment due date , neec! not be credited until
<br /> x , the next following installment due date or thirty days after such prepayment , whichever is earlier.
<br /> 2. Together with, and in addition to, the monthiy payments of principal and interest payable undei•
<br /> ; the terms of the note sc�cure<i hereby, 11forLgagor will pay to Mortgagee, as trustee, ( under the terms of this
<br /> trust as hereinafter stated ) on the first d1y of each month until said note is fnlly paid :
<br /> � (a) A sum equal to lhe ground rents, if any, next due, ��lus thc premiums that �vi4 next become due �
<br /> � an<I pa}�aible on policies of (ii•e and other ha•r.ard insurnnce co��ering the mortgaged property,
<br /> plus taxes and assessments next duc on the mortgaged properl,v ( all as estimated by the lfort-
<br /> � gagee, and of �chich the llorlqagor is notified ) less nll sums already paid therefor divided by
<br /> the number of mmiths to elapse befoce one month prior to the date �chen such ground rents,
<br /> premiums, taxes anci assessn�erts �cip become delim�tte�tt , sucli sums to be held b,v t�lortgagee
<br /> in trust to pay said grounrl rents, premiums, taxes and special assessments.
<br /> - � ( b ) The aggregate of thc amomits px��lblc pursuant to subparagrapli (ra ) nnd those payable on the
<br /> uote secw•ed hereb}-, sliall be paict in .i single p:i��meiit each mmith, to be applied to the follow-
<br /> ing items in thc order stated :
<br /> ( [ ) giround rents, taxes, assessments, fire and other hazard insurance premiums ;
<br /> ( t � ) interestonthenotesecuredhcreb�� ; and
<br /> ( 1i1 ) amoi•tization of the principal of saicl note.
<br /> '� : Anp deficienct• in the amow� t of an�- such aggregate mo�ithly payment shall, uiiless made good
<br /> by lhe llurtgagor prior to the due datu ol' tlie next sucfi p.�yment, constitute an event of default
<br /> under this mortgage. At \ [orlgagcc's uption, \Iortgagor �vill pay a " late charge" not exceed-
<br /> ing four per cc �itum ( •t ;'� ) of an�� insL:tllmcut �s• he �i paid tnore t}ian fifteen ( 15 ) days after the
<br /> due datc thereuf to cu��cr the ��xtra espense in �•oh�ed in handling delinquent payments, but such
<br /> " late ch:u•ge" shall not be pa�•able oirt ol' the proceeds of uny sale nuide to satisfy the indebted-
<br /> ness secui•ed hereby, wiless such pi•oceeds are sufticient to dischai•ge the entire indebtedness and
<br /> all proper cosLs and espenses secui•ed therebv.
<br /> $ 3. If the total of the payments made by the iliortgagor under ( nj cf E:ar:grsgh 2 ;, receding shall
<br /> � r exceed the amount of payments actuaily made by the �im•tgagee, as trustee, ior grounci ren 'ts, [axes anci
<br /> ,issessments or insur�nce premiums, as the case may Ix, such excess shall be credited by thr. n4ortgagee
<br />� on subsequent payments to be made by thc lfortgagor fm• such items or, at hlortgagce's option, as trustee,
<br /> shali be refunded to �Iortgagor. If, lio�eever, suclt tnonthly payments shall not be suflicient to pay such
<br /> items when the same shall become due and payable, then the lloctgagor shall pay to the l�iortgagee, as
<br /> - tivstee, any amount necessar�� to malce up the deficiency �cithin thirtiy ( 30 ) days after tivritten notice from
<br /> the ;1�ortgagee stating the amount of the rleficiency, �vhich notice may Ue �,riven by maiL If at any time
<br /> the 1lfortgagor shall tcnder to the .lfortgagee, in :iceordancc ��� ith the provisions of the note secured
<br /> hereby, full payment of the entire indebtedness rePl•esented lhci•eby, the Atort�;ager„ as trustce, shall ,
<br /> in computing the amount of such indeUtedness, credit to the nccount of the `fort�agor any credit balance
<br /> accumulated under the provisions of ( a) of pnraqraph 2 hereof. If there shall bc a default under nny
<br /> ` of the provisions of this mortgage resulting in a public sale of the premises cocered hereby, or if the
<br /> c biortgagee acquires the property othcrwise after defnult, the lfortgagee, as trustce, shall a �,a�ly , ;it tke
<br /> time of the commencement of such proceedings, or at the time tltc pi•opert}� is other�vise nequired, tlte
<br /> nmount then remaining to credit the llfortgagor under ( a ) of paragraph 3 preceding, :is 1 credit on the
<br /> ir.te:ast accrued and unpaid and the bnlance to the principal then remainin� unpaid on said note.
<br /> 4 . The lien of tliis insti•ument shall remain in full Y'orce znd effect during any� postponement or exten-
<br /> sion of the time of payment of the indebtedness or any part thereof secured hcreb��.
<br /> 6. He �sill pay ail growid rents , taxes, assessments, �caler i•ates, and otlicr govei•nmental or munici- I
<br /> � pal charges, fines, or impositions, Ic�• icd upou said pmmises and thnt he u•ill pay all taxes ic��icd upon this
<br /> � � � ' � mortgage, or thc debt secured therebp, together u� ith any other taxes or assessments «�hich may be levied
<br /> � `�;� under thc la�cs of \'ebraska against the \Iortqagee , or tlte le �al holder of said principal note , on account of
<br /> � ;�'x."- Y Uiis inclebte�r:ess , except ���hen payment tm• all such items has theretofore been made under ( r� ) of para-
<br /> � .$ graph 2 hereof, and he u• ill pt•omptl�� delicer the o0icial receipts tlterefor to thc 1lurtgagee. ln deftiult
<br /> �
<br /> !:�' `; k thereof the :lfortgagec ma}' p�y thc samc.
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