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! .:�w <br /> . � . <br /> + <br />` ', 6; If he fnils to ptty +my sunt or kcep uny cuventutt provided for i �i this mortgage, 6h� Mortgngeo, nt <br />, 1 its option; muy pny oc pei�fnrm Llic� sanie, und nll expenditures eo mnde ahall be i�dded to thQ principnl eum <br />�„� nwing on tlio ubove note, sliull ba aecurnd horeby; nndsl�ull beur interest a�� tii ��aid ut llie rntc pirorided <br />� 3 for in the principnC iudebtednesa <br />� 7. Upon request af tltu bim•tgtagee, Mortgngor slinil executn mid dcliver n aupplemenUil note or. nuCca I <br /> for the aum nr suma ndvunced by Morlgnqe� for tlie xlteraLian, moderiiizntiou, or im ��rovement muJe nt <br /> the Murtgiigo.r's recluest ; or for muintennnce of suid premiaea, or for tnxes nr uasesaments againat t1�Q <br /> anme, nnd for; any otl}cr pu�•pose elsewhore authorize� hercuuder. Snid nole or notra ehnll be secured <br /> liereby on u purity �vith nnd us fully :ie'if the ndv�mce ovidenced thereby �+•ero included in the nole flrst ` �' <br /> deacrlbr.d aUovQ. Sni � supplemc�itnl note or »ulea ahnll bear iiitcrest nt the i�fite provicied for in the prin- <br /> cipnl:iudebtedness und : shnll be ��nYaUle in upproximutcl,v equnl monthl,v pnymenCs tor such period ns mnY <br /> be' ngreed upon by `the Alortgngee �nd Mortgnbor, P'ailing to ngree on the mutucity, the ��� hole of tliu aum <br /> or sums so ach�auced shall l�e due euui ��nyuUl� thirLy (3U ) duys uftei• demiiud by tho D7nrlgugee. . Iu no <br /> tiventi slinll the mnturitl' extettd Ueynnd the tiltltatute mttturiCy of the note tirsC deyc�•iUcd ubo���. <br /> 8: IIa hereb,y aisyigns, tz•nnsfera nnd aets over to tlie Mortgugee, lo Ue upplied tun'ard lhe pgyment uf <br /> Llie noto Knd ull sun�s sec�ired hereby iu anse of a �iefa�rit iii the performance of auy of il�e lecros and coiidi- <br /> tions : of thia mortgatge or tlie snid notc, nll the rents, revenues nnd income to Ue derived fi•om the mort- <br /> � gnqed premises c�uring . sitch time ns the tnorCgngc inclebtednesy shnll remnin i� npaid ; und the llorCgugee � <br /> _ t 'r <br /> 3I111�I IIAVO � t)015'CI�:tO . AnjlQ�llt Al1V �II$CII� GT ngents �it mny desit•c for the purpose of renting the stune tind col- <br /> lecting tha i•ent�;revenue� nn�l incume, and it tuny pa,v out of enid incomes nll n¢cessflry commissions nnd <br /> ; eapeiisea incurred in reiiting nud managing lhe same and of collecting rentnls therefrom ; the balauce <br /> remaining; iF tut,v, to be n �piied tn�vnrd the dischnrge of enid mortguge indebtedness. <br /> �: Iie : ���ill ' cbnl.inuousl,v mnintnin haznz•d insurance, o: such type or tynes :ind amouu�g us htortgagee <br /> ' may.:from time to time require; an the impro�ements now or hereafter on s.tid premises uud except �vhen <br /> y pnyment ' -for all suclr premiums hns theretofore beem m�de under ( a) of p�u�agrapk 2 lteceof� n'ii pay <br /> _ ��ramptl,y �ahc�i duea�n,y: premiums ttiecefor, Upou defnult thereof; Mortgngee mnY pay the same. Ali } <br /> iusm�nnce shntl be cttrrie�l in compiuties npproved by the Mortgagce and the policies and rene�vnls therenf <br /> shall .be held by the hIurtgtigec nnd have attaclted thcreto ]oss paynUle clnuses in favor of nnd in Torm <br /> iicceptable to tlie 114orCgngee, In event of loss Mortgagor will give immediate iiotice by mttil t�� tlie Mort- <br /> gugee, ti��ho may muke prooP of loss it not mndc promptly Uy Mortgagoi; imd ench insm�auice cotnpauy con- <br /> ccrned is :hcre6y t�uthoriLed nud directed Lu niuke pnyment for suclt loss direcLly to tihe 1ltortgagce insteud <br /> of ta the 1'[ortg�gor nnd the Mortgngee jointly, and . the i��surance proceeds, oc any pnrt thereof, <br /> maV be applie�l Uy ihe Mortgngee At its option either to lhe reduction o[ the iuclebleclness IieG•eby secure<l <br /> or tu the restoratimi or:i�epair di the property dtunuged . ln evenC of foreclosure of tltis moctgagc, oi` othex• <br /> R'< tcnnsfei of. title to Uic ii�ort�aged property iir extinquishinent of the indebtcdness ' sccureci liereby, all <br /> right, title nnd intcres� af th�: �4lortgiigor in ;ind `to' fui,y insurnnce policies then in forcc shnll �ass to the <br /> purchuser: or, grantee. <br /> 10. A9 8dcI1t1U11lLL.'i11CI COI�AtCf9I SCCUPICy: f01' tI1C . pilyMCilt OP tllC 110tC (ICSC17Ul'CI ; und nll sums tu becume <br /> due utider this mortg•n�e, the 11Iox•t�agor hereb,y nssigns to the ntortgagee all leiise Uonuses, proBCs, reve- <br /> nues; royulties, riglits; and nther uenelits acoruing to tlie Murtgagor uudei utiy �nd nll oil: �ud gas leuses <br /> no�v, or dut•iiig ttte life af this mortgage, csecuted on said premises; �rith: the right ,tn i�eceive aiid i�eceipt <br /> for tl�o stune nnd apply them to suid indebtedness as ���eli before as �nfler default in the conditions of this <br /> mortgnge, an�l tl�e 11IorCqngce ma,v dem�nd, sue for and recover nny such payments �vhen due nnd pap- <br /> ablr, , but shail not be i•equired so to do. This assignment is to terminate and become iiuli and ��oid upon <br />� relense of Liiis mort�;age. <br /> � 11 . He sliall �iot commit or permit ���€iste ; and shnll mainlniu tlie ptopr. rt�• in ns good condition ns nC <br />� . present, i•casonable �cear and tear excepted. Upon any failtu•e to so m �� ntnin, Dlbrtgngee, at ifs option , <br /> mny cnuse r��sunnblc m:�inle�taiice �vor4 to be performect nt tlie cost of �tori.gai�or. Any :imouiits pnid <br />�� �iierefm Uy Mortgageia shnll bcar interesl; at the r�ite pro�•ided for In the principai iudebtednesq, shull <br />�� thereupou become tt pnrt of the indebtedness secui�ed by this instx•umen6, ratably ;uid on a pnrity ��� itlrnil <br /> � other inciebtedness �ecm�ed hcreby, nud shnll be paynble Chirty ( 30 ) days after demand. <br /> � 12. If tlie premises, or any part therrof, be condemned under i;lie po�vci• oF eminuit dom,ein, or <br /> ncquired for a public use, the damuges nwnrded , the proceeds for th� taking of� Gl' LIIE? consideration for <br /> :;� sucli ncquisition , to thc extenC of the full nmount of the remainin� unpa�d indebtedness sectu•ed by this <br /> � mori;gnge, or hercU,y assigned to Llie Morlgugce, nnd sllall be paid forNi��•ith l<� snid 11'[o�tgagce, to be <br /> i � Ap�>I1L'CI O71 tiCCOlUIt 0� CIIC �asC mnturing instailments of surlt iude6te�lness. � � <br /> 18. If the liorlgagor fnils to mnke uny payments when duc, or to conforrn to nnd comply witli any <br /> � of tlte conditi0ns or a}�reements contnined in tl� is mortgAgc, nr the notes ��� hich it secures, then the <br /> entire priucipnl sum aud ncctued interesC shall 1t: once hecome due and pa)�able, at the clr.ction of the <br /> Mc�rLgtigee ; nnd this mcr!gngc muy thereupon be fUreclosed immediately foc Llie �ti• liole of the indebted- <br /> ness hereU,Y secured, including �he cosb of estending the abstract of title from Che date o[ this mort-. <br /> � gxgc to the timc of commencing sucl� suiC, a retison�ible �ltorney's fee, nnd ims� sums pnid by the Vc�ternns <br /> f Administration on acwunt of the guarmity or insurance of the indebtndness seciu•ed hereby�, nll of ivhich <br /> shall be iiiclucied in tlie decree of foreclosure. �^. � <br /> f . � � . . � . � . . . . � : -trs ,� '� �. <br /> 14. If tlie indeUtedness secui•ed ]iet•eUy Ue gunrinteed t�r insiu�ed under Titic 38, Ui� ited Stutes Code, � x�, , <br /> i snclt Titie nnd Regulations issued thereunder uiid in effectou the dataherrof shull govoruthe rights, dtitic�s <br /> .} nnd lizibilities of the pni•tios hereto, flnd nny prnt�isions of this or ot,lier instrutnents execul:ed in cottneetiun � � ,�'�'' . <br /> � with :snid inciebtedneas . whicli are incon�ifitont : ;�vith suid Title or Itegulations are liereby aimended to <br /> ++ confoi�m thereLo, R ,�+t - <br /> .7 , - � � . . . . . . . . . . . � . . , .r � <br /> , � ' The. sn��ennnts liei•ein contt�ined shafl bind, : ut:u . . the benefits xnd ne�vanCnges shnll inure to, Ute F <br /> ': , �.- _ ,._ � <br />� <br />