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<br />� To l�nv� nrru To Itot.n the sttme uuto Lhe Mortgxgce, nh I �i�rcir� pern� idrd . MnrCgf�gor represents tn,
<br /> and cuvr.nants �i�i'th; the ,Mortgngec, thnt thc Mortgn�or hnK };a�,rl righl tn scli find convey �ai �l prornise� ;
<br /> , , !, that they urc free from rncitmbi�uncn, except as heecinothcrwisr. recited ; that the Mortgngnr k•iil �t�arrant
<br /> flnd defend the aame ttqninstth� la��� ful alFiims ofaill peraonx a�hnmsnever. MnrCg:igor hareb,y relinqui�hes
<br /> � ull i�ights of humastcad, nil mnritul rights eithnr ih lmv or in enuity, find t+ll other contingent interc�sts of
<br /> the Mortp,ugor in and to the nbove-dcscribed premipe.g.
<br /> 1'ROVIDED ALWAYS, nncl these pi�esr�ntb ara executnd and �lelivei•ed upon the following conditiona, to
<br /> wit :
<br /> Mortqagornhn•eas ta puy to tihe IVIortgf�qee; or ordar, the aforesaid principail sum with interost; from dHte
<br /> at the rttte of Eight & Three Fourthsper Ccntum ( 8 . 7+,�, ) -Per unnam on ttia unp:ud balAnce until pnid.
<br /> The said principnl und intrrest shttll be pnyableatt tihe oflice nt First Pederal , S�vings and Loan.
<br /> Ass iet af Linco n .
<br /> in Nebraska , or ttt snch otiher pluce ns the ho�c� ei� o� ��ie notemay �esi�nnte in
<br /> writing del:vere�l nr mailed to the Nlartqflqor, in munthly instnllments ui One Hundred Forty 1'ive ond 54/100
<br /> < <, Dollars ($ �45 . 5� ) , c�mmencing �n the first clny of June , 19 ?� , und continuing on
<br /> the first dttv of ench month thereafter nntil xnid note is fuliy ptiid, eacept that, if not suoner paid, the Final
<br /> �; payment of Principttl ttnd intet't'5t 511AII1)@'C� UC riild pAyAIJ)C 011 LI1C 'I1PSt (�Ay Of �Y 2006 ; :fl� �
<br /> ;:
<br /> ncobrding to the terms oF a certain p�•omissory note of even iiate :herewith exncuted by the said MorbgAgor.
<br /> The Mni�tqagor furlher agrees ;
<br /> t 1. He �vil! pn�� Lhe indcbCcclness, tis hereinbeforr. proviiled . Privilege is reseived to prepay at an}�
<br /> ` tiime; without pr�mium or fce, the entire indeUtrdncss or any part thereof not ldss thnn ,.he amount of onc
<br /> � instnllment; -or one :hundred dollnrs _($10G .uuj , wiriohever is less . Prepayment :in Pull shallbe creditied on
<br /> tihe datc received. :Partial :prepayment, other than. on an instsillment due dats, need not be credited'until
<br /> the next. folluwing installment due date or tkirty days after such prepayment, whichever is orirlier.
<br /> ' 2. 'Togetherwith, lnd in nddit9on to, the monthly payments of principal and �nterost puvAhle under
<br /> the terms of the note secured hereby, Mortgagor will paY to Mnrtgngee, as tr�astee; ( under the ferms �of this
<br /> trust as hereinafter stated) on the first dav of each month untii said note is fulls �aidz
<br /> (a ) A snm equn! to the ground rents, if �xnp, next clue, plus the preminms tihat w-ill next become due
<br /> and payable an ��olicies of firr. nnd other hazard insurance covering the mortgagetl property,
<br /> plus taxes t�nd assessments �icst duc on the moi�tgn�ed propei�ty* ( tti] tis estimated bythe Mort-
<br /> gagee, and of �ti•hich the Morlglgot• is notified ) less all sums ttlre��p nuid therefor di�ldeii by
<br /> � the numbcr c,f months to elapse befoi•e one month prinr to the dnte v��h�n sueh ground rents, � -
<br /> pi•emiums, tnxes and nsscssments �t-il1 become delinc�uent, such sums to. be field :by Mort;gagee
<br /> �` ' an trust to pay said ground rents, premiums, taxes and s�recial assessments.
<br /> ' � ; (b) The aggregate of the amounts l�a��uble Pursusnt to subpar�,�raph {a) and those paysble on thc
<br /> ; note securcd hei•eb5�, shall I�e paid in fl single pa3anent each month, to be applied tn the follex�-
<br /> � ingitems in the oruerstated :
<br /> (t) ground rents, takes, assessroents, fire �nd other hazurd insurance premiums ;
<br /> (ii) internstonthenotesecL�edhereby; und
<br /> ( 1z1 ) Amortization of the prin�i�11 ot suid note.
<br /> _ Ans� ileficiency in the nmount of an�� such aggregate monthlt� payment shall, un)ess ma�e good
<br /> bc the 34nrtgagor prior to the ]ue dlte nf the next such payment, ronstitnte an ecentof default
<br /> under this mortgaga At Mortgagee's option, . 4nrtgugor w-ill pay a '9ate charge" 'not es:ceed-
<br /> ing four per 'centum ( 4 �1- ) of an}� install ment �rhen paid more than fifteen ( 15 ) da��safter the
<br /> due date thereof to covcr thc extra e�penseinrolti�ed inhandlingdelinquentpa�Tnent,s, butsuch
<br /> "]ate charge" sl � aill not be pat-able out of the procceds of ant• sale made to satisfy the indebted-
<br /> ne.ss secured heT•eht, ttnless such proceeds are sufficient to disr.harge the entire indebtedness and
<br /> nil prnper costs and e�penses secured thereb}�.
<br /> 3. If the total of the pa5-ments made b,v the Mortgagor under ( n ) of pnragraph 2 preceding shall
<br /> exceed the amount of �ayments actually made by� the Mortgngee, ns t;rustee, for �•ound rent,a; taxes and
<br /> asse.5sments or insurance premium;. as the case may 1�, such excess shnll be credited by the Mortgagee
<br /> � , on subsequent payments to be made by the Mortgagor for such items or, at Moi�tbrngee's option, as trustee,
<br /> shall be i•efunded to Mottgagor. Tf, however, such monthly pavments sh:�ll not be sufficient to pa� such
<br /> items a*hen the same shnll become due and paqable, then the Mortgugor shall pay- to the Moi�tgagee, as
<br /> trustee, ur�� nmonnt necessary to make up the deficiency v�ithin thii�ty ( 30 ) da��s after w•ritten notice from
<br /> thp MortgAgee stating the amount of the deficiency, which notice ma,y be given by mail. ti n� an3� tine
<br /> the Mortgagor shall tender to the Mortgagee, in accordance w�ith the p�ro��isions of the note secured
<br /> herebS, fnIl payment of tfie entire indebtec3ness represented thereSS'� thr Mortgagee, as trnstee, shall,
<br /> in eomputing the amount of such indebtedness, credit to thc accotmt of the Mortgagor any credit balunce
<br /> accumulated nnder the prorisions of ( a) of }�arngr�ph 2 hereof. If therQ shali Ur. a default under anp
<br /> of the provisions of this mortgxige resulting in a public sate oi the premises coverecl hereby, or if the
<br /> Mortgagee acquires the �rapeTtg othera�ise after defxiilt, the n4orLgagee, as trustee, shall appiy , at the
<br /> time of the commencemant of sach proceedings, or at the time the propertq is othercvise acquired, the
<br /> ` amount then remaining to credit the Mortgagoz under (a) of paragr�ph 2 preceding, as a creciit on the
<br /> 'r ' interest acerued :and unpaid und the balar. ce to the principal then remainir� ur�aid on said no�.
<br /> � 4: 'The iii•n of 'this instrr�ment shull i•einaix in full force and effect during an3� postponement or ea-ten- ;� 4 `
<br /> � � sion of �e time of �ay�tnent of the indebl;edness or anq �>art thereof secured her. eh3r. m
<br /> � 5. He tciil pay all ground rents; laxes, assessments; «•ater rates, ancl other gocernmentai or mnnici- � '+ ��t'
<br /> • ; �ai chargea, fines, or impositions, lev"�ed upon said premiaes and that he t�ll pa5� all i:axes l��ied upon this ��f '
<br /> niortgagi , or the debt secured thereby, together r�ith any other taxes or assessments .��hich may 'ae Tevied � ��
<br /> �
<br /> under the ixws of Nebrtsska against the Mortgngee, or the 7egad hnlder of suid pt�ncipal note, on account of
<br /> this indebtedness, �:xcept when pa3ment for ail such items has there�ofore Uren made under ( a,) of nara-
<br /> qraph 2 hereof, and he �vill prom�tly delirer the oflicial receipts the:•efor to the Mortgxgee. In defaoit
<br /> t::erno£ the A�Iortgagee maS* pa�• the :�7�e.
<br /> _ �
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