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;:' .� <br />�.'P . � � �i <br /> r;�< �, I <br />� ��. ���" _U � 1l �i � <br />� � <br /> G. If he fails to p�y tmy sum or ]ceep nny coveuant proeided fm• in this mortgnge, the hfortgngee, at <br /> its option, tntty puy or perfnrm the same, nnd nll expenrliLiurs su made shall be added to the principtil sum <br /> o�ring on the nbo��e note, shall be secured ]tereby, and shnll bear iiiterest witil paid at the rate provided <br /> for in the principfll indebtediiess. <br /> 7. Upon request of the hlortgngee, MOl'tgR6�OT 3llilll CXOCUfC R11C� (�CI1Ver a supplemental note or notes <br /> f fm• the sum or sums advancecl by i�fortqagcc for the ultecation, modcrnization , or impi•or•ement mnde at <br /> the Mortgngor's request ; or for maintenuncc of said premises, or for taxes or assessments against tlie <br /> samc, and for any other purpose elsewhere �� utltorized I�ercundei•. Said note or iiotes tihall be secured <br /> hereb�� on n pnrity ��� iUi and ns fully ns if tlie ldvancc evidenced therebt� �rere includecl in the note lirst <br /> describcd above. Said supplementnl note or nutes s1�a11 bear interest uc tiiie ratc pro�� ided for in the pi�in- <br /> cipnl indebtedness and shnii be payable iu npproaintntely equal monthi�� pa,yments Sor such period as may <br /> bc ngreed upon by thc him•tgngee and hZortqa�or. Failing to agree on the niaiuritp, lhe �vhole of the sum <br /> or sums so advanced shull be due nnd payable thirty ( 30 ) dat�s after demund by t.he niortgngee. In no <br /> - e��mit eliall tlie mntm•ity eslend beyond the ultimate mattu•ity of tlie ��ote first described abo�•c. <br /> 8, lie f�ereby assigns, transfers aud sets over to tlie hlortgagce, tu be applied to�rncd tlie payment of <br /> the note nnd all swns secured hereby in case of a defnult iu the performfmce of any of the terms and condi- <br /> lions of tliis mortgttge or the said note, a11 the rents, revenues and income to be dei•ived frmii ihe mm•t- <br /> gaged premises during such time as the mortguge indebledciess sliall remain unpaid ; and the 11ai• 'tgagee <br /> shall hnve po�rer to appoint anp ageut or agents it mn,y desire for the purpose ��f renting the samc und col- ' <br /> lecling the renfs , revenues and income, and it may pa}� out of said incomes all necessar�• conuuissions and <br /> ' ' e.spenses iiicurred in i•entinq a �id mnuaging the same .uid of collecting i•eiitals therefrom ; the Ualitnce <br /> remaining, if any, tu be aipplicd lo�vlyd the dischaige of said mortg�ge iudebtedness. <br /> 9. He «• ill 'continuousiy maintain haznrd insurance, of suclt type or types and amounts ns :lfortgagee <br /> • may from time tu t.imc renuire, ou the improeements no��• or hereafter on said premises and ezcept ���hen <br /> paS�ment for all such premiums has theretofore been mu<le under ( n ) of paragraph ? l�creof, ��� ill pay <br /> promptly ��•lien due xny pi•emiums tlierefor. Upon default thercof, ilfoi•t�agee mny PaY ihe snme. All <br /> iusurance shall be c.n•ried in companies approved by the 11lortgngee and the policies nnd rene���als thereof <br /> sh :ill Ue l�eld bp the iCiortgagee and i�ave attached thereto loss pat�abie clauses in fa��or of and in ibrm , <br /> acceptable to the lim•tgagce. 1n event of loss 1lfortgngor n• ill give immediate notiee b�• mail to tlie AToi•t- <br /> gagee, ��•ho nui,y mal;e proof of loss if not made promptly b�� 1lfortgngor, and each iusurance compnny con- <br /> ccrned is hereUy autl�orized and directed to malte pay>ment for such loss direclly to the llortgagee instetul <br /> of to the liortgngor and the i\Im•tgagee joi�itly, rind the insurance procceds, ur �my �iart thei•eof, <br /> � may� be applied by ihe Mortga �;ee at its optian either to the reduction of the indebtedness hereb>� secured <br /> ;, ; <br /> ur to the restorntimz or repair of the property dumaged. In event of foreclosure oP this mortgagc, or other <br /> tr:tnsfer of title to the mm•lgaged propert}• in extinguishmetit of the indebteclness seciu•ed liei•eb�•, all <br /> " right, title and interesb of the lfortg�tgor in nnd to anp insurance policies then in force shall pass to Nie <br /> `4 purchaser or grantce. <br /> 10. �s additional and coiluteral security- for the payment of the note described , :uid all swns to bewme <br /> duc uuder tltis moctgagc, the lIortgagor herebv assigus to tlie ilIortga�ce all Icnse bmn�ses , protit; , rc�•e- <br /> � nucs, royalties , i•iglits, :iud othm• benefits ncciving to the Aiortgagor uuder aiiy nnd all oil and gas lc.ises <br /> :' noa•, or during tiie life of this morigage, executed on said premises, ��� ith lhc right to receive and receipt <br /> ` t'or the same �u� d upph• them to said indeUtedness as �ccll before :ts after default in the conditions of this <br /> S murtgage, and the \Iorigagee nui�� demaud , suc for anci recu��ec an�• such pny�ments �chen due and pay- _�., <br /> ' able, buL shall not bc required so to do. This assignment is to terminatc aud Lecome null and �•oid upon - �� <br /> f relcase of this morlgage . �s <br /> � 1L He shall not commit or permit �saste ; and shali maiutuin the property in as �;ood condition ns at <br /> � present, masonable �cem• aud ic:ir escepted. Upon :iiiy failure to su m:iiutai �i, Jfortgagce, at its oplioii, <br /> may cause rcasonable maiutenauce �cork to be performed at the cost of illortgagor. An}• umouuts paid <br /> ; tlicrefor by Mortgugcc shall bccu• iuteresf :�t t }tc rate pro��idcd for in lhc principal indeLtcdness, shall <br /> thei•eupou become ai part of the indebtedness secui•ed by this instrument, rntabl�� aiid on a pai•ity �cith all <br /> � other indebiedness secureci I� ereU��, and shall be p1�•able thirty ( 30 ) d.iys afler dcmand . <br /> ] 'L. If the �iremises, or v��• part thereof, be condemned under lhe �io���er of emincnt domuin , or <br /> acquirnd for a public use, tlu �iamxges .t��•� rded , the p�roceeds for tl � e laticing of, �ir the consi �?cration for <br /> such acquisitiein , lo the r � trnt of the full .imount of tlte retnaining unpaid inilebtedne�s sacured b}' this <br /> mortgage, or hereb)' assigned to the 11oi•tgagce, and sh .ili be paid f<,i•thn� ifh to snid niortg.tgce, to be <br /> applied on accuunl of the iust maturin� instalimeuts ot such indeUtedness. <br /> 13 . If Uie \tort �;agor f:tils lo �ual;e :tn�' p.q'�ne �its «• heii due, or to couform tu and compl}' ��• ilh ae�}, <br /> e <br /> of tl�e con�litions ur agreemenls coniained in this mortg<tge, or fhe notes �chicli iL secures. thcn lhe <br /> � entiru principul sum and accrucd interest sluill at ouce become due vxl �ir, l'nble, at the eleclion of �he <br /> � Aturtgugee ; nnd this morigage nuty lhm•eupon be fumclosed immediately for the �chole of Lhe iudcbted- <br /> uess liereby� sectu•ed , inchidiug the cost uf e�tendiug tlie abstcacti of title from Uie dale oI this mort- <br /> � gaqe tci the time ui coinmencin�; such suit, .t rcasonable �tlturne�. 's fee. and :u� �• sums paid by the �'eterans <br /> Adntiuistration on ticcuunt of the guaraul�' or insurance uf the iude�tech�ess srcured her��L�• , all of �chieh <br /> shall be induded iti the decree of Toreclosure. <br /> l �l . ! f the inctebtedness sectu•ed hereb}� Uc guaranlce�l ur insuced wi� ici• 1' itle 1,R, liniled 5t�ttes Codc, <br /> suclt 'Title and Pegulations issued thereunder and in eti'ect on the datc hercof shitll go��ern the cights, duties � � �';��- ��� <br /> .ind liabilities of the p.u•lies liemto, and an�• pro�•isions of this ur other instrwnents execuled in connection � �' <br /> I ��•ith s�ticl indeUtedness �shicii ;u•e inconsistenl willi said '1'iUe ur Ce�tdaLiuns are hereb}• amended lc� ;q. <br /> conform thereto. r. • <br />� y The coeenauts herein contnined shall bind, and the benetits and ad�•antages �l � all inure to. the � ' <br />,Sw.y�. . . . . <br /> 4... <br />� <br />�;� <br /> '`�;t �'^- - - J <br />':.:- c <br />�- : S, � <br /> � <br /> - � <br /> j: <br /> f <br />