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<br /> s� I 76. OQ1 "1 �; 8
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<br /> 1b Hnvt: nND 'Ib Ho1,D the s.une uuto the Alortgagec, us h �� raiu proeide�l . 1'Iortgagm• rr, pr��sents tu,
<br /> and covenants ��� iU� , the hSortgagce, lhnt the ilfortgaqur has good ri � hL tu scll �wd convcy sttid premises ;
<br /> that they are free from encumbrance, escept as hercinoLherwise rcciCed ; that lhc hturtq:igor ��• ill w�u•ranL
<br /> and defend the snme a�;ainst thc l:i��• ful cixima of all pm•sons �rhomsuc��i� r. �11ort�,�agon c�reby rclinquishes
<br /> all rights of liomeste:�d, all marital rights, cither in la�v or i �i cyuity , :� nd all olhci• co�itiugent inCerests of
<br /> I the 11IorCgaqor in and to the ubove-described premises .
<br /> PROVIDED ALWAYS, and tliese prrsents are execute<i nnd deti ��ered upon the following conditions, to
<br /> wit :
<br /> Mortgagm• agrees to pay Yo the hlortqngee, or oi•der, Cl� e aforesiiid principal sum with interest from daite
<br /> ut tlie rute of Ei ht & Three Fourths per centum ( 8 . 73'S per ;mnam on thc unpaid balndnce until paid ,
<br /> The suid pi•incip a and inCerest shall bc Ciayable at Chc office of � irsAsco ia�ion o�n�incolnLoan
<br /> in NebraskA , or ait such other pince as Che hoider of the note mny designute in
<br /> � . writing delivered or mniled to the ,llurCga�„or, in rnonthly inst.ilhnents of One I{undred PiFty Six ond 16�100
<br /> ' '. Dollars ( $ 156 . 16 ) , cummencing on the (irst day of tdoy , 1976 , :uid continuing oii
<br /> tl�e tiret da,y of each montl� thereafter witil said note is fully paid, except th�t, iP not sooner puid, lhe tinal �
<br /> payment of principal and interest shall be due find payable on the (irst day of April 2006 ; all
<br /> according to the terms of .� cerGiin promissory note of even daCe hece�rith executed by the said ➢tortgagor.
<br /> Tlte Mortglgor furtlicr agrees : �
<br /> 1 . IIe �vill pay the indebledness, :ls hereinbefore provided . Privilege is reserved to prepay at :uiy �
<br /> Lime, �vithout premium a• fce, the entirc indebteciness or an�� part lhereof not leas than the amount ot onc
<br /> installment , or one hundred dollars ($ 100 .00 ) , whichever is less . Yrepayment in full shall be credited on
<br /> � ` the date received. Partial prepayment, other than on an installment due date, �ieed not be credited until
<br /> the next follo�ring installment due dai.e or thirty days after such prepayment , whichever is earlier .
<br /> � 2, Together with, and in additimi to, the monthly payments of principal and intcrest plyaUle tmder
<br /> the terms of the note s��cured hereby, itifo �•tgagor ��• iil pay to Mortgagce, as trustee, ( under the tcrms of this
<br /> trust as hereinafter stated ) on thc first day of cach month mitil s.iid notc is fuliy paid :
<br /> a : ( c�) A sum equ�il to fhe gro�uul �'ents� if any, nest due, plus the premiums that �vili next become due
<br /> and pa��able on policies o [ fire and oUier ha�ard insurance c�rvering the mortgaged property,
<br /> plus taxes aud assessmaits next due on thc mortgaged propert�� ( :ill as estimnted by the lfort-
<br /> gagce, �ind o1' �chich the hlortgagor is noLifieci ) less all sums already paid tlterefor divided by
<br /> the �iumbei• of mouths to elnpse beCore ouc moniti prioi• to tlie dnte n� hen such grotmd rents,
<br /> premiwns, t:tses .ind :isse;sments ���ill bec�me deliuquent, sucli suma to be held b,v l�tortgagee
<br /> ,� in trusl to pay said groimd rents , premiums, laxes and speciat assessments.
<br /> - . ( L ) 1'he aqgregate of the amowits p:q�able pursuant to subparagraph ( ¢ ) and those payabie on the
<br /> note secured hei•e}�}•, shall be paid iii a siiigle paymetit eacli iuonth, to be applied to the follow-
<br /> ing items iu thc order stated : �
<br /> ( i ) gromid rents, taxes, assessments, tire auul other haznrd insurance premiume ;
<br /> s' � ( II ) interest mi tl�c notc secured hereby ; and � �
<br /> � ( III ) amm•tization of the principal oi' said note.
<br /> Any de�icicnct� iti tlie .tmounL of an}� sucli aggregate monUilS' ptt��ment sliall, utiless made good
<br /> >� � . by t he 1Iortgaqw• pi•ior to lhe due d, ite uf the next such payment, constitute a �i event of defau] t �
<br /> - � under this morlgage. At llortgagce's option , �[ortgagor will p;ty 1 ' 9ate chnrge" not exceed-
<br /> ing four �icr centtmi ( d ;i ) of vi�� iustall meut �rlmu paid more than fil'teen ( 15 ) dnys after the :, .�i,~,�
<br /> due date thercol' to co�'cr thc estra cxpcusu itrcoh•ed in h �mdlinb delinquent pa}•ments, but such
<br /> " late cliarge„ shall not be p:q�able out uf Clte procer, ds of any sale made lo satisfy c�,� „�aenc�a- �'`�
<br /> ' ness secw•ed hereby, u �iless sucli proceeds .ire sidlicient to dischaige Uie e�itire indebtedness and
<br /> �tll proper cosls ttnd expenses secured therebt�.
<br /> �' . 3 . If the total of the payments made Uy tlie nfortgagor under ( a ) of paragraph 2 preceJing slial!
<br /> e�:ceed the amount of payments actually made by the \Im•tga�;ec, as Lrustee, for ground rents, tases nnd
<br /> assessments or insurance premiums, as the c.ise may be, such excess sh.� ll be credited by the llortgagee
<br /> on subscquent paymeiits to be made by the Rlortgngor for sucli items or, .it 11lortgagec's optio�i, as trustee,
<br /> shall be refunded to \tortgagor. If, lio�sever, such munthly payments shall not be sufticienL to pay such
<br /> items when the same shall bc�comc due and payablc, lhen thc ltortgagor shall pay to Lhe btortg�i�;ee, as
<br /> ; tivstec, atty� aimount neecssary to make up lhe deficiency �eilhin thirLy ( 30 ) d ;iys after n• ritten notice from
<br /> ? the hiortgagee stating the amoimt of the deliciency, which notice may be given by mail. If at any time
<br /> the hiortgagor shall tender to the hlortgagee , in accordauce u• ith the provisiuns of lhe note secm•ed
<br /> hereby, full payment of the entire indebte�clness represented thereby, the ,ltortgagce, as trustce, shall ,
<br /> Y in computing the nmotmt of such indebtedness, credit to the accowit of the i�fortgagor any credit balance
<br /> ' accumulated under the provisions oF ( re ) of pacagraph 2 hereof. If lhere shall be a default under any
<br /> of the pro�� isioiuv nf this mortgage resulting in a public sale of the premises co �•erecl hereby, or if the
<br /> ; hiortgagee acquires the property otlier�vise after dcfaiilt, Lhc Biortgagee, as trustee, sh:ill apply, at thc
<br /> time of the commencement of such proceedings, or at the time tlie property is other�vise acquired , the
<br /> amount then remaining to credit the hiortgagor imder ( a ) of paragraph 2 preceding, .�s a credit on the
<br /> interest ace �ved and unpaicl and the bal:mce to Lhe principal then remaining unpuid on said note.
<br /> 4 . The lien of this instrument shall remain in full force and e(Lect during any postponement or exten- . *"�°%r '
<br /> � sion of the timc of payment of the indebtedness or any pnrt thercof secured hereby. �'° `' -
<br /> _ I a ? '
<br /> 5. He will pay all qround rents, taxes, asscssmenLs, ���ater rates, and other go��ernmental or munici-
<br />�`" �' �al charges, fines, or im ositious, Icvied u ion said �i � mises �md that he �vill 1 ill taxes levied u on this '�
<br /> � ' P ( 1 '� p. )' : p r, ;
<br /> niortgnge, or Uie debt secw•ed thereby, together �ti� ith auy other taxcs or assessmenls n'hich mny bc levied tp
<br />�`� under the luu•s of Nebr:�ska against the lfortgagce, or Uie legal holder oC saicl principal note, un aceount of �
<br /> this indebtedness, escept «� hen payment for nll such items hns theretofore been tnade tmder ( a ) of para- �
<br />��� grnph 2 hereof, and lie �cill promptly deli ��er the oflicial rr.ceipts therefor lo the i� Inrtgagee. In default
<br />�4x,z thereof tlte htoi•tgagee may pay the samr.
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<br /> � 4. _ � J
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