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<br /> G. lf he fails to pay � ny sum oi• keep any cove�innt r�rovided for in ttiis mortgage, tlie hiortgagee, at
<br /> ita option, may puy or perfoi•m Hie same, und all expenditui•es so made sfi� ll be adderl to tlie principal sum
<br /> o��' ing mt the tt6ove note, shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rlte pro��ided
<br /> for in tlte principal indebteclness.
<br /> I 7. Upon request of the 11lortgngee, Mortgagor shall execute niid deliver a sup �lemental note or notes
<br /> fur the sum or sums advance�l by 1liortgngee for tlie altcration , modcrnizatioti , or improvement mt�de at
<br /> the b4ortgagor's request ; or for maintenauce of said �remises, or for taxes or assessntents ngainst the
<br /> sflme, and for any othei• puipose else�vhere authoe•ized hereunder. Said note or notes shall Ue secured
<br /> hereby on a parity �vith and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby �eere included in ttte note first
<br /> described above. Said supplemental note or notes shall bear interest .it the rate provided for in the prin-
<br /> cipaL indebtedness und shall be payable in aliproximately equal monthly payments for such period as may
<br /> be agreed upmi by tlic 1Iortgagce and llioi•tgagor. h'ailing to zgree on the matui•ity, the whole of the sum
<br /> or sums so advanced shall be due and pay1IJIC flllPtY ( :�0 � dAys after demand by the llortgagee. ] n no
<br /> event sliail the maturity extend Ueyond the tiltimate ntaturity of the note tirst described above.
<br /> 8. He hereby assigns, h•ansfers and sets over to the ➢ioi�tgagee, to be applied to�ti•ard the payment of
<br /> the note and all sums secured hereby in clse of a default in the performance of .iny of the terms and condi-
<br /> tions of this mortgage oi• tlie said note, all the rents, revenues and income to be deri ��ed frmn tl�e mm•t-
<br /> gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebteclness shall remain unpaid ; anci the liortglgee
<br /> shall have po�ser to nppoint any �gent or a�ents it may desire for the purpose ot' renting the s.imc and col- �
<br /> lecting the rents, revenues and income, and it may pay out of said incomes all necessaiy commissions und
<br /> expenses incurrecl in renting aud mannging the same �md of collecting rentals therefrom ; Uie balance
<br /> remflining, if any, to be applied lo�ti•ard the discharge of said mortgage indebteciness.
<br /> 9. IIe �vill continuouslp maiutain hazard insurance, of such type or types and amounts as hiortgagee
<br /> mny from time to time reni� ii•e, un tlie impro��e�nents now or liereafter on said premises and except �vhen
<br /> payment for �11 such pre�uiwns has theretofore been made under ( u) of paragraph 3 hereof, u� ill pny
<br /> promptly �vhen due anp premiums therefor. Upon default thercof, hfortgagee may pay thc same. All
<br /> insucance shall be carried in companies approved by tlie :hlortgagee and the policies and rene�rtils thereof
<br /> �: ( shlll be held by the �1im•tgagee and have attnched thereto loss p�yable clauses in faeor of and in form
<br /> acceptable to the 1[m•tgagee. Li event of loss 1lfortgagor �aill giee immediate notice by mail to the D1ort-
<br /> gagee, «�ho mny make proof of loss if not made promptly by nZortgagor, and each insurance company con-
<br /> cerned is hereby authorized and directed to mnlce payment for such loss direcll�• to the i�fortgagee instead
<br /> uf to Lhe ltortgagor and the Diortgagee juintly, and tlte iosurance proceeds, or tiny� part thereof,
<br /> may be apnlied b}� the Mortgagee at its option eitlier to tlie reduction of the indebtedness hei•eby secin•ed
<br /> ur to the restoratiou or repair of the property damaged . hi event of foreclosure of this mortgage, or other
<br /> tratisfer of titic to the mortgaged property iii eetinguishment of tlie indebtedness secui•ed hei•eby, all
<br /> right, title and interest of the hlortgagor in and to any insurancc policies then in force shall pass tu the
<br /> purchaser or grantee.
<br /> 10. As addition:il and cullaterai security for the paS�meut of the note described, and all sums tu become
<br /> clue ttnder this moi•tgagq thc Dlortgagor hereby :issigns ta the Dlortgagee alf lexse bonuses , pi•ofits, i•e��e-
<br /> nues, royaltics, rights , and other benefits accruing to the 1lfortgagor under any and all oil and gas leases
<br /> no��-, or during tne life of Uiis mortgage, e�ecuted on said premises, �vith the right to receive and receipt �
<br /> fm• the same u�ict appl�• them to said indebtedness as ��•ell befoi•e ns aftei• deCault iti tlie conditions of this
<br /> � .' mortgage, anct tlie \Iortgcigce may demand, sue for ancl recover any sucli payments �ciicn due ancl pay�- _ :�4
<br /> t; , ablc, but shall not bc required so to do. This assignment is to terminate and become null and �•oid upou
<br /> i•elease of tliis morLgagc. �s
<br /> 1L He shal! not commit nr permiL �raste ; and shall maintain the piroperty in as good condition as at
<br /> present, reasonuble �+�ear and tear excepted . Upon a ��y failure to so maiutaiii , :1lortgagee, at its option,
<br /> mtiy Cfl115(' 1'"vAS011 .i�)ll' 111IIllltl' Rltnce «•ork to be performed at the cust of :1im�tgagor. � n�• amotults paid
<br /> ti' < therefor by Mortgagee shall uear interest at the rate pro�•ided for in the principal indebtedness, shall
<br /> thereupon hecume a ��art of the indebtedness secureci by this instrument , rata6lt� � nd on a parity �citlt all
<br /> other indebtedness secured l� creb�•, aud shall be payable lhirty ( 30 ) days after denu� nd .
<br /> n � ] 2. If the premises , or any plrt thcreof, be condemned undcr the po���er of eminent domain , or
<br /> acquired for a pubiic use, the damages a«�arded , the proceeds for the talcing of, or Uie consideration for
<br /> such acquisition, to Uie estent of the full amotntt of the remaining unpaid indebtedness secured by this
<br /> ;: ; murtgage, or hereby :�ssigned to the biortg,igee, and shall be paid farthn•ith to said \lortgagee, to be
<br /> c appiied on accouuti of the l ;ist m:ituring installments of such indebtedness .
<br /> e ; 13. lf the 1loi•t�;agor fails to malce an�� pa}•meuts ��•hen due, oi• to conl'orm to and comply �eitii any
<br /> of tlie conditions or agrecmeuts contained i �i this mortgage, or the �iutes ichicli it secures, then the
<br /> eutire principal sum and :icci• ucd interest sl�alt at once become due anci pag:ible , 1t the election of tlie
<br /> \lortgugee ; aud this mortgage tna>� thei•etq�o�t be fa•eclosed inunediately Ibr the �chule of the indebted-
<br /> ness hereby sccured , including the co,t of esteuding the abstract of title from the date oi this mort-
<br /> gage to the time uf commencing such suit, a reasonable attornep 's fee, and ntq• sums paid by Lhe �reterans
<br /> �dministration on account of the guaranty or insurance of ihe indebtedness secured hereby', .ill of �vhich
<br /> shall be included in the <lecree of foreclosure.
<br /> � i _ �. . : . �� �
<br /> 1�1. if the indebtedness secured hereby be guaranteed or insured « nder '1'iHe 38, Linited States Code,
<br /> sndi Title nnd Regulations issued thereunder :uid in e (tect on the � late hei•cof sitall go��ern t}te rigltts, duties • N '`
<br /> and liabilities of the parties hereto, and any procisions of this or other instruments executed in counectimi � �
<br /> with saicl indebtedness which are incunsistent witlt said Title or I;egula!ions are hereby umended to �' -
<br /> conform lhcreto. t. :`
<br />` The covenants hereitt contaiued shall bind, and the benefits and ad��antages shall iuure t �.�, the �
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