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<br /> 'PO HnVE ANn 'L'0 fIoLD the stune unto the lfortg:tgec, as hercin pro�� ided. illortgagor represents to,
<br /> and covenants ��� ith, the hIm•tgagec, thaC Lhe \{ orCgagor hns goud ri },rlit t'u sefl cu�d convey saicl premises ;
<br /> that they tu•e free fran encumbrancr. , except as hereinoChci• ��� ise recited ; lhat the D4orlgagor ���itl �vftrrant
<br /> � and defend the same against the Ia�eful cluims of all persons �vhomsoeve �•. 111or1},�agor hereby relinquishes
<br /> � �� II riglits uf homesteld , ull maritnl rights , either in Ia�v or in equil��, aud all other contingent interests of
<br /> the hiortgaqor in and to the above-described premises.
<br /> YROVIDcn At.�S�AYs, and these presents �u�e executec. and delivered upon the following conditions , to
<br /> wit :
<br /> Tlortgagor agrees to pay to the hlortgagee, or order, the aforesuid principal sum with interesC from date
<br /> at tlie rate of �ight 8: Three P'ourthsper centum � . 75 �5 per •ui u on th unpnid bala c until paid .
<br /> The said principal and interesL sliall be paynble at tl�e olfice of �'lrs� �e�eral � avings and� �oan
<br /> Associ tion Qf Lincoln
<br /> �n Nebraska , or at such other place as Che holc� er of the note may designate in
<br /> writing deli��ered or mailed to the llortgagor, in mon �hly installments of One Hundred Sixty Two and £35/100
<br /> Dollnrs ( � 162 . 85 ) , cummencin� on Uie first day of June , 1976 , and continuing on
<br /> the first dny of each roonlh thereaftcr until said note is fully paid, except that, if not sooncr t�aid , the final
<br /> payment of principal and intei•est shall be due aiid ptiyable ori the tirst day of iday 2006 ; ;� � )
<br /> according to tl�e terms of a certain promissory note of even date here�+� ith executecl by the snid ➢'Iorlgugor.
<br /> The Mortgagorfurthcr agrees : ,
<br /> 1 . He will pay the indebCeclness, as hereinbefore pro��ided . Privilege is reserved to prepay at any
<br /> � lime, «� ithout premium or fce, the enlire iudeLtedness m• any part thcreof not less thln thc amount of mic � �
<br /> installment , or one hundred dollars ($100 .00 ) , whichever is less . Prepayment in full shall be credited on
<br /> the date received . Partial �repayment, other than on an installment due date, need not be credited until
<br /> the next following installment due date or thirty days after such prepayment , whichever is earlier.
<br /> 2. Together with, and in addition to, the monthly pnyments of principal and interest paynble under
<br /> the terms of the note secured hereby, hlortgagor n�ill pay to hIm•tgagee, as trustee, ( under the terms of this
<br /> trust 1s hereinnfter stated ) on the first day of eacli month imtil said note is fully paid :
<br /> (cc ) A sum equal to lhe ground i•ents, if any, tiext due, plus the premiums that will next become due
<br /> and p<i�•able ai policics of fire � nd other hazard iiisur.mce covering the mortgaged property,
<br /> plus t.ixes aud aseessments next due on Lhe mortgaged property ( all as estimated by the lfort-
<br /> gagee, and of �rhich tl� e 11Iurtgagor is noti (iect ) Icss all sums ali•cady paid therefor di��ided by
<br /> = the number of months to elapse bei'ore one moutli prior to tlie date ���hen such ground rents,
<br /> pi•emiums, ta�es and assessments ��� ill become delinqucnt, such sums to be held by Nfortgagee
<br /> in tivst. to pa}� said gi•owid cents, premiums , taxes and special assessments.
<br /> ( 6 ) The aggregate of the :unom�ts pay.ible pursuant to subparagraph ( a ) nnd those payable on thc
<br /> note secured hereb��, sLall be paid in a single px��ment eacli month, to be applied to the follow-
<br /> ing items in the order stated :
<br /> ( t ) bround rents, taxes, assessments, fire and olher hazard insurance premiums ;
<br /> ( ti ) intereston the notesecured hereby ; and
<br /> ( t [t ) amortization uf the principal of said notc.
<br /> � An�� de[icicnc�� iu the amomrt of an ,r sucl� aggregate mmithty payment shall , unlesa made good
<br /> by� the \Iortgagor privr to tlic due dale of thc next such pupme�it, constitute au e�•ent of default
<br /> i under this morlgage. At .11ortgagce's option , :llortgngor will pay .i "]ate charge" not esceed- ,$ -
<br /> ing four per centum ( •1 ;'b ) of an�• install ment ��• Iten paid more tihnn fifteen ( 15 ) days after the - t-
<br /> " due date thereoi' to coacc lhe extra expeuse im•ol ��ed in handling <lelinquentpayments, 'autsuch �i
<br /> ' 9ate charge" shall not be pu��able out of tlie procecds of any sale made to satisfy the inclebted- �
<br /> ness secured hereby, tuiless such pruceeQs ure su (iicierit to discharge the entire indeUtedness and
<br /> all proper costs and espenses secured tltereby.
<br /> 3 . If the total of the payme��ts mnde by� the liortgagar under ( a) of paragraph 2 preceding shall
<br /> � exceed the amount of payments actually made by thc Rlortgagee, as trustec, for grou ��d rents , taxes and
<br /> � assessments or insurance premiums, as tlie r�se may be, suc}i excess shall be credited by the D4ortgagee
<br /> � on subsequent payments to be made by the �llortgxgor for such itcros or, at ➢iortgagee's option , as trustce,
<br /> shall Ue refunded to hlortigagor. If, ho�sever, such monthly payments shali not be sufficient to pay such
<br /> items �vhen the same shall become due and payable, then the 1lortgagor shail pay to the 11Sortgagee, as
<br /> trustc�c, .uiy amount necessary to make up the deficiency «• ithin thirty ( 30 ) days after �crittcu notice from
<br /> the 1lfortgagee stating the amount of the deficiency, which notice may be given by maiL If at any time
<br /> the rfortgagor shall tender to the 3lortgagee, in accordanee ��� ith Uie provisions of lhe noLe secured
<br /> hereby, full payment of the entire indebtedness represented lhereby, thc 1lortgagee, .is trustce, shall ,
<br /> in computing the amount of such indeUtedness, credit to the account of the iiortgagor any credit balance
<br /> accumulated under the provisions of ( ce) of par�gr•aph 2 hereof. If there shall be a default under any
<br /> of the provisions of this mortgage resulting in a public sale of the premises covered hereby, or if the
<br /> hfortgagee acquires the property otherwise after default, ti�e 1lortgagee, xs ti•ust��c, sl�all apply, .it the
<br /> time of the commencement of such pruccedings, or at the time the property is otherwise acquired , the
<br /> amount then remaining to credit the iltortgagor m�der ( a ) of paragraph 2 prnceding, as a credit on the
<br /> interest acerued and unpaid aud the U1lance to the principal then remaining tmpaid on said note.
<br /> 4 . The lien of this instrument shall remain in full force and effect during any postponement or exten- N � ;� ,
<br /> I sion of the time of payment of thc indebtedness or an,v part thereof secured hereby. � ' .
<br /> 5. He «� ill pay al1 ground rents, taxes, assessmeuts, ���ater rates, and other governmentul or munici- :,�; :.
<br />�_ - pal charges, fines, or impositioc�s, levicd u ��on said premiscs :i�id that he will pa�� all ta�es levied upon this � -
<br /> mortgage, or the debt secm•ed tliereby, tobclher ��• ith a: .y other tases or assessments ��•hich may be levied �
<br />� under the la�vs of Nebraska againstthe 111ortgagee, or the izgal holder of said principal note, on accuunt of _
<br />_i�� tliis indebtedness, except �ti'hen papmeut for all such items has theretofore been made under ( a ) of pnra-
<br />_`:�;;?�� graph 2 hereof, and he �rill promptly deliver the o (ticial recei �its therefor to the AIr� rt�ugee. In default
<br /> thercof the Dlortgagee may pay thc same.
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