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<br /> f „ , � ,-{r4 r � � ;: . : , ' =' . . ay �.e�%s , : � 7�., �
<br /> a:
<br />�
<br /> . . . ;,,��r � �.
<br /> � . . . . ' ..��a.:3t � .
<br />` � . . . . . . . _ ... . . . . , . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .
<br /> �t . �. . . . . . . . � :
<br /> � � 76- � � 0 (? :� 5fi3 � � .
<br /> `'; 6. If he fails to puy any sum or keep any covennnt provided for in this mortgage, the ➢tortgugee, at
<br /> ! its option, muy pny or; perfnrm the same, and ull ex�enditures so mnde shall be added to the principnl sum
<br /> � s o�sing on the above note, sliull be secured hereby, nnd ahall bear interest until paid at the rnte provided
<br /> r+ � for in tlte principnl indeUtedness.
<br /> 7. Upon request of the 11lortgngee, Mortgagor ahnll execute and deliver n supplemental note or notes ` '
<br /> ; r fo:• thc sum or sums advanced 6y hiortgugce for {he altcration; modernization, or improvement made at
<br /> the Mortgngor.'s request ; or for maintenance of said' l�remises; or for taxes or assessments nguinst the
<br /> same, and for• any other. purpose elsewhere authorized hereunder. Said note or notes shallbe secured "
<br /> hereby.on a parity, ���ith und ns fully 1s if the advance evidenced thereby ���ere induded in the note first y �'
<br /> described above. : Said sul�plemental note or notes sfiull bear interest at the rate provided for in tlie prin- '' ��
<br /> ' cipal indeUtedness':ind shall Ue paynble in approximltcly egual monthly paymeiits for sucli period as mny ' " . �
<br /> '� be agreed upou by the ,lIortgagee and Mortgngor. b'ailing to agree on the matui•ity, thc �shole of the sum
<br /> oc sums so ndvnnced shall Ue due and payable thirty (30) days after demand by the 1liortgagee. In no
<br /> ; � evmit shnll the maturity extend Ueyond tlte ultimnte matnrity of the note f rst described above.
<br /> ` � 8. He l�ereby nssigns; trnnsfers and sets ocer to tlie biortgugee, to be upplied to���ard the payment of "
<br /> ; � , the note and all sums secured ]�ereby in case of a defuult in the performance of any of the terms and condi-
<br /> ' tions of this mortgage or fhe said note, all the rents, revenues nnd income Lo Ue derived fromlhe mort- �'
<br /> - ,� . gaged premises ;during such time as the mortgage iudeUtedness shall remain unpaid ; and the illortgagee � ' ` ;
<br /> -. shatl-huve po«•er,;to appoint hny agent or ugents it muy desire for the piu•pose of rcuCing the snme und col- ' • ` ' �
<br /> �; � ' ^. lecting the rents; n•evenues nnd income, and it may puy out of said incomes nll necessary commissions and ` �
<br /> � expenses incuri•ec� in reuting and mnnaging the same and of collectiug rentals therefrom ; Uic bulance
<br /> ° -' remaining, if any; to 6e apPlied toward the dischnrge of suid mortgage iiidebteciness.
<br /> 9. Iie �vill continaously mai�itain haznrd . insurance, of such type or types aud atnounts ns 1lfortgagee ;
<br /> may from timeto timc recluire, on tlie improvements now or hercuftcr on saidpremises 1nd except when � '
<br /> pa��ment tor all such premii�ms lias theretofore been mude under ' (a) of lini•agraph 2 hereof, ���ill pay ' "
<br /> romptly when clue any pi•emiums therefor. Upon default thereof, iViort a ce ma � `�
<br /> � p g g y pay tlie samc. All
<br /> � instu•ance shall ba cai•ried in compnnies approvedby tlie liortgagee and the policies and rene�vals thereof : �.;, �� -a
<br /> � shall bc held by the tlIm•l�agee and hnve uttached thereto loss pnyable clauses in favoi• of nnd in form } ' ' `�
<br /> ; � ncceptable to the Dlortgagce. In event of loss �Im�tgagor «�ill givc immediatc notice liy mnil to the hiort- ;
<br /> gugee, who may make proof of ]oss if not mnde promptly by Diortgagm•, and each insurince comp�ny con• ;
<br /> � � cerned is hereby zuthorized nnd directed to make plyment for sucli loss directly to tlie liortgagee instead ;,
<br /> `` � of to tl�e \fortg�gor aud the \Iortgagee - jointly; and the insurnnce procecds, or any part thereof, - •
<br /> mny Ue npplied by the Mortga�ce nt its option eitlier to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby secured ! ,` �;
<br /> or to t}tc restortttiou or repair of the properLy damaged. In eveut of foreclosure of this mortgnge, or ntfier "
<br /> transfer of title to tlie mm•tgaged propm�ty in extinguishment of the indeUtedness secured hcreby„ all � ' " �'
<br /> �
<br /> right, tiCle nnd interest of tlie Bfortgngor i!i nnd to any insurnnce policies then iu force shall pass to the
<br /> ' purchaser or gr.lntee. ; `�
<br /> �, 10. As ndditionnl and collateral security for the payment of the notc describecl, aud nll sums to become
<br /> � due under this mortgage, thc Dfortgagon c�reby assigns to the llortgagee all lease bonuses, profits, rcee- `, �
<br /> � nucs, roy�altics, cights, and other benefits aceruing to tlte �Iortglgor tmder any mul ull oil nnd gas leases
<br /> � nou•, or during ti�e lifc �f this mortgage, executed on said premises, «�ith the cight to recei��e ftnd reccipt
<br /> tor the snme and Appl�� them to said indebtedness �s well before as after default in the conclitions oC this
<br /> � mortgage, ancl tlie lIortgagee may demand, stte for �nd reco�•er anp such payments �vhen due and pay- ;,.
<br /> � able, but shall uot bc required so to do. This assignment is to terminate ancl become null and void upmi ` '�" � ' • f
<br /> � reiease of lliis mortgage. ; ~ �i.
<br /> � 11. He slinll not commit or permit «�aste ; and sh.�ll maiutain the property in as good condition ns at ' '
<br /> y present; rensonnble,��•ear and tear escepted. Upon an�� failure to so mnintain, Dtortgagee, at its optiou, (
<br /> A mtiy c:tuse reasonnUle maintenance t��ork to be performed �t the cost of 1lortgagor. Ant� amounts paid
<br /> : , a therefor Uy Mortgugce sh:tll bear interest at the rnte nrovided for itt tlie principnl indebtedness, shall
<br /> � thereupon become a pnrt of the indebtedness secm�ed by this instrument, ratabl�� mul ou a pari6y «�ith till
<br /> a other indebtedness secured hercUy, nnd shnll be payable thirty (30) days nftcr demand.
<br /> j' 12: If the premises, nr 1np pnrt tltereof, be condemned under the po��•er of eminent domain, or
<br /> i acquired for a public use, the damages n�varded, the proceecis for the taking of, or the considerntion for
<br /> j sucli acquisition, to the exlent ot the full amount of the remttining unpaid indebteciness secured by tliis
<br /> q mortgage, or liereby assigned to the 1lfortgngee, nnd shall be paid forth«�iUi to said Mortgagee, to Ue _
<br /> applied on lccoimt of the last maturiug installments of such indebiedness.
<br /> � 13. If the llortgngor fails to make any pny�mmits ��•heu due, or to conform to and comply «�itli any�
<br /> Eof t}te conditions oi• agreements containe<l in this mortgnge, or tlie notes ��•hich it secures, tl�en Uie
<br /> : ( eniire priucipal sum and accrued intei•est shall at once become due nnd pa}•nUie, ut the election of the
<br /> � . \Inrtgnqee ; and this mortgzige mny thereupon be foreclosed immedintely for the �shole oF the indebted-
<br /> ness liereby secured, including the cost of extending tlte abstract of title fi•om the dute of tl�is mort-
<br /> # gage to the time ot commencing such suit, a reasonnble attorney's fee, and any sums paici by the Veterans
<br /> � Adminiatratimi on account of the guarnnty or insurancc of the indebtedness secured hereb��, all of u�hich ' . ;
<br /> j shall be incluiled in the decree of foreclosure. � :
<br /> ,.
<br /> � 14. If the indebtedness secured herebybe guarflntced or insured under Title 33, United States Code, �' ra: 1 :
<br /> � such'Title nnd Re6*ulations issued theretuider und in efCect on the dute hereof shnil govern tl�e rights; duties .;� 'N � '� '
<br /> � nnd liabilitics of the pnrties.hereto, and anyprovisions of tl�is or otlier instruments executed in connection � �" �� '�
<br /> � with snid indebtedness which are .inconsistent ` �vith said .TiUe or I:egultitions are hereby nmended to ,� v'`��:� , ;
<br /> 1 conform.thereto. . _ � `��.
<br /> � The covennnts herein contained shall bind, and lhe benefits nnd ndvnntnges shnll inurc to, thc - � ` � '
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ;
<br />�.. �..._. ' ` �
<br />�
<br />�
<br />�
<br />