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<br /> � � J ` ; j t • lt �
<br /> �'� 76' 0f3�. 5f 3 �. �: . , t. . , . ,
<br /> ?� To HavE nrtn To HoLn the anme unto the .11artgagee, as herein provided. Tiortgngor represents to,
<br /> and covennnts �vith; the 1lforfgngee, tl�at tlie �Inrtgagor has good right to sell nnd convey said premises ; � ;:�
<br /> %,� thnt they nre free from encumbrance, except us hereinother���ise recited ; thnt the hfortgngor wil! �t�arrant y;: ;
<br /> pncl defend the same ngninst the Inwful cilims.of ul1 persons }vhomsoever. �lortgagor hereby relinquishes 3`"
<br /> � � all rights of homestead, al! maritul riglits; eit}ier in la�v or in equity, and �ll other contingent iuterests of , " 4 ';��;
<br /> ,�I , the lfortgagor imand to the ubove-described premises. . : � ,;
<br /> �" PItOViDED ALIYAYS, und these presents are executed and delivered upon the foilowing conditions, to ' 1 ' ,lr, <
<br /> � . azt . , . ; . , . . . ` °
<br /> � ' � Dlortglgor. agrees to pay to the i4fortgagee, �r ordcr, the aforesnid principal sum with interest from date , { , ` `r � :
<br /> �� ' ' at the rate.of. eight and .,three-fourtper centum ( 8. 7$0) �t�nnum on the unpaid balance until pnid. ' ` , ' , ,` �;
<br /> ' The said principul and interest shall l�e payable ut the o(Pice of ofst�` F�delnal Savingc and Loan.� Association � . , � Y , , ,
<br /> ' � in ` Nebraska : , or at such other place as tiie ho9der oE the note may des�gnute in :
<br /> writing delivered or mailed to the �iortgngor, in monthly instullments of Three hundred six. and: 82�100 --- � ' ; �Y �
<br /> ' . ' Dollars (� 3p( , $2 ), commencing on tlie first dny of- h�y , 1�3 76 . , and continuing ��� ; : " ;, ;;
<br /> the firat dup of each montli tiiei•eatter until said note is fally paid, except thut, if not sooner paid; the final "'� ; ;';'
<br /> , 4 ..
<br /> � � payment of principnl and interest shall be due ndci pnyable on the first dny of April, 2006 ` ; 111 E +"� r -,
<br /> uccording to the terms of a certain promissory noteof even dnte herewith executed by.the said �fortgagor. r , ; �
<br /> �� r,
<br /> � ` The ➢Sortgagor further agrees : , . , ,� <,`::
<br /> ¢ 1. Ae will pay the indebtedness; as hereinbefore provided. Privilege is reserved to prepay at any �7'a '
<br /> ,` j , time, �vithout premium or fee, the entire indebtedness or any part thereof not less than the amount of one �;„:;
<br /> installment, or one hundred dollars ($100.00), whichever is less. Prepayment in;fuil ahall be `credtted ' on
<br /> _� ' the datexeceived.: Pnrtial prepayment; other tharr on an installment due dute,.need not be cmdited until � '
<br /> �; the next follnwing installment due date or thirty days aftec such prepayment, whichever is earlier... • ; F` r��r,,;:
<br /> �� 2: Together with, and in addition to; the monthly payments of principal and interest payabie under � ' ,. ;,.'i
<br /> '= the ternis oF the note secured hereby, lliortgagor trill pay to Mortgttgee, as trustec; (under the terms of tfiis ; -' =''.'
<br /> ' trust as hereinafter stated) on the first day of euch month until said note is fuUy. paid : ''� � •`
<br /> � r
<br /> (a) A sum equal to thc �,n•ound rents, if nny, next due, plus the premiums that will next become due � '��5 :;t i
<br /> nnd payable on policies of fire and other hazard insurance co��ering the mortgaged property, ; , � �,;
<br /> plus taxes anci assessments next due on the mortgnged propecty (ull as estimated by the Dfor� � , ` ,F;^ ,:;
<br /> gagee, and of ���hich thc �tortgagor is notified) less. all. sums atrcady paid therefor divided by ; �.,,cx;�
<br /> ► . the number of months to elupse before one month prior to the date �shen such ground rents, $ �*,:° .
<br /> r� . premiums, .taxes and assessmeiits «•ilt become delinquent, such sums to be he]d by Mortgagee ° �' � � '}`
<br /> in trust to pny said gi•ound rents, premiums, ta�es and special assessments. . t � �:
<br /> (b) The aggregatc of the amounts payable pursuaut to subparagraph , (a) and those payable on:fhe ' - � ,'
<br /> noke sE�cured hereU��, shall be paid in a single payment eacl� month, to be applied to the follo�v- � Y` `� �
<br /> ing items in the order stated : ° ' '�'
<br /> ' �� .
<br /> • ' (t) ground rents, 4axes, assessments, fire and other hnzard insurunce premiums ; . ' i � 1 ' 1' S
<br /> (II) intcrest on tlie note secured hereby ; and �
<br /> ( ut) amortization of the principal of said note. _ ` ', �
<br /> � Any deficienc3• in the amount of an�• such nggregate monthl.r• payment shall, unless made good ;
<br /> by the \Iortgagor prior to the duc date of lhe next such pnyment, constitute an event of default ,r
<br /> under this mortgage. At .liortgagee's option, ,liortglgor will pny n "Inte churge" not exceed- � . ;�
<br /> ing four per centum (9 ;'o ) of any install ment �+�hen pnid more than fifteen (16) days after the , ""�+�.
<br /> due date titereof to coeer the estrti es�xnse in�•olvcd in hlndling dclinquent puyments; but such � �,4
<br /> "late charge" shall not be pa�•able out of the proceeds of any sale made to satisfy the indebted- E
<br /> ness secured hereUy, unless such proceeds nre suf}icient to discharge the entire indebtedness and
<br /> r
<br /> t�ll proper costs and expenses secured thereby.
<br /> 3. If the total of the payments made by the Dlortgagor under (a) of paragraph 2 preceding.shull
<br /> exceed the amount of puyments nctualiy made by the Tiortglgee, as trustee, for grouud rents, tar.es and ' '
<br /> assessments or insurance premiums, as the case may be, such excess shali be credited by the Mortgagee (
<br /> on subsequent payments to be made by the 1liortgagor for such items or, at Mortgagee's option, as truatee, :
<br /> shulLbe refunded to :liortgngor. If, ho�verer, such monthlY payments shall not be sufl'icient to pay such
<br /> items when the same shall become due and payuble, then the �iortgagor shttll pay to the ➢fortgagee, as
<br /> `� tivstce, a�v amount necessaiy to make up the deficiency ��•ithin thirty (30) days after written notice from
<br /> the 1lfortgagee stating the amount of the deficiency, which notice mny be gi�•en by mail. If at any time ,
<br /> � the Mortgngor shall tender to the hlortgagee, in accordance �vith the provisions of ttte note secured `
<br /> :� 3 hereby, full paytnent of the entire indebteciness represented thereby, the �Iortgagee, as trustee, shull,
<br /> in computing the nmount of such indebtedness, credit to the account of the Diortgngor any credit balance
<br /> ��; , nccumuiated under the provisions of ( a) of parugraph 2 hereof. If there shall be n default under any
<br /> ;�; : of the provisions of this mortguge resulting in a public sale of the premises co��ered hereby, or if the
<br /> Mortgagee acquirea the property other�vise after defauit, the \fortgagee, as trustce, shall apply, at the
<br /> time of the commencementof such proceedings; or at the time the property is other��•ise ncquired, the
<br /> amount then-remuining to credit the biortgngor under (a) of parugraph ?, preceding, as a credit on the j
<br /> ;, interest accrued and unpaid and tliebulance to the principal then remaining unpaid on said note. . . - _ ,. -.;:` , :`
<br /> r�� !n� ';:
<br /> . ; 4. The lien of this instrument shall remain in full iorcc and effect during any postponement or exten- �, N
<br /> � sion of the Hme of paymentof the indebtedness or anypart thereof secured hereb5�: , , ` ' 4 `
<br /> z� . � , � > � � ; ,:
<br /> �; 5. He will pay ttit ground rents, ,taxes, assessments, wutcr. rates, And other governmentat or munici- I . - � f ' ' '
<br /> pal chazges, fines, or impositions, ]evied upon said premises and that he will pay all taxes levied upon this ` t� �` `
<br /> mortgage, or the debt secured thereby, together ���ith any other ta.ees or assessments �vhich mny be ]evied � �;� ' `
<br /> � ' under the lu�es of NeUra.^ka against the lfortgagee, or the legnl holder of suid principal note, on uccount of ^ �
<br /> "� j this indebtedness, except «•hen payment for all such items has theretofore Ucen made under (a) of parn- �
<br /> � graph 2 hereof, and he «•ill promptlydeliver the o(iicinl receipts therefur to the :lIortgngce. In defuult
<br /> ° i thereof the hiortgugee may pay the same.
<br /> � . , ' -- �
<br />� ,
<br />�. .
<br />�
<br />