j 4 ,
<br /> i
<br /> 7
<br /> �V, 4". 4 • niamoil 1 . . '
<br /> ii 00 () 225
<br /> 4141t4; 1
<br /> 114v tV
<br /> er, tr, "•iia
<br /> t ��i � ,' ' thirty-three ( 33 ) feet , or 10 . 058 meters , west of the east line of amid Section Eleven (11 )
<br /> e for a distance of one thousand two hundred fifty-six and Pour-tentha ( 1 , 256 . 4 ) feet , or 382 . 951
<br /> �".)' meters , being the point or beginning ; and containing 52 . 0 acres , or 210444 square meters , more
<br /> Eley or lees ; and
<br /> l' tv-`i.
<br /> Tract No . 2 : Beginning at the junction of the southerly right -of-way line of Federal Iiie bony
<br />'e tii No. 30 and the east line of the •Went Half of the Southeaat• Quarter W of naid Section Eleven
<br /> IS (11 ) , Township Eleven ( 11 ) North , Hauge Nine ( 9 ) West of the 6th P . M. ; thence running southwesterly .
<br /> l on the southerly right- of-way line of Federal Highway No . 30 for a distance of five hundred
<br /> e d '0 14 twenty-nine and seven- tenths ( 529 . 7 ) feet , or 161 . 453 meters , to the northwest corner of Lot
<br /> ✓ . eit Pour ( 4 ) in Voss Subdivinit,n in the Went Half of the Southeast Quarter (Wi6E*) of said Section
<br /> Y'rO 9Tl•el Eleven ( 11 ) ; thence running north on the north prolongation of the west line of Lot Four ( 4 )
<br /> )
<br /> t , or 30 . 419
<br /> res T meters ,, tof said o thenortherly
<br /> rig n of - waayycline oe of f FedeaaleHighway No .and t30 ;h thencs e running southwenterly
<br /> right -of-way
<br /> x � on the northerly line of Federal Highvaw No, 30 far a dtstnnce of five hundred fifty-four and
<br /> lecf + eighty-Five hundredtins ( 552 . 85 ) feet , or 169 . 118 asters , to the southwesterly corner of Let
<br /> ,., 1, • Four (4 ) of Connell Industrial Park in said Section Eleven ( 11 ) ; thence running northwesterly on
<br /> `•1the westerly line of Lot Four ( 4 ) in amid Connell Industrial, Park for a dfatance of three hundred
<br /> t �' twenty( 320 ) feet , or 97 . 536 meters , thence running northeasterly on a line parallel to and three
<br /> '' tHy. ; hundred twenty ( 320 ) feet , or 97 . 536 meters , northerly of the northerly right - of -way line of Federal
<br /> a` 4k / ` t Highway No . 30 for a distance of five hundred eighty- two and five hundredthn ( 562 . 05 ) feet , or
<br /> 177 . 409 meters ; thence deflecting right ninety degrees and no minutes ( 90 ' 00 ' ) and running south-
<br /> -r ,,'. easterly for a distance of one hundred three and thirty-two hundredths ( 103 . 32 ) feet , or 31 . 492
<br /> tl' .
<br /> -' meters ; thence running northeasterly on a southerly line of Lot Four ( 4 ) in said Connell .Industrial
<br /> Park for a distance of six hundred nine ( 609 ) feet , or 185 . 623 meters , to the east line of the
<br /> S142•••""11214S r West Half of the Southeast Quarter ( WiSE ) of said Section Eleven ( 17.. 1 ; thence running nouth on .
<br /> a° the east line of the Went Half of the Southeast Quarter (W3eEfr) of said Section Eleven ( 11 ) , for
<br /> .: -
<br /> A.1.71-4‘1.&
<br /> r a a distance of two and seven- tenths ( 2 . 7 ) feet , or 0 . 823 meters ; thence running east on a line for
<br /> a distance of twenty ( 20 ) feet , or 6 . 096 meters , to a point two hundred thirty ( 230 ) feet , or
<br />,; , ,u;-•;..2e) 70 . 104 meters , north of the northerly right -of-way line of Federal highway No . 30 ; thence running
<br /> fi'., northeasterly on a line to a point that is two hundred eighteen and two- tenths ( 218 . 2 ) feet , or
<br /> c`5a.‘- 66 . 507 meters , perpendicular to and northwesterly from a point on the northerly right -of-way- line
<br />:••.T ;s � of Federal Highway No . 30 , said point located on the northerly right-of-way line of Federal Iiighway -
<br /> �, No. 30 a distance of three hundred seven ( 307 ) feet , or 93 . 574 meters , northeasterly of the Neat
<br /> line of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter ( E SE ) of said Section Eleven ( 11 ) ; thence running
<br /> t.•• • southeasterly on a line for a distance of three hundred eight and two-tenths ( 308 . 2 ) feet , or
<br /> a . a`;" 93 . 939 meters , to a point on the southerly right- of-way of Federal Highway No , 30 ; thence running .
<br /> southwesterly on the southerly right- of-way line of Federal Highway No. 30 far a distance of three
<br /> x hundred fifty and two- tenth! ( 350 . 2 ) feet or 106 . 741 meters , more or less , to the east line of
<br /> ,{ 4,:. the West Half of the Southeast Quarter ( W3SE;, ) of said Section Eleven ( 11 ) , being the point of
<br /> fr. beginning ; and containing 32 . 9 acres , or 133 , 146 . 3 square metern , more or lean .
<br /> Cr .
<br /> tzt : r
<br /> The total area of Tract No . 1 and Tract No . 2 contains 84 . 9 acres , or 343 , 590 . 3 square meters , -
<br /> more or less , all an shown on the attached plat dated 11/ 29/75 marked Exhibit " A" attached berets
<br /> and incorporated herein by reference .
<br /> 'P SECTION 4 . Such tracts of land and streets and highway are hereby annexed to the Ctty of Grand Inland, .. :
<br /> 3 .
<br /> Hail County, Nebraska.
<br /> SECTION 5 . Upon the taking effect of thin ordinance , the police , fire , and anew removal services of
<br /> 1 `r such City shall be furnished to the tracts of land and streets and highways herein annexed , and water service
<br /> will be available as provided by law .
<br /> * SECTIOf 6 . If any section , nubaection , nentence , clause , or phrase of thin ordinance or the annexation -
<br /> A
<br /> of any tract of land , street , or highway by this ordinance in for any reason held to be unconatitutional or
<br />. .ri Y.e
<br /> '
<br /> invalid , such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance , nor affect
<br /> Y"' _ the validity of the annexation of other tracts of land , streets , or highways by thin ordinance , since it in
<br /> Y
<br /> '
<br /> the express intent of the Mayor end City Council to enact each section , nubnection , clause , or phrase cep-
<br /> a . .
<br /> a
<br /> +' arately and to annex each tract of land separately .
<br /> t c
<br /> tlbrcelfe
<br /> n SECTION 7 . This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage , approval. , urt •
<br /> d
<br /> F
<br /> i publication within fifteen days in one issue of the Grand Inland Daily Independent , without the plat , as
<br /> � � q provided by law.
<br /> 3r a1
<br /> av Enacted Dr 2 4975 ,
<br /> res e • et t e , vane - xit1"" �
<br /> ori� 41 f ' r
<br /> ` ,:;L f ATTBet: .
<br /> TM ' Y er
<br /> f 3
<br /> f. a. p
<br />