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<br /> ORDINANCE NO. 5924
<br /> a ,••.,b,,I.,,
<br /> An ordinance to extend, the boundaries and include within the corporate limits of, and to annex to the
<br /> ' -
<br /> •
<br />:111rj• Amok City of Grand Island, Nebraska, certain contiguous and, adjacent tracts of land and streets and highways in . •
<br />'-i,.4P III, the Southeast Quarter (SEi) of Section Eleven (11), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the
<br />•'441
<br /> 6th P.M., Hall County, Dabraska; to provide for service benefits thereto; to provide severability; and to
<br />'`'Iire•o•.,
<br /> confirm the zoning classification thereof. -
<br /> 42„• :,.-•
<br /> SECTION 1. It is hereby found and determined by such City Council that: ,
<br /> r! •','•'"V "g
<br />/.4,c'' W.• (a) The tracts of land,and streets and highways in the Southeast Quarter SE•i•)
<br /> of Section Eleven (11), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall
<br />•.;1".r,•"'" County, Nebraska, as hereinafter more particularly described, are urban and suburban in
<br /> character and contiguous and adjacent to the corporate limits of such City and as urban and
<br /> suburban in character are not agricultural land rural in character;
<br /> (b) Police, fire, sanitary sewer, and snow removal benefits are available thereto,
<br />'',•Iri;2 ,
<br /> and City water service will be available as provided by law;
<br /> o_
<br /> C3 In (c) The zoning classification of such tracts of land as shown on the official zoning
<br />'`,cr. '''• ''''sj cc • GM . < map of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is hereby confirmed;
<br /> a. Ca
<br /> (d) There is a unity of interest in the use of such tracts of land and streets and
<br />.i'',1 !:1• *4 highways with the use of lots, lands, streets, and highways in the City, and the community
<br />"gjliAls%., convenience and welfare and the interest of such City will be enhanced through incorporating
<br />,,'P,,:•;
<br /> such lands and streets and highways within the corporate limits of such City.
<br /> SECTION 2. That the boundaries of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be, and hereby are, extended
<br /> to include within the corporate limits of such City the contiguous and adjacent tracts of land and streets
<br />"....--,.•`,',A ,
<br /> and.highways in the Southeast Quarter (SE1) of Section Eleven (11), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine
<br /> it•-','".::,-M
<br /> 1
<br /> (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br /> Tract No. 1: Beginning at a point on the north line and thirty-three (33) feet, or 10.058 meters,
<br /> west of the northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SEE ) of said
<br /> V-: ,:,•.
<br /> I Section Eleven (11); thence running vest on the north line of said Southeast Quarter of the
<br /> Southeast Quarter (SEiSE-a-) for a distance of five hundred twenty-six and seven-tenths (526.7)
<br /> i„1%,•'-' feet, or 160.538 meters, more or less, to the northwest corner of Wetzel's Subdivision in the . .
<br />' ::'• .i,` Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SES*) of said Section Eleven (11); thence running
<br /> south on the west line of said Wetzel's Subdivision for a distance of six hundred fifty-eight
<br /> and nine-tenths (658.9) feet, or 200.833 meters, more or less; thence running west on a line
<br /> parallel to and six hundred fifty-nine (659) feet, or 200.863 meters, north of the south line
<br /> of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE1SEk) of said. Section Eleven (11) for a
<br /> distance of one thousand two hundred thirty-seven and two-tenths (1,237.2) feet, or 377.099
<br /> — _
<br /> meters, more or less, to the south prolongation of the west line of Lot Four (4) in Voss
<br />,,-- Subdivision in the West Half of the Southeast Quarter (WISE*) of said. Section Eleven (11);
<br /> ;".• •••• thence running north on the south prolongation of the west line of Lot Four (4) in said. Voss
<br />--4-il
<br /> tc•';'';-•''','',,. Subdivision, and on the west line of Lot Four (4) in said. Voss Subdivision, for a distance of
<br /> onethousand fifty-six and forty-five hundredths (1,056.45) feet, or 322.006 meters, to the
<br /> northwest corner of Lot Four (4) in said. Voss Subdivision, being on the southerly right-of-way
<br /> Ki--i•••,r,
<br /> 1
<br /> line of Federal Highway No. 30; thence running northeasterly on the southerly right-of-way line
<br /> of Federal Highway No. 30 for a distance of eight hundred seventy-one and five-tenths (871.5)
<br /> feet, or 265.633 meters; thence continuing northeasterly on the southerly right-of-way line of
<br /> Federal Highway No. 30 no degrees and eight minutes (00 08') to the right for a distance of
<br />•''S'''.:',TA nine hundred twenty-nine and two-tenths (929.2) feet, or 283.22 meters; thence deflecting left
<br /> ninety degrees and no minutes (90' 00') and running northwesterly for a distance of thirteen
<br />•°1..:/"., (13) feet; thence continuing northeasterly on the southerly right-of-way line of Federal Highway
<br /> ,4
<br /> No, 30 on a one thousand nine hundred forty-one and eighty-six (1,941.86) feet, or 591.879 meters,
<br />.;:711 -141-40) radius curve to the left for a distance of one hundred sixty-three and six-tenths (163.6) feet,
<br /> or 49.865 meters, to a point thirty-three (33) feet, or 10.058 meters, perpendicular to and west .
<br /> of the east line of said Section Eleven (11); thence running south on a line parallel to and
<br /> .11—,:,•:'•.s•%:.,—,, ,
<br /> .,
<br /> ,49
<br /> ,-,•,,, ,
<br /> 1,1 , ,,.
<br />..,, .
<br /> . , ..,..- .
<br /> -.,
<br /> . .
<br /> _1
<br />