� e i , ��
<br />+�.� � . � . . . . . � l3' uYv� . . .
<br /> � . . . . . . . . . . . . . .rv,,, . . . �
<br /> not extend or postpone tlie due date ol tl�e monthly installments referred io in par�ngraphs 1 :�nd 2 hereof or
<br /> ehange tl�e amount of sucl� installrnents.
<br /> 10. Bozrower Not Released. i;xtension of thc time for �>.xyiuent or modificatioii of srnortization of the sums
<br /> secured l�y' this VIortgage grarjied by I,ender tn a�ny successoi• iii interest of Borrower shsll not .operate to release,
<br /> in any mannei; the liabilit�� of t17e original I3orrotii�er and 33orro�+�ea•'s �uccessor� in interest. T,ender shall not be
<br /> raqu;r�d ,*,� cem**±encs ,?rnceeciines against sucl� successor a� refusc to extend t.ime for payment or otherwise modify
<br /> amortizution of the sums secured by tlii� �lortg.�ge 1 >y reasoii oi :�ny clemxnd �,Sade b�• tlac o:igin�l Borrower s�nd
<br /> � � Borrower's successors in intei�est.
<br /> 11.rFozbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. Ai�y forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> � hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable law , s1�a11 not be a «-aiver of or preclude the exercise of nny right
<br /> �� or remedy hereunder. Tl�e procurementi of insurance or the payme�it, of taxes or other liens or cltarges by Lender
<br /> + � shall not be a waiver of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of the i�idebtedness secured by this Mort�age.
<br /> `--' ' - 12: 8emedies Cumulaiive. All i•exnedies provi�ied in this \lortgage are distinct and cutnulative to a�y other <
<br /> � � �-'' right or remedy under tlii5 .lfortgage oi• affordcci hy 1a��� or ec�iiity, and ir�uy bc: exercised eoncurrently , independ- `
<br /> ' � ently or successively.
<br /> ^ 13. 5uccessors and Assigns Bound; Joint �d Several Liability; Captions. The cocensnts and agreernents '
<br /> i\ herein c'ontained shall t�ind , and the rights liereunder �hall inure to; thc respectivc successors and assigns of Lender
<br /> ; and Borrower; subject "to ohe provisiona of parugr:y>h 1 ; IiereoL :111 covenanis and agreements of Borrorver shull
<br /> ' be joint und severul. 1'he csptions und l�eading; of t,lie paragra��hs of iliis \ Iortgage are for convenience only and
<br /> are:not to be used to interpret or define the provisions Lereof.
<br /> � 14. Notice. Any notice to Borro�ver provSded for in tUic �lort�age shall be gi�•en by inailing such notiee by
<br /> � � certified �naii xe{dressed to Boi•ro«�e�r at tl�e Yroprrt�� .4ddre..s �tatec4 t�etocr, excepb For uriy notiee reqnie•ed under
<br /> � i � � � paragraph 18 hereof to be gi��en to T3orrou�er in tlie manncr pres�ribed b�� applic2ble la��•. Any not�ice pro��icied
<br /> forin this �1ort.gagc shall be decn�ect to I�a�•c been given to Borroticer �~�hen given in the manner designated herein.
<br /> 15. Uaifozm Mortgage; Governing Law; Severability. 't'lii5 form of mortgage combines uniform covennnts
<br /> fornational use �,nd non -uniform covenants witdi limited variations by jurisdictiov to constitute a uniform secu-
<br /> ritiy instrument covering real property. This \3ort�age shall be governec9 by the lan� of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> the Property is located . In the eveni tliat. any provision or clause of this \4ortgage or tl�e Note conHicts rvith
<br /> npplicable law, such conf�ict shall not affer,t ot,l�er pro��isions of tlii� \Iortgage or the T�Tote which can be given
<br /> effect without tlie conflicting provision , and to this cnd tf3e pro��isions of tlie �Iortgage and the Note are declared
<br /> ; to be severable.
<br /> r 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be furnisheci a conformed copy of this 11ort�age at the time of execu-
<br /> tion or afier recordaiiou izereoi. �
<br /> 17. Transfer of the Property: Assumption. If aLll or ssny j,art of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br /> or tr�nsfe::�d by Bnrre::�e.* �ti�i+ !:out _T:e.^.der'e p:iar �eritten con,ent, excluding (aj th� cieatio.; vi a iien ur eraouin-
<br /> r �i � � brance subordinate to this \�lortgage, � b ) the creation oS ti purch.ase monep security interest for household appli-
<br /> unces, (c) a transfer by devise , descent or by operstion oi Is�c upon the der�tl� of a joint tena�it or (d ) the grant of
<br /> � any leasehold interest of tl�ree years or less not containiug an optio❑ to purchase, Lender mav, at Lender's option,
<br /> declare ail the sums secured 6y this Mortgage to be immediately due and payable. Lender shall havc waived such
<br /> option to x�ccelerate if, prior t.o tl�e sale or trunsfer, Lentl�er nud thc �w�rson to whom the I'ro�erty is to be sold or � �
<br /> � ' Gransferred reach agreement in writing that tlie credit of sudi person is satisiactory to Lender and that the interest
<br /> payable on the sums secured by this 1Rort,gage sl�al] be at sucl� rate as Lender sl�all request. If Lender has waived
<br /> the option to accelerate provided in tl�is paragrapli 17 and if i3orrow•cr's sur,cessor in interest has executed a writ-
<br /> � ten assumption agreement accepted in writing by Lender, I.ender shall release Borro�+•er from all oUligations under
<br /> this Mortgage and the Note.
<br /> ' ' If Lender exercises sucl� option to accelerace, Lender sl�al ] �nail l3orrorver notice of acceleration in accordance
<br /> ; �vitli Iiaragraph 14 hereof. Sucl� notice sha�ll pro�•ide a ��eriod of not, le�s t.lian 30 days Srom t.hc d�te the notice is
<br /> mailed within which Borrower may pias� the suinti cleclured c9uc. If I3orrowcr fails to pay such sutns prior to the
<br /> expiration of such period, LCI1l1CT Iildy , i�'3iiniiii. iiil': �;C1' PC! .i'P OP (�C'�11R0(� OCl Borrower, invoke any remedies �CT-
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 1�ereoL
<br /> 1`�' ox-UxiFo�.ni CovExn*.Ts. Boi•ro���er r� nd Lendei• f'urtliei• covenaut and ��•ree xs follo�as :
<br /> 18. Acceleralion; Remedies. Esce�it a> pro�•i�lecl in p:ii•agr:l� �h 17 licreof, upotx 13orrotiver', breacli of uny
<br /> � covenant or agreement of Borro�eer in tl�is �Iortg�ige , inchiilin� flic covenants to pay n�l�en duc any sums secured
<br /> by this :�'fortgage, Lencier �iriur to ncccicrntiou sl �all w<ii1 notice to Iiorro���ec .� s � n•ovided in paragrupli 14 hereof
<br /> j s�eoifying : ( I ) tl�e breacl� ; (' 2 ) tl�e s�ctiou i•equiird tu cure nuch I �rcarli ; 13 ) a duti: , not less Ciian thirty days � � �
<br /> ` Irom the date the notice is n�Eiiled to ]3orro�cer. bp �cliicl � sucl � hre:tcli must be cured ; anti (41 thsst failure to curc
<br /> such breach on or before the date specified in the noticc m.iy rehult in uceeleiatiun of Ll�e suiri� secured by t.his
<br /> �lortgage and sale of the Property. If the brc:ach is not cured or: or t.�efore Uie diitr speciTied in the notice, Lender
<br /> � ,� at Lender's option may deolai•c ttll of the surus secui•ed by t1� ia il'Eort�age to be iinmediately due and payable
<br /> � � � � withoutfurtherdeanund � and �nay foreclosetfiis \3or[gnge by judicial proceeding. Lender shali lie entitied to collect � � �
<br /> in such proceeding sill expenses of foreclosure , inchuling, but not limited to, cost� of documentary evidence ,
<br /> � abstracts and title report_.
<br /> 19. Boaower`s Right to Reinstate. Not�vithstanding Lender 's .�cceleration of the sums secured by ti�is
<br /> Mortgage, Borrower shall ha��e ti�e right to hn�•e any ��roceedinge begun by Lender to enforce tl�is �Sortgage dis-
<br /> c�ntinued at any time prior to entry of n judgment ent�rcing thi. 1lortgsge if : Ix ) Borrower paYs I,ender all
<br /> ? sums which would be then due under this \Iortgage, thc Note auid notes �ecuring F'utnre �dvaticcs , if an,y, had no
<br /> acceleration occurred ; ( b ) Borrower cure� all breuche� oS anv other cocenant� or agreements of Borrower con-
<br /> . i • p � __. __ � .. ! a .._ � .� il �.g4nn31) � p .y .. . � � �
<br /> � � LR1RL'LI ili eI33J ..c'ttittb¢�c � �c � ✓v'. -',SF.'=7�� -3rs _ -� � . \��PRS('S lI1CUCPl'(� })\ r PIl(]t`P lil l'D {OPC117(� t��lf' CO��QII'.iflt:
<br /> and agreements of Borrower containeufin t}ii. _llm�tK.iRe s�ici ui euf� rciu�; T.eni.ui � rc•iu<,d�e, an �iroviue�[ iii y�arc:-
<br /> graph 1$ hemof, including, but not limited to , reasonable attoi-nev'� tee� ; .znd � d � 13orrower t�kes such action as �
<br /> Lender may reasonably require to assnre tliat tl�e lien of this �tortga�;e , Lender's interesc in il�e �'roperts snd .�
<br /> Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured hy this \�Iort�;aGe �hxll continiie unim>>aired. U��on such payment �
<br /> and cure by Borrower, this Mortgnge and tl�e obligstion� secured hereby :hall remain in Siill ia•ce and effect as if �„ .. i _ , .,,
<br /> no acceleration had occurred. _ �' �'
<br /> 20. Assigamea! of Rents; Appoiatment o! Receiver; Lender in Possession. As ;idditiauii �ecurity here- z � �4V �' "'
<br /> � under, Bormwer hereby assigns to Lender the ren 'ts of tlie Property , i�ro�•ided tliat 13orro�cer shatl , prior to acceler-
<br /> ation under paragrsph 1873ereof or abandoninent of the Pro�>ert,y, liavc thc r3glit to collect �nd retain suc}i i•ents � '� ' 6'"
<br /> as they become due and payable. ' '}
<br /> � >7+, �,
<br /> Upon scceleration under paragrapl� 18 liereot or ahandontnent of the YT•opert}• . Lender, in ��erson , b�� agent �
<br /> ' or by judicially anpointed receiver shall he entiiled to entcr unon. take a�os�e��ion o1 and �uann�e the Yroperty
<br />� i aad to aollect the rents of the Proxiert5, includin�: those past. due. .111 rents collected h}• Lendcr or thc recei��er ,
<br /> shall be applied first to payment of the costs of �nanagement of the Property and collect�an of rents , including , but
<br /> not limited to, receiver's fees, i�remiums on receiver's bond� and reasonnblc at,torne,y's fee� . and then to the sums
<br /> .
<br /> secured by this Mortgage. Lender and the recei��er sliall be liable to i�ccount only for those rents t�etually receiced .
<br />. � ._ �' �
<br />�
<br />`.:�'
<br />