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<br /> not extend or postpone the due date uf the montlily installments referred to in puragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or
<br /> change the amount oi sucl� installments.
<br /> 10. Borrower Not Released. Extension of tlic tiu�c Soi• pa��iuent or inodifir,ation of a�nort•izution of the sums
<br /> r secured �y this vlortgage �ranted b�- I.ender ko any succecsor in interesc of Barro�i�er shall not operate to release,
<br /> in uny �iianner, the liability, of the original Bort•o�vei• and 13orrou•er's successors in interest. Lender shall not be
<br /> required to comrnence pi•oceedings against sucl� succe,sor m• i•efuse to extend t.ime for payment or otherwise modify
<br /> amortization of the sums secured by tl�is \fortge� ge by i•cason of a�ny cfeman<i made by the original Borrotiyei• and
<br /> � Borrower's successors in interest.
<br /> � Q-j 11. Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiven Any forbearance by Lender in exemising any right or remedy
<br /> 4(^j hereunder,' or otherwise afforded by applicable la�ti�, shull not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br /> �; or remedy hereunder. Tl�e procurement of insurance or the ir.iyment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br /> �{^ shall not be a waiver of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtediiess secured by this Mortgage.
<br /> • ,; `;,;. 12. Remedies Cumulative. �Il rea�edies provicled in tliis \'iortgage are distinct a.nd cumulative to any other
<br /> i right:or remedy under this �Ior6gage or affordcii I>y la��- or cryuity, and ma}� bc exercised concurrently, independ-
<br /> ' v ently or successively:
<br /> ; � 13. Successorsand Assigns Bound: Joint cmd Several Liability; Captions. 'Plie coven.tnts and agreements
<br /> (�, , herein contained shall bind , <md tl�e right.s ]iereundcr sl�ail inure to, the respectivc successors and assigns of Lender �
<br /> � and Borrower, subject to the provisions of paragruph 17 hereof. �11 covenant� and �grecments of Borrower shall
<br /> ' be joint and severul : Tt�e captians �nd headings of the j :at.�g.aphs of this �tnrtgagc a:c for convice�ience onl}T anu+
<br /> , a are not to be used to interpret or define the t�rovisions l�ereof.
<br /> � � 14. I�ToYice. !�ny z�otice to 13orrotirer �.�roridc�cl fa• in tl� i,� liortgagu sl�t� ll Lc �;iren b,y mztiling �ueh notiee by
<br /> certified �nail uddressed to I3orroN•er at the Yropert�� :lddress stated hclote , except for any notice required under
<br /> paragraph 28 hereoF to be given io Borron•cr in the manner presa•ibed by a�7plicable lttw. Any notice provided
<br /> for in tl�is �Iortgage shall bc cieemeci to l�a�•c beeu given to I3orro«•er ���l�en given in the munner designated l�erein.
<br /> � 15. Uniform Mortgaget Governing Law: Severability. '1'his form of mortg3ge combines uniforrn covenants
<br /> s fornational use and non-uniform covenants n•itli ] iinited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu-
<br /> ; rity instrument covering real property. This \fortgage shall bc governed by tl�c law of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> � the Properby is located. In the event thai any provision oi• clause of t}iis \iortgage or the Note conflicts with
<br /> applicable law, sucl� conflict shall not affect other provisions of this J'Iortgage or the Note �vhich can be given
<br /> ? effect without tl�e confiicting provision , aiid to tl�is end tl�e pi•ovisions of tl�e �iortgage and the Note aTe declared
<br /> 4 to be severable.
<br /> ; 36. Borzower's Copy. Borrower shall be furnisl�ed a conformed copy of this ltortgage at the time of execu- ;
<br /> ' tion or after recordation l�ereof.
<br /> 17. Transfer of the Property; Assumption. If all m• any part, of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br /> ` or transferred by Borrower �vithout Lender's prior written consent. , excluding (a,) the crention of a lien or encum-
<br /> brance subordinate to this �iortgage , � b) the creation oi :� purcha�e �noney securit•y interest for household appli-
<br /> ances, (c) a transfer by devise, descent or 6y operation oi l.i��- upon the deatli of a joini tenant or (d ) tl�e, grant of
<br /> �' any leasehold interest of three years or less not. containing un option to purchase, Lender may, at Lender's option,
<br /> � declare all the sums secured by this IvlortSage to be. imniediutel}� due and payab]c. I.ender shall l�ave �vaived such
<br /> � option to accelerate if, prior to the sale or transfer, Lender and the person to wl�om the Property is to be sold or
<br /> � transferred reach agreement in writina that the credit of auch person is satisfactory to Lender and that the interest
<br /> � paysbie on the sums secured by this �lortgage shall be at sucl� ratc a� Lender shall request. If I.ender has waived
<br /> the option to accelerate provided in this paragrapli 1 ? nnd if I3orro�ver's successor in interest. has executed a writ-
<br /> ten assumption agreement accepted in writing b,y T.ender, Lender shall release Borrower from all obligations under
<br /> i this Mortgage and the IQote.
<br /> ' r If Lender exercises sucl� option to acceler.ite, Lender shs� ll �nail Bo�rower notice oi acceleration in accordance
<br /> ''t �vith paragraph 14 hereof. Such notice shall pro�•ide a ��eriod of not less tl�an 30 duys from the date tl�e notice is
<br /> int�iled witl�in which Borrower may pn�� t,he sums decl� red duc. If 13orrowei• fails to psy such suins prior to tl�e
<br /> rex�irntion of such period, Lendei• may , ��•itliout further nukice m• dc�uaud ou 13'm•ro�t�er, inc�oke any remedies per-
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br /> i
<br /> ;i Nox-UxiFo7:.rz CovFxn�•rs. Bori•o«�er a �id Lendei• fui•tl�ei• covenant aiic3 a�•i•ee as follo�cs :
<br /> ' IS. Aeceleration; Remedies. Except as �iroviiie�i in � �aragra � �L 17 hereof, upon 13orrotiver's bre�ch of any
<br /> covenant or agc•eecnent of Borro«�er in tlii� �lm•t�aRe , inclucting tl �r coven:znt� to ��ay «�hon duc any sums securecl
<br /> ' by this 37ortgage, Lender l�rior to :�cceleratibn shall iu�iil iioticc to I3orro�� cr as ��rovided i�i paragra�>l � 14 liereof
<br /> ��� � specifying : ( 1 ) the breacll ; ( 2 ) the 1c�tion rcc�uired to �t�re suc�li l �re.icl� ; I.'3 ? � �� datc , not less il�an thirty days � �
<br /> � �� fron� the date the notice is �nailed to I3orro�rer, b}� ��� hich �uch breacli must bc c�u•ed ; and ( 4 ) thsst failwr, to curo � � �
<br /> such breach on or before the date speciFied in tl �e no[ice m.� y result iu accele, rstiuri of tlic swus secured by ihis
<br /> �Iortgage and sale of thc Yro��erty. If the breucli is not cwed on or beiorc: the dute specified in tlie notice, Lenc�er
<br /> at Lender's option mtzy declute all of the swn� secured by tl� i� 3lortga�;c to be iminediatcly due .and pa}�able
<br /> ? without further demand and may foreclose tl�is �lortgage bp j udicia) proceeding. Lender st�all he entitled to coileet
<br /> in such proceedin� all expenses of foreclosure, inclu� ling, hut not limited to, cocts of document�ry evidence,
<br /> abstracts and title reports.
<br /> 19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. 1'otti;•ithsiunding Lender's ucceleration of the swns secured by this
<br /> Mortgage, Borrower shall have tlie right to have any proceedings begun by Lcuder io enforce tliis vlortgage dis-
<br /> continued at any time prior to entry of a judgcnent. enfoFcing tl�is �Iortgage if : ( al Borrotit°er pays Lender all
<br /> sums which would be then due Under this '�4ortgage, Uu Note and notes securin�; Fucure Ad�•i�nces, if any, had no
<br /> ; acceleration occurred ; ( b ) Borrower cure: all breuchu� of an�� other co�•enant , oi• ugree�nents of Borrower con-
<br /> tained in this Mortgage ; (c) $orrower pays all reasonable expense� incurred bti• Lender in i�nforcing the co��en3nts
<br /> snd t�graeineitts of Borrower contuii�ed in t,Li, �turt�:a�e snci in eniurciug ;.cu�3cr'. renieilie, us �a�uvi�le�3 iii t�ar:�-
<br /> graph 18 hereof, including, but not limited to, rensoa�uble atiorncy' 's tec: : aud idl I3orro�ver takes suclr aotion r�s �� � � �
<br /> Lender may reasonably require to ussure thst the lien of thSs \tortgage. Lender's inLerest in the Property and u
<br /> Borrower's okaligation to pay the sums secured lay t6is \tortgage �litill cnntinuc uniuipaired. I?pon such payment
<br /> and cure by Borrower, this A4ortgage and the obligutions secured lrca•eb�• sliall reinain in full force ancl effect as if `�"� � � '' � � ,'^,,
<br /> no acceleration had occurrecl. � � � ;� r �:' '
<br /> 20. Assigameat of Reats; Appointment of Receiver; Lender in Possession. As additional security here- `+ �i. �v�
<br /> under, Borrower hereliy assigns to Lender the rents of the Properhy' ; I�ro��iclect tlint Borro��•er shall , prior to ueceter- #F
<br /> � ation under paragraph l$ hereof or abandoninent of�the Pro�'�erty, ha�'c thc riglit to collect and retain such rents � �,�, ''
<br /> � as they become due and payable. -
<br /> Upon acceleration under Paragraj�l� IS hereof or xhandonrrient of tdie Yroperty, Lender, in ��ersdr. , by agent
<br />� vr by judicially appoinLed receiver shall be entitled to enter a��on , take I�osc�.ci�n of end msna�P the Yroperty
<br /> and io colIect the renis oi the Pro�>erty, including tliose past due. all renxs collected by Lender or the receiver
<br /> shall be applaed first to payment of the co.sts of t3�anagement oi the Properiy and collection of rc nt� , including, but
<br /> not limited to, receiver'c fees, premiams on recei�•ei '. bond� and re�sonable xttornev 's fee� . anc� then to the smns
<br />�,,,,, � ' secured by this '�1orLgage. Lender and the re.ceicer sliall 3m liat�:c to riccouni onl�� far t,hosc rent � •letunlh iccei� od .
<br />� � � �
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