<br /> z ..
<br /> r-- .. �
<br /> not extend or � �os{'pone the due �iate oi thc monUih- in <iullrornt � rri.�rrcd tu in parugrapii� I :ind 'l hereof m•
<br /> change the ainount. of sucl� inatullments.
<br /> 10. Borrower No! R�l�as�d. Lxteneiuu of tLc tiwe ior � �:«�ment ur moditicat ion uf smortization of the sums
<br /> secured by tliis '�tortgage granted b�� 7 .ender to rin�• xuece�sur in incere,c ut BarroK•er .h�ll not operate to release,
<br /> in any manner, the liability oi tl�e origiuxl 13m•roH•cr ami F3orro�cer '� �ucce.sorti iu inte;rrst . Leuder nhall not be
<br /> required to eommence prceeediugs against .uch euccessor or rriu�e to exteu�.! time ior p�yment or otherwise modify
<br /> � umortization of the sume becured Ly tLi, \lortquge I�y reasun ui um• demand n�ade b�� U�e original Borrower and i
<br /> Bonower's succeasors in interest.
<br /> 11. Forb�araaee by Iwadsr Not a Waiver. Auv forbearance l,y I,ender iu exercising sny right or remedy
<br /> hereunder, or otl�erwise afforded b�� upplicable la�c , et �ull not be a «�aiver of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br /> or remedy hereunder. 'fLc procm•ement af insurance or the � �a�•iuent of taxes or other liens or char�es by Lender
<br /> ahall not be a wuiver oi Lender's right io accelerate the muturity of tl�e indebteciness secured hy this �Sortgage.
<br /> v� 12. R�m�di�sCumulative. Al ! reinedies provided in tlii> \Iortguge ure distincr and cumulative to any other
<br /> LTJ right or retnedy under tlii: \ IortRa�;r or :tffor� le� l b�� Li�c ur �•yuit �� . :in� l uui�� ho exerci.ed ronc•arrcntly , independ-
<br /> C12 ently or succesaivelv .
<br /> j�. 13. Sueeeason �d Assiqnc Bouad: Joiat and Several Liability: Captioas. '1'he co��i�naiits aiid agreements
<br /> Q herein cuntained shall I,ind . �nd the ri�;hts tiere�nuler .�hall inun• to. thc re.pe<�ti���• successors :tn�i uasigns of 1.ender
<br /> Q ;ind Borrower, aubject io tlic pro�•ision, ul ��ai:i�;r:y �h 1 ; lu•rrui. :1ll c�o��cu:uu .: un� 1 a�ri•cu �enta ot f3orrower ,ha11
<br /> � be joint and se�•eral . Thc cai� itiun. and hv:idiu�;, nl' tlu� � �:u;i� i;� � ih�, uf Uii.� Alurt �;u�;e :lre for �•onvenicnce only and
<br /> ^ are not to be used to interpret or defitu• tlic � , rovi.iou� I �creoi .
<br /> 14. Notico. Any noti�•�� �o Borru�� �• r � �n�� id��� l iur iu tlii - \ lurtRaR� .lusll I �� � � �� ��❑ ht• msiliug .ucL uotice h�•
<br /> rertified ulsil addrersed to 13urro��� cr :�t rlio f'ru� �rrt � :1� i.in•.., .r. � t �•� I h�� lu�+� . � •sr��� � t fur :lu�� nuti�•�� required under
<br /> paragraph 18 hrreol to lic �;i� rn tu liurro�crr iu ihr in;u � ner � in•.�• rihr� i I �� :t� ry �licalil�� law . Att�' nutire � u•o��ided
<br /> forin this \Iortgage .•hall L.• dceinr� i t � � li;n � • In•�• n Ri � on t �� H� nru�� � � r �� h ��u Ri � ��n in th�� iu�inner � i��,iknutr�l herein .
<br /> 15. �Taifosm Mortgaga: Governing Law: Severability. 'I'I � i, iuru � ui � uon �:� R�� � onibin�•� uuil'orm co��en��nts
<br /> for national use and non - uniform cueenuin � �vith limit �•� i � arisiiuu � I ��� ,jurisdictiou to constitute u uniform secu-
<br /> rity inatrwnent eovering real � �roperr, �� . '1'hi. Alurtg;�g�� .h :iil Ix• �;o��eru� ��l b}- the la��� of t.he jurisdiction in which
<br /> the Property ia located. 1 �, the e��ent th.it sny � � ro�•i�iou ur risii,c �� i tlii. Alm�tgago or the Note conflicts with
<br /> upplicable law , sucli cut�Hirt shall uot sCt'ce� other � n�o� iaiun � ui thi� \ lortga�c or the Note �chich cau be given
<br /> effect without tl �e conflicting procision . ;,u�,l tu tliis �rn � i thi• � uueisions u1 th�� Alurt �;agc :�n� i the Note are declared
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> 16. Barrowor a Copy. liorruwer �h �ll hc� iurnislied :< <•nniorm��d vo� n� uf Nii�� Alortga�c at th� time of execu-
<br /> tion or after recordation Lereof.
<br /> 17. TrmsE�r ot the Property: Assumption. ! f all ur au �� ��art nf the Yroperty� or au interest therein is sold
<br /> or transferred by Borrower without Lender's � �rior «�ritt �•n ��onsent . E•xcluding ial the creation of a lien or encum-
<br /> brance sobordinate to this \iortgagc , � b i tlic �•reatiun ui a � ,un ha�c � iwuc}� securit}• interest for household appli-
<br /> unces , (c) a trxnsler b�• de�• ine, descent or hy uperutiou ui I:i�� u� um t6�� deatl � of �i ioint trnanr or ld 1 t�lte grant of
<br /> any leasehold interest nf tt� rec y��xrs ur 1�•�� not routxining ;xu u� niun t � � � nir�•liaso . Lender u�ay . at Lender's option ,
<br /> declare all the Dunis aecured by tlii� �1w•tgngr to tx� iuuu�•�iiut ��I� � {u�• :iwi � �uy:ibl�•. Lender shall have waived such
<br /> uptlon to accelerate iC , prior w the salr or tran.(er, Ltrud�v ai �d tli�• � �cr�un tu �clioiu tl�c Yropert�' is to be sold or
<br /> transferred reach t�greement. in �vriting tl�at tl �e i•re�dit ul �ueli � ier,on i.� �uti.�fu<�tury to Lender und t6at the intereat
<br /> Naysble on the sums yerure�i by this \ lortKage �I� sll Li� ;u ,urL rat �� :�. Lender sLall reyueet . I i' Luuder tiss waived
<br /> the option to accelerate pmvided in tliis � �xraqia� �l � 1 i :wd ii ]3urro���er '� �ucc�•.sor in interest 6as execut.ed a writ-
<br /> ten assum�tion agreen�ent accepted in writing I �} Len�Icr. Li�n� ler ,I�all roleaso Rurro�rer lruw alt obligations under
<br /> thie Mortgage and the Note .
<br /> If Lender exercises eucL option tu ucceleratc , I.en�cr shull �uuil 13orrower iioCice o1 ucceleration in accordance
<br /> witli 4,aragraph 14 hercoi. �ucli nutic� .,lu� ll � uo� i� i�� :i � uviu�i ui uut le.•� ttiun 3l1 � iu}'.< from tlx• datc� thc notiee is
<br /> mailed within w•LicL 13orrouer ma}� � r.t�� tl �c ��iui� �lecliu•i•� 1 � iuo. li 13orru�� �• r iail � to � �a�• .ucL .uw, prior to the.
<br /> expiration of �uch prricxi , Lender niuy . �� itliuui iurth�• r uutir�• ur � I�•inaud ou tiorro���er . in � uk.• uuy remedies per-
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 Lereof.
<br /> \'ux- l ' Nirox�M l 'uvr: xen �rs. Rurr�i�� �• r :uid L��ii�li• r CurtLc� r ou � ��iuint uu�l a�;� r���� x. t'ollu �v . :
<br /> 10. Aee�l�atioa; R�asedies. l�: xi�r� u :i � � iro� i� i��� l in � � :ua�i:� � � li li Ix• rc�of . u� �on Borrow'i•r :• I �r��ai�h of xn}'
<br /> covenantoragrerment o1 Rorru�c�•r in ilii� Vurt �,:� �� ' , iw iwlin�; tln• ro��� maut � to � �a }• �� hrn � iu�� :uiy .un �. .ec•ured
<br /> by this �lortgage, Lend��r � � rior to :i�•rol�•ratiou . I � nll iu:u ! uutice� tu 13or ��u���• r u> � u•u�� i� lo� i in � �ara�;ra��L 14 hereof
<br /> .pecif�•ing : 11I the brea<•1� : � Ii th�� a � uun rcyuin•� I tu i• uro ,ueii I �n•ai•h : i3 � ;� � iatr . not Ic.s tliau IF� irt �� days
<br /> Irom thedate the notii•c i� n�aila•d to liurru�c�� r . I , �� �clnrli �uri � lu�� ;�rli inu�t Ix • ruro� l : un� l � 4i that lailurc tu curc
<br /> �uch breach on or be•fore tlie dsti• .E �eci�ie�i in tlir uuticr nui �� n•,ult in nri�i�lrr,ttiuu o1 tlir .uui.. ,ecure�i t �y thin
<br /> �3ort-gage and salr of thr Yropt�rty . lf th�� hn•a��li i, uut �•urr� 1 or. �n� li�• furo t6� � � I:�t � • .� ��•rili �vl in thr notiee . Lender
<br /> ut L�nder 's option u�a}� � ieclssre a1l ut th�• .uui� .reur��d I �t tiu.. \lurt };a�;c tu I�o i� wu�vlist �• ly due �sud payable
<br /> without further de�uand and iusy fore�• loc�� tlii� \lurt �;:i�;�� h} i wii �• ial � � rueeediu�, Li• nd��r shxll he ��ntitleri to culle�•l
<br /> in such proceedin� ull ex {>eu,�. oi iorcelo.ur�� . iu��lu� lin�;. I �u� u� �i liiuit ��� i tu . �•o�t , oi � lu<� wurnt :u �• c•�•id�•uce .
<br /> ebetructs and t itle repoM�.
<br /> 19. sosrow�r's 8iqht to R6iII/tQ�. � OLN' Itll.•f :ill� { 1n�; Lon� 1e• r :. :�ec•elc• ratiou uf the ,wn- .ecured b�• [his
<br /> Mortgage, Borrower shall haa�e the right to h�a�•�� an�• ��rncecdinR• hi��;un b}• Loud��r to outorv�r this \fort�age dir
<br /> eontinued at any time prior to entry of a ,judy�uient �•ufupcin�; thi� \ lort �akr if : � xi Borru�+ er payr Lender all
<br /> sume which would be then due under thin \ lortkx �,.� , tlii� \ut�• ami noter �ecurin�; Funu �• A�l ��auc�•� , if any , had no
<br /> aocekerrtion oeeurred : 1b1 Borrower rurrn ull hra•nrlir� ui u � i} utl�rr c•o� � �nnn � • m• uRrrrment � uf F3orrower i�on-
<br /> tained in this !1lortgage ; Ic ) Borrow-cr pa}'. a11 r� :a�un:i ! �;r � ��; :��u�� �� iu , � urrc� ! i � �� L�� n.l�� r L . � isfur��in;: tli�� r� ��� �u:�nt �
<br /> aad agreements of Borrower contained in thi� \I <.rt �;:� �,r and iu cniun•in �; Lon� irr'- r� iuedi�•• us � �rovi � i��� i in ��ara-
<br /> `raph 18 hereof, including, but not li�nited tu , rea.m�able attornr�• '� ier- , un� l i �1i liorruwi•r 1xk�•. ,uch action as
<br /> Lender may reaeonably require to assure tLut thc lii•i� uf tl � i.� � lurt �:uy;� , Londi�r '� iincrost in tho Yro� �crty :ind
<br /> Borrower'e obligation to pay the sum� secured by thi= \1urtR,a�;r -ha11 �•untiuu�� uuiwpairo�i . i ' � ,un �ucl� � �n�•mrnt
<br /> �d cute by Bocrow�er, this !14ortgage and the obliKntiuu• •ecurc�l hrn•h�• .liall n•u �aiu in full fun•e and i�ffect s. if > �
<br /> no a,eoeler�tion had cecurred. „' •:"
<br /> �. �iq�e/ d 1beW AsfpoittaRt o! �4e�iv�r: I,�nd�r in Paaeasion. A� xddirionxl tieourity here- � ,
<br /> uoder, Borrow�er Aereby assi�+s to Lender the mntn of the Proper� y . ��ro�• ide�i t hat Borrou•er rhall . prior to acceler- I �
<br /> ation uader paraQraph 18 6ereof or abandonment of the Pro�x+rty , ha�•c thc ri�ht to rollc�ot und retain euch rent� `
<br /> ab tkey beeame due aad payable.
<br /> li{an YO�elei7ttion u�ider �utrt►grr}q� 1 !i hrrr�t m• xiiundwunrnt ul tLr Yruprrt �' . l .rndrr. � n � �rrnun , b�� u�;rnt .
<br /> ur Ly juJicirlly rs+Ewiul,u�l avi:river dLa11 Iw rutiticvl lu rutur uE�uu . tukr � we�r..i.a � �i uu�i �uxun�r � L�� }'ruprn �
<br /> aad to o011eat the renb of the Property, ineludtng thoee past due. All ri•nts �•ullec•tt�� h�� Len.lcr ur the mceiver "'
<br /> ahall be apQlied fi»t W payment of the costs of msnugement of thc• Pru��erty aud coll�•��I iun of rc�nt � . in<�Iwiui�;. I �u�
<br /> not limited to, re�ceiv�r'Q f�-eq, I'mmium - nn moci�•er'�- hon �i� :inr1 r��sr���nahlr attornr�• 'z� foc>� . an <i tt.or, to rh�. ., un:
<br /> secured by thie Moetgage. I.ender and the reoeiver �hsll tNr liithlr tu xe�•oiint unlp for tho.e r��nt � :��tu:illt ri�r�•i � ���i
<br /> J
<br />