r-- �i
<br /> If under paragrnph 1R I �ereo( the Pro� �ert�}� i• .old or tl �r Prb� >ert }� i . otlic�nsi.i� :i �•yuire� ! h}� L� •uder . l .ender �
<br /> .hxll apply , no later thun immediately prior to th�• sa (� ul' th� Yro� ,��rl }� ur it � s �•yui� itiun Lp l ..•nd�� r . :uip l�uuds
<br /> held by Lender at the tiine of application tt. u i•re�lit :��;e� iii..t ihe .. uui< �o� un d h� tl � i� �Iurc �;:��;� � .
<br /> 3. !►ppSeatioa of Paymeata Unle.= xp� �licable I:in � �ro�•i�ie. othenei �c . :� II � �ayiucnt .• received In� LenJer
<br /> under the A'ote and �'�arssgropLs I :ind '2 hereof sl�al l { �o u��� dic� i h�- Lcn� lor fir.t iu �rl�' n�cnt uf un �ow�t . p:iy3ble to
<br /> Lender by Borrower under parugrupl� 2 lieretif , thcu to int �•rest � �u��al�le on thi• \utir arni on Futur�� Advancea , if
<br /> � any, and then to the prineipal ot thia \'ote iind t � thc � �rincipal pf I�'uture A � Icsurr.. . if nny .
<br /> � {. Charg�a; Lies�s. Borrowerstiall pay all tsxes, aesessuients and other cL:arg��s , fines and impoaitions attrib-
<br /> � n; utable to the Property which inay attain a priorit.y o��er � i �is 31m•tguge , xr.�1 �round rents , if suy , at Lender's
<br /> � option in the manner provideii under paragrapli 2 4iereof or liy 13orroiver � uakinR � �s,yment , when due , directiv to
<br /> � the payee thereof. Borrowcr shall promptly furuisL co Lendcr all notices oi an�ount � � tuc w�der this paragraph ,
<br /> � and in the event 13orrower shall mxke payinent dfrectl}� , I;orro�� er shull ��ronq �tl �� iurui;h tu Lcuder receipts evi-
<br /> � deneing such payments. Borrower ehall ��romptly �iiscli:�r�;e u��}• lir.n which lin, jn•ioricy uvi•r this \Iortgage ; pro-
<br /> ^ vided, that Borrower shall not Ue require�t to discliur�;e au}� ,ucl , licu su long u> ] iorro�scr .liall aKree in writing to
<br /> � the payment of the obligation secured by aucl� lic:n iu n maniier ucceptuble to Li�nde•r . or ehall in good faitL contest
<br /> sueh lien by, or defend enforee:nenc of �uc13 lien iri , legal � > rucceciing. �� hici : up��r:itr w � �r��� c� ne t he enforeement of
<br /> the lien or forfeiture o! the Yroperty or unv �,art t I � ereof.
<br /> 5. Hazard Insurmice. Borrower -hal1 kce� � tlu• iiu � u�o ��cmeut , no�ti ��zi�tin�; or lu� resslter orected on the Yrop-
<br /> erty insured against loss by fire, hazurd; included within tha� terrn "extended coverage " , ;in� l sueli utlic+r hazards ah
<br /> Lender may require und in such nmuun� s snil fur �� � cli � �eriai, a� L��rnler ina} r���� uir�� : � irovide�l , rhut I.ender shall
<br /> not require that tl�e �mount of such ��overuge cr��ce� l rhu � ;� �noun � ol ��o�•era�u re� iuire�l w pu�� the sums secured 'by
<br /> this Mortgage.
<br /> The insurance carrier � �roviding tlie � � i,ur:�uce atiall b�� rhoern 1 ,� 13urru�cer ,ui �jrrt tu ap},ru��ul by Lender ;
<br /> provided , that sucL approval shall noc be u � u•eusonubly witliheld . :111 premiums on insurunce polici��, ,hall be paid
<br /> at Lender's option in tlie �nanner �uovided imd�v� � �:sra�! r!� � , li Y liereui or hy Rorru�crr iuskiu �, � �:i�� � ueut , wl�en due .
<br /> directly to the insurance currier.
<br /> In the event any policy is not renewed on or before ten days of its ex��iration, the Lender, to protect
<br /> its interest, msy procure inGurance on the improvement5, pay the preiniums and �uch sum shall become
<br /> immediately due and pa,yable with interest at the rate set forth in SHId note until paid and shall be
<br /> secured bv this Mortgage. Failure by Borrower to comply may, at optiun of Lender, constitute a default
<br /> under the terms of this Mortgage.
<br /> All insurance F�olicie. and renewul. thcreuf � lu� ll hr in iurui a�•ri�� n;il �l�� � u L� •ur3 �� r :ui� l �I �all includc u st3ndard
<br /> mottgage clause in 1at'a� of unei in ioriu acce��tuble tu Len� l��r. l .c�u� {cr .luiil liu� c ili�• ri �;irt tu liold t !u• � iolicirs xnd
<br /> renewals thereof , and Borrov✓er shull E�ro�nptly i�rnish co I .�•u� i� •r al ] reuewul notice, und all receipts of paid pre-
<br /> �niums . In thu e�•ent uf loss, 1�3orr��rer sLall gi��e � �rou�E �t � iutice tu tli�� insurauce carrier and I.ender , ant� I .ender
<br /> may make pruof of ]oss if not made prom��tl}� I �y I3urro�cer.
<br /> Unlees Lender and Borrow� er other�� ise ugn•e in �sritiug , iu� ur:ui�•�• � iroc��c�1, ahall hc applie� tu restorntion or
<br /> repair of the Yroperty damaged , pro��ided .uch rr.tur;uion or rr� �:iir i. o�•uuuwi��all�� iea.ible au�l tl�e ,ecurity of
<br /> this A4ortgage is not tl�ereb�� iu�paired . If � uch re,cu�: � riun ur reE �:iir i� uot .•�• unwuicall �� fe.isible or if the security
<br /> of this Jlortgage would be im}isired , tlie in� urauc�� � , ro�•er� i � .6;t11 I �r ;i � q � lie� : cu th� • suu » secured 1>y this Rlortgage,
<br /> with the excess, if uny , paid to Aorrower. li tlic Pi•o� �crt�• i� sl �au�luneil 1,�• lioi•ruwrr or ii }iorrower fails to respond
<br /> to Lender within 30 duys after notice by I ,en�cr to 13orro�ser t6�it ilir insursuce c�rrirr ulierr to srttle a claim for
<br /> ineurance benefits, I.ender is authorized to cullect uu�t ap}�1 �� ch .� insurancr � irurreda at l �ender's option either to
<br /> reatoration or repair of the Property or to t he swus secure�i I,�� t I� i� V ortgag��.
<br /> Unlees Lender and Borrower otherwiee ugree in writing, any such apE ,licatiou ut pruceeds to principat ehall
<br /> not eYtend or postpone the due date of tlie monil� ly iustallu�eut � reierred to iu paragraplt� 1 aud 2 liereof or change
<br /> the amount of aucl� installments.
<br /> If under paragraph 28 hereof the Yropert�� i. acquired by Lender, cil ! right , title xnd interest of Borrower in
<br /> and to any inaurance policies and in and to the proceed, et �e�mof iru tlu� r:xtent ui tlie ,um� �rcured by thir blort-
<br /> gage im�nedistely Nrim• io such eale m• ucyuisitiou � re.�ulriu�; truni dum:��c tu � lii� YroEierty prior to the �ale or
<br /> sscquieition shall pas� to Lender.
<br /> & Proaetvation aad Mmabn�ea o) Prop�rty; Iwassholds: Condomiaiuma. liorrower 5hull keep the Prop-
<br /> erty in good repsir and sl�all nut pertnit or ��ommit u�a� te , imp:tir�uent , ur � leterioriitioii uf tt�e Yropert�� and shall
<br /> comply with the provisions of :an�- lease , ii thi, \ lurcgagi� i � un a Irxscl�ol� i . li thi. \IortKage� is on a condominium
<br /> unit, Borrower shal ] 1�erform all of Borrower', obligation, un� ler tlie dec•luraciuu ui cuu�lominium or master deed ,
<br /> the by-laws and regulationz of the condmuiniuui � ,rujci�t uu�1 constituent docwuents.
<br /> 7. Psroteetioa o4Lsadeis Seeurity. Ii Rorro«� er iail� tu � �c• riorni thr i•o��cusut . an�l a�;rr.ements contained in
<br /> this \iortgage, or if any action or proceeding is conunenced whirh inateriall�• aftects Leu�ier's interest in the Prop-
<br /> erty, ineluding, but noe ]imited to, eminent dou�uiu . � n.u1 �'cuc}� , co�l.� �•nfur�•eiueut , ui• arrxugeiue•nt. or proeeed-
<br /> ings involving a bankrupt or decedent, then Lender at l .en�i�•r'� optiun , upuu notice tu Borrower, inay make such
<br /> appearancea, dieburse sucl� sutns xnd take such itction a, i � ne�•r..-ar�� to protcet Lender's interest , including , but
<br /> not limited to, d�sbumement of reasonabic attorney '� fee, and entry upon the YroE �erty to make repsiru. Any
<br /> amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to tl �is puragraFili 7 , witl � interest thereou , shall becotue additionat indebt-
<br /> ednese of Borrower secured by this \fortgage. Unless Borro��•er and I.ender agree tu other teru�s of �>ayment , such
<br /> amounts shal! be payable upon notice from I.ender to Borroµ er reyuesting pa,yment thereof, and shall bear inter-
<br /> est from the date of disbursetnent at the rate ntated i�i tlie \ote imles� ��ayment of interest at �uch rate would be
<br /> contrary to applicable law , in which event such amounts shall bear i��t.erest at the highest rate permissible by
<br /> applicable !aw•. Vothing contained in tl�i� � �arugrat>li 7 sh:ill re<� uirr l .r��der to incur sny rx��euse or do any act
<br /> henunder.
<br /> 8. Iasp�etioat. Lender inay make or <•au�e tu ! �c u�x�ir rea�ouablc �•ntne. upon and inspec�tion� o( the Yrop-
<br /> erf.y, provided that I .ender �hall give Borrou�er n�tiro � a�i « r tu :u ��� > u ,� ! : i �: yu�r! io:; >; �c� ifriug rea�ou36:r .�suce
<br /> therefor related to Lender'e interest in the Propert�• .
<br /> !. Coad�muatioo. The proceeds of nny award or elaim for damages, direct or consequentisl , in connection
<br /> with xny condemnation or other taking of the Yro�ierty . or � �urt tlicrcof , ur fm• �•ume�ysn�•r in lieu uf condenmt�-
<br /> tion, are hereby assigned and shsll be peid to Lender.
<br /> In the event of a total taking of the Yroperty , the � iroeeed. �Lall I �i� applied to tl�e .um. se��ured h�� this '�4ort- + �
<br /> guge, with the excess, if any , paid to Borro�rer. In the event of u ��artial taiking u1 the YroE�erty , unless Borrower �" , �"'
<br /> and Lender otherwise agree in writing, there s6s1! tx applied tu tl�r smue �ri• ured bv thin \lurtgxgr such pcopor- •
<br /> tioa of the proceeds as ie equa! to that proportion which die sinuunt of the �ums secured by thix lfortgage imme- „ui;��
<br /> � distely prior to the date of taking bears to the fair markc•t valu<� af tlie YroF�ert�� imtnediately prior to the date of ,�
<br /> takie�, �vith the balsnce pf the proceeds paid to Burrow�r.
<br /> If t4ie Property is absndoned by Borro�a-er or if :�fter iwc �« i.� Leuurr �u I3ur!•uwrr liint tiie cuiiur�iinor ot3erti
<br /> to make sn swntt� �r settle a claim for danisges, Borroticc� fail� tu re,}�un1 tu l.ci�.l�i µ itLiu :i0 ue � � ul i6e drt.e
<br /> ot wch aotioe, Lender ie authorised to collect anci ap��!}• the proceed,: at I ,ender '. optiun either tu �rrstoration or "°
<br /> rap�ir o# the Property or to the su�ns secund by tl�is \lortgagr.
<br /> Unlers I.es�der and Borrower otUenvise aRree in writ.ing. any Rurh qppli�at.ion ��f rm�Pr�i. � i. � ,.iT��.}t,n � � V�;� ii
<br /> .. . J
<br />