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<br /> I �
<br /> �
<br /> .
<br /> l6) Atl l(wt�ots cMell be joinUy and cevnrally li�lr for fulfiilment of thrir covenanu and �rcements herein wntained , and all provi+uonsof thix Mor�gage
<br /> � � `hatl ieure W and be b' upon the heirx, exeoutws, adminittraton, xu�ces�ra, grantces, less�es an1 assigns of Ihe parties hereto respCctively . Any roferena:e
<br /> fi
<br /> io thi� Mortya{e of the ' clutl be concWed ac plucxl whare .�proprirte.
<br /> (7) Eacb oP tlu uedertip�ad hoteby vawes tlo� ri`ht W claia� any dama�e for trecpue, injury or any tuct occaxwnnd by or rewlting ttom the cxerciae by [t�
<br /> Hoidet oP the �hh pven herouede� or rny attcmpt to ezmaee any other ri�ht the Hol�r is heroin erantad , or any otl+er rig6t tfiat the Holdor has or may
<br /> dwo, to tie ezW+t pormitted by LW.
<br /> (8) tavvidity or umnforoabi4ty of any provisiune herein shrll not W'fect the validily and enforceabitity u( any other provisions.
<br /> (9) ShouW �1 property or any part thereof be talcen by reason of wndemnrtion prureeding. Mortgager sh�ll be enlitled w yll uompenwtion , awudc, othnr
<br /> paymenq Me»for and apqy tfie �ne on ctid indebtodneu.
<br /> (!O) If any of the unda�nad ic a married woman, she represonts and wrrronts that thia ineuument has baon executed in her behalf, und for hei sole and
<br /> oepacrte uae and benefit �fd Ihat ehe hac not executrA the aame as surety for another, but that she is the Borcower hereunder.
<br /> (! 1) It is fu�ther provided ynd agrced that the Mortgagor chull p¢y all taxes levied upon this Moctgage, or th� debts yecured theroby , [ugether with any othor
<br /> 4xot or af�e��nb which may be kvied under the lawe o[ Net�raxka againct stid Mortgr�nr on account oC t}ais indebtedneBe, to the eztent permitttd by bw.
<br /> (12) In the avent of default in the perforn�s�n.e o!' any uf the terms and conJiUone of this Murtg:y{e ur the note sevured by it. the Mortgagee shall be entitled
<br /> W immodiah poe�erion of the pruperty ybove described.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF' the Mort�agors have hereunto eet hand and seal this daa � 2—�i �77
<br /> S{�ned. Sea/ed and Deliver� in the presence oj• '
<br /> ; � � �
<br /> (SEAL)
<br /> WrUheas Mwtfag - Bwsow�w
<br /> � / .. � � ��.� l � .. n , . , . .,ni � � . � .k�i1. v (SEAL)
<br /> �
<br /> nets L� �� Morf� Bonower
<br /> 97'AlE OF NEiRA81CA
<br /> CaUN[YUF ��i �� � �
<br /> /�—c u , , / ,
<br /> - =�< � ' i
<br /> llrs % daY of �C/� �... ..rx .��: �_ . 19 �i � Perw�W!!' aPPeued befwe me j� .�:� �. «. . ._:� J � / � ! L �.-•�-
<br /> . / / .
<br /> � , r1 ,.x,x.�L. �( � u�� t"i1 :_.. � hie . w me Icno�vs to be tfie /dentlnt � aamed
<br /> ie rd Ao sYecrfed tie Ea�ne�oiq{ , �ed rove+allY actu+owledpd the execution thoreof lo be (hic) (het) (tl+ai�) free and voluntiry act aed deed.
<br /> (SEAL) !
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