<br /> � �
<br /> MORTGAGF:E:
<br /> �7— �n���� Nebraska Inc,
<br /> .<couwr wu«.cw
<br /> MORTGAGOR S : 85�0$$94 7212 West Second
<br /> � �...M�M( ..... ,...,.� ..o�.�..�.M�
<br /> ♦gullar Manuel T. Deanna Grand Island ,NEBRwSKw
<br /> WITNESSE7H, dut Yorfsyor(e),does mortQaye,erant, brr�oin,seL,and convey,unto Mortyqgee,its succeswrs ur asxignx the foLLowin�deccribed RaW Esqte
<br /> in�s oouety o[. HALL ,Stam of Nebraska,to wit:
<br /> �0��� ,Wld�i�1�to Os Aow or hereafter erected thereon and xll 'x^reens,awnings,shades,storm saah and blinds,and heating,liehtinQ,
<br /> lumb' li h i
<br /> p u�, , e ' ' ating and airconditiuning eyuipment used in connection therewith,all of which, for the putpose of[hie mortga�e.
<br /> shal!be m �xturee �.Ysi�hereof,and the hereditaments and appurtenances pertaining to the property above described,and all strnets,
<br /> s
<br /> ��• � �P f� w LCouraet,rights,libertirs and privileges,whatsoever IhercunW brlonging or in anywise apprrtaining and the revereions
<br /> and x h to hereinatter es the"premises^.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the abovedescribed premises, with the app�rtenences xnd fiatures,unw the said Murtgagrr,its wcceswrs and asxigns,forcvet,for
<br /> the purpo�ec rnd uaea herein ciet forih,tree from a11 rights and benefits under und by virwe oI any Homestcad F.wemptiun L•ews of thr State uf Nzbraelca
<br /> wldch mty be en�uted,which said rights and benet3ts[he suid Murtgagor dues hereby espressly rele•ese and waive.
<br /> Mort'apor alau a�ns to Nurt�aQee a11 rents, issues and profi�s of said premiaes, rcaervi�� Ihe right W colle.t and use the samr, with or without txicing
<br /> poe�nWan of the premices,during continuxnce uf default hereunder,and during continuance uf such defaWt authorizing Mortgagee[o enter upun said premises
<br /> and/or to collect uui enturce [he wne withuW regurd W adeyurcy of any sewrity for the indebtedness hereby secured by any lawful means including
<br /> appointment of a roceiver in the narne ol'xny purty hereto, and to apply thr s•eme Irss costs xnd raprnses of operation end cotlection,including reasonable
<br /> a[taneY'a feec,upon yny indebtedness secured hrreby,in such order a�Murtgager may d�termine.
<br /> FOA THE PURPOSE UP SbCURING: (I1 Pedurmance ul each agreement uf Mortgagur contained hereirr�27 Payment of the principal sum wi[h intereet,
<br /> u ptovided in rccuedan��✓ith the terms and provisions ot a Promissury Nute(Loan Agre�:ment (hrreinaftet ref¢rred to as "promissory note")
<br /> �� 1 2-0(—'�'J , herrwith executrd by Mwtgagw and payable W[he order of Murtgag�,
<br /> in the principal eum of S��qq.���,4 , and having thr date uf its tinsl payment dur on 1?-3 �0
<br /> or a� extended, defetred ot rexheduled by rcnewal or rctinance; (31 Payment ul' any aQditional aJvances, with interest thereon, es may hrrcafter be
<br /> Iwu�ed by Mortar�ue to Mortg�or in a maximum sum uf S3.OW.W witl�in 10 yenn from thc datc of ihia Mortgnge; (4)The payment uf any
<br /> mumy thrt may be advxnced by the Mortgager W Mortgagor for any rrason ur w [hird partirs, with intercst Ihercon,wherc the amoun[s are advxnced tu
<br /> prolect[he cecurity or in uccordxnce with Ihe cuvenants of this Mortgage; (S1.4ny reneaul,refinancing ur ertrnsion uf said promiswry note,ur xny other
<br /> agreemeM to pay which may br subs[ituted thcrefor.
<br /> AU paymentx myde by Mortgagor on the obligation �ecuard by thi> Mortgage �hnU br applied in the foUuwing urdee
<br /> FIRST� To the pryment of taxes and asx�ssmrnts that meq be IrvieJ and esuus.ed aguinst said premises, iasurancr prrmiums,rrpairs,and a11 othrr
<br /> ch�uy{es and c�penses ugreed tu be �yid Gy thr Murt�aFeor.
<br /> SECOND: '!o[he payment ol intcreat dur un suid luan.
<br /> THIRD: To the prymrnt of pnnciprl.
<br /> TO PROTEC7 THF SECURITY HERF:Of�, MOk'I'GAGOR(SI ('OVF;NAti7'ti ANp qGRF:i1S (U tu kerp seid premisrs insureA :�xinst loss by fue and
<br /> othCr hazxrds, caeu�lty and contingencies up tu the full valur ol'all impruvrmrnts tbr Ihe protertimi of Mortg:�er in such mnnner,in such amuunts, and
<br /> in wch comprniex an Mortgagee maY' 1'rom time to timr appruve, nnd tha� luaa pruceeds Uca� r�pen.c u( eullr�Gon1 shall. at Mortgague's uption, be
<br /> applied un s�d indebtedness, u�hether Juc or not or w thr rcsturatiun uf said �mpruvemrn�s. In even[ o(Iws Mortgegor will �,ivr immediatr noticr by
<br /> mail to the Mort�a�er,who may malce proof of lusn iC not mxdr prumpUy by Murtgxgor, und exch insurunrr mmpany concrmed is hereby authorized rnd
<br /> directnd to make psyment fw such luss dvectly to the Murt�.agec instead uf tu th� Murtgxgur. 1�) 7'u pny ull texrs and sprcial assessments of any kind
<br /> thxt lu�vc been or may be Irvird ur rs`essrd upun se�d premixs,und w delivrr tu Mor[g:�rc, upun rryurxt uf thr Murtgnger, thc ufficial rrceipt shuw�ing
<br /> payment of atl such taxee and aswssmenta. (3) In thr evrnt of default l�� Murtg:�ur und�•r Yxragraph> I ur 2 nbovr, Mor[g:qcac, aI �ts optiun, muy �n)
<br /> place rnd Icnep such insurane:r abuve provided lur in 1'ur.c throughuut the lifr ol thi.+Murtgag�• unJ pa� thu rcu>�nahle prr�n�ums nnd chargrs Ihrrcfnr. Ibl
<br /> pay all sYid [axef und asaessma.nt� w�ithout drtenn�n�ng ihe valiJit}� thercut. and Icl PaS' .wih liens and ell wch d�cbursem nt.� chall br Jerma•d a part nf
<br /> thr indrbtednesa xcured bY [hi� Murtgngc and .hnll be im nrdi�toly dur anJ pa)'uMe h>� M�irtEd�ur tu MongaK�'�'. 14� I.�A�ep lhe bwldings �nJ othcr
<br /> unprovemenis nuw e�lsting or hereaftrr ere�ted in guud .ondi[ion und repair,nut tu r��mmit ur suftrr any w�aste or uny use uY�aiJ prrmisrs contrury W
<br /> rostrictionn ot record or cunUary lo lyw, nnd lo permit Mortgagen to encer a� all reawnablr times for thr purpose of insprcting thr pr�mises:not to
<br /> r�move or demofirl� any building thereon; to rvslure promptty and in a good und workmanlike mnnner any huildings wMch may be d�unnged or destroyed
<br /> thareon, rnd to pay, when due, all clsims for lubur prdurmed unJ materirls I'urnishrd thrrefor;151 7'hat he will pay,prumpUy the indebtedness u�cured
<br /> l+rreby, md perform all other obljKa[�one in full compliance a�ith thc temis ul'suid Prumis.ory Notr anJ thi.Mortgagr; (6� Thnt the time uf payment uf
<br /> [he indebtednees hareby aecureJ, ur uf'any puruun thereut;mny br crtrnded ur renewrd, and sny portiuns of the prcmi.rs hrrein desi�rihrd may, without
<br /> notior. be releused from thc lien horeof. u-ithout rcleaain�, or al'lccang thr personsl GnbtGq� ul any prnun ur the pnority ut th�. Mortgagr:17) "fh-et he
<br /> does hernby forever warrxnt and will Yorevrr defrnd thr �iNe and pu..ession thcrcof;�a�nst thc lawful �luima uf any and ull peruins whatsoever.
<br /> IT IS MUTUALLY AGRh'EU 7�HAT: �1) ((�he se�d Murtgagor shall fuil ur neglrcl tu pny iactallmenu un aaid Promi+wry Notr aa the sxm�• maq heroafter
<br /> bucome due, or upon default in perfonnancc ul any agrcrmen� hrrrunder, ur upun xale u� uther dispunitiun u(di�� prrrn�u. by Mortge�eur, or should an>�
<br /> action or procxeding be fikd in any court to enl'urcc any licn un, clnim ng:un�t ur m�crest in �hr prriruu�., ihcn all sums owm� by the Murtg:�or tu thr
<br /> Aliut�ne unda [hia Moltgr�e ur under the Ptomiee�xy Nulr .rcuted hrreby shall immediatcly bec��me duc and payubl�� a� Ihr up�lnn „f the M��ne:��ec.
<br /> on the applicahon of the Mott6:��c, .n sa�yncc,.�t rny uU�.�� yc��.,u uhu may be enutled to Ihe mumcs duc therron. In .urh rven� the Mortga�5re shnll
<br /> havn the right Immedutnty to foredoae [his morlgage by cumpinint f'or that purposr. and xuch rumplaint ma>' be prwecuteJ to juJgmcnt and �aecution
<br /> rud � 1'ur the wllectwe uY the whuk amwnt o( [he indebtednes> and interest Ihe�cun, Including masonable. anorney's fres, any emount� udvanced
<br /> purorant to thic mortet�e, costs uf suit,and costs of srle,if permi�ted by taw�.
<br /> (21 lw tlro event nrid pram�see�rc�Id al a forectoxure xale,Murtgagorlsl shall be liablr(or xny drfic�ency remxinii�a(tcr s;Jc uf thc premisa•.i!p¢rmitteJ by ��
<br /> ��aO�P4uztiw+�l'tfic Pis+ceedx o(sud xa�e to the indebtednesc srcured and W lhr ezprnxs uf foreclosure,including Mortguge�'s masonaMe attumry's �
<br /> k�al poerec if dlowc+d by Iaw.
<br /> �1 �u....�.
<br /> �7) !/o�yp/De 7hW bC wbt�ated lo thC lien of any and all pnor encumbrances, Iicn, ur chnrKos paid and disch�rged Gom [hr pr .eeJs �i( the loan �
<br /> t
<br /> M�bY �ured. Nd even thauth said p»or liens hrve beon rdleaved ol'mcurd, thr repayment ut xrid indebledness ahall br secureJ by such Bens on the
<br /> P��s oL nd P�eni�ec a66�eted t6eraby W q�e exfent o[aa�cl�payments.rospectively. �,�.��..
<br /> (S)wAe�erar, by t6e tee�t of thi� isyt�ument or of sud Prom(ssory Note, Mortgaeue is given any option,such option may lx e�rrcisrd when the righ�
<br /> rC�O�a u mY titne �e�eatte[.and n� yt'�pP{y�� bY [Ao+tgaltce of paYmen[ of indeM1fr4nerc in default chaU �� nctih�r,� � N�:�irer nf any dcfautt theu
<br /> exiStL'l�and contiauiny,w tL�::urCte� «:a;�uuy{.
<br /> (5) �f' acmpfie�t pap�nwnl of uY wm ucrued hemby al'ler its duo dale.mortg�rK c]oe. not waivc its right crther �..�reyuvr prompt paYmcnt whrn Jur �
<br /> uf� otl�x w�m��o eecured or�o declate defaalt for faiiure xo to pry. If Murtgal;or shall paY�uid Promixnurc Not.•rt the t�me and in thc mannrr afiirrsaiJ
<br /> rd ehaY�bide by,oo'nply with,and dWy pedorn�alt the wvenrnts xnd aKreemen�s hrrrin,then this conveyan.e ehull M1c null nnd vuid.
<br /> ss�olss Iw�V.��•7�1
<br /> � J
<br />