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� <br /> r -� <br /> uot extend or postpone tht: due date oi tlie uiontlil�' � u.t ;� lhnent - reiorre�l to � u � �:irx�;rap6 � I und 2 l�ereot m� <br /> change the amount o( such install�nents . <br /> 10. Bosrower Not Released. I:xtensiou of the tiini• tor � �a�� � ueut ur inodifi��atiun ui ;t�nortizatiou of the eums <br /> secured by this 3lortgage granted by I ,ender to any - urce;sor � n interc�.t oi Borro�eei• .hall not operate tu release , <br /> in any tnanner, the )iabdity oi tlie originyl }iorro��'oi and 13orru�ru . � �u�•�•� - sor� in interest Lender shall not be <br /> � � required to oommence proceedings aga�nst �ueli eucce,.or o� ie(a,�• to extend titne for pa��rnent or otherwise modify <br /> 0 amortization of the nuins seeured b�- tLi� VorigaKc• L�• rea,oi � ui :tu� derr�au� i made t ��� the original Borrower and <br /> � Borrower's successors in interest . <br /> 0 11. Forbsaraaee by I.snder Not a Waivor. Any forbearanrc lry I.euder in exerci�ing an}� right or remedy <br /> � hereunder, orotherwise afforded by applicable la�� , rhsll nut he a �+ ai;�e�r ��P or prec� lude the exercise of any tight <br /> � or remedy hereunder. The procureinent af insurance or t !x p;t�• inent of taxe. ur utdi�- i lien� or cLarges by l..ender <br /> shal! not be a �'ai�'er of Lender 's right fo accelerate the maturity of the indebt¢dneas secured i �y this '14ortgage . <br /> '�� 12. A�medies Cumulative. All reinedies pro��ide� i in thi� \ lortga�e are �listiurt and cumulati��e to any other <br /> � right or retnedy under this JlortgaKo or :�ff' �orde� l b�• la�v ur ��quir�� , sn� i n�a}� I ��• �•acn•i�ed runcurrently , independ- <br /> ently orsucceseively . <br /> 13. Suceessors mid A�igas Bound: Joint �d Several Liability: Captions. 'I' hr �•o � c�i:u�t� and agreements <br /> herein contained shall bind , and the rights I �ereunder -1i311 iuun• � u . thc� re�� �rrti � � � -ucc•eshor, and mitisigns of I.ender <br /> and Borrowrr. �ubject to the pro�•i�ion. of � ,:uukru � ih ] : h�•muf . AII �•u� onauc � :u�� l :t�meu �outn of I3orruwer ehall <br /> � be joint uud ne��eral . 1'he ea � rtiuu� an� i I ��•ading.. ��i tlir � r.�r:t�;�:i � � li� of ilii. AI � nl �;;t�;�� ari� fur �•on ��enienc�� unly and <br /> are not to be used fo inu•rpret or definr thc � ,ro� i= iuu� lu�mui. <br /> 14. Notice. Ant� nutico to Borru��'or � � ro�' i � 1 �•�{ ior ir, tlii- \ lurt �u {;� �i � :ill I ��� �� v� u h�� iva�iliu�; .u�•h nutice b}- <br /> cnrtifieJ ivail nddre•..od to }3urru�vcr :�t tho f'ru� �ort �� .� � 1 �in •,�, . u� t � �� l h,• lu�� . �•sr��� �t i� n� ;u � �� nuti�•c reyuired under <br /> paragraph IS licreof tu bc �;i � rn tu liorro�� ��r u , tl �o iu:inn� r � � n•.� ril �i � { h� :t � �� � lio;il , Ic I:i �� . Auy nutir�i• prot�ide� ! <br /> lor in th�. \lortKug�� .•hall I �c� ileeuu•< i tu hu� o h�•i � n �; i � ��� i tu liurru�v � r �vii��u R� � rn n � t in� uusnui•r � i�•xi�;u:uud Itereiu . <br /> 15. Utssforai Morlgage: Governing Law: Severability. 'l'hi� iuru � � , I iuort �;:�R�� � u�ubiu��� uuifur� n i�o� enants <br /> for national use ar�d non-unifor� u cu��euxuts aiiii limite� i �:ui;itiuti� I ��• iari,� iietimi to ��o�i.titute u uniforni secu- <br /> rity inetrunient �•overing real �� ropertp . 'I'hi.. Aturt�age .xhuil Lo �;u ����rnc� i 1 ��� thi� le��� uf the jurisdiction iu which <br /> the Yroperty is located . l � � thc event r6ut :iny � n•u�•i,iun ur �� lau�e oi � lii � A ] ortgyg�• a� thc� '.Votc �•onflicts with <br /> 3pplicable law• , sueh conflict shnll nut tal'feci utl �er � �ro�� ision� ui � hi. Alortgag�• ur tLc '.�Tote which can he given <br /> effect without thc: conflicti�ig pro� ision , and to t6i� c�nd the � �ru � i:�urn uf thc \ lurt �;ak;e anil the Note are declared <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16. BorroweisCopy. 13orro�vrr � litill he iurninlu•� i a runior�ned � u� ��� ni thi� \ l �n•t �;a�;c sst tlic time of execu- <br /> tion or after recardation hereoS. <br /> 17. Teaaator of the Property; Aseumption. li :�II ur uu} � �art uf tlicr Propert}• or au int,erest t,herein is sold <br /> or transferred by Borrower �vithout Leuder '. pi•ior ��� rirt �•n ��unsei � t . i�xeludink u� i tln• � rei3tion of u lien or encum- <br /> brance subordinate to this �fottgu�e , i hi the c�resuion �u :i � mrrha:o uwue�• .ecurit ,y intereFt for Lousehold appli- <br /> unces, ( c ) s trnnefer by de�•ise , � lencent or I ,y opei•atiun ui I :a ��� u� ,on tli�• dexth ot u joint tenaiit �,�r idl the grant of <br /> any leasehold interest uf thrre yeac• or I �•... uot �•untatin � i �;; un u� ,tiun � u � nn•�•hasr . Lrnd�•r mxv . at I ,ender', option . <br /> declare all tk�e suins �ecured b�' t6i. �lm•tgagi� tu hi� � iuuiedisioh � 1uo :unt � �uyubl�• . l .c•nder .hull hu��e wuiceci such <br /> optlon to dcrelerat.e if. priur tu the sule or trt�n: frr. Lcu�lcr uwi tL� � � �cr.uu to �� Iw�n the Yruperty i+: to br sold or <br /> transferred re�nch agreetnent it� w•rit,ing tl�at the �• ri��lit ut �u�� li � r<�r.ui � i< sau�ia��tm��� tu Len�l��r and rliat khe int.ereat <br /> payable on the +ums seow•ed Ly this \furtga�;e �Lall Ix� ;ie .. u� li i:ii �r ;�> L�•uder ,I�aII myue,t . it l.��nder liac �aai��ed <br /> the option to xccelerate pruvided in tl� i� ��arngraEd � I i au� i ii Borro �cer'� >uocr�•ur in Snter�•st liu� executed a writ- <br /> ten assumption agreewent uccepted in writing b�� Lcudrr. L��n�ier .i � all relea�e Borrou� er ironi all obligatione under <br /> this Mortgage and the Note. <br /> If Lender exercise� sucL uptiou tu seceler:ite , Lendrr nhall � ua � l Rm•rower �iutice oi acceleration in accordsnce <br /> witl� puragraph 14 hercoL �ui•6 nun�•�• .luill � �ru�� id.• a � nv��u�l ui uut l�•,. tl �a❑ 30 � ia�' � 1'run� the � isu• the notice ir <br /> mailed witLin wtiich liorruK•i•r uia�� � r,i�• ihr ,wu.. � lcrlarrd du�•. li Itorruwcr iail � tu � r,i� xu�•h .uw: }�rior to the <br /> ��xpiration uf such peri�l , Lender iuu}' . �� ithout furtlu� r notii•�• ur � t ��iu:iu� l � in liurruw ��i , iu � ok�� au�• re�uedie. E�er- <br /> mitted by p�ragraph 18 hereof. <br /> V'or - t � NiroeM Covr: xw :: •r�. }iurruw��� r .+ n� t L��uil�� r f�n•th��r co��eiiant .� ud xK� rv�• a .• 1'ollu ��� � : <br /> 18. Acc�lsration: Remediss. l:�oc� �t a. � n'oci� livl in � uu'ugru��h li I �on�of . u � iun liurro��'c•r '- bmtu� h of xn}' <br /> covenant or aqreetuent of Borru�� i�r in thi.. \] urt � ;� �r . � u � lu� lin� tl �c vot�rnunt . tu � �sy Hh��n � i � n ;in � �utu . .���•w�o� ! <br /> by this �Iortgage , I,ender � � r�or to aroi• Icratiun � hall � n:ul uuii�•c tu liurru�rer n� � � ru�� l� {c� l iu � �.u•a�ra� � li 19 liereot <br /> npeelfying : 111 tl�e brraeh : � 2 � tLc• :i� tiun rvyuin•� i tu i •ur�• .url � bro:si•li . i31 ;i ilutv . not Ic�s, ih;tn thirt �' � is}'• <br /> Irutn the dxta� tlii• nohre i� � uaile�� l tu liinru�crr . I � � �� Ini li .• urli I � rrurli uw.t I �i• � in � •� I . :ui� { � 4 � tliut fuiliu�o tu ruro <br /> xuoh breach on or bPiori� tl�r d3tc �F��i• ifir� 't lu tLo uuu�•�� ui:«� rr. ult in :u•��elrratwu uf tLo . iuu� ���curr,�i hy thi� <br /> 1'Iortgage und ,alr of tLe Yropert �• . li tfic br��arh i� uut �� un•� i uc ur I�etur�� tli�� � L•n � • ,{ ,����1fi ��� i iu tL�• uuuc�• . Lendrr <br /> at Lender's option ivav dei�lam sll ui th�� ,uni� ,ri�iur� i 1 ��' � lii � �turt �a{�i� tu lie iiTiuu��{ ixtel}� � 1ur :in� 1 payxblr <br /> without further deiuund an�i iria�' lurcelu.c tlii.• Alurt �;u�;�� b�' iwii�� inl � �ruri•�•� liu�; L��uder �hxll l �i• �• nuUe� i to cullect <br /> in such proccedinR :�ll ex{�rn�e� 01' i� �r��closun• . in�•lu� lin�; . hut u � n liiuitc�� 1 to . � u�ts uf ducwu��ut � rv �•��idene�• . <br /> abetracts and title reports. <br /> � 18. Borsow�r's Riqht to R�li�itQt�. 1U( N' l1Ila1SIllllllk Le•udrr > :�r�•��Irre� iun ut th�• ..iiiu. .<�e•uri•d b�� tl � ir <br /> Mortgsge, Borrawer shall have tlie right to ha �•e ;tu�� � �rocee�din �. Ix•�;un hy L� �nil�•r to ��nfarv�• thi. \1ortKuKe die- <br /> continued at any time prior to entry of a .IudKn �ent �•�i1'o7riu�; thi� Vur� k:sKr if : iu � Borrowcr � �ap, L�-nder all <br /> aums which would be then due under thi.< \ IongaR�� , tlu� 1ot �� an� i nute- �ec �u•in� Fut � ir�� Arlvaucf-- , if am• , had no <br /> ucceleration occurred ; ihl Eiorrower �•ure� ull hri•u� h�•. � �i nm• oth�•r �•n� � •nsni , ur :. t�r���•nn•nt . uf Am-row•��r �•on- <br /> tained m this Mortgage : lc I 13orrower payr ull rra�uual �lo �•x� a•n,.•= m�•urrr� l I ��� Lrnd. •r in � •nfur� iuR tli�• ruc�•uaut� <br /> and sgreemente of Borrower containec! m thit \lortku�c• nnd w �•inurru�R Lrn� l��r '� n•�uedu•� s. � �ro�•idrd m para- <br /> graph 18 hereof , including, but not limited to. reasonnl ,l.� �tturne�� '� ic•e.� : umi id i Borruw•er iakt�. .ueh acziun a. <br /> Lender may reseonably require to assure thsst thc lien ol thi� \ IurtKakc , Lrnd��r '� lnten•rt in th�• Yruprny xnd <br /> Borrower'a obligation to pay the �ums secure �i hy th �. \1m•t �;uqo - hail �•untmu�� u �wu��uir�rl . l � �ou .uch � �n}•�nent , � <br /> Sad cW�e by Borrower, thiF Mortgage and the obli�atiuc�. .eivrrd La�reb�� . hull r��u�aiu m lull fon•i• uud i•ffcet a. if' �a. <br /> no aoeeler�tiott hsd occurred. � <br /> L 76. Ariq�myt o! B�ebt Appo�islm�nt af R�iwr: Lad�r in Po�e�ioa A. xdditiuual .ecarity here- <br /> uoder, Borrow�erhereby aesigns to Lenderthe rents of the ProE�etY �• . ��ro��i�i�•�i t1�at AorroNc•r �hnll . ��rior t � acceler- ,�� <br /> � ation ander paragraph 18 hereof or abandonmc�nt of the Pm��erty . hav�� rl�c riKht tu c•oll�•�•t and re�tain �uch rentn '��- <br /> as t6ey beeeine due a�d payable. <br /> Upoa soceleration under �wrxrrra��l� 18 6erruf u�' nhandonu �rut �,f th.• I'r�,prrt �• . l ,� mir• r , in IN•I'nuu . 1 �1' NK�'1�l <br /> or by judieially appointed c�ete+iver shall he entitJcd to enter o�wn . talce �wM.e��iun uf xnd u�aux�;e th�• Yro�x•rty '^ <br /> stld t0 C011e� the rtnta of tlre Property, includinR thoeze ��as� due. :Vl r�•nts collecte. l L� Len�i��r ur th.• n�cei�•.•r <br /> alfil! be Upplsed fiest to p8y�7uent of the catt� of tninagen�ent of tl �c Yro{ iert �� :iud i•oll��<9iuu oi r�•nt � . in�• Iu� iinK . V � ui <br /> noL lim�ted to, reoefver �F teee�, premium�: on n•oerver , bond� �nd re•asouahl<� atTornr}• - � �•��• x � ni theu tu uu• .,uiu� <br /> e�ecured by thie R4oetgaqe. 1.ender dnd the rereiver tl �all tK• liabl�• to xrouun� unh ior r tiu.� rrnt > srtually r� r�•i � od � <br />