I �
<br /> »- 007055
<br /> TA{E li[ORTGAGpR FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES�. ,r � n � � � f "
<br /> r+ 1 ' . J
<br /> That ths Mortsator will pay the indebfedners as hereinbefore provided.
<br /> . � That the Murtgagur i� the owru�r of aaid proprrty in ter aimple and hax gocrl riqhl and lawlul authority to .r1I and
<br /> convey t.hr eame and thal the rwme is free and cle•ar uf any lirn or rneumbrancr �, anA thal Mortgagor will w�arranl. anrl dvfrnd tbe
<br /> titlr to said pren+iaes aRainet the clsimr of a�11 penons wh�xneoever.
<br /> To pay iaftnediately when due and payablr alt genersl texes, spec•ial l&xes, nprrinl an.u-+sm��nt.�.. w;drr charqe•s, tivwe�r Wre� �
<br /> icr chargrv:, and other taYes und ��hargr�, agninel SaiA E�ro�x�rly , and 'dll lazi�w Irvie.i � �n thr drht. .r��urrd h��u•6y . :� nd tu lurnivh Ihe
<br /> MortgaRt'''. u�xin r�x� urst , wilh LLr uriy;inal ur duplicate rrcript� d�rrrfur. Th�� �f� u�i +;ag� �r :•gmr, t.hat lhrrr .hal1 tx• addr� i tu
<br /> e,ach montFily payment rrquirrd herrun�irr � �r uu�lvr fh�• � �vidrnoo �,( doht si�i�ur<•� 1 h.� r.-by au .iq,ount . .� Ytim:: 1 , �J hy Ih.- S'IuriKagt��•
<br /> to Irr nu8�icirnt to enable the Mo�tgegee ti � � �a� . a.+ th�•y b��i�ui�n�• du�•, all taxNs, asa•s.mrnl� . :�ml .unflar rh ,ir�;a�u u{x�u lhr prrm�
<br /> iw•s subjeet thr�mtu : any .I��ficri�• no�. !H-<�:iutir � .f Ih�� in; i � fliri.•n:' v . , f vurh a�.1rllliuna } � ,;� �. mrnt., . hall t-�r furlhw � ih Ji�ponit��r1 by thr
<br /> Murlgt+gor w� lh thr V1url �;a�;rr u�n ,� � � Srmand I » Ihi � �9 . ,ti �u�;..�� qny , I� �I :uill � i : � � t� � r th � . � ,ar . .Rra � � li . t��:� ll I .. . l ,. �� �m��J a � l .,G.ult � n
<br /> payment uf lnxes , xsKer�m«nt< , nr n� milar �.�t�ury,r�. r.•yuir.�. i Fu� rruud.�r.
<br /> 'ftu• MurlF:aE:��r agrrr.+ that lhrre +Iw{I alsu t.r aJd�•d t � i .•:ui� rro �nlhly f ,ayn ,� �� it � d � u � nripnl di.�l i � �trr.•at r.�yuired hore .
<br /> tutrtrr' at� aiunun� � �.tinu.ft .�� l by' lh�� 11� � rtReger t � , hr � uffirirnt I � � � - nahlr thr 11� � r� F; .,�� , �r � fo � �,�� g a< : 1 4,. „ mu �. � liu � thr � n.,urEsnot.
<br /> �arr�u � um �.,n any ir �auran� �r pul�c> drii��-r�•d t.� th.• �1 � �rt �;u�:r�=_ Ar � ,S � lrliri. �ni� � hr�-:. ��_, � : �1 th. � � � u�s� iflici�v�.'y uf :rcl � additi� .n�l ��ap
<br /> �nrnf>. .h:fll h�� fort3�»'i � h <)rposit.�� i t� � � hr !11� �r�K:aK„r ui �h ! h�- ^.T �,rl ��:µ�� �.� : it � r: . !.-:r,:: � ._ I t : ,' h. 11, �,r7.: ;riz ... � .�lnr J, (:� �.�ft � � r, d�� r t7i � s
<br /> pnrag [aph sPiall fx� di�on'�. ��i m d�•(uull nr Ih� • � �nyni� � n1 � �f invnrAn. �� � � rr�niurt-i. Jf ttu�� � n ,li , , � , r � inhcirv ��f . �p� �.itr� 1 ;� r,. .ur�h as tn �rne. .
<br /> uwne� [s ur all nsk { uriu'u •. , .i �id thr � 1�-� �..u ( . nn � � naufliru�ut i � � y . u � IV � �� . , ntu � � � � n � n : iuni tl �� !�L � rti';�Rr«� :n .r. . i � � � � i � Ih� . � 1 ._liuvtt i� .
<br /> p& y pr�m � u�n. � �n risA . r.•yuin•� 1 tn kH• n� ..ur.•, i I �� thi, rti � ,rtu +U,,,
<br /> F'a � nu• nls �nadr Iry lh� � M � � rtFus:� � r .i � ,� l�� r- tl ��� ah� n , � � �ar.e ,; � .� � ,h. n �:� y . � , tl�o , .� � � � , . � � . , t tL � � 11 � . • � t: a;;r.- I �� }u � l � l b �. � t ;� n � l
<br /> r� mun � n� l� �d wi ( h ulhr�r wrh lunrin , � r i � . u�� n (uu� l > G � r lh.- ��;� vinrnt � d � urh it �• mi = _ '�iri, l � . ��it � l ai , ,� � yihr•� i . ¢u�'h j �: ,. in�.nt - :� r . . I:. . r ..h�
<br /> �drdKrd 'a� wrc�ur � ly G �r ihr un � ieid I �nlHn���• � ,f U �� � �n� irtt::�A • � iu�. l. LGr� ln.�..
<br /> ' 1 �� � pr�n�ur� �, � Ielic� � � t � � . :� n, l rnuuil ;Jn t� � r ilir I �. -� �� � 1i1 � d th�� �i � � � � �•nti . �� . ii . rin;, tL� - G1,� . � ! t1ii� n:� , rlqup.� . , ri � inal � �� ,I �. rn � . tin� l
<br /> rrni• wals � hrr�ti.f. �lehvon -� I a� l. �,i. l Irn .ia ', a lwd� � r .� � lo- ,. c { , ii :ii �� . n � �! an �, .u � Vi p� ,h� w � -. � n �,unn �. 1' din--t (in � :� n� i � dhor . , r.ur,�i:dr
<br /> h:�z� rdw, i�anualtie•a. and „ ��ntingc•n��ir�v x. [ha� �1 . �rtgn�.�.• may rr�q� ire, in .� n timaunt ��yotil to thr ind ��bt��dni•s» se��ur[ri Fy th�e
<br /> M ��rtgeKr . artd in cum��aei� ��, uco�� pl .� hlr to Ih� � 11 � � rtu:� d• '� � . •. itl : ! . ,�. � �:nahL � i �luusr iu fa � � � � , �! anrl � n F� . r�n :xr�� � rfahl �� t , � th � � �U� . rlpa �
<br /> g<r In thr rvF•nt an � � �� ,Lr � � . n„t mii. � w..� l , �n , .r b� � f� � n � t, � i; , t . i-„ : �( : t �. �� c � nrmti . . ii I ! i� . ti1 , . � t �;e�p�w may I �rn.-ur �- in, ur:an� �, � „ n ih� �
<br /> �mpruvrtnrnte:. pay �hr � � miru �� rn Ilu � n•(� , r. ;� nd . urli .i � � n . I � ell b. -. � �rn�� in � m�.� itrh� l �. : 1ii � � ,� � ul � �.ni�hl�- .. iih ii� t �� r, �� l ni th�- rn . � r.� � t
<br /> (i,r'fh �[i vi�d n�d�� unl � l � iai � l .i � ul �hnil l .. � ,.��cur� �� l 1 � � if'� i �, u„� na; . �p� � I�.� : li : rt� � � n th. � �k:u-I � �C � hr V1 „rtg:al; • ,r �„ (urnnt� .urh rru. � .cels
<br /> ae arr hr[rtn �eyu � r.�d �� � (ailurr I � �, � �n � .ar� c . uni � .�� I� ;� nr.�� 1 h� � n •uroi� � r � t � all ut Ih. � �q � ti � ni � �f thr 41 � ,rt �;:� �,r� � . � � � n �� ihrto n � n� tault
<br /> undrr thr I.rrm» uf ( h�s m� , nK_�ti��� "I �h� � � l. �li �.�v �. i �C � u� h � ,� , I , . �,: . . h,dl . � n ! lo- � �� � � nt � �( � I, �fa � ilt � � �. ri. titub� nn u>�� i .; umrur � �F tfn � in �
<br /> �•arn.-cl Pmm�um.
<br /> .Anv :ume m�v �i �. � � J L �, i � �� � �.i � � rl ��. ,yr� � I � t r� .:� ., . . - �I ; " . . , r . u .,. �.µ. � . e � •. � : n � � � � r. . t rr .� y hr � .� � � I :u � , . - J f� •. fYi. \1 „ rfAa};o.�
<br /> and appLrd luwar< I thr ��a . :u.- nt � �I iL. � drM I �. � n �bti . .� ri,in•� I . � � r ut Ih� - � �� rtu,n „f ih� ��1 "rtRagi .�. .u� � h .um.. � irl'.�.r whr,lly � � r in
<br /> 4'�u�� ma �� hv pu�J . �err 1 � � Ih�� !�9 � , rf�;:�41 � � r 1 � � 1»• ua�•� I t , i n� � uu � .ui�h I-�wI . ImK• nr t � � Li. il.l - n��w bu � IJii�i�• �. in th� � ir � �lu� .� � � r (i, r any
<br /> ut�lrf (iu[ �luso ur �iF��c�'t ,«if � �e(n. 't , � n' ti , tl�r �7 � � rt �i :lq� � .� � fh� , � it . . ITrrhnl: tln � i �� n � . � � I �� � i : � qlitn�P �� . � t � �. . ii � l anu � unl . � � � � . �� � � u� ri�
<br /> by t�rfur�• �urh paymrnt .w�• r t �. �k piare• .
<br /> "l�u promptly rr� �air . rvnt� � re �, r- rrbuilJ .uig huil � linw. � � r impru. rrnrnt. nuw � � r tu-n-ufl �� r � m t1i�• prrrnVn�. wh �ch rnay M�
<br /> comr dumaK�-d ur drntroyed . tn k�•rp .nu.l � �rrmi +.�. u� �;, w.ul n �u� i � h� , r� nnd r.�� �nir end (rrr� trv ��n an �' m.•et �ani�'' .� li «m ur uth�� r IiFn or
<br /> claim uf Len nut �•xyrrsyly ,uf. .rd�uulyd fu Ih.� li.� n I�irrruf , n� �t i , � :uH�� r. � �r p. � rmi1 aut unl:n.ful us�� n( �. . r .mti nuwu��n- to ��x ��t nn
<br /> xaid pru{irrty nur tn �.ernut waste � u� ,+�+ i� l �u , �ruinr.,. u� , r t „ d� � :iny � �� he-r nrt � h� � n�hv th�• ��ru� n � n � hvrcbv ��� �nv.� ve•d :hnll Ix•come
<br /> leea valu&blr, nu[ tu J �minish , � r � �npm� r it.� calur 6y nn_, m:t - , r � �ni � �,.i . a � � : , :�r� t� � � � un � � l � wi � h nll r, �yu � r.-tn<��� tn � �( lew �wi � h ��-.��eot
<br /> to the mnrlgaKed prem��rs and thr usr [ hrrruf
<br /> That vhuuld th�• prrrnis.-s � � r an �. � ntrt thrn•� �I Iw � ink�•u � � r . i:+maq .�d I ��v n•a .i � n � �f :+ n �, � � uf �lic i �n � > n.���•mrnl ur �-� �nd.- rnnaU��n
<br /> pnx�r,edinK . ��r undrr thr nght uf rrtunrnt durnein . � �r in any othrr mnnnrr, Ih�- \S � �r� K:�K �'� • �hall b.� rntiUrJ � n ell <•um��rn�aUunx,
<br /> awards, and uny uthrr paymrnt ur rvl �rf th��rr(ur . anrl xhxll Fw e�ntitled , at. its o� ition . to �•� �mmrn�•r. r�p�x•ar in an�i pnx+�!cutr in ita
<br /> own name anv act �un nr pnx�rrding . ur t�r mukr any i�� �mprunu �r � , r .�• ttirm��nf in �-� �nnrcti � �n with auch takin�; ur eiamage . :111 auvh
<br /> cpnpene�tion, ewarde, damaK�. riqht o( action and prcxrarle ar�• h�•reby useiKnrd tu the Murtga�;re, who may , aftrr dNJucun�
<br /> therettom all itc eYpenree, rele.aee any moneye so r�rerveA by it ur apply thr sxrne un any indrbt�dnrn. s�•<�urrd h.•reby . TF�.�• Mort �
<br /> ga�or aQreex tu ratei,�ute eutch furthrr aws�gnmrnts nf nrry o. �mp�� nsutwn . uwarda, damaK�•x, and n�;hta u( ac[io�i and pruc•rrds as thr
<br /> Morteager may reqwre.
<br /> Tha[ �n c:anr of (a�lurc tu prrlurm any u( thr ru� .•uan�� hrrain. thr MortKagrr may du i ,n thr Murlwagnr 'c h�•hai ( �•��ervthinq �•+
<br /> w� cuvrnrntrd : that lhe MurtKBgrr may alsu do any art it may drern nrrr�sury t� � � �rulrrt th�� li� � n Ihrrri -,I�. tl�at Ihr M �.rlgagur w� U .:I
<br /> repay upon drmand any monrvc paid or di�burwd by thr Murtgage•e� (nr any uf thr abovr ���ur� n .vv. nnd .uch rnnnrys fogetfier wrth �;;�
<br /> intee�esl therron at the ratr pnrvided in uaid notr xhull M•o��m�� �n mui�h nddNiuna� indrbirdn.�.. h��re•b ♦ sreurrd and muy !w in - ..'�
<br /> clud[d in any derrcr forrcl�wing this murtRagr and tx� paid uut nt thr rrntr ur prcx�rrds u( aale of w�d prrnuxru if nut uthrrwi`cr �+
<br /> paid . Lhat it shall not be obligatory uFiun thr MurtRagee lo inquirr intu the validity of any I �t� n . eneumbrancrs . ��r claim �n ad � w�
<br /> vancing moneyr ar obove aulhurised, but nuthing hemin cuolamed erhall krr construad as requinnK eh�• M�,rtgagrr tu advane�r any
<br /> meney� for any wtch purpcwe nor to do any act hrreunddr ; and thal Mortgugee shall nut incur uny �wrr,a.nal liab�l � ty fwcau.«- of any -
<br /> d+ios K may du or umit w du hereundrr.
<br /> In thr rveM of thr drfaull hy Mwigagur in thr payment o[ any indtallmrnt , as rryuirrd by thr Nutr arcured ha- rrby . or
<br /> in the prrturmance o[ thr c�ligahun ir thiti mortgaKt' ur fn t}w nulr �:rcurrrl thrreby , thr Murtgage�� .hall br rnt � tl��d tn d.•� larr thr
<br /> debt �ctured hereby dur auid peyable w�thuut noUrc, und Ihr Murlgagrr shall br rnUllcd at � h � y�Uon. �.� �ihnut nu� �rr , erthrr by itvvlf
<br /> nr by a recrivFr tn M� ap��nint�rl hy thP �ourt th�• rr•„f an�l withr.ut rPgar�i ir. th�• p(i��nar�� +,( v .iy c��r�. � .; � �� h . r + h ., inr1..F,li•,; nr.v. ...
<br /> cured hereby, to e!nter upon and take �m�sl�rssi�n ��f thr m.+rtKaged premiwre, ane! to c�llect and �ri•vivr thr rrntv. iv.ur.� an� {ir�i�it�
<br /> thpred, and apply tlx eame, ]ess �tiixte of operation and c�c�llection, �pon the indebtrclnr�n eu•curNd by thie mortgaqr : wi<l rente.
<br /> irue�s � pttdi4 6e*in6 �reby asriR��'�1 to thr MortR�grr a++ turther �rurity for the pavmrnt of all indrht.�dnr... vw•urwi herrM•
<br /> Thr Murt�aea+r rhrll heve the �wwer to eN�winl any agrnt or agrnts i( may �!e•.� rr (ur thr purpuxr nf rr{,a� nng w�d pmm -
<br /> i�ea: ren4ns the s�me : coUectinQ lhe rents, revenuee and income , and it may pay ��ut o! sa�d �ncome all ex�-nars incurred in rrnt- ' �
<br /> i� awd nuna�in� the same and of colleMinQ thr rentals therefrom. The balancr rrmaininR. �[ any , shall hr applird toward the " ��
<br /> �^.
<br /> L �r{e d the motisKe indebtedewrn. Thir aarignment ie l�� termin�tr end hec.�mP null and void u�.n rrlreivr �d thi� mortga�r � �"
<br /> ' , r.
<br /> ��"' �
<br />�:
<br /> J
<br />