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�;;: <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> tugether with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances helungng theretu <br /> T'U NAVE ANU TO HOLD thr abuvr describrd prcrnises with ell thr privllegrs and appurtenances thereuntu belonging including <br /> all rents, issues and protits thrreuf uniu M�xt�gec , furcver. And M � �ri �;a�;� , r herehy cuvenants that Mor[gagur is well and truly seized of <br /> a goud title to the premise, abuve runvey��d in the law, in fer simple , +� nd has Kn� �J right and lawf'ul authurity to cunvey the same, and <br /> that ihe tit �r su eunveyed is rle�r , frrr � n�l uninruinb�• rrd r .c�ept :u utlierwl ,e n � ur�1 and that Murigagor will forever warrant and de- <br /> �fend thc sam� tu Murtgsgee against all rlaims whai,uever . <br /> 0 This Murtgage is giveu by MurtKag.,rs t �� +ecura thr perli�rmunce uf e;�ch agrerment cuntained herein , and tu secure the payment <br /> ruf a luan in the amount al th� Total ul' Paymrni , ,huwn uhove , whi�li I � �� n hring evidenced by � prumissory nute F�raring rven date <br /> O herrwith and which is iurther deuribed ab��ve. <br /> � PROVIDEU ALWAYS , anJ thex present. � rr upon die�l ri+nJiuon , that if the Murtp,agurs shall pxy in full w the Morc- <br /> � g�agee a promissory note hraring evrn datr hrrewi � h in the :inu�urn cet f�� rth eb�we, p�yahle in instatlmenis according tu the terms there- <br /> � nf tc�gether with in � ereci as , ri t�" rth tlirrr� n . :in � l ,hall pa �� � 11 ci � e� ,in �7 :assr,� mi•nrc Ievied u�n said real estate befure the seme he- <br /> ^ cu�nes delinyuent , and kecp tlir huiidin�;� uii .;�i , l prc�nisc+ insured f� �i � ,uni ryual i ,� ihc indebtedness secured herehy . luss , it any , PaY - <br /> uble to the said Murtgxgee , lhen ihese presenl � 1 �� he null and v�,id , � �therwisr t � � he �nd remain in fuil Corce . <br /> THlS MORTGAGE IS ALSO TO BE . AND CONTINUE 'TO BE, FROM TIME TO TIME , SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT <br /> OF SUCH SUM OR SUMS OF MONEY AS THE MOR'TGAGEE MAY FROM 'fIME TO TIME IN THE FU?URE ADVANCE TO THE <br /> MORT� * �' '� R + NU EVIUENCLU BY A SUPPLEMENTAL NUTE OR NUTES , BUT NOT TU EXCEED THE TOT.4L OF <br /> � g *, *� S ,,�OO ., DO*k,** ****** EXCEP7' FOR ANY AUVANCES THA7' MAY BE MAUE TO PROTECT THE SECURITY lN AG <br /> ��di'.AI�ffNCE Wl i'H THE TERMS OF THIS MORTGAGE . <br /> Additiunal "Ieruis and ( 'uudiii�ins un thc rrvcne � � f thi� agre�nicnt .irc niade a part hcrcuf and incurp� �r���� herein . <br /> [N WI7'NESS WtiEREOF , the said M� , rtg�gors have executeJ thiesr presents the y nnd year first above w ' w,_______ <br /> U! -- <br /> -- -- ------- MortgTgor <br /> ��F Mortga �'l•E�— <br /> S'fATE OF NEBItASKA ► <br /> ) tiS <br /> COUNTY UF �LL � <br /> On this28thday uf November __ _ , I �� � � , beli�re me , ihe under �ied a Nntary F'ubiic , duly <br /> com«�+ss�uned and yunlilled ti�r and in s;iid statr and a �unry , personally came ___Kenneth_W Urq uhart and Sharon Ut�! uhart <br /> -----^ ��-- -- -- - - __- - _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <br /> to me known to be the idrntical persun ur persun� whuse name is .�� names arr affixrd tu the foregoing instrument and acknuwledged <br /> the ezecution thereof to he his, her or their voluntary xct and dred _ <br /> iw/Mynix n arial Seal the dav and veer last above written . � I' <br /> OENERAL NOTARV � , � <br /> t s A � ---.��: ��?�= " .��� �'� ��'� _ .__ __ <br /> STATr OF NFYRASKA R PUB�, c �-- ... <br /> o�".�i. i"°'.e, h j �—t- -_ � jj' �� ! <br /> My comm' day of ,�C 'Z G" _ , 19� . <br /> �;«.. <br /> �. <br /> LNG7l(' ! Sk' E UTfil' K SIDL fOR AllUIT10NA1 TEK�15 A1Ul U!v1lII7O!� S <br /> NEB. N .E . <br /> x:. <br /> ORtGINAL <br /> � � <br />