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r -� <br /> not extend or �iostpoue tlie due datc oi thc niontlih� iu.ialhu ��� d . n•ier:r� i tn in � �:ara�;raph� I aud� 2 hereof m <br /> change the amount of �ucti ir�stull�ne��ts. <br /> 30. BoerowerNotRoleased. Isxtensiou of tlic ti�ne ior � ci}-n�ent or iuodificntiou uf siuurtization of the sums <br /> secured Uy this 3lortgage �;ranted bp l .enderto any succescurin intcre,t uf Borro���er nhall not operate to release, <br /> in any manner, tlie liubilitv ot the oriqinal 13orro�rer arnt liorro�crr'� ..ucce;,orr in iu�erest . I .ender shall not be <br /> � required to commence proceedings against sucli �ucceesor a• reiu.r co extcud time for payment or otherwise modify <br /> xmortizstion of the eun�s secured by tl�is \ la�tgakc I,�� reasoii ui a ���� deman�i mn�ie b�� the original Borrower snd <br /> Bonower's successors in interest. <br /> I1. Forb�aranee by Iwnder Not a Waiv�r. .��ry forbearance i,y 7,ender iii exerci,ing any right or remedy <br /> hereunder, or otherwise afforded by :�pplicable la��� , �hall nut be ,i �� aiver ol or �a•eclude the exercise of any right <br /> � or remedy hereunder. 'Pl�e � >rocurement of insurance or the � >a�•u�ent of taxes or uther liens or charges by Lender <br /> , p �hall not be a waiver oi Lender'. righc to ucceleratc the macurity ot tl�e indebiedne�. secured b�� this 3tortgage. <br /> � 12. R�msd'us Cuatulative. Al ( re�nedies � �ro�•ide� i in tl � is \ lortgssRe nrc �listin�•t aud rumulative to uny other <br /> � right or remedy under thi� \ lortgag�� or atforiic�� l h}- Lia ur �•i �ui � t� . and �n:s�• I ��• exa�r�•i.ud ron�• urrently . iudepend- <br /> ently or successively. <br /> � 13. Sueeeasors �d Asaigns Bouad: Joint �d Several Liability; Captions. 7'hr� ��o������:ints and agreeroents <br /> herain contained shall bind , and the right � liereuuder �liull inin �• to . tli�� re.pecti �•� • .uc�e>sor, :ind assigns of I,ender <br /> � :�nd Borrower. ,ub,iect ro ehe pruci.iou� ot � �ara�rtt � ,h 17 h�•r�•ui . :� II co��eu:iu� ., :in� i :sgr�•riiumcs of f3orrower shall <br /> ^ bejoint and neveral . The �•a � �tion. and li ��:uliu�= o[ tlii� � �arxRra� � l � . of thi.< \ lort �s�!�• :iri� fur i�ou � enicnoe only and <br /> ^ srenot to be used to int.erpret or defin�� t ),e� � �ro��i �iu+,,� I�rr��oi. <br /> 14. Notiee. An}• uotic� • � u Borru�c� � r � iro� i� ic� 1 fur in tlii- \ lin•t �,,�R�• .hxll Iri• �;i � �• n b�� uiaili�i�; .ui•h uotice b� <br /> certified iusil udclre:sed to 13urru«�cr sr tlio Nru� �crh� :1 � i� im..r ,t ; i � �•� I I ��� lu�r . � ���•��� �t iur ;ui�� nutiri� re��uired under <br /> psr�graph 18 hereof to he �;i�•cu tu liurru�c�•r in tl �c iu:uiu��r � u��•w� rihe� l h�� ,i� �� � lirul � l �• L«�� . An�' nutic•e� ��ru��ided <br /> forin tliis \Iort};agc �liall I �c dcr� u � � l tu liu �' � I �c� u � i � �•n tu 13urru�� � r �� I ��� u �: i � ru u � tl � o u�aun�•r d�•.iRu.strd herriu. <br /> 15. Uailorat Mortgaqe: Governing Law; Severability. 'I'lii� iurin ut � non �u�o � uwbiuc. wiifm•�n coci�nunts <br /> fornational use und non-unifortu coven :iut.. «� itli limit �•� i �;iri;uiun� I �� juri�clictiou ru �•on.titute a uniforn� secu- <br /> rity instrument covering real � �ropert}• . "1'his \ Iorfguge ,hull I �i� �;o ��erue� l b�� th�• la�c oi the jurisdiction in which <br /> the Property is locuted . lu the event thut auy prtn�isiou or elnuac� oi tlii� AInrt �,u�;� or tl �c Notc eonflicta witL <br /> spplicable law , sucti conflict� yhall not afTect other ��ro�� isiun. oi tliis .Alurt �;ag�� or the �'ob.� which cun be given <br /> effect without t6e conflicting �iro �� ision , and to fl � i� rnil rLe � n�oci.iuu� u[ � he Alurt�a�e ;i��il the Note xre declared <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16. Borrowor'aCopy. Borro���ei• sl�alf hc iurnishe� l :i runioi•ined � opc ut thi. AloriqsKr at tl�e time of execu- <br /> tion or after recordation Lereof. <br /> 17. ?raasi�r of the Property; Ascumption. I ( all ur uu}• � ,ar� ui � lie Yroperty or su interest therein is sold <br /> ortraneferred by Borrower �vithout Leuder's � �rior a� ritt�• u �•onsent , ezo] udiuR ial the c�reatiori oC u lien or encum- <br /> . brsttce subordinate to thi� Alortguge , il , i thc �•reatiun �,i ;i � �urrl �a.��• uionc�• security in[eresf lor household appli- <br /> unced, ( c ) a trsnsfer by devi�e, �iescenc w• by u�,rrutiuu ui lu��� u� �ui � � h�� �i��uUi oi a ,ioint tenxnt ur idl the grant of <br /> any leasehold interest of thme yuars or Ic�r uot �• untainiu�; un �,� ,� iuu tu � , urrl, e:�� . Lendrr n�aa . at I,ender'r option , <br /> declare all the sums eeeured by thie �lortgage tu bo iwmediurclt� � iu�• :iu� i � �uyubl�•. l .ender sliull ha��e H� ai�•ed such <br /> option to accelerate if , prior to thc s.ile or viu�.� ier, L�•n� iur :uui tlii� � �cr;un 2u �cliuui the }'ruE�ert }• is to be sold or <br /> Gransferred reacl� t�greemen4 in writing tlixt tl�e rredit ui � ui�li � mr;un i, �ati.fs�•tury to Len�lrr aud that the interest <br /> payable on the sums sr�ured b,y thi, \lortguKe .t�ull be• ut sui• li rsto :s= L��ude� r .hall rc� {uist . If Lrud�r has µ�uived <br /> the option to accelerate pro��ided iu tliis E�aragraE �li 17 un� l ii lia•ro�� er '. .uccea.,u i� � inter�.f lias executed a writ - <br /> ten asewnption agreement nccepted in �� ritiug I ,}- Len.ier, I.cnder .. hull rclease Borivwa� r irun � �I1 obligationc under <br /> this Mortgsge and the ?Vote. <br /> If Lender exercises sucli option w accclerst�r , Lender sh:� il �ussil }3orrower uutice oi acceleration i�i accordance <br /> witl� }�aragraph 14 iiercoi. �uch uo[ 1���• -1i:ill � �ru� ide u � �orio� l ui nut lc�.• tlui � � 30 � Is��.: iron� tho dati� tlic notice i� <br /> inailed within wl�ieh f3orrou���r ii�a}� � �ri� tL�• .uui., � 1���• L•u•�•d � iu� . li }iurro�c �a f:i � L tu � ux�� ..uch ..uui. ��rior to the <br /> expiration af such periai , Lendrr uia�• . �� itf,uut furcln�r nociiv � ur � io� uan� l uii Nurru�s�•r , iu ��ok�� :uiy remeciien per- <br /> mitted by paragraph 181�ereof. <br /> � ON- I � YIFORM ( 'uvr: xn �Tr. 13urru���i• r .in�l Len�l�• r furtl ��• r ru��i• au�l ak� rc•�• :t . Yolluw• . : <br /> 18. llee�l�ration: Remedies. }�:se•��� ,i :t. � , ru� i� (��� I In � �:u•:�� r:i � � l � 17 lu� r��of . u � �ui � liorruwer :. bre=tel� of any <br /> covenant oragre�•�uent o( Ron�u�� ��r in tl � i� \lort �;n �, . inrlu� linR tli�• �•u��c�naut . tu � �;i � Hh�•u � iue any .un�. .rcured <br /> by tiiis \lortgage , Lend�•r � � rior tu a� r�•lea:ui�n � i �ull w:iii nuti� c tu Rorru�crr ;t� � �ru� i� i��� l u � � �araKr;���I � 14 Lereol' <br /> rpecifying : lll the br��uch : � 'l � thr u��tiun r��yuiro� i tu run � .ui� li hr�;ivl � : i3i a � iat .� , not Ic.. tlwu tl�irtp dayn <br /> from the datc tl�c noticc i.• ivailc�i tu iiurru��v �r. i � �� ��� lii�� li � ucl � I �n;u i � iuust L.• cw����1 ; au�{ � 4 i rliui failiu•�� tu i•urc <br /> nucll b�eSCfl on or Lriore tlie dati• .F �rcitird iu tl �r uuu�•o niuy� re. ult in ai•c�•irrnuou ui th�• ..u � u� .ecurod hv this <br /> '1lortgage and sale of the Yropert }� . lf thi� bm�cl � i, nut ruro� l �m ur I ,��fon � tlu � I:u � .� ���rifi��, i iu � li� � nuti � r , l.rnder <br /> at l.ender's o�>tion may declaro all uf th�� .wu. se�•urr� i I �y tiii.• Alurt {;aR�� tu h�� munivli:3 � r1�� du�• itu�l payxble <br /> µ�ithou[ further demand and inay fore�� lo.r tl � i� � lorty;:��;�• I �� .iu, iiri:� l � � ro��eodin� 1.�•u� l� • r sh:� ll 1 �.• � nti� le�i to crolleet <br /> in such proceedin�; xll e•xpen.e� oi torc�clu.ur� . in�• Iu� li � iR . Lut n� n liuut � � i tu . ��u.t .� of � I� ivunu�utxr�� r� idenre . <br /> abstrscts and titlr rc:port�. � <br /> 19. sorrow�r's Right to R�iAstat�. \otwit6.t:uuiiu� L�•niirr . aic�•lrration uf tlic ..uu �- ..ecured hv thi� <br /> Mortgege, Borrower shall have the right to ha�•r auy � �roceedin�;, hekun I �t• L�•n� icr tu �•n(orr.• thi,- \lon�;age die- <br /> continued at any time prior to entry of a � udKn �rnt �•nfo:ciu�; thi� \ lort �;ag�• if : iesi Borrutier � �x}�. Lei�der al! <br /> nums which would be theu due under thin �IOrtK:fRc, tl �o �ute xtul nota�r .�-�� uriu�; F' u� urv • A � 1 �•anc•�•. , if nn �� . hsd nu <br /> acceleration occurred ; Ibl Bormwer cure� ull brearhi•., uf �u��' otl �r�' ouci•n:tut .. ur :iRrr�•u �i�ht � ot Burruwer con- <br /> tained in this lfortgag� ; icl Burruwer � �xyT uii rra.ui�ai �i� .•�� a n.i�� u � ourriYl i �� Len� lrr m onlor<•inp; the oo� cnantn <br /> ead sgreements of Borrower contained in thi. \Iurt �u�;�• cind in ruiun•iuK Lon�ler '. n•nirdii•. x. � � ruc �d�vi in para- <br /> QraPh 18 bereof, including, but nM limited [o, rea.on� Ll�• atturne}• '� ier� : arnl � �i � RorruHrr txkr. ..ueh a�tiun a� <br /> Leader may reueonably require to sesurr Ihut thr lirn ui thi- \ ture �;uKc . L�•nder 's ir. trrr.t m thi• 1'ro� x�rtp �nr1 <br /> Borrow�er's obligation to pay the sums eecurctil b,Y tLi.� \1urt �a;:;�• - 1utll �•untinui� uniru�ia�re� ! l ' � �un nurh � �a}�ment <br /> and cut'e by BonOw�er, this '.►-IortRsge and the obli�acia�� .ecured lu�n •h�' . h;ill r��uiain in 1'ull 1'omi� snd i•ff�•ct as if H E,." <br /> no scaeler�tion hsd occurred. � <br /> 20. �/�iya�t et R�ls: Appomtre�at o! R�e�iv�r, I.sad�r in Posseation. A . ,iddiriunul Nrcunty hrre- J �� <br /> under, Borrower hereby seeigne W Lender the rnnt�+ uf the Pro��ern� . �n�o��i�ied t ha� Borrow•er shall , prior to acceler- <br /> ation under para�raph IS hereof or abandonment of the Yro{mMy , havc� the ri�;lit to c�olli�rt and retniu �uch rent�: •- <br /> ai they beeome due and payable. <br /> Upd� aarelerattoa under parsgrsph 18 herc�i or xbandomui•nt of tl�c Yroprrty . I .ender . i�i { �crson , b� .sKcut <br /> �r t�y � �;�i�y apEwinted receiver ahsU t�e enptlec! to enter u�wn , take �x��tr.�iun of .vnd u�xnake thi• Yro�x•rty �- <br /> and t0 tolleet the rents of t6e Pro(ierty, ineluding thoee ��set due- All r�•nts �•oll�•t•te�i hv�3�•r ur the r��eci��er <br /> shall be applied fiesL to payment of the coete of management of the Yroperty and coil����tiun of rrnt � . iw�lu� 3 � n�; . Luc <br /> not limited to, recci�•cr's fees , pretuiuu�r u�, r.�. eiyrib L�u� 1- an�i ma.ui�uLir auurue �• '� i����, . :in�i tn��n tu tnr .un �- <br /> aeeured by thie Mortgage. Ixnder and the rncei�•er �hall tK� Iiahle to aoi�ount onl �� for tho-�� n�nt � x�•ti �:� llt� rv •i���i � �•� { <br /> J <br />� <br />