.: T ...
<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br /> If under paragraph 1R liereof U �e Yro� �crt }� i. .��Id or � i � �� 1 'ro� �ert � i: otiirr�ci..r soyuired I ,y I .cuder. I .ender
<br /> ehsll aPp1Y , no later than iinmediately � �rim• tu tlio 5u1�� u( tl �o Yru� �rrt �• ur h � scyui.. itiou I ��� L�•n� ler. :� uy Fwids
<br /> held by I.ender at thc time of up� �lication as a crc�� lit :i7;aii� .t � he �uni, .o�• ur�•� I h�� thi: �1urt �;a�;r.
<br /> 3. Applieatioa o( Paymsata IInles: ���� dirahlo Li �c � , ro��i�ie� uthrn��i>i • . all } uiyn�cnt, re��c- i ��c� 1 by Lender
<br /> under the :Vote und paragraplis I :tnd 2 liereof sh:ill lio :i � �� �lir� 1 I�y Loud�� r lir..t in � i;s} u �ent ul :s�u�unt , puyable t �
<br /> I.ender by Borrower imder �,arugrapl� '2 liereof, rhen to intcrc.t 1 �a��abl�� un � lie \uti� sn� i ou Futur�• Advances , if
<br /> � any, and then to the principal uf the Notc ;�nd to tl �r � uinci� �al of 1�utur�• A�i � uuce� , if' any .
<br /> �. Chasq�: Liens. Borrower shall pa�• all tuxes, assessu�enta and otlier ��har�;t�� , fines ssnd impositions attrib-
<br /> utable to the Property which may atcain n priority over tliis \iortga�e , aud groui�d rentc , if any , at Lender's
<br /> option in the manner provided under paragi•aph 2 hereof or !�y iiorruwer � uukinR paynicnt , when due . directiv to
<br /> the psyee thereof. Borrower �hall prom��tly furni.l � � ci I.rnder all notice, o( :uuouuh duc uuder this paragraph ,
<br /> and in the event Borrou•er sl�all make payn �ent � irectly , liurrui� cr sl �ull � uoni � �cly' iurnisli tu I ,emler receiptx evi-
<br /> dencingsucli payiuents. Bon•ower nhull t ,rou�� �tly �lischurge uu�� lien ahiuh Las � n•ioritk• o��re thia \lortgage ; pro-
<br /> vided, that Borrower sl�all not be nyuire�l to diseLur�;e an�- �u�� l � lieu so loug a� liurruwer ,hall aRree in writing t.o
<br /> the payment of the obligatiun secureci Ly sucl� lien iu :� manner ucce� n ;ible to Leudcr, or .li:sll in good faitl� conteet
<br /> G7 yueh lien b,y, or defend enforcement of aucL liuu in . Ic�;al � �rorci�� ling� �� lii�•L op�� rut �� ro �nev<•n� thc entorcement of
<br /> CO the lien or forfeiture of the Yroperty m• ;�n�• � ,art r hereof.
<br /> C7' S. Hasard Insuraac�. Horruwer .hall kee� , tlu• ini � � ro ��cuient. no�c ��xi= liuR or licreafter �-re�•ted ai tl�e Yrop-
<br /> :C• erty insured against loss by tire, huzards included ���ithin th�� terrn •'extended coverage " . ;uid sucl� other liazards as
<br /> C I.ender may require und in �ucli x � nouuts a� i� i Cur .url � � �rriod� :�.� L�•m.lcr � n :�� re� � nim : � � ro � i� ied . lhat I.ender �hall
<br /> � not require tliat the :tmount oI suih co��eragc exreed t Lui :imow� t of ru�•ersge rc•<{uirN�t cu pa�� the suu�s secured 'by
<br /> � this Mortgage.
<br /> The insurance carrier � �ruviding tlie iu.w�aw�e rlixll Ix� �� liosen h� t;orru�+ vr ,uLjei� t tu sppru � :il by I.ender ;
<br /> /� provided , that sucL approvul ehall not be uureasuuaLl �• �vithLeld . :111 �.>re�uiums un in5urance � �uiicie, �hall be pai�i
<br /> at Lender's optiou in tlie tuanner } �ro��ide� l un �ler � ,:tragr:�� , l � '? lureof ur ht' liorru��� cr ivalkin � � �ut• nirut , �vLen due.
<br /> directly to the insurance carrier.
<br /> In the event any policy is not renewed on or before ten days of its expiration, the Lender, to protect
<br /> it�c interer,t, may procure insurance on the improvement,, pay the premiums and such sum tihall become
<br /> immediately due and payable with interest at the rate set forth in Said notr. until paid and shall be
<br /> secured by this Mortgage. Failure by BonowE:r to comply may, at option of Lender, constitute a default.
<br /> under the terma of this Mortgage.
<br /> All insurance policies snci renrwals tlu�r��of �luill hr iu iur� u ac•r�•� �t :�l ,l�� tu L�•u� i�rr ;uu1 �lu� ll ini• lud�� a standar�l
<br /> n�ortgrige rl8use in Iavor of and iu ioriu :ac�•iy �txl,le tu Lewlrr. L�•n� i� � r .I�all linve � lic ri�;ht tu liul�l the E �ulicic. and
<br /> renewals f.Lereof , ai�d Borrow•er shall pro�uj �tly fw•ni�l � to Leu�l�� r all i•ene�val notice, un�l all receipts of ��sid pre-
<br /> miums. In the e��ent uf loss, 13urro�cer stiall gice � �roiii��t nunce iu � fu� iii_ uraucc c�rrier su�1 I,ender, and I,ender
<br /> inay make proof of loss if not maJe proiuptl�� I �}• 13urroH•er.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower other�cise agr� e in « ritiug . � n�ur;iure � �roceed� shall I �c �pE�lie�l tu resim•ation or
<br /> repair ��F the Property damaged . ��ro�•idc�l such re.toration ur rc•� r,iir i>� c�•unuu � i �;illy' ira�il �l�• ,in, l the ,ecurity of
<br /> thia Mortgage is not thereby impaimd . It .� ucli m,wr.itiuu ur re� �:� ir i• not � •�•� munii �,alh- ieasihlc or if th¢ security
<br /> of this \lortgage would be impaired , tl �e insursnce � �roceeds shc�li Li• u�ipiie� i to th�� ; uws secured liy tliis :14ortgage,
<br /> with the excese, if any , paid to Borrower. lf tLe Yropert �- i. aban�l.�ur� i by 13� �rru�� cr or if Borrower fuils tu respond
<br /> to Lendet within 30 days after notice bp Leu�er to Bor�vwcr tl �.it tlir iu.�urance �•urrier oHer. to settde a claim for
<br /> ineursnee benefite, Lender ie authorised to collect an�i ap{,I �� tL� � inswantre proc•eed, at ] .ender's option either to
<br /> restoration or repair of the Propert}� ur to the ,u�ns secured I �� t I � i, \ lo»gagr.
<br /> Unless Lender ancl I3orrower otlierwise agree in « ritirig, an}� su<• h ap� �licntiou ui E�roceeds tu principal shall
<br /> not extend or postpone the due date of the u�onthly iustalhnrnts referred to ii � paragraphe ] a�id 2 hereof or change
<br /> the amount of euch installments.
<br /> If under paragrapli IS hereot t }�e f'roperty is acquired b�• I .ender, :ill riglit , ticlr und interest of Borrower in
<br /> attd to any ineurance puliciee und in and to thc �irocee�le iLrmuf itu tl�c �•xt �•ut uf tlu• ruu�a serured by thic D3ort-
<br /> gage immediately prior to such eal�� ur aryuiritiou � rr�ultin� irum � iawa�;�� tu Uu• k'ru��erty� � �rior to the sale or
<br /> , acquisition shall pass to Lender.
<br /> & Pr�svation �d Mmat�nm�c� of Prop�rty; Ltes�holds; Coadominiums. }iurroKei• .hal ] keeE� tiie Yrop-
<br /> erty in good repair and shall not permit or connuit �cnrite , impsiriueut , ur � iet ��rioration uf the Yroperty and shal!
<br /> co[nply with tLe provisions of any lease, if thi� Alurtga�e �� uu a IeaseLold . ] f thi. A1ort �;uge i� on a condominium
<br /> unit, Borrower shall perfonu all oi Borrower 's ubligatiou.� wi� ler � hc dr��lara� imi ui con�io�uinium ur master deed ,
<br /> the by-laws and regulations of the condon �iniun�� � �r�j �•c�t su�i con�cituent docunx�nts .
<br /> 7. l�otee4oaotL�s►deir S�eurity. li Borrower i;iil� � u � �rrfuriu the co� enant � au�i ;i�;reeiuents contained in
<br /> this �Zortgage, or if any action or proceeding i� cuninirnce��l whii�l � � uuteriall�� utl'ect,. Lon�ler '� interest in the Prop-
<br /> erty, including, but nut limited to , eminr:nt domxin , in>ol � ouc�• , �•u�lr cniurcrn�cnt , ur ;irruii�;r�ni•nts or prucec�i -
<br /> ings involving a bankrupt or decedent, then Lender at Leuder '. o� �tiun . upon uotice to BorroN•er, muv make such
<br /> eppearances, disburee ,ucl � suins and take �ucL ac[ion aa i � ne�•c.sary to E �rotect I.rnder 'n iuterest , including, but
<br /> not limited to, disbursement of reaezonaWe attorney '� /ee, snd entry u� u»� the Yro��eri}• to make repairs. Any
<br /> amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this pxragrsp6 7 , �citli intcrest tl,ereuu , shall I,ecome additional indebt-
<br /> edness of Borrower secured by this \lottgage. Unless Borrow�er and I ,ender agree to other cenus of puyment , such
<br /> amounts shal! be payable upon notice from I.ender t:o Borrower requesting j >ayment thereof . and shsll bear inter-
<br /> est from the date of disbursement at the rate �tated in the _�'otc• unless pa,yn�ent uf interest at such rate would be
<br /> contrsry to applicable law , i❑ which event ,uch amounts shall !>ear intemst at the highest rate permiesible by
<br /> applicable law. �Tothing contained in this � �arttgra��h : �h ;ill rc�� uirr Lender to incur an}• t•xpenee or do any act
<br /> hereunder.
<br /> e. IO�p�etiOn. I..ender may uiake or ��xu.�• to h� • nuiii �� rrca .��n �ahlr• � �nrri��� uj ,or :un + in-F •��rtioti� of the Prop -
<br /> erty, provided thst Lender Fl�all give Borrow•er noti�•�• � � nur tu ;�n �• .u,•h in��ir�tion •peoi(ving rexFonahlP cauNe
<br /> thetefor related to Lender's interest in the Propert}• .
<br /> 9- Caed�matio�. The proceecis of anv awarci or <• laim for �lxmsges , dirert or consequentisl , iu connection
<br /> with any condemnation or other takmg of the Yropen}� , ur � ,art tlu�reof , or tor �•unvra�an�w in lic•u of c•ondeinna-
<br /> tion, are hereby assigned atnd shall be paid to Ixnder.
<br /> In the event of a total takinq of thr Yropert.y . thr � �ruere�i� .linll I �r a� ipli�•d tu tl�e �u �m ceeured b�• this �Sort- °" "`" ,
<br /> gsge, with the excees . if any , paid to BorroH�er. In thc eveut of' a ��artivl tak�ng ot tlie F'ro�x•rty , unlese Bormwer �'
<br /> and Lei►d�er otherwise ugree in writing, them sl�all be applie�i tu tlie �wus ,ecured by thi� �iurtgage �uch propor- , YM :�:,
<br /> tiou of Lhe proceedc as is equsl to that proportion a�hich tl�e amount o1 the sums .avrureyi by this \lortguge imme-
<br /> diately prior to the dste of tsking bearf; to tl�e fair ii�arket �•alut• of tt�r ProEx�n} imiuediately prior co dir date of �
<br /> tatis6, wifh t6e halanee of rhP 1,rvu�w�1� �,ei�i *. o B<••roN�c: .
<br /> If thePropert,y i� absuJone�l by RormwPr i.r if nf'ter not � re t ,1• Lender fo 13orroicer thut tl�c .:��,.1cu,�,ur uf[ere
<br /> W malce an aw��t+d or settle a claim for danuges, Borrower fai15 tu r•es}wnd t.o l.ender H•itl�iii 30 �lapn of the daLe �
<br /> of such notiee, Lender ie suthorized to collect and ap��!}• the procredc a� Lendei•'� uptiun ritlu•r to i-rntoratioii or
<br /> rep�'sr of the Property or to t1�e suu�s uecured b,y cliie \lort�ss�qr.
<br /> i3nleeic Lender and liorrow�er otherwise a�ree in writing, any sucii application of �iroceeds co E�r���ci�ynl .hall
<br />� _ _
<br /> �
<br />