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<br /> • because of threatened depreciation in values, or othrr good and sufficient reason necrssary �;' � '
<br /> to protext or conserve trust assrts , liquidatr the assets, distributr dnd close The Trust at � �` g
<br /> � , .
<br /> r �
<br /> any earUer date determined by thrm . '1'he 'I'rust shall br pruportio�iatrly and In a pro rata '�.,�,, r j'n.
<br /> manner dlstri6uted to the beneficiarirs. In che evrnt this iustrument hxs been recorded with ���:; � °�i
<br /> the Register of Deeds, thry shxll thrn file wlth said H�rorder a noticr that Thr 1'rust shall � ^ �
<br /> trrminate and cease; and thereupon , '1'he '1'rustrrs shall automaticall y be dlach ar grd h e r e- � : ,i,
<br /> under, PRO\' IllEl) , their ad �uiiiistratiuu e� nd distributiun ha��r been made in accordance ��`�' ' �;
<br /> wlth the terms and provisions uf I'HIS 'PHUST Iiidenwrr. ( kherw[sr, a court of equity may �, ;�, �
<br /> be lnvoked to review and carrrct any tun ur error. ` < 1
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<br /> At the expiraUon ol this Agreeruent tl�e thrn '1'rustrc� , il t6ry so desire and brlirve that saM R'
<br /> Trust s6ould not be clusrd , may rrnew this Agrer�nrnt for a likr ur shorter period . A reso- a; ' � �"�'
<br /> � -.
<br /> lutiun of aaid renrH .il sh<� It tx• ru [arred upuii the minutr , .u�d slsu recurdrd iu the Recorder 's •' S`�
<br /> � �ice ( in the rvent thin A�reemrnt fuis tirru recurdrd ) .0 Ieast 1 `l0 days prior tu the rx- ='a �'��x�;
<br /> r wi
<br /> piration hereuf. Yublic nuticr s6all Iu m :adr in a cuuutv nrwspsper uf grneral circulation �r����
<br /> not less than 60 d���s prior tu tl�c cxpir:iiiuu hc•rcuC � „i: , , ". `
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<br /> Nothing herriu cuutxiurd shaxil bi• c� > n.;trurd t � , :iuth� > rize ' I 'Le 'I�rust to issue Certificates of� � - `� ' r`�f;;
<br /> 13rneficidl L�tereat in excess uf t6e uu � uber 6crrin E �n� � idrd . uur tur a nu �ninal value at � �� ' �''�r',�
<br /> ; ,.
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<br /> 'I'he purpori of this insvument is to cum•rv pruprrt � �u 1'ru+tres, to constiWte a 'Crust
<br /> ( Estate ) tcx the beiidit of the brn�ticiarir+, held bv the 1'rustees, in '1'rust and in jolnt ,��'
<br /> tenancy for thr duratiou herrof, and �u �iiu�• �dr Gn .i prudrut and reouumicul adniinistra- �.; "�'
<br /> Uon by nawral prrsuus actiug iu a� iiduci.ii � c:� pncit � , �u RE(. 11 .1 'C OtiCE and not to , . . , "
<br /> be deterred uutil aher the draih ul any creator, srttl�.ir ur me�ker, as uccurs wheo auch 'I�rust �'� � ��
<br /> Estates are cre:tted bt� 1<tst N'ill and 'Cr�tamrut , ihr �rttlors, creawrs ur rnakrrs of this �M,
<br /> coveaant preterring that "Che "1'rustrrs act sulrlv withui thrir con�titutional rights as bascd } "�
<br /> t� ,;
<br /> upon thrir commun I•sw rights and immunaies �� uuchsxfrd to citizeus of the United States � ,�
<br /> of Ainerka and defined ii� Article n', ScYtiou 'l . 1'ROVIDI :VG, thdt "CRizens of each state '��
<br /> shal! be entitlyd to all privilegrs and 'unntu �iitirs uf c(tizr�is in the srveral stxtes, ' and Article <�
<br /> 1'I , SecxicH� 2 . YHO\' Illl :�`( ; . thet "fhr Cunstitutiu�� ul chr l ' nited Statrs and the laws madC � �
<br /> ln putsuance thereof shall be the suprrinr laa u1 tl�e land ; " and thr 14th Amrndmrnt therrof,
<br /> YR01'1DING , that "Nu st:ttr sl�all mdke ur rnlurcr :�ny laa which shall abridgr thr privi-
<br /> legrs ot immunities ot� citizrns ul thr Unitrd 5�ates. " 'I'hr administration of THIS TRUST
<br /> shall be amenablr to judicial regulation un occasiun aruing and under the pasernalism and
<br /> psotection of the court. (: itatiuus applicabla and varluu � ruliugs �ertaining to Trust Fstaees
<br /> and const9tuUcwal rights of couttact and collretivr bargainL�g ( except coQartuership rr
<br /> laUonship, which ia ncx applicablr ) mav be Eound in case law which is appllcab(e.
<br /> Not6tng hrzCtn concained shall br cunstrucd as an intrnt tu evade or contravene any Fed- •
<br /> eral or State law , nor to deLegutr to "1'rustc�es any sprcial �wer belonging ezclusively to
<br /> &anchise of incorporadon. The intrnt c�f the Creator of 1'IiLS TRUST ls to Grant to (t certain
<br /> � real and personal proprrties and in so dofng cun��rys all r[ght, title and interest theretn.
<br /> By cseatlug this Irgal F.ntky , 'fhr Grantor•Cmator of TH IS TRUS'T ha, exercised h 1 `
<br /> Constitutional ltlghts.
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