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�_ <br /> ._ . r -� <br /> , . . <br /> YP r ,+,�� f <br /> « , „ " . . . .. .:.r r , :...,� r'M''My�'d�/J�'.v�'.�w .�:n :ti'iM.Yb »v&P3v,� .x,v. ,. ..,r, �. �ti � , ,. . . . <br /> • + it;v 1 <br /> a <br /> I�,na «M ' <br /> ' x <br /> r ' <br /> . . . e,. ; ..,. . ,. .ie: .a aw ,,; , . � .eF:; . � , . . . ., r . � , e;m, , , 1. ..,. . } � �vq��4i,,�,u7 � a�ry�� � , <br /> :_ . . . . . . . -._ . . . . .. . . , . . . . .. . � . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . .;.� , � .' ` ._ . . . �:.. , ` ., �!, kk.;i` <br /> 77 4 3 R <br /> 1 � IPr:. <br /> � 1flF9f} 9 , , ,�: <br /> ��, <br /> � '`' x� <br /> ��� L � � � • � � aa <br /> r��, <br /> T'he Trustees shall, tn the capactty of Trustees and not individually, assume or incur only <br /> such liabllity as may attach to Said 1'RUST property assets. This Trustee liabillty shall not � 2 <br /> ln any manner Jeopardize their lndlvidual or personal holdings and for any losses they � ;� <br /> should suf�er for any reason through services, they shall be relmbursed from TRUST PROP- � �; <br /> ERTY to the samr extent as would non-interested persons . e . <br /> • � �= <br /> Not�r,� <br /> � �; ���. <br /> Notice is hereby givrn to all persons, cumpanies or corporatiuns extrnding credit to, con- ; ' <br /> tracting wUh , or having clxin�s against 1'HIS '1'RL' S'C, that they must loo� only to the � h `: <br /> f �1 <br /> funds and property� of The Trust fiur payineiit or for srttlemrnt oi' any debt, tort, damage, �" y� y <br /> judgment or decree, or lor any indebtrdness which mxy become payable hereunder; that �d �' : <br /> 1$e Trustc�es, ate NUT persondlly liable whru draling with 1'he 'I'rust properties or matters . �r�%`. �` <br /> �': w <br /> * E . <br /> ��Ca�U'�11�i � " � � " <br /> ���. <br /> ��;,, <br /> It is expressly declared that a "1'rust, and ucu a partnership, is hrreby created; and that � ' ' <br /> neither Thr Trustees, officers, ur certtficatr holders, present or future, havr or possess any � ��£' ' '� <br /> beneftcial intrrest in the property or assets of tiaid 'Crust, nor shall they be personally llable � r"�" 1" �� <br /> herruudnr, as pam�rrs or othrrwise; that nu '1'ruster shall be Uable for the act or omisslon c �,�, �' <br /> of a Co-Tzustee, or eny other prrson , whatsurver, whed�er employed by such Trustee or ��"G, ' "� <br /> not, or for anything other than hls own , persunal breach of '1'rust . • �� � �. <br /> N <br /> C��'f�r�tee Of Ben�f• • In�e�,eot �� � � � ���� <br /> � � <br /> ��� �� � . <br /> k a�. , , w <br /> The 3enrficlal tuterrsts, es a cunvenience, for distribution are dlvidrd into One Hundred > _ �� ��` <br /> ( 100 ) Units, subsfantially in thr certif'icate form hereto nttachnd . 'I'hry are non-assessable, p ," <br /> non-ta�cable ( under the provislons of' Section 1UO2 of� Internal Rrvenue Code ), non- �1 }�: � <br /> nrgotiable but transferable; and the lawful possrssor thereof shall be construed the true and � '^ ' `' <br /> and lawful owner thereof. "Che lewful owuer tnay , if hr so drsires, causr his Beneficia! � :, ,` ` <br /> �� , <br /> Crrtlflcate tu be registered with the Secretary of the Truscees . � ,d <br /> '� .D�, -I -B <br /> ��t�y � <br /> D�th, insolve�y or bankrupccy of any crrt[ficau holder, or the transfer of his certiflcate � ' <br /> by gift, devise or descent, ahall not operate as a dlasolutton of THIS TRUST, or In any <br /> mannet affect The Trust or its oprration or mode of business . lkvnersh[p of a benef�cial <br /> cerUf(cate shall not eatYle the holder to any legal titlr in or tu The Trust property, nor any <br /> undivided Lnttt+eu t6erein, nor in the management thereof; nor s6a1! t6e death o! a 6oldtr <br /> eatftle hls 6eirs or legal reprrsentatives to demand any partltion or dlvision of the property <br /> of The Trust, nor any special accountin�; but satd successor may succeed to the same <br /> distributional incerest upon the surrender of the c�ertificatr as held by the deceased fot the <br /> purpose of reissue to t6e then lawful holder or owner. <br /> �DwUa�'on, - C�o�u� <br /> Tltis Trust ahall conttnue for a period of twrnty-five yrars from datr, unlesa The Trustees � <br /> ahall uaanlmously debermine upon an earlier date. Thr Trusters may at thely discretlon, <br /> 3; <br /> ` .. w..�""':_ ,,... : <br /> . <br /> � . . � ; � <br /> . . . . . M�7'Y�F1�,+t 'Y4"is. ,W :➢�:. , < -. �tiy.� ` . - � .. :i;. '. � . 1�: <br /> ' ' � <br /> � . . . . . s. _ 2` ' , i <br /> � ' <br /> s�g, . � � .. .. ,. . � . . . . . . . . . � � . . � yp'd: <br />�PqryqMs, . . . . . . . . . . . . . <br /> dn^.. . <br /> _ . v , � <br />^pvp. . . � � . . i ....4.' . , . <br /> IF9F"!o ` . . . . . . . . . . . . Fr:!N '/I�MM,✓p ' . <br /> ��� <br /> f� . . . . . . � . . . . <br /> y . . '. .. . . ' � . _ .. � . . . � . . � . <br /> � � � <br />