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<br /> � The sIgning and acknowledging of thts Agreement by the herein above appointed Trustees t �
<br /> or the signing and acknowledging of appropriate minutes by 'Trustees subsc� uently elected �f;, �"i
<br /> or appointed, shall constitute their acceptance of "CHIS '1'RUS"C; and their acknowledgmrnt '�°;�'� . y ;�
<br /> ti,�
<br /> of I1'S copyrights and reglsvatIon ( U . S . Yatent Of�ice 608 111 ) 6/28/55, ITS protectlon + � s �
<br /> from betng infringed upon, as is E. S . P. 's Educational Program Copyright, used to (mple- � ;:, �'
<br /> nient THIS TRUS1'; and Thr "I'rust propert�-, assrts and emoluments thereof shall lm- ' �` `�
<br /> mediately vest in the new "1'rustee or 'Trustees without any further act or conveyance. ��:�' ` ;`�
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<br /> By a regular act of thr "1'rusters thry may provide for me.rtings at stated intervals without ,, •
<br /> noticr and sprcial mertings msy 6r called at any timr bv twu or more "frustees upon t6ree �` ,
<br /> days ' writtrn notice, which may br waived . At any regul3r or special meedng a MAJORITY ``
<br /> of the '1'rustees shall constiwte a yuorum for conducting business , YRO� IllED , affirmative ��_ , � � � y�
<br /> actiun may only be had upon a 11Af1 )K [ '1'1' vute uf the '1'rustees, whethrr presant or abaent, �" n , , i,»�
<br /> ezcept that at special mertings called for a special purpose thr �1AJUNI "I'Y present may r ,," ;°
<br /> affirmatively act in emergency �nattrrs. 4 *x
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<br /> � Trusters may do anything any individual n� ay legally do in any xtatr or country, subject `�: �w g �
<br /> to the rrstrictiuns herein no�ed . '1'hey shalt continur in buslness, conserve the proprrty, r, ' '
<br /> commerciallzr thr resourues, rxtend an �� rstablishrd li�ie uf business in industry or invest- ,''�� ,g�� '"'
<br /> ment, as hrrein sprcially notrd , at thrir discretio�i foi the benetit of '1'HIS 'fKUST, such as, ;�,, � a
<br /> viz : buy, sell or leasr land for thr surtacr or miurral rights; buti� or aell mortgages, se- �`;, t `�F`'.
<br /> curities , bonds , notes, leasrs of all kinds , cuntracts �.�r crrdits uf any furm, patrnts, vade- `' � " ���"
<br /> �i.
<br /> marks, or copyrights; buy , srll or couduct mail-ordrr business, or branchrs therroF, operate ,s' ` �,,.
<br /> ���
<br /> storrs, shops, factories, wxrehousrs ur uthrr trad 'u�g establishmruts ur places of business 3� �
<br /> of any �ind; construct, buy , sell, lease ur rent suiteblr butldings or other places of business; , g w•,
<br /> advertisr ditierent article�+ or businrss projecYs; burrow money for any business projrct, �
<br /> pkdging The 'I'rust proprrty for thr payment thrrrof; hypothcrate assctis, proprzty , or both, +
<br /> �:
<br /> of The 1'rust !n busincss projc�; own atock in, or entire chartrrs ol' corporations, or other ' `
<br /> such propertlrs, companirs, or asscxlations ss they may derm advantageuus . °
<br /> . ;
<br /> A Minute of Resoludons of The Board of '1'rustrrs authorizing what it ls they detrrmine to
<br /> do or have done shall be evidence that such sn act is withtn their power . Anyone Irnding ""
<br /> or paying monry to 1'he Trustecs shall not be obligrd co see thr applicatlon therrof; all
<br /> funds paid Into the trrasury arr and become a part o!� thr CORPUS of THIS TRLTST.
<br /> Y';
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<br /> � " :� T6e Trustees shall regard t61s instrumrnt as thrlr sui[icieat gulde, supplemra�ed from ttmt
<br /> to Ume by their resolutlons ( sald r�olution to be rat3fied ALWAYS by a &tAJORITY of the
<br /> Truseees thw in oHloe and partteipatlng in t6e isauing n�eeting ) coverfng coatiu6endea aa
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<br /> , , � t6ey arinr aad arc rexord�rl lD IF1C minuers of t6rar m�ngs, whr�:h are thn by-lawa, rules :,,,.
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