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<br /> The Grantor hueby consUtutes and appoints the above designatal Trustees to be, in �
<br /> fad, Trustcer of The Trust hereby created and establis6ed. The Grantor for and in con-
<br /> aideration of t6e ob)eda and purpos�s herein se+ forch , the cash sum of Ten Dollars !n
<br /> hand paid and ot6er consideratlons of value the rrcdpt of w61ch is hereby acknowledged,
<br /> dces hemby agrec to arll, assign, convey aad drliver unto said Trustees, IN TRUST—
<br /> who am to hold legal Utle ln joint tenancy and not as tenants in common, to colleaivdy
<br /> act by vtrtue of this covrnant as a Roard of 1'rustees under the name herefn deslgnated—
<br /> aertaln properttes, bustness projects, operatlons undrr way or contemplated , dealing in
<br /> equ�le�, formulae, entlttes, patrnts, copyrights, business good-will, or other buslness de-
<br /> slred to be engaged in by satd 1'rustees.
<br /> The Trust name and uther things uf value to constitute A Trust ( Estate ), tncluding rights
<br /> in rcverslon or remalndet whpre ever situate, and other things of value and having its
<br /> principal place of business at:
<br /> � 3aq A ,eRcwh � ad !�' d .
<br /> ♦DOPE55 OF 1RU51
<br /> GRand .Is / and /�cti/ N�' E ,easha /o �+'�o /
<br /> ��{y COUNTI' ST1IF ZIV �
<br /> Thn above named "1'rustces, for themselvra and t6eir successors IN 1' KUS7', do hereby
<br /> agree to accep properttes real and personal to be conveyed and acicnowlydge accrptance
<br /> oF and delivery oi all of the proQerty specifled , together with all the terms of 1'he Trust
<br /> hezein srt forth, agreeing w conserve and improve The Trust, to iuvest and reinvest the
<br /> funds of Sald 'I'rust in such manner as will increase the $nancial rating of The Trust
<br /> ( EatatC ) during the period of outstanding llabilities of the various propertles and enter-
<br /> prtaes in commerce for gain, exerclsing t6eir best judgment and discnKloa, in accordance
<br /> wit6 The Trust Minucrs, matdng dlstribuuons of poruons of the proceeds and tncome as in
<br /> t6ely dtecretlon, and according to the minutes, should be made, maidng complrte periodlc
<br /> reports of businrss transacdons, and upon tinal liquidadon disutbuting the assets to thr
<br /> beneficlaries as their interessts may appear; end in all othcr respecYs administering Sald
<br /> Trust ( Estate ) iu good falth stzictly in conformity hereto.
<br /> �/ IAW l�iCiC1
<br /> Tntstces shall be not less than two in number, but may be incrrased for practical reasons
<br /> brne$dal to The Trust. The Trustees herrUi inentlonrd by name or their sucoessors e1ected
<br /> to Hll vacancies, shall hold uffice, have and �cercise collecUvely the exclusive management
<br /> and control of The Trust property and buskirss aflairs;
<br /> PNUV1llEll , HOWEVER, that A "Tru � may resign or br remuved froiu ofTke by a rrBo-
<br /> lutlon of unanLnous concurrenor oE the remaining Trus[ees whcn in c6etr opinion said
<br /> Tntatee shall have been gullty of fraud, malirasancr lu otfilce, gross ACgICCI of duty , or for
<br /> caux by t6e mandate d a court � compe�ent jurlsdlctlon; aad
<br /> PROVIDEll r'URTHER, that in the event of death, removal f'rom of�ce, or resignauon, 'The
<br /> Truaeees shall appolnt or elect a s�cessor by the unanimous concurrenoe of the rematning
<br /> Tnistees. Should tbe rntlse Board of Truateea bocome vacunt, a court of oquity may appoint
<br /> one Truefee, who, in turn, shaU appolat the additional Trustees. Should objection be Nkd
<br /> to appointment of additlonal Trustees , the same sha❑ l+e sprrad upon the minutes . Any
<br /> such ob,�eetion ssall deprlve tbe caadldatr from accepting the trus�eship.
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