a ._
<br /> � �
<br /> ❑ot extend oi• � �ostpoue ihe due �{ute oi � fu� iuontlil� ii , >i :� lliu ��nt . rri�•rre� i to iu E ,a�:��,rap}i� 1 and 'l I�ereoP or
<br /> cliange the a�nount oi sucl� ii�stallme�ts.
<br /> lfl. Bot:owar Not A�leaa�d. l:xten�ion of' thc� tiuio for � r.� }�n�eut or � uoditicatiou ui atnurtization of the sums
<br /> secured by t4�is 'bSor[gage grautE� l I,y l .ruder to anp � u�•cen�or in intc�re,t oi Borro��•er rl��,ll not uperatc to release,
<br /> in any inanner, tLe liability ui tf �e origival Burro�< < r un�l lim•�•u�vu '.< -uoii��sor� in interest . Lender shall not be
<br /> � required to commence proceedings agaiubt wcl � sui icasor w i � iu�.� to exteuu time Sor pe��ruent or otherwise modify
<br /> umortization of the sums secu3ed L�� tL�. \ Iurt �aKc I �}• rea.uu ui au} deman� i made b�• the origina! Borrower and
<br /> Borrow�er'e successors in interesi.
<br /> I1. Fotb�asmue by Lsnder Not a Waiv�r. .1ny forbearance by I,ender in exereising any right or remedy
<br /> hereunder, or ot,herw•ise afiorded Ly s�>�,licss�le I:i�� , �liall nut f,c ;� u ui :er of or precludc the exercise of any riQht
<br /> r..� or remedy hereuuder. 'f{ie �u•ocurement of insuran�•e or the � ,a�-�uent ut taxe� or otlier liens or charges by Lender
<br /> � ehall i�ot be a waicer ot' I.ender:s ri�ht ro uccelrrxle the maturity oT tLe indebtedne:� �ecured h}� this '1lortgage.
<br /> �!- 12. R�ta�di�sCumulative. All reu�edies pro�•ide�1 in tlii� \lur[ ga�c are �listinci ,sud cunmlative to any other
<br /> L� , rigllt or i•emedy under tliis \ lortga{;� nr :iffor� t��� l I �y I:rn� ur � ���uity� . :,. wl m:s�� h� • �•xrri�i.cd cun� iu•rentiv . independ-
<br /> � ently or Ducceseively.
<br /> -� 13. 3ueee�ron and Arcigaa Bouad: Joint �d Several Liability: Captions. "1' he cu� rn:�ui � und agreemente
<br /> � herein contained shall Viiud , un�l ttic right > lu: rcim� icr �l �all iniu�� • iu . tl ��� ree � �erti���� �uccc�:ors :in�l assigns of I.ender
<br /> � und Burrower. �ubiect tu thr � iru� i�iuu. � � i � �:ua�;�:� � �li I ; h�•mui :111 � u � �•n:iut � an� 1 a�;n���� u��nt, 01' Borrower nhall
<br /> � be joint and ,e��eral . "1'In• ra� �tiun� au� i lu: �din�;� ui tL.� � rura�: �:� � � li . ul il � i� \ InriR:xR� � an• Iur �•ou �-��niencc� unl�� und
<br /> are not to be uaed to inc ��rpre� or � lrfiur ih � • � n�uvi.iuu� Iwroul .
<br /> 1 �. Notice. Any� nutii � � tu liurrm+�� r � � rv ��� �d��� { fw� iu tlu - AIurtR�:i�;�� � i �:� ll I �r �i� �a� f�t' iruailiuk .url � notice bt�
<br /> certified wuil :xddre.=rd co liurro�����r :< < th � � f'ru� ,on �� A � i � 1ro�. _ � un•� I h�• In��� . � •��•i�� � i iur :ui�� noti<��� rcryuit•rd under
<br /> p:�ragruph 18 hereol [ o t .c �,�i ��� �u � u liurr���� � � r iu th� � iu,uiu�• i � � � n �oril ,i�� i I �}� :t � �� �li �:� hl�• I .��c . :1n�� uoti�•c �iru ��ide� l
<br /> Cur in tl�i� \lortgage shall I ��� � i��� inr� i iu hx � � i ,� ��n „n �• u t � � 1i � �rru�� � r " I � � u Fn �•u i � � � h� iuuniier � ie:i�;n:u�vl lirrein .
<br /> 15. Uniform Mortgage: Govorning Law: Severability. 'I' I � i � i� � rn � ui inun �;:iR�• � mubine, uuifurm co� ��nunts
<br /> for national use and non - uuifor�n co��enaui � ��� iili liiui < <•� I ��:n�iaciuu� I ��� iuri�diction tu countitute u �niform seeu-
<br /> rity instrument coveriug real }� ru��ert �� . "I' lii� \ lurc �;a�;�� ,hull I �� � �;ov�vn� �� l I ,� th�• la�+ ol the jurisdiction in whieh
<br /> the Yroperty is loc�ted . lu tl�e e� eut th :it :�u�• � , i•o� i� iou ur rlau��r oi rl � i. \ lort �;a�;c oc thc• Note conflicts witli
<br /> sppliesble law , .uch conflict sLull not ut'tec � uther � �ru� ision , ui rl � i � \ lurt �;a�;e ur the \ote� which eun be given
<br /> effect without tlie conflicting � �rn�� isiuu . an� 1 to ihi � ��n � f thc � n�oi� i�ion� ui tl �c Atort �;a�e an� i thc Note ure declared
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> li. BoirOw/�r's CopY. �orro�c�a� �h:ill h� • iw•niclic� i n runloriiic�� i ro��}� u1 tiiis � IortK.a�u sL tlie time of execu-
<br /> cion or after recordatioi: hereoi .
<br /> 19. Traoaf�r of the Prop�rty: Assumption. Ii ull ur ain � uiri oi tho Yropert �� or au interest therein is sold
<br /> ortransferred by f3orrow� e•r withuut Lendor :- � �rior �critr �•❑ � ��nseut , ox��ludin �; iui thc� crestion o[ � lien or eneum-
<br /> brance eubordinate to ttuc \longug�• , � I � i tho orcation ut u � � ur� •hn��� w<m�•}� securit}- interesi Por hounehold appli-
<br /> ances , 1c ) n transfer bc �ieci�e , �l�r�e��ut ur h�� u� x•r:�fiuu ui la �.� u � wu tli.• �ieatL ol � ,I �int truant ur ldi the grant of
<br /> uny leasehold �nterest ui clir�•r y���ra ur ]�•.•, iiur runiiiinii � ;; ;� n u� ni � �❑ iu � �ur�•ha��• . Leuder n�a�• . at I .ender's option ,
<br /> Jeclare all the nwns ,ecumd b}• iiii� '�1ortKagc tu Lo iuuu�•.{ iutol � � 1uo ami � �u}•al�ic•. Leudrr �liall ha��r « aived such
<br /> option to aa•eler�tte if . � irior tu tlu� �alc ur u•an�(irr . L�•mior an� i tln• � x•r�un tc; �� huni the }'ruy�ert}' i� to bc sold or
<br /> transferred reach agreewent �u �critiu�; thtit th�� cr�•� lit � �i �urli � �rr,;uu i�� .xti� fuotur�� w Len�ler aud that the interest
<br /> payable on the �wns .r�•w �•d I �y thi. \IortKsR�� .,liall L�• at �u � li i;uo :i� L��nii��r .hsll rcyuest . I1' Lrnder Las wai��ed
<br /> the uption [o accelerxte pruci,led in tl � i. � �aragr;ti� �l � 17 un� i ii fiurruwer '.� .iirr„ssur iu iutc•rest ha� executed a writ-
<br /> ten assurnption agree�iient uccepted in m riun�; � �y 1 .ou�ler. L�•w {rr .hull rcleaac Burru�rer irun� all ubligatione under
<br /> this Mortgage and thc Notu.
<br /> If Lender ezercises such uption tu :�rceler:�t�• . l ,endi�r sh:ill � uuil }iorruwer noci�•�• oi acoeleration in acaordanee
<br /> �vitli }�ttragraph 14 her�•ol . tiu��li nutic� � .:h :. 11 { ,ru� i� l�• :i � ,��riu� l �� f uut ]��... � lui� i 3U � i:i�-� fruu� tlic � iatr thc �iotice ie
<br /> uialled witl�in N•Lict� Burruw .•r inu} � �:, c tlu• .•uiu- � 1� �• Lu �•� l � lu� li 13urru�� �•r i:ul � tu � �u� .ucl� �wu� ��riar ta the
<br /> explration of .uch fieriod . Lender wa}' �� � tlwut turtiu � r nutii•� ur � I� •iu;uui � �n Kurro�� cr, iucuk�� sn}' retnediea per-
<br /> initted by pnragraph 18 Lereof .
<br /> \ � � r -l � vit�oe �� 1 '� �vr: vn � r. . fi� � rru�� �• � �� � �� I L��iuli� r t' urtiu• r ��u � �vuuit .in�l a;; r���• a � Yullu��� . :
<br /> !!. Aee�l�ration: R�medi�e. 1,;��•o� �t :i� � u�� �ci� l ��� l iu � �:u�:�kr; � � � h 17 I �orcoL u� >uu 13urru�ci�r '. hrea� li of any
<br /> covenant or agreement ui Hurrua �� r iu ilu� \ ] nri �;: � �� . in� lu� iin � tlu �•u� �•n :� ut � tu � �:t�• �cl �rn � luc ;in}� •un�� .�•curr� {
<br /> by thin \ (ortgagr , I.eu� ior� � � riur tu :u�� ���lrrnUuu � I � uli in:� � l nuiiro t � r li�.irru��� �•r :ir � �ruc ��lo� l in � ru:�Rr:a ��li 14 lierrol
<br /> specifvin� : Ill tlie I �rraa•li �. � 'l � thr : �rur� n royuir��� l t „ � � um >urli hn�u�• h . iSi ;i � I:, to . nut le..: tluin thi �tt• dayr
<br /> lrum [ hv datc ti�c not �cc i. � ua � lr�1 tu liurru�cor . I �� �� Ini� l � .u�� � i i � r� �srli inu�t Im oin��•� I . an� i i } i tl � ut Ixilurv tu i•urc
<br /> �uch breach o�i ur l�etorc• tLr dxt.� r� x�citir� l iu � I �. � u� �uc� � uui �� r��.uli in aec��l�• rau��u ui tlm ,wu- �,rourrd I, ��• this
<br /> \lortg:�ge and sale ui th�• Yro� irrtt� . li t6� � I �r1•;irli �, nu� �� ur�•� i ui : � �r i �oi� �rr tli � � � Lu , � • � ��•�• iti � �� i iii � lii• ui �ii�•r . I ,rnder
<br /> at Lender'n option may � 1i•rletr�� ull ui th�• xuiu, s�•�• �in•� i I ��' � i � i< \ l � �l'tRaRi• tu bi• �niuu•� iiatol �' � 1ue anil payable
<br /> w'ithout further deuiand and u �a}' iore�• lu.� � tl � i� \lurt �;aF� � Lc iu� iiri :� l � � ro�•�•rdit �� Lru� i�•r � lu� ll bi� . ntitl��� i w collei�t
<br /> in such proceedir��; all rxE ��•n.�r. ul i��rc�• lu.>uro . iu� IwGu�; . 6ut u � �t linut � •� 1 tu � u.t = nf � lurwu��ut :tir�� e�•idenec• ,
<br /> abntracte and tiUe mport .� .
<br /> 1S. 80ee�ew�t�i Rigit b R�iOalat�. \ otwit6.taii� i � n�; L�•udrr � :ur.• I �•ration u[ � li�• .iini� .et'tu'�vi I��• Lhi�
<br /> Mortgage, Borrower shall ha��e the right tu ha��i� :in�� � �ruceedin �< ha•�;uu I ,}• I .�•nd�• r cu ontom�• thi� 11on �;aqe dis-
<br /> contiaued at any time priur to entry of a iu�ik�u�-�x <•ni�cin� tlu.. \lort �;x:��• i ( : � :, i Borro�� ��r pay. I .ender all
<br /> sums which would be then due under th �� \ lurt �;:ar� � fu• \ut �� ;� rnl n�>t �•> .r�• ur� u�; Fnr un • A � ivHn�o. , if any� , had no
<br /> acceletatlon occurreci ; ibi Borrowrr �•urer etll Irr.•s�� li�•, uf nnc uthrr vi �� �•n ;uit , ur :.�roi•nie•nl . of' Aorruwer vun-
<br /> Lained in Lhts :41ortBaK<' ; Ici f3otrower pa)'s all rva�onzibl� � o� � ���u.�•.• � ne �irr��� i fn� Lcn�ic�r in � �nfur�•�iiK tl�e �•uvenxntx
<br /> and a`reeeneate of Eiortow�er cont�med m thi� \IurtRaR�� :ind �n ��utur�•in� Li•n� i��r � r.•nied �e•. as � �rovuieil m f �xru-
<br /> gtsPh 18 het�tf, including, but not limitrd to, rea.ouahic utturu�•� '� ioe> . an� i � d � liorruw <� r txkr� ..uch :iction a•
<br /> l.eedes msy reawnably rrqu�re to usaurr thxt the Gen oi � In. \ lurt �;x�;�• . L�•nder '.• �nti�n••t m the F'ropeny nnd
<br /> l�orro�ver's obiiaation to pay the aums secured by tiu� \1urt �,xt;� -1 � all �•untinuo uninipu � rr�i 1 ' � �on .uc6 � utti� ment `
<br /> and cure by Borrover, thin '_bfortqage and the obliqation� .ceuri•�1 lu� rc lr}• •h:ill r�•uiain in rull iun•c ;iu� t ��fl���ct :ts if - ' .�i
<br /> no aeeelentioe had occure�ed. �. •
<br /> L i. �iy�rt d sN�s: 1{y{.elal�st ai Le�iv�r: Iw� in Po�rs�sion A , sdditional .e�enrity here- "'�"„
<br /> ww��
<br /> uoder, Borro�ver l�ee�eby a�ri6oe to Lender the rent � uf thc Yro4�ert � . Eu•o�� ideii t I�at Hurrue-rr .hall . prior to acceler- �Sr
<br /> rtien under para�rapl� 18 hereof or ahandona�ent of [ 6c• Yrn� �erty . iusr�• � hc riKht to �•olle���t �nd rv�tuin ruch rent�
<br /> a� t6ey beewe�e due aed pavable.
<br /> L'pOu rocelerrtion under �wrt�[rr{�li 18 Lereuf ur ubandon � ucnt uf tlu Yro��rrt � . Lcn� ler . iu { wr.un . l, � :a�;cut
<br /> or by judieiaily appoiAtsd t'eCeiver shsll he entitlecl tu rnter uFuin . take� E �o,�e�rion ul xnd � winake [ hi• Property °*
<br /> aod W oolket t6e rents of the I'�^e1�ertY , includinR those past due .� 11 r�•nts coll.•�•t��d I �� I.a•wie• r ur � he r��c<•ic�•r
<br /> rhall be tppl'sed fi�st to paymeat of the coets of manx�enient of tLi• Yro� �rm au� l �•ullo� tiun uf r��rn � , inrlud � n� , hut
<br /> nOt Ism�LEd tq rece�tver 'K lee�; , prrmlunra on mi•ei��rr . hou�t, nn� � ri�n.unxb�r :atturnr}� • � ��r� :uuf tui�� i tn ttir �um.�
<br /> e�ecured by thie '.Noet�age . I.ender and the r�eae��•er rl�xll iN� I �uhir• tn a�•��ount nnl � for thu.r rrnt . ;trt � � : . ) h n��•.• i � � •� i �
<br />�.:.
<br />