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� � � <br /> If under paragraph 18 hereoi the 1'ro� ���r�}• i � ���I� 1 ur the f'roperry i.v otl �envi��� :i�•yuirv�� l hy Lcrnier. Lencler <br /> .hall apply , no luter tliun iiunirdiately prior to tln .•alr ui tlu• Yru� �crty ur it . u�•yui< uiun I �y L�•nder, :un� Funds <br /> held by Lender :it the timc� of np��lication :is � �• r��� iit :eR.iin,r ihr � uin� �ocur�•� i b�� tl� i� �lort �;u�;�� . <br /> 3. ApplieatioA of Payaitate. lTnles• zyiplic:it� li� I :i�� � �ru�• i� i�•= oth��rwi��� . :ill � rtyuivnt.. rcee�ive� l b�• I.ettcler <br /> under the !�Tote and paragrapl�F 1 und '2 hereof ali :ill hi • s�,� �lic� 1 I��' L��n� lc�r tir�t iu p:�}� uien[ ui :uuuunts puyablc to <br /> I,ender by Borrower under i �aragrapli 'l I �ereof, thcu tu iut ��mst � �xt�ul �lc on rhe Aote an� i un Futuro Advatnces , if <br /> any, atid then co the prinei{��al ui the \'ote uu� i to the � � rinci� �x�l ui l�uture :1� ic :inrr� , if ;�ny. <br /> � 4. C6arg�s; Liens. Borrower shall psy ull tuxes , assessuients :uul other ��hurges , fine� and impositions attrib- <br /> utpble to the Property which may :itt�in �, priorit.p ovcr tl � ic �lortgu�u , and grouu� i rcnt,, if ssuy , at Lender'ti <br /> option in the inauner provided under � �uragra� ih 2 hemof ur I �y 13urro���c�r ivakinR E �ayi�ieut , when due , directly to <br /> the psyee thereof. Borrower �hull promprh• furnisL iu I.E�mler all uotice� uf a�uouut , dur uuder this paragraph , <br /> and in the event Borrower elisll inake �uny>>ient dirertl}� , liorro���rr .liall � irou� E �� lc iw•nish to L�n�ler i•eceipts evi- <br /> dencingsuch payinent�. Borrower aliull � �ronyxly �li,cl �arge uup lieu �c6ich hss. � n•iorit }� u��rr t6is \Iortgage ; pro- <br /> "� vided , t6at Borrower shall not be reyuire�! to dis�•LurRc• au�� su•li li��n �o lon�; s� liurro�s�cr .Ilull ugree in writing to <br /> O the payment of the obligation secured by surh lie� , � u :i insnner ucceptul�le to Lcuder, oi• shall in good fait.l� uontest <br /> � such lie�i by , or defend enforceiiienc of sucii lien i� � . legi� l � � ruer��� lin�;� �chici ; o� ierai �� iu �,re�•ent th�� eniorcement of <br /> � the lien or forfeiture of the Yroperty or ;xn}• � �:�a•t i iicreoi . <br /> � 5. Hasatd Iaauraaee. Bor1'o�ver �hall kee� � rli �� iiu � � ro���vn�•nt .� uu�c � �xi � iinK ur hereaftur �•re�•ted on the Prop- <br /> : crty insure<9 again�t loss by fire , hszards included �vitliin cl �e ter�u • •extende� i et�vernge " . nn� l ,uch ocher liazurds as <br /> Lender �uay require :ind in ,ucli niuo�� nt � ;irnl tur . ucli � �eriud � :i� L� ndcr iu :iy rc � � uir�� : 2iro� i�le�i . t }iat I,ender shell <br /> � not require tfiat t6e iimount of such ou� uragr ox�•ceil th :it au�uuni u � ruce•r;a�;i� n•�� uir��� l t�� � �.t�� tl�e sums secuied by <br /> 1� chis �fortgage. <br /> � The insurance csrrier �� roviding tLr iusuruu �•r .hull h�� rhuseu I ��' Borronrr .ui ,ject to upprt�v:tl by Lender : <br /> ��ruvided , that aucli ap� >roval shall not he unrea�unabl�� �rithheld . All premiums on iu,urunce � �olicic� �I�u11 be paid <br /> :at Lender's o��tiun in Nic manuer � , roeide� i uuder � �:u:iEr , � � l � 1 lurr�>oi or I ��� lic�rru�����r makin�; , �u}��nent . wLen due , <br /> directly to the in.urance carrier. <br /> In the event any policy is not renewed on or before ten days of its rxpiration, the Lender, to protect <br /> its intereet, may procurr insurance on the improvement.s, pay thr premiumti and tiuch sum shali become <br /> immediately due and pavahle with intere�t at the rate �et forth in said note until paicl and shall be <br /> 5ecured by this Mortgage. Failurr, by Borrower to comply rnay, at option of I.ender, constitute a default <br /> under the termx of this Mortgage. <br /> All inhurunce �wlicies and renewt�l. th�veoi = i � x � i in• iu iurni ; irr�•ptxhle tu Lon� lor anil = luill in�• lude a stanilard <br /> iuortgage c•lau�e in favor o[ asn�� iu torni acoe� ��alil�• tu Leu� ler L�•rni��r�tll h:i��r th �• ri �;Lt Yu hol�i the �iolicies und <br /> renewaln thereof , und Borro«�cr shall prow� �tly furuiah to Len� lcr all reue�ti•ul notice.y uu�l all recuipts of paid pre- <br /> miums. In the c�•eut uf loss . ]iurro�cer .6ull gi � e � ,rom � n uutic�� tu tli� � in:iu•anc� iarrier snd I .ender, and Lender <br /> may inake proof of losa ii not made prom}�tl�� I�y liorro���er. <br /> Ualeas I.ender nod Borrower otiierwise agroe in ��� ritin�;, in�� u•an�•�• � � rocce�l, shall t�c up}�lied to restoration or <br /> repair ot the Yropertp dumaged , pro��ided .ucL r�•�tor:inun ur r�•� r,� ir i� c<�unouii �:ilh� �lr aud thr �ecurity oS <br /> thie Martgage is nut tl�ereby iuipaired . If = ueli ri�storuiun ur re��air i� not �•��onuuiic:ill�� fe.isible or if the security <br /> of this �lortgage would be iiiiEiuired , the iu�i� rauce � irucee� l , ,h :ill I �� • u� i� �liu� i tu iL� ,uui� ,ecure�l by tl�i� ;�lortgage , <br /> with the excess, if any , Aaid to }3orrower. If t Li� Yru� �crn• i.> al �un�lune� l 1 ,� Burro��•iv� or ii lSorru�ver Puils to respond <br /> to Lender within 3U days �f'ter nut�ice by Lender tu Borroµ� er tlint r lic iusurituce carricr affers to settle a claini for <br /> iaeursnce benefits, Lender ie suthorized co �•ullect ;u�d appl}� th�• insurunce �,rocee�le at I,ender's option either to <br /> restoration or repair of tLc Pro�ierty or to tl�e �um� secure�l 1,�� tl� i ,� �Iortgagr. <br /> Unleas Lender an<P I�orrawer other�� ise agree in writing . any �uch ap� �li��atiou uC proceed, to principal shall <br /> not extend or postpone the due date of the uiunthh� inscallinruts rei�rrn�f to in parugruplis 1 and 2 hereof or change <br /> tbe �mount of sucli installments. <br /> If under par�grap!'i 18 hereof the Yropert�• i� acyuired h���ler , nll riglR , title und intereet ot Borrower in <br /> and to an}� insurance pulicie� and in an�l to tl�t: proceeds tlien�uf itu tin� ex[ent uf tlu� � uuis ,ecw•rd b,y tl� i. lfurt- <br /> BaBe imn�ediately priur to �uch .al�� ur ueyuiritioni m: ul � iuR frou � � {u� u:ik�� to � lu• Yroperty �n•ior to the sale or <br /> sequieition shall paes to Lender. <br /> i. Pr�rsrvation mad Mmatenmics of Prop�rty: Leaseholda; Condomiaiuma. liorro�rer sl�ull keep t he Yrop- <br /> erty in good re��air and shall not permit m• � omn�iic w;�stc , iiu� >alrment , ur � i<ri �-rioratiu� i ut thc Yroperty :ind sl�all <br /> uamply with the pro��isione of any iease , i ( ti � i- AIurtgngi� i� uu ,i irsnetiol � i . It tLi.. Alortgr�ge i, on :ti condominium <br /> unit, Borrower shall perCorm ull of Borro«�cr 's obligatiou � iu�� ier tfie �ieclurniiou ol condoniiniuni or master deed , <br /> the by-18we and regulatiou� uf tli�� condon �iniuiu } � ruje�� t :in� i � �unstit�ucin do�� umrnt �. <br /> 7. Protection o! Lsnder's Soeurity. fi Liorrower i;iih tu � >eriurui the coven:tut. ;uid ;x�reemen[ s contained in <br /> this �Sortgage, or i ( si�y action or proceeding i� commence�i wl� i� I � �usteriall }� affect� Lender'S interest in tl�e Yrop- <br /> erty, ineluding, Lut not limited w , eminent dou�aiu . � n.ol � ��ncc , �•� �d.^ ��niur�•euient , ur ,irrange�nent� or �>roceed - <br /> i[tge involving u betnkru��it or decedent, t6en Lender at l .end�•r '. o� rtiu�� , u}�un notice to Borrower, rnay mske such <br /> appearances, disburse sucl� �ums and take �ucl , ai+tion :�� i � n��� v��ar� to F ,rotr� t Lender', iuterrst , including , but <br /> not limited to, disbursement of reasonable attorney 's 1'ee� und rntry iipo�i thP Yropercy to cnake repairs. Any <br /> amounte disbursed by Lender purNuant to thir E�uragcaph 7 . �ciih interest thereon . sl�ull become sdditional indebt- <br /> edaeas of Borrower secured by this \lortgage. Unless Borrow�rr an�i Lender agrec: to otl�er tertns of payment, such <br /> amounte shall be payable upon notice from I.ender to Aorrower requesting payment tliereot , snd shall bear inter- <br /> est from the date of disbursement at the rate �rated i ❑ the \ote unless ��ayuient of interest at such rate would be <br /> coatrary to applicable law , in which e��ent .uch amonnt5 shall besr interest at [he highest. rate pertniaeible by <br /> applicable law . ?Vothin� contained in thi� � �arugrss��l� i .l�ull rc��7uire Lender to incur uny expense or do any sct <br /> hereunder. <br /> S. Idp�e4en, lxnder may �uake or esu�e to hc �narlc rra�onxblc rntrie. u�ion aind inspectiona of the Prop- <br /> erty-, procided : Lat Linder .•Lai � �11\'C P)UI'fJNI' I uutirr � � iu :ui � •u� ii in,� ,r�•uuii �� �ei�ilyiuK rra.onai �ir causr <br /> therefor related to Lender's interest in the Yropert�� . <br /> S. Ceed�aseation. The proceeds of unp award or <�laim for damages , direct or eonsequential , in connection <br /> with any condemnatiou or other tnking ol thc Yro� �crt � , ur � �urt � I �rrcui , w• lur �•m� ve}- an��r iu liru ol' run�letuna- <br /> tion, are hereby ae�igneci and shall t,e paid tu I,ender. � <br /> In the e��ent. of a toLal taking of t6e YroE�rrty . the � � roree�i.• =Jiu11 ir�• :���plied to tlu� � um. secured by t.his 11ort - r 1 <br /> t�e, with the excess, if arn� , paid t� Bon•uwer. Iu the e�•eut of u partiul taking oi tlie Yrup��rty , unless Borrower � ° <br /> L und I,ender otl►etwise agree in writing, there shall !>e appli�i tu th�� sun�s �erurc-�1 h�• this \lortkage such propor- <br /> tion of the proeeeds as is equal to that pro}wnion which the nmount oC the sumr ,ecurecl by this \lortgage imrae- ',,,��� <br /> diately priot to the date o[ taking bautx< ro t6r fair uixrkct �•alue ut tlu• Yrupert }• i�u�ne�liatel�� priur to the date of <br /> ta1[iu�, with tife balsace of the pruceeds paid to Boi-rower. <br /> Il tLe Pt+�ety iu ri�aiwun�xi py Borrower or it atter not �ce i ,�� l.ender to Liormwer thst tl�e condemnor offerti <br /> Lo tuYlte 1u. awrr� ur aCLLIa n �lruu iur uau�yjee, Borrow�er iaii. i � renEwnu to Lenler «•�tdun :iU davs ol the date ��� <br /> of wch natioe, Lender ia authorisexi ta �+ollect and appl}� the prcxeeal� at Leuder'. uptiun eit (irr tu rr.,toration or <br /> rqfYr of the Pmperty oc to the suins xeoured by thie� \ 1ort�age. <br /> iinirwa i ,P»�irr Rn�i Rn�mwrr othern•isc armc in �.ariting, any such applicstio:; o: proc�. �l� L.. �,� ii,� iE.ul �Luli <br /> � <br />