� �
<br /> not eztend ur postponu tlie due �1ute oi thc �uor� thl�� ui< � :illnu�uth r�� i�^rtr� i tu � n � riaiaKrsspl» 1 und 'l k'�ereof or
<br /> change the amount of �u<•h installme��ts.
<br /> 10. Borcower Not R�Laawd. lixtension of thc ti � uc ior � �ayw�•nt or iuodific�ation of amurtization of the sums
<br /> eecured by this vlortgt�ge grante� b}• I .endrr to any rureessor in intera��t of' Borru�cer shall not operate to release,
<br /> in any ma:mer, the tinbility of tlie on�inal liorrowc•r :tud Bono�� c�r '� ucce�sor. in interest . T .rnder shall not be
<br /> � requirnd to commence proceedings against �ur'h succeecor ur ia lu � cu ext.eud tin�e I'or payinent a• othettivise modify
<br /> u�nortization oi the sunis secured bv thi.. \ lort�;uge I �y n•as�n � u� + nY deman� i iusde hr the originul Borrower and
<br /> Borrower's auccessors in interest.
<br /> ;;,� 11 . Forb�aranee bY Lnder Not a Waiv�r. Auy forbeurauc�• by t,ender iu exercising an,y right or remedy
<br /> Q hereunder, or otl�ensise afforded b�� up[ �licaLle la«' . �li:sll noc I �e ;i �� �iver of m• prerlu�le the exercise oi any right
<br /> � or reiz�edy leereunder . The � >i•ocuremeut of insuran�•e m• tlie � �a}� nient oi tyxes or ot�h�r liens oi• �liarges by Lender
<br /> �(� shal! not be a ��'aiver of Lender's right to scceler:ite the maturiby of tLe indebtedness secured by this S3ortgage.
<br /> �� 12. R�msdios Cumulative. All remedie� pro�•ide� i in tl � i� \Iortga�e iire distinet und ��umulative to any other
<br /> ;; right or remedy under thie Alortgagi� m• ,�fl'nr� ie�l I ��� ln�c ur �•�lianc . an� i � u:i}' ho ezercised �•oncurre��tly , independ-
<br /> ently or succeesiveiy .
<br /> � 13. Sueeeasots arad Aarigs�r Boussd: Joiat and Ssveral Liability: Captiotss. "I'h�r i•ovenxntti and xgree[nents
<br /> � herein contained shsll biud , und the rights i �ereuuder = Lull im � r� � iu. thc re.� �octi ��� � �uccessors :uid �ssigns of I,ender
<br /> :tnd BorroK�er, �ub,ject to tl�e pro� ision� of � �sra{;r:� � , h 1 i 6�• r�•ui . .111 ou � ��n:int .. :in� i aKri•cu�ents ol' BorroN�er �hall
<br /> be joint aud se�'eruJ . 1'Le ruption.� am3 l �r.adinK.• ui tL�• � ��ir..Rr:a � ,1�- ui � lii� \ lurt �;:e{;<� ;ue � fur <•onti' eni��nce only and
<br /> are not to be uaed to intrrprec or defiue th�• � � roei- iun* h��m+�t .
<br /> 14. Notice. Any� nolir� � tu Borru�ccr � �ru�• I� 1r� i lor iu tlu � AIunR..k�� . . h :ill I �� � �!i ���•u hy iu.uling r�.u� h notice b��
<br /> c•ertitied �usil ad�L•�•,.ed ru f3urr������•r :�r � li � � I' ru� �i• rn� .�� I� Irr�� �u� to� i l �� � lu��� . o�ro � �t tur ;�m� nutii•�� reyuired under
<br /> y�ar;igcaplt 18 I �ereof to he gi ����> > tu f3orru�t� � r iu tlic � u:imu� r � � m-rr�if ,o� l I,�� ;�� � � � 1 ���:� 1 � 1�� L��r . :� �n- uutire � �ro��ide�1
<br /> for in this \ Iortgagr =1 �all h� • deen �avi tu h;� c� • I ��v•u Rn�� �n iu I3� � rr.��crr �rliru � i �� � ai in tlio ivanner � ie,iKua[erl herein .
<br /> 15. Unilorta Mortgage: Goveming Law: Severability. I'iii� iorin � �i � uort �;u�;c � muLinc� unitur�n covi�nants
<br /> for national use and nou - u�� iforni cuce�� xut � ��•itli limitr� l csriutiun.� i ��• iuri�dictiuu tu couatitutc: a uuiform secu-
<br /> rity instrume�rt �•overing real ��ropert �� . '1'hi. Alor� �;uge .hull i �� � �;u��a�rue� l L �• tl��• I:t��� uf the jurisdiction in which
<br /> the Property is locat-e� . ln tl�e c��ent thx� unv ��ru��ision ur �� lau�o of tLi: A1ortRss�i� or tLe lote confliots with
<br /> spplieable tak� , such conflict shr�ll not sffect utl,er � ,n>cwion- ui rlii� .UnrtKaRe ur tlic ?�ote which c�n be given
<br /> effectwithout thc confiictiug ��ro �� isiou . aw1 to tlii� on � i ih�� � �rmi.ion. ui ihe Alui•tKaRc ur�d the Note are declared
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> 16. Borrowar'c CoPY• 13orruw�er sl �all he furni<hr� i :i r�n , ioriu�>� 1 � �u�>>� uf thi .� Vort �;t�Ko at Ttie time of execu-
<br /> tion or after recordation I�rreoi.
<br /> 17. Transier of the I�op�rtY: Aasumption. li :ill ur au}' � �:u'i ��t the Yropert �� or an interest tLerein is aold
<br /> orGransferred by Borrowt�r withou� J.ei��l�•r '� � �ria �ti� ri� � ��n � •unaeur . �•xoluding � ni the rreation of a lien or encum-
<br /> brance subotv�inate to thi� �1ortKuk�� . i t > i thr rreut iuu uf :� � �urrha��• inun��>' necurit �• �ntereet for household appli-
<br /> snces , i_c ) a transfer by �le�•ise , �lc�>�•eut ur I �c 1!� xv'.+ tiu�i ui la •,� u � n,,n � L� � dcath ui s juiut tenuut or ldl tl'ie grant oi
<br /> uny Leasehold interest ot ttirre year� m• le.- not ��untaiiiin�; n � � u� �tiuu iu � ,un•has.• . L�•n�'1ei• inay . �t I.ender's option ,
<br /> declare all the sutns secured by this \lortKagc� tu I ,� iuuuediui � l � � { u�� : uul � �uyxlil.• . Lcudrr sliall La�'e waived such
<br /> option to uccelerate if . �.�rior to t {�e ,ale ur trmin.= ier . L�•u�L•r aml th�� � u � r.ou ti, ��� liuu � tlic Yrupert}- i5 to he sold or
<br /> transterred reacl� agrreinent iii �� rinng tl �at tfie �•ri��lit ui .�uci � � �e �:suu is auti: iuctur� to I.ruder a��d tliat thr iuterest.
<br /> payable on the rum:: �rcured by tLi. \lorlKugc • 6all Im ut . url � r:�t � ar I .rnder ..li:�ll rcyue�t . Ii I ,rnder has wuived
<br /> the option to accelerace � uu� idt�d in thi� purx� ra� di 17 :in� i ii liurru�+ �• r '., w�•i•essur in �ntrrr�t htt� exei�uted a writ -
<br /> ten se,sumptioii agreeiuenc acceper.d tn ��' r�t � ng ��y Lrn�irr, L��u� 1ev ..hxll n•lease BurroN'er trun� ull ubligatiot�e under
<br /> thie Mortgage and the Note.
<br /> If l.ender exerciars eucl � option tu ;s��crlerut�• . L.endrr ,6:�1 ! �uail liorrower noui�e ol acceleration in saoordance
<br /> with paragcapti 14 tiervuf �u�•li uotu•c - f �:il1 �,ru� nio u � ���riu� i ul n�n I�•... � liau 30 � I:���• lruui tho � isste tl�c notice 7�;
<br /> inailed witLin wt�ich fiurruH� cr � uuy � �:i}- tli�• ,wu� � lc�• lun•� i � iu� . li liu�•ru�e�� r i:i � l , iu � �ay •url�i • wu• prior W the
<br /> exPiration of .uch }x>ri«i . Lender iu�p . �� itl �uut fnrtlu�r nuu �•� � � � r � i� �� n:uul � �u l;urru�� � r . iu � ak�� an�• r�-medies per-
<br /> rnitted by paragraph 18 hereof .
<br /> \i � x -l ' xtenent l 'u�� t: xex �r�. }turru ��v • r ,� ui ! L��tul�� r 1'urtl � or �•ot � � uant uu� l xp; cNr :in foll � > ��� � :
<br /> 18. ACt�leration: Rrmedi�B. I�ar.•� �t :i< � �rn�� i� l � �� { iu � �: u';�Rra � � l � li hor��uL u � �un Rorrowrr ' . bre:irh uP am�
<br /> covenant or agreernent ot }3�>r�vu� cr In tl � i� Alurt �;u �r. inrlu � i � n � tL �� ru ��ou ;iui - iu � �ay ��� li�•n � lu�• :sin' � uni. •��i• ur�•� 1
<br /> by tltie Alortgage, Lrn�i�• r � � riur tu arcolrratiun •liall uu�il nunrc i � � li� � rroa��v� a- � ,ru �� i� l�•� i iu � ��ir:i�;rs� rh 1 -1 h�•ri^o1
<br /> speeif)'ing : ( 11 tt�e brrsi�li �. i 'Li tho :u• uui � r.•� � uiro� l tu rur� � � uoh Lrr:u � li . i :i � :� d:� ic . nut Ir•• tli:in tlurt }� � iaV=
<br /> 1ron � tht' datc t6i� ni�tiri� f � ivaile� i tu k � � rru��' � � r . I �c �� I � i � � i , > u � h fn'�;u � i � i � iu.•t I �� � � � ur��� l . sn� l � 9 i t liut lu � l � tro tu rurc
<br /> Nurh hreach on ur twion• tlir dat�� ,� �r�• iti�tii � u tln� uutu•� • in;»� rr.u ! t in uoccli � r:lt �ou „ [ tL�� .mn� �r�� unvl bc thi�
<br /> � �lortgage t�,nd sale of the Yro� ���rYy' . lf tiir hri�tx�' I � i�� not rurrv ! � �i : un c�iurc iho � i:it �• .Ei�•r � ti��� i iu tlir uuti��e . I.rn�ler
<br /> at Lrnder 'e o���tion ivay �I�•�• lur�� ali ut tki�� >uni• .•ri� iu'ed L�' tfu> VortRUK�' tu h� • uuiuo� iiat ��h• du�• nu�i ��aysble
<br /> wit}�uut furtherdeu�xnd an�1 iucc lurorl<��c tlu� Alurt �:��o I �y' iu�l �ciul � � ru�•��r�Lu� . L��ud�•r ahxll h.� ce �titic�� i to rollert
<br /> , in �uch {�roi•eedin� all expenst• . ui lor��clu. urr iurlu� liu�; , I � ut unt liiuit �•� I tu ru.t � uf � lurunu � ntar�� r�' idenec ;
<br /> abetract. and titli• r�pon �.
<br /> li. Don'evr�r'a Riqht to R�ioslat�. \' otwit6.>uxu�lm� Lrudrr '. ni��•��I��ratioi� ul' thr ..um< .c�'ured by thi=
<br /> Mortgage, Borrower ahall have the right to hss �•e au �� � ,i'ucev�liziR> I �r•�;un I �y l .� u� irr � u �•nfor�•r t h1� �1ortKaR�� die-
<br /> continued at anp time prior to entry uf a ,iu�l�;iiu•i, t ��ufo�'�� iu�; � hi� \ luny;uK.� if : ixi liurruwor f �ayr Lendcr ali
<br /> ecume whieh wuuld be then dnue under th �. \ lort �;a�:o tlu 1ut �• :� ml ucn ��� �r��urin�; Futurr Ad��an�•o.. . if an}� , had no
<br /> 9CCf'�Pf9L10(1 OCCUiS't'C� ; ' �1 ) DUf'CJN"CI' � ut-a > .1i � : � tY.a� �1 , . � ,i : il � � uliu' 1 � ' � r \ � ' Iutl� l . Uf :f�:, fPr11 �c'l1U � II I�UI'iUWCi CUp-
<br /> tained in thia Mortgagr : Ic1 Borrower � ,a>•, all r�•asunahl� � �. � ,i•u..� • ; n� urr� � I 1 ,� Lc ml� r iu . nfun� iuK tl�r cu�'ruautr
<br /> aad ygreemepts ot Borrower contained in thi. AIurtR:i��° and in ruiurrinR L� •n� icr'. n•nia•die� iis � iro��ideu3 in para-
<br /> greph 18 hereof, including, but not limite•d to , rou.wnsLlc :i� i � �ru<�� '� ie�c•- . zu�� i � � l r }iurt'u�rcr takc- n�ch urtiun a�
<br /> I.ei►der may reseonably require to ss�ure that thc licn ot tLi� \lurtK:ay;r . L� u�i<•r '> iu � rro�t iu tLa� PruExrty and .\
<br /> Bptro�ve!'6 obli�8tion to p8V the EwnN securc�l by [ hi� \lurt �;u�;� • . hafl �•untinu� ttnnu��ulrc•d t' � �un .�u<�h px}'n �en� '
<br /> stfc� eure by BOleovec, this �iortgage and thr obligutiuur ,i•currd lie•r.•h� .hall reuiain w full fm'c�r and cHect as if tr'• � �
<br /> euo aooeleratioe had occurrec{. �
<br /> � �. ���t d f�: App�1��t el ��criti[: I.�r in Poa��sim- .1• additi��nut .rcurity Lcre- ^�^"�+,
<br /> unde�� $plrp�ver Itereby assigsrs to Lender ttie rentr of tlir Pro�wrr �• � � ru�• ide�1 tha� Horrow�er nhall . ��rior to sscceler- "$�
<br /> ',tion under parsjraph 18 hereof or absadonmcnt of thc Yro� u•rty . lia � o thc riKht tu ��ullrct and retain ;:ucli rent.�
<br /> rr t}wy IMee�e due rnd I�vrblr.
<br /> L'poa i►ocelcrrliw� uiwirr ��rrr�rrNi� 18 i�rrrvi ur al�xnclon�uc•nt �t ttu� Yro��r�t �� . I .rnifer. �n ��•rwn . b�� a�ent ,,,
<br /> oe by jLLdieially YpQointa�d receiver ehall he entitltrl ro e�nter uEwn , tak�• � �us�r�.iun o( :tud wnnx�ce the Yrop<•rta•
<br /> aod to odleet the e�eats of the PnoE�erty . inelud�n� those� pntt due. All rrnt . <•ollrc4��d 1 �}� Lvndcr ur th.• recr� � rr
<br /> w1�aN iw s�ii�ri Ar�f to T+n�'+++rnt �f the �ortQ Of 7113RSgCtT:t'll! OC al: c 2�t'U� %t :f 'C :u., : , .::i. . Inri . �� : i � i � i � � � �� � ��i � u�; , i � ul
<br /> not limited to, rec+eiver's fee�:, premiumr oa m��i° ivt•r ', tKind� sn� i rv•u•u�iahl�� attornec � fi�� _ . und thi�n t �� tl ;r *uui>
<br /> eecured by thie '.Nortga�Ce. I.rnder and thr r�eirrr �I�ali iw� liai �lf• to x��ruunt � �niv f� x thu�� • rrnt > x��tq,�lh rv •v��i � c�{ �
<br /> � _—
<br />