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.�. <br />�� ._ . <br />-�� . <br /> � � <br /> If under parsgraph 18 } �ereof thi• Yroperty i, ,uld ur ti �c 1'roEiert }� i., uth� �r�ci��� neqaire�l ht� Lr. uder. I.ender <br /> .hall aPP1Y , no later ttu�n iinn�edia�el}� ��rior tu rh�• ,uli• ui tlu• f'ro� �erry ur it = ur� � ui>it iuu I ��- I ,<•wier. :u�y Fund. <br /> held by Lender at the time of upplicatiou s, u em� lit u�:� in.t tlic .uin� �e�i•ur�•�I h�� � hi, Alort �;shc . <br /> 3. llyplicatioa o! Paymonts. L?nleer a� ��� li�•ablr luw � �rovidi�• otl�erwuc . :ill payinenf. recei�•a] by Lender <br /> under the Note and p�ragraplis 1 aud 2 h�not =hnll I �c ap� � lic� l 1 ��� Lcn�l�� r tirrt in � iayuien� ui ;unuunts payable to <br /> I.ender by Borrower under � �aragrapl� 2 he�rof , theu to inta• re�t � �u ��shlc un tl�c 1oti� au� i nn N' uturc� A�Ivunoes , if <br /> � any, and then to the principal ui the \ote and to tlie princi � of Future Ad� :�nec� , it any . <br /> 1. Chargu; Li�s. Borrower slisll pap al ! taxes , assesswentn :ind uther charges , ti nes and impositions attrib- <br /> ut�ble to the Property which may sttain ,i �iriorih� o��er t {� is \ lortgage , and ground rent , , iC uny , at Lender's <br /> option in the manaer provided under � �aragra� ,h 'l hereof or I �t• Borro��•er inttkin� piiy�t�ent , when due, directly to <br /> the payee thereof. Borrower rhr�ll promptJ�� furnish to Len�jer sll norica�s o[ auinunt, duc under tl�is paragraph , <br /> �% and in the event Borrower ehall mak�� ���yment directl,y- , liorro����•r eh:lll prom� >tly iurnish to Lender receipt.s evi- <br /> C- dencing sucL paytnents. Borrower stiall { �ron � � �tly �liscliurgc :auy lieri �ahich ha. � �rioi•ity o��er tl� is \ Iortga�e ; pro- <br /> �' vided, that Borrower shall not bc require�l to diSel�urRe an}- .ueli lieu ,o loug a. liorroa .•r shuli agree in writing to <br /> G the payment of the obligation necumd by such lieu in ci inanner ai�eeptable to L�•n� icr, or .h:�ll in good faith contest <br /> �— such lien by, or defend enforcement. ol sucli licu in , le�.il � , rorce�{ ing� �� liic�h operato tu � �re��ent the et�iorcement of <br /> :.` the lien or forfeiture of the Yroperty or uny � ,art t hereoi. <br /> 5. Hazardlnatuanee. Borrow�er �hall kee� � tlie iiu � �ro � i•n�r�nts nu�e �•xistiug or Lereafter crected on the Prop- <br /> � erty insured against loas by fire, hazards inaluded wi[liin the term " extended coverage ", xnd such ott�cr hazards u� <br /> ^ Lender may reyuire and in such an �owu � uu� l fur ,ucl � � �erio� l.� :�. Lvnder u�a�• require : � > roci�led , tLat I.ender shall <br /> not require thaL the anwunt of sach roveragr exc�ee�! thnt su�vur� t ni ��u�•er:igr reyuire� l tu puc- the sums seeured 'by <br /> this Mortgage. <br /> The insurance carrier � �roviding tlie iu. uruni�c sli� ll be rhosE°n b� ]3orro�ser ,uLject to ap� irovsl by I.ender ; <br /> Eirovided , t6at ,uch approval �hall not be uureasonubly withlield . Atl premiums on insurance Erolicies sl�all be paid <br /> at Lender 's option in tt�e u'�siyncr }�roci�lc�l uu�ler � ,uragr.apl � 2 herrui ur Lp 13urru�cer mvkiu �; � �rs}• ment , when due . <br /> direetly to the insurance cartier. <br /> In the event anY Iwlicy is not renewed on or before cen da,ys of ite expiration, the Lender, to protect <br /> ite interest, may procure in�urance on the improvemente, pay the premiums and tiuch Sum shall become <br /> immediately due and payable with interrst al the rate set forth in r,aid note until paid and shall be <br /> �;ecured by thie Mortgage. Failure by Borrower to comply may, at option of Lxnder, constitute a default <br /> under the tetms of thia Mortgage. <br /> 91l insuran��e policie. und renewula th�•reuF �hnll In• in iur� u a ����<�� �ral � l �� tu Li �u� 1�•r un� l �hetll include a standard <br /> inortgage cl�une in lavor uf un�l in fonu s�•celnui �l�� to Lendcv� Lru� ior �hell h.i��c th�• ri�;ht tu Iiold the policies and <br /> renewals thereof, and Borrower ,}i :sll � ,romptly furui,l � tu l,eu�ler all renewal notic��s uud ull receipts of paid pre- <br /> miums. In the e��eut of losc , liorrower �liuil gi ��c• � ii•ou�pt nuucc � u tlir ivauranc�• carrier and I.ender, and Lender <br /> �nay inake ��roof of locs if uot made prou�ptly l,y liorroH er. <br /> Unles+3 Lender an�l Borroeer otl�erwiec agr�•e in �ti� ritiu�; , iu. uraur�• � �ruceede ahall be np��lied tu restoration a• <br /> repeir ut tLe YrupeMy �latuxged , � �rot� ided wcl � re:turutiun ur re� �uir i, r��unuuii�• ail�' leuaible un�l tl�r, security of <br /> this ?1lortgage is noc thereb}� iwpairrrl . li �m� h resturs � inu � ir re� ,sir i� not e�•unun � icallc fcasible or if the security <br /> of thie ltortgage would be iu�paired , tlie iunw•ance � �rocer�l, , li ;ill i ,�• :ip� �lic� i tu th�� ,u�ns secured by this lfortgage, <br /> with the e�ccess, if an�� , paid tu Borrow•cr. li ilir Yru� urrty i. sl �an� lunr� ! I ��• Rorrower ur if }3orro�aer fails to respond <br /> to Lender within 3U days alter nutice by ] ,rn�ler tu fiorruwer tliut th�• in�urasnee ctlrrier offer, to settle a claim for <br /> itteurance benefits, I .ei�der ic authoriaed w i•ollect an�1 appl�- iho insurance proeeeds at I ,ender 's option either to <br /> restoration or repssir of tlie Property ur to tho cwu, .ecured In t Iii, \lortgxge. <br /> Unlees I,ender and liorrowe�r othrrwiee sgree in �rritiu�; , any� sucli a� ipliratiou o1 E>roceeds to principal shall <br /> not extend or postpone the due date o[ the � uuntl � l�• in,talln �rnt ., nrfe� rred to in paragrapli� 1 and Sd hereof or chsnge <br /> the rmount of such installments. <br /> If under paragraph 18 hereoi thr Yroperty �. acyuired I ��� Lender , ,� 11 right , titli• and interest of Borrower in <br /> and to any ineurance i �olieies :tind in an�1 [u ihe E �rocrrd� the�mof � to tlu� ext �•n� of the �umr siacured bv this '_�Iort- <br /> gage itnmediatel}� ��rior to such .ale or a��quivitiow re,-ultin �; iruu � � isma��� � u thi• Yrof �ert,y � rrior to the sale or <br /> acquieition shall pasc to Lender. <br /> 6. Pr«srvation mtd Mmat�naac� of Property; Leawholds: Coadominiuma. 13orrower shall keep the Prop- <br /> erty in good repair and shall nut ��er�uit ur coirunit was� r , irrit» in� icnt . ur �let �•r[orution uf the Yroperty and ehall <br /> comply with the pro��ision� oi un�• lease• , ii tlu, .Alurtgag�� i� ��u :i Ira �i�hol � i . Ii thi, A1ortKage i� on s condominium <br /> uuit, Borrower ,hall � �erf'orui :all oi Borrowrr'. ohligatiun � u �ider the de�• taration oi condominium or master deed , <br /> khe by-laws and regulation� ui tiic condomiuiwu � �rojrut :� u� 1 ��wistit uent �locwnvnt,s. <br /> 7. Ptotsetion of Iwader's Seeutity. IC Borro�� er iaiL [ u � ��= rtoriu thr oo��euant � :iud :i�;reemcnts contxined in <br /> thie �fortgage , or il any actiun or �iroceeding is conuuon��.•� t �chirfi uusteriall}� affe�•t , T .euder's interest in the Prop- <br /> erty , including, hut not liinited tu , �•minent doua :�iu . ii,�:ulc�- ucy� , r���� cuiurca�iucut , ur urraugeinent� or proceed - <br /> ings involving u bankrupt ar decedeut , then Len� ier ut L�•mi�� r '� o� �tiun , u} �u❑ notio�� tu Borrower, tusy make such <br /> appearanees, dirburee such suene xnd take �ucL :actiou :�e i., uevea.ary tu protect Lender 's interest, including , but <br /> not limited to , disbursemeni o( reasonable attotney 's ier.� :xml .•ntn� upon the YroFierty to make repairs. An,y <br /> amounts disbuise<i by Lender pursuant to thie E�aragraph 7 , �� it�i interest thereun , al�al ! becotne udditional indebt- <br /> �dnese of Borrower secureci by this �lort.gage. Uuless Ba•ro�ver and I .ender agrec to other ter�ns of payment , such <br /> amount8 shall be paysble upon uc�tice frou� I.under t.0 Borruker requevtin�; ��s���nent tl�ereo( , �nd shall bear inter- <br /> est from the date of disbursenient nt lhe rate .tuted Sn the 'lotc unless paymeut ui interest at such rate would be <br /> c�trary to applicable 1sK• , in which e��ent sucL x�nounts shslf bear interest at tlm hi�hest rat.e permieaible by <br /> applicable law . �otl�iug �•ontained in thi� � ,arugra��h ; � hn ! I rc� iuin Lrn�lcr tu incur an � ex� >ense ur do any ac[ <br /> hereund•e�r�. � <br /> �. ...ry.Ct10R. � .Plu �t•1' 111 :i�' InNk��• ��r rE4U •r � i I �� �p �. � l ,.� . nr ; � � I . � , r �.- e . : � �ot: '1 ' � . :r � �c � ; l�tl� J} � �if �'IOjJ - <br /> erty , }'�rovided that Lc•ncier .hall gi �•e BorroH� er notlri� i � rim � u :� m u � I � in. � � i��rtinn � �e � ifpiu{; reasonuble cause <br /> tb�'efor relsted to Len�ier's intemst in the ProEx�rc ��. <br /> 9• Cosd�amaliee. The proceeds of uny awar� l or �, laini far �ixmnges , � 1ire�•r or consequentinl , in connection <br /> with any condemuation or uther caking of the Yro� iert �� . ur � �nri tln � rco( . or for �•um�e���anc•a in lieu ot �•ondemna- <br /> tion, ane hea+eby asstgned and �.hall I,e paid to I.ender. <br /> In the eveut of a toWl tskmg of the Yruprrt �- . the � �ruoee�i� > 1i311 I �c :t� �pL��d tu the .u� n. .ecured hc thiF \Sott - ., - • '+ <br /> ga�e, with the ex��� , if any , ��aid to Borro�cec•. l :i t6c c���ent of a � �urtixl takinK ui tlic Yroprrc�� , unless Borrower t; h <br /> L sad I.esder otherwise agree in writing, therr ehall be ap�rlied tu tLe �uu�s rerurrsi b�� thir \furtgagr .uch propor- `��`5 <br /> tian of the rooeeds ae is *, <br /> p equal to that proportian whi�•h tlie amuunt of' fhe �uniti srcure�l bV tl�is \iortgage inime- <br /> dutely priorto tlie date of taking bears to thi� iuir �uurk��t �•xlu�• ui tt ��� Pro� �c�m• inuuediritelp � irior to the date of �`" . <br /> tatie6. �itla tlfo hsfan.w nf � !te ;rvreed: paid tv fiurroti� �r. <br /> If tbs Pm{xtM,y i� dbsn�i.mpri h�• R�rroN•er �r �f at! er �:otice I� c Lc:idu t � 13orro�c �v �: .al tLe cu���ruuwr ulinr� <br /> W ioalte aa awud or cettle u claim for daui�gee , Borrower fails to res}wn�l co I.e���er aithm 30 � lay� ol the date «� <br /> of such notsoe, I.ender is suthorised to i�oltect an�l ap� �ly tlie ��rocre�ir at Le�rder :� uptiun eitl �er tu re.roration m• <br /> repair ot the Property or W the autns e�eeurnd by t.l � �� \IorlqnKf• . <br /> Un1e�e /.rnder and liorrower ot,herwiee $gree in writing, any such applicstion ol �>roceede to {�nuc�pul �liall <br />� _ _ � <br />