� �
<br /> not extend or � �ustpour the due �.iatc ui tlic montlil}� iu.•t ;� lliu��nt - n irrrr� l t � � iu par:iRrxE �h� i snii 'L hereof or
<br /> cLange tlie umount. of sucl� installiue��t�
<br /> 10. Botrower Not Raleased. b:xteneiun ot tlic• tinx� ]��r � �ay� uent or mculitication ul uinortizution ot the sumh
<br /> secured by this Murtgage grante�l I,}• l .ender to un}• �urce.;or in iuteresc ui Borro�+�er =Lall nut operate to release,
<br /> in uny manner, tlie IisbiGt}� of t6e origiunl 13m•ro� er :�n: i Borrow�•r'- �uc•ce,sor. iu iuterc�t . I .ender shall not be
<br /> � required to eomn�enee � �roceedings ageiutt �uch successor or r�•iusr to ratend titne for puyment or otherwise modi(y
<br /> amortization of the sums ercuted by thi.� AIortguK�� In� reasou of :u�� < iemund ni�de b}- tLe original I3orrower and
<br /> dorrower'a succeasors in interest.
<br /> 11. Fosb�araaca by Lsnder Not a Waiver. Auy iorbearancc l��- I.ender iu exer�•ising any right or remedy
<br /> hereunder, orotLerwise sfforded b}� s�iplicable Is�r . �Ir:ilf uut I �c :i �� si �er oC or preclu� ie the esercise of any right
<br /> C1.j or remedy hereunder. 'I'1ic � �rocureineur of in,urxrn •e or rhe � �<i��iuenr nf taxe, ur utlier lien� or ��harges by I.ender
<br /> C.;:7 shall not be a wuiver of I.eiider': rigl �t to acceler:ite the u�awrit�� ot ihe indehtednec� securP.d h�� this AZortgage .
<br /> C.;7 12. R�madies Cwstulative. All remedie. ��ro�- ide� l in tlii� \ lorigage are � listiu�•t uu� 3 rumulativu to anV other
<br /> � right or retnedy undertlii.• \ [ ortgaR. ur sffur� l��� i I ,� I ;i �� ur ��� { uii � . a � i � i u �a� I �r ��x��rci.:ecl �•wu•u�rently . indepcnd-
<br /> ..,,J ently or successively.
<br /> � 13. Suceesson �d A�cigns Bound: Joint aad Several Liability; Captioas. 'I'lu� �•u� rn;u�t� and aqreementN
<br /> hereincouiained shsll bnid , und rLc righr., i �ereiuui�� r :hall � � nu � iu . � h�• re.y �e��ri��o suc��e;,ois .uu1 sssigns of I,ender
<br /> � � snd I3orrower, �ub,jeet tu th�• F �roci.ion. u( � >:u':i}; r:� � �li 17 li� •rruf. :111 cucruuut � um ! :i�;n•a�went , ui Horrower �ttall
<br /> � be joint and aever�l . Tkic �•x� �ti��n� sn�{ I �o:ulin�- nl � In• � �urakr:i � �l � . ui r hi� AIurtR:�R�� :�ro (or ro� i ���•nience onl>• and
<br /> are nOt to be Used t.o interpret ur � iefin�• th.• � �ro��i� �uu�. li�•r��uC.
<br /> 14. Notice. An�� notic� • ru 13urru���� •r � � r�, �� i� i��� { iur in � l � i� Alurt �;u�;�� �i � :ill I �� • � i ����i ; t ��� iuuiliu� -u�• h noticE� b��
<br /> . .• certified indil addre,eed to 13urro�ccr :� � r ! � �� Pn �� ���rie .A � {� { r, .•. •rrt � �� l I ,� •lu�+� . � �wo�• � �i iur :ui� nuti�•t� require� l nnd�•r
<br /> putaKr;�ph 18 hereaf to tir �5 ��. �n � u lfurru�c .�r in iL �� in:iini ��r � � m,rriL. �� l I � c :i { q � li � :ibl � • i :i�c - An�� uuti��i� � �roviiie� i
<br /> Cor in this �IoM�;uge �hss11 I �� � �Itriuo� i tu li :n�� � 6cou � ic�� ii tu liurru�r �•a �� hon �i �� � � ii ii � tlu � n �:iiu �rr � i��; i�;�� �atrd lu�rriu .
<br /> 15. Uaiforsa Mortqaqe: Governing Law; Severability. ' 1'I � i> i� nn � ui iuurt �;;�Rr ru�ubine> uniforin cocen .inta
<br /> fornational use snd non- uniform co��euaut � �citL liniit .�� l �:� risiiou� I � �� iui•is�liction to ountititute it unifor��i secu-
<br /> rity instru�nent �•overing real E �rupe•rrc . ' f'lii . \ furt �;aRo �hail i �� • Ru� � •rrn�� l in tlm lu�c oi the jurisdietiun iu whieh
<br /> the Yroperty is located . lu the c� vut il � at :w�• l � rucision cu � lau�� ui rliis \ lortgage or th�• _\ ot.c ��onHicts with
<br /> sspplicable law , Duch conllict ,hall nor uffect urho�r � �ru �� isinr�< „ ' thi � Vurtg3g�� or t6e _lote ��� hich ea❑ be �iven
<br /> etTect without the cunflii�ting � , i•o�� isiou , :in� i to t } ii, rn� i tiu• � � ro � i�ion . �,�i Ui�� Alurt �;a�;�• and thr Note are declared
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> 16. Borzowsis Copy. liorro���err .,iiull Le iurnishe� l s �•� ni1'oriue� i � �o� ��� uf t !ii. \ lurt �;xgc ut t�fie tinle of execU-
<br /> tion or after recordatior herroi .
<br /> 17. Trao�E�r oE t7ue Prop�rty; Assumption. li nll �,r au� � �;ut uf tlu� Yropert � ur uu interest. t6erein is sold
<br /> ortransferred by Borruwcr without Lr�u�ier '� priur wriiccn � •ousenc . �•z�� ludin �; iai th� �•rextion ot a lien or encum-
<br /> brance subordinate to thie Alortgss�;o . i h i thc rrc�W wn ui .< < �urrha�r i � iuncy �ecurit �� interest for houe�ehold appli-
<br /> ances, l� l +i transl'e�r I.iy de��ine . de�cent ur fip uperxt �un ui I :t ��� u� �un rh� • � iea�li ol u � uini tenant or ld1 the grent of
<br /> any leasehold interest of thrre p�rar. ur I�•�.- not v�ucxi�uuR ;tu � �� �tiuu i � � � ��u•rl �us� . Lcnd�rr mu�� . at Lender'�; option ,
<br /> dec182'e all the sutt�s sec��ied by thi� �'lort �;agi• w Lr iuuuvdintol� � luo :iwl � �uy:tbl�� . Lcnder shall lia�'e �rai�•ed �uch
<br /> option to uccelerate if , priur tu the .ale or tr�iu� i�� r , l,cn�i��r n��� i � lic � �or�un ru �slwui tlu• }'ruperty i� to be sold or
<br /> transferre�l reaeL ugreeinrnt ii� �rriting that tl �e cr���lit ui >ucli � �rc>on i,� .�uti. is�•tur�� ti� Lrudea• urni tliat the interest
<br /> payable on the aums eecw�ed b�� thi. \IortR;s�e �Luli I �r at � ui l ; r;u � a� l ,� u�i� r xliall rcyurst . I [ L�•nder har µ�ni��ed
<br /> the option to accelerate provided iu tlii� � �xrsgrapli 17 an� l ii }iurru�� <� r ', , u���•��.sur iu iurarrr.t 6a,• exeeuted u writ-
<br /> ten assumption agreeuient accepced iii �vriung b� Lemlrr, L��ndi r �I �ull release 13urru�cer irun� ull obligationn under
<br /> thie Mortgsge and the Nocc. •
<br /> If I.ender exercisee sucL optiai iu s�•celer.ue . Lender shall � ua� l 13orrower nutiee ui 3ecrleratiun iu sccordaaee
<br /> witL �,aragrapl� 14 hercol. �u�•li uou� u ,>li:� ll � �rucul� • :s � ��•riu�l oi uut 1�•�; � lian 3l1 � L�y� iruw th.� dutr tl �e notice is
<br /> iu»iled witk�in whicL Burrotcec iva} � r.i�• thr swu. � i�•rlur���i � iu� . li liurru�� �•r f:ul, tu � ri� .w�li ..wu, f �rior to the
<br /> expiration of such periai , Lender m�c �rithuu� f'�n-tli��r nu[ i��o ur � !�•in :. mi uu tiorru���rr . im�ok�� an�� rexnrdic� E�r-
<br /> mitted by paragraph ] 8 hereot .
<br /> Nox- t " utFoeM ( 'nvt: xw � �r.. li� � rru ����• r :iu� i L�• uii�� r 1'urtl � �• r �•u�- i•u:� nt au� i a +;' rr�� a � full ���c . :
<br /> 1B. Aee�l�ration: R�medies. 1•:z� � � n : �_ � � ri � t i� l� •� I iu � �:u'.iCr:i � � l � li liomol . uEwn }iorr��u' i�r '� liri•:+rh ut sim•
<br /> covenant or ngreenient oi Borru�� ��r in t ! ii - \ IortR:ir:: � . iu� lwiiii�: � I �� ru � �•n:int , tu � �;i� �cl �ou � + iio :nny �iim� �i•cure�i
<br /> by this Alortgtige . Lcn�li� r � �riur tu ;ic�a�l�� r;inun �luill iu:� il uutu �o i � � linrru��� rr :i� � � ni �� i� io� l i � � � iair:i�; r:�� � li ] 4 lu�rc�of
<br /> .pecif>'in�; : fll the brcacli : + 2i tli�� ;<<�� iun r��� � uirc , l iu �� � u�.� . uri � I � r.� :��� h . i :3 � a �{:i� � � . i �ut Ic.. fl �an tliirt }� � iu�:,
<br /> frun� thf• date tho t�ut �i��� i, inail�•� I ru li� n� ru��� ��r . L�� ��� lii� � l � . u � � l � I � r� •� � � � I � � nu�t L� • � � ur� �� l �. :� n� i � i i t hat 1.� iln!•� � ru rin•i•
<br /> .ucL lireacli uu ur V,elure Llir Jnu• cE �e�• ttie�i w tlic tiuurr inu�• rr.uli in :i�•oi•IcraUun nC th�� .uti �� ,i•��urcd h�' thih
<br /> �lortguge und .ale of thr Yroprrty . 11 tlic Ln�acli i� nut run•� i �n : � � r I �i� furo tlic � iut , � .�x•cifio� l iu tln• nuticr . Lencler
<br /> at Lendrr 's option ivay declaro all ui tlx� :uw� ..�• � un•� I I �� ti � i� \Iur� ,�a�,c tu I ��• in � u �r� lintrl�� � 1u�• << ud payssl �la
<br /> without furthrr de�nand ami mac ior�rlu=c� rluc Alur� �;akr f ��� iu� { iri ;il � � ro�•e���liu �;_ Lou� {�, r . hall I �i• ��ntitl�•� 1 to colleot
<br /> in �uch proceedinq all i�s� �rn.e. ui fom�• lu. nr� • inriu� IniR . I �i �� u� �t linirtr� i t � � ru.t • � � ( � 1u�•uu ��•nt ,irv i�� i� i�• uc•c .
<br /> abetracts and titde r<port�.
<br /> 18. soetew�r's Hiqh! to H�instab. \ otuit6 ..[sn�{ ui�; L�•uiier '. :u•� rl��ruuun ui tl �c sum= .<•cured b� thi.
<br /> Mottg8ge, Borrower shall have t{�e right to }78�'�' :ita \' � � f0('rt��� itl{:• I ��•k;ILI h�• L� •�ui�•r tu oufurr.� tlii� \Iuit{;7�Ke i_� la-
<br /> coatinued at any time prior to entry o( a ,� udkn �ent �•nforcinK tlu� A ( ort �ttK�• il : uu 13on�uN��� r ��ays Lender all
<br /> bIIII16 R"fllCfl K'Jllllj �t' t�1CL �llC LLtl�lt'I I � ilc � � uP( F;,af;c , ii �a � u: o .� L� i lu �[ i' � •c� �.lit .�„ � �� � ul � .��� � .ab�'c� , 11 :a1il . � �J�1 IiU
<br /> aceelerstion occurred ; ihl Borrower rure> � li I �rra � lio> uf :ui � otlu�r � •u� ru:tnt < ur aRr����m� •nt� ui Borrouer �•on-
<br /> tained in thir MortRage : lcl Bormwer pxy. � Il ��i�x.onablo �•� � a�n.r, iuourrwi h�� L�•ndrr in rniorrin� thc� ��u��cuanir
<br /> and agreemeats of Borroaer containrd in tl � t� \ lurt �::i�;c :uul iu ru �ur� iuR Lrwi� � . „ �� «•�i ���. :�. , ,r,�. ;� ie� l tn � �ara-
<br /> grsph 18 hereof, including, but not limi!ed to , re:xscr,:i! ,!i :uturni�}� '. icc: : :. , :; i i ; i i }iurru .n r ; ;�k�•� .� uc�h :iction a..
<br /> I.C1�E! may reaeonably require to uneure that thc liri� 01 thi� \ Iur1K:�Kc . L��nder'� ir.trrr.t in thi� Pnq�eny :u�d
<br /> Bortover'r obli�ation to pay the sum� eecureni by thi� \lun �;a��• . h :, ll runtiuuo uui �u� �atred . l� � Hm .�u�• li � �x} iurnl
<br /> sAd eure by Borrower, thia Mortgage and thr ubliKation� M-�•ured I ���r�•h� ,li :ill reuiaiu in iull 1or��r an�1 rfl'�•�•i a� i( '" ' ^ %^'
<br /> no sooelerstion had oecurred. �
<br /> m. A�r��R QE � A,�O� O� R�CN�K: LOd�i ia Po�a�rsion. :1. additiuuel ���cunt}' hc�re- 'r �;
<br /> uader, Bosrower hereby assiga� to Lender the rentr oS thc Pro�x•rK � . � �ru � ide� 1 tlist 23orrow er �hall . ��riur to acce)er- ,ep
<br /> ilttoe Under paraEfrph /B fiereof or abandoefinent ot tli�� Ym�a�m• . f � a�-i� th�� ri�ht tu collt-��t xnu retanr ru�•h rrnt�
<br /> as they beosm�e due aud WYsble.
<br /> Upon aeeeiention under paragraplt 18 hereof or aharNlonment oC thr Yiv� �� rt �� . l,rnder. in � �ernon . b�� uE;ent
<br /> � by ju�iEi�11y sppois►ted reoeiver t�ftll be entitleci W enter u)wn . � akr � �o�•r�.i��n u( aod ivar,u�;c tl�.• 1'roprrt �� "`
<br /> and to eo!leet the renta of the Propertp, includin� chosc pas�z duc .1 ! ! rra� : � � � o! Irctc� ! t� �� Lc::�. :: � r u : chc rr�•ri �. cr
<br /> sMit beapplied Btst to psyment of the eoets oi �n�nsgemrnt of rhe Yro� a•rt � an� i rollrrtiun uf rcnt . . � n�� Iw11n� hut
<br /> �ot limited to, reeeiver's ferK, nremiuina on meei��er '� Ikm�{. and r��a.o��ahlr :.t � orn�•�• '� t�k-, awi rh� •i� t �, t } u• ,un �>
<br /> seeured by this 1lortgagE. Lender and the rereiver shxil 4N� liablr t �r xrc•�nu�t unl �' f�ir thu.�r rrn � > s ��iu :til � r� •roi � � •� i . �
<br />