<br /> � �
<br /> lf under �iaragrapl � 18 hereoi ilic Yro� �ert�� i.. .�� ; d or � lu Pro� �crt } is � ah� r�ti -. . :u•yuir��d b}� L�� u�ler. I.ender
<br /> shall xPP�Y , no later tl�an iinmrrlixtely � u•im� tu tl�o .sle ul � I � o Yru� �ortr ur ii � u�•yui�:ition I �y Lendt�r. :u��� 1' uuds
<br /> held by l.under at the tiror of aF�� �lication s. x �• nv ( it u�;uin>� � h� � uiu- �ooiu �vl In t lii> \ 1urt �;a;;r.
<br /> 3. Applieatiop of Paymoata L?nle.., a � �� � li�•ablo Im� � � ru� i� l�•� oUier�ci..i , ull � rtcn �i•ut. re�•ei ��e�l I�y Lender
<br /> under the Note snd � �araKrs��Ls 1 and 2 her��of' �L:ill h�� �� �� �lie� l I ,�� L��nd� r fic, t in � �:iy� o�ent ui :aiuount . � suyable tu
<br /> Lender by Borrower under paragruph 2 Lcreof , tlicu to intcrest � �.i��:tt �lc� un riu� \ot � urni un Futur�� Advunces , if
<br /> any, and then to the principxl of the Aote and to tli� � �rinc•i � uxl uf Future A �Ivanr.�- . if :�nv .
<br /> � a. Chaig�s: Lisns. Borrower shall pay ull tuxes , ass�,suyents aud ot6i� r chiirgr� , finca en�3 i�nposition� attrih-
<br /> utable to the Yroperty which mssy alttain x priurit}• over tliis \lortguKe . :xnd groun� i rent . , i( 3��y . at I,ender's
<br /> option in the manuer provided under � �uragrat�fi 2 hi• reof or I �y I;orro�ccr ivakinq � isymeut , when duc , directh� to
<br /> the psyee thereof. Borroµ�er �hall � �roiri� >tl}� furni�li to Lrnder ;ill noticca o ( amouun �iuc under tliis paragraph ,
<br /> and in the event Borrower c�tixll mt�ki• pu��iuent dire�-rl�� . liorru�c��r sh:ill proiu � �rl}� fw�i � i�li to Lcu�ier receipts evi-
<br /> dencing sucl� payments. Borrower stiatl � �ruu�� ,tl �• � li,chargc ai � � licu �+ hioL has ; niorit.y uaer thi� \ Iurtgssge, ; pro-
<br /> vided , that 13orrower shall not be require� i to .liseli�r�;�• au�� �u ��l � lieu �u lou�; :u- li��rro�+��•r �Gail agree in writing to
<br /> the paynrent of the obligatiou �ecure�i Ly ,ucli lien in :i � u:uiuer ucceptuble to Le�n� ier . or ..hxll in good faith contest
<br /> such lien b,y , or defeud enforceuirut ut �uch lieu iu , le�iil � � roc��o�ling�� �.� liich u� �t�rato tu � � nrw• nt the enforcement of
<br /> �j the lien or forfeiture of the Yroperty ar un}• � ,arc il �creof .
<br /> � S_ Hasard Iasurm►co. Aorr�iw<a� �I�sll ke�e� � tlu� iin� � rix��r� i��ni . nu �r rxi - iiu�; uc 4icr��ait� r crected �n the Yrop-
<br /> «1 erty insured against loss b�� [ire. hr�zar�i� inrludecl within the rerm " exteude�d coverage " . :u�d su<•h otlier liazards us
<br /> � Lendermay require und in .,ucL uniounts :<<�� 1 for , u� li � �rric3�l< :i� Lrrntc•r �uu}� r���� uiri� : � �ru��i� ie� i , that Lender shatl
<br /> �,' not require tLat the itui�unt uf suol� ��o��rrag�� �x��ee� l tl � at uiuuuut of ��u ���•ra�r reyuire� l tu pss�� the cutt�s secured 'by
<br /> � this 3iortgage .
<br /> The insurance carrier { �roviri ;ng tLe iusuranc� hnli Le � ho>eu h} f3urrun �•r ,ui �� crt to a� �p� u� al b�� i.ender ;
<br /> � ��rovideii , th3t ,ucL sppro��ul ,l�al ] not bc uuraz�so�iabl �� ���itlihela . AII �iremium� un iunuiance j �olicics �hssil be paid
<br /> � at Lender's optio�i in tl�e tua�iner � �rovidr� l nn �3er � � aiaKr:i � � l � Y hcrcot o1• I ��' liorrn «� or uieskin�; � �.�vro<�nt , �vlien due ,
<br /> directly tu the insurance carrier.
<br /> In the event anY policy is not renewed on or br. fore ten da��s of its expiration, the Lender, to pratect
<br /> its interer,t, may pmcure in�;urance on the improvuments, pay the premiums and nuch sum shall become
<br /> immediately due and payable with interest at the rate set forth in �aid note until paid and shall be
<br /> �ured by thie Dlortgage. Failure by Borrowrr tu comply may , at option ot Lender, constitute a default
<br /> under the terme of this Mortgage.
<br /> All insurancr policie� ;snd r��nrwaL• tlu�n•uI � li :til I ,� • ui forin ;�rro� �r :il �l�• [ � � Lru� l��r :u�� i .li ;il ( iurlttd�• a .Cundar� i
<br /> murtgage clxuee in iu��ur ui aud in torni u��i•c� �tut ,ir tu Lcu� ler Luml�•r �hsll lu�� r tlic ri�,ht to I �o61 ihr �iolicies snd
<br /> renewsls thereof, au�l Bo!•ruarr .Lail ��rouipti}� iuruish � o I .en� i�•r all renew3l uotic��� an�! ull receipts of paid pre-
<br /> miums. Li tkie eveut u[ loss, tim•rower ..i�ull gicr � ,rou �� �t nou�•�� � u ihr iu.�iu•an�•�• curricr aud I.e�ider , and I.ender
<br /> msy inalce pr�of of loce ii not inade prmuptly I ��• Boi•row�er.
<br /> Unless Lender and BorroHer ottierwiac agn•e in o riuuti . � n.w�:iu� �• � � ru. ��cds ,hall be up��l ;ed tu rrstoration or
<br /> repair uf tlie Prupertc dxmagr�i . pru�� id�•�1 �u�• li r�••� urauun ur m� �:ur i - er��nn � nui�;ilh� irneibic .iu�i the sr,curit�• uf
<br /> this Alortgage is not thereb�� i�nE�sired . Ii ,urli restu�: iriuu ur re� �uir i. iwt � •�•uuuuiicallc feusil�le or if t6e security
<br /> of thiE 1�fottgage would be iinpairrd ; tLe insuruuce � �rucee.ls ,l� ull I �i� ;�� ,� �lie� ± tu tlie .u�ns secured by this lbfortgage ,
<br /> with the excess , if any , paid to Borroµ rr. Ii tlir Yro� ier[ �� i. ubuu�lone� i ! i� lioi•run �•r ur ii }iorrower fuils tu respond
<br /> W Lender wit6in 30 daye ulter nouce bt� Lender tu 13orro�cer tLut rhe• iusur;lnce rurrier utTere tu settle a �:laim tor
<br /> inruranee benefits, Lander ie authorixed to cullect un� i up��ly th�� insur:�nr,e � iro�•eeds ut Leuder's opt�ion either to
<br /> restoration ur repair of tt�e Yropert}� or to the �uw, s��ciired i ��- thi. \lortgugr.
<br /> Unless Lendet and Sorrower ottier���ise ugrer in ��� ritiug, am� aueli ap��licatiou ��f p� oceeds to principaf shal!
<br /> not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly iu,tallmentr referre� ! to iu � isragraph� 1 sud 2 hereof or change
<br /> the smount of sucti installments.
<br /> If under yaragraph 18 hereoi the Yroperty is ucyuired b�� I ,cuder, ull right , titlr xnd iuterest of Borrower in
<br /> and to any insuranee policiee and in and to thr }�rocred, thon•uf ito tho extent uf thr nums se�•ured bv thia D1ort -
<br /> gage itnmediatel}� ��rior to .uch .ah• ur x��yui� itiuui rr.ultiu�; iruni � lan �u�;o tu tl ��� Yrupert_�' � � riur tu the nale or
<br /> ucquieition shn(1 paes to Lender.
<br /> 6. Prtwrvatioa m►d Maoat�nmaos o! Prop�rty: I.�awholds; Condominiums. liurruHer sh �tl keep the Yrop-
<br /> erty in good reNair aud shall not l�erinit or �•oxnmit ���aste , im� �airiucnt . ur � 3e•� rrioratiou ui t.t�e Propertv and shall
<br /> oomply with the ��ro� isions of any leasr , iE thi� \ lurtg;igr i� uu a I��asc:hol� i . I2 tfii.� \lurcgagc i , ou a condominium
<br /> unit, Borrower �hall perform ull of Borrower', obligation, � u�� icr � I�c �lrolai;� tiuu ut ru���lmuiniucn or master deed ,
<br /> the by- laws and regulat�ion. of t6e condominiuiii pruji-c�t uu� i � �nstituent docun�ent� .
<br /> 7. PrWeetion of Lader's S�eurity. If Borronur iail. tu � ,eriorni thr cuveuu�� � . ;xu�l agreecnents concained in
<br /> thie 3lortgage, or if any action or procecding is commenced �+ hi� li waterialh uffr�•t. I ,euder 's interest in the Yrop-
<br /> erty, includitig, but not limited to , eminent do�u .im . u�.ol ���•n�•}� , � ud, � e•n1'm•�•ruu•nt ui� ;arrun�eiu��nt . or jiroceed -
<br /> ings involving a bankrupt ur decedent , tl�en Lender at l .cnder '� o��tiou , �i}�uu noticc to ];orrower, �nay tnake such
<br /> appearances, disburse such eume and take sucli action :sa i� ue�•e.,ar}• tu proteci t.ender'. interest , including, but
<br /> not limited to, disbursemenc of reasonable attorney '. 1'ee. snd rntry upon the Yroperty� to make repain. Any
<br /> amountsdisbursed by Lender Nursuant to this puragruF�li 7 . �� itli interest thereon , �hall become additional indebt-
<br /> ednese of Borrower secureci hy this \fortgage. L.Inless Aorrower and Lender sgree to other tern�s of paytnent , such
<br /> amounte shall be paysble u�wn notice froni I.rnder to Borruwer reyueetiug payment thereot, and shall bear inter-
<br /> e�t from the date of disbursement at thc, rxte stated in the \otc unless payment ol interest at such rate would be
<br /> contrary to applicable law , in which event such xrnounts sha11 hear intPrest at thc highest ratc permissible by
<br /> Spplicsble law. Vothitig coutaiue� i iu tlii. � �arugra� �li ; .I�all rcqwr�� L�•nder to � ncur uny expense or do any act
<br /> hereunder.
<br /> �. Lfp�etioa. 1_ender map make or �•su.e tu ho ma�io rra�onxhlr entries u��on and impertions oP the Prop-
<br /> erty, provided that Lender shall give Borrower notiri� � �riar r � uny .u.�l � in �pecfion �� �erifpinK reaFonable rause
<br /> therefor relsted to Lender's interest in the Prnperty .
<br /> !. Cead�ealioe. The proceeds of any :iN'$!'(I or �laim ior dainuges . dircet or con,equential , in connecticn
<br /> with any condenuiation or other taking of the Yroprrt �• , ur � �art tlirreof , ur for �on �•eynnci• in licu ot oondemnx-
<br /> tion, sre IiereLy x�igned and shall f�e paid to Lender. �
<br /> In the event of a total taking of the Yropeny , thc � �ro��ec�i� .I �all I �i� a� ���Lr�l to thr .ui�is se�• ured bv ttiis !�tort- •� • 4
<br /> g�e, wixh the excesa, ii ar�y , paid to BorroNer. In the e��ent of a partial taking of the Yroperty , �inless Borrower kx '
<br /> � and I..esder otherwier agree in writing, there tihall be ap�,lied � u ti��• �wus seeureci by this Von�age �uch propor- `"„ x,
<br /> ti� of Ghe �roceede as is equsl to that ��ro}�ortion whirh thr au�ow�t o2 t he �utus .rcured Ly� Uris Jlongage imme- ,;y�; :"
<br /> diately prw�r in � {�v ,ia!e of takin� he-sz` : c : ac fs:� t..arlc�t � nl �� ui ti �r I'ru�.rn� iuiuirwntei� Fn-iur to tiir date o! ^
<br /> tak�[+6, w�if� the iiaian�w ni � hr �,m!�Per1� }�:t �c{ to 13orroa ��r.
<br /> If tie Ym�erty i� shwdatted by Borrox�er or if after notice b�� l.ender to Borrower that t.he condeinnor offers
<br /> to mske aa awaed or settle n claisra for damagee, Borrowcr fails to reapond tu Lender witiiiu 3O dap� of the date "°
<br /> O� �6/)�1 t10�itC, Lerxier is rut}�orised to eollect and a��plv thr 111YMiV4{w Nt l ,NniiNr'. nl�� lnn �•Nhp•• f �� �•��c( prytiOri [l;'
<br /> e�a� ot the !'ruQerty or to the suuu r,ecure�i by thi� \lortgngr .
<br /> Ue{be Lender aeui Borrower othenvise ygraje in writing, any such application of procc�ds ta prineipnl shall
<br />,
<br /> _. �
<br />