_ � �
<br /> ,,_,g �
<br /> not extend or �wetpone the due date o{ tlac montl�ly instalhiients referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or
<br /> a6snge the amouat of euch instaltments,
<br /> 1Q. �Iarsew+�r Not H�r3rm�d. Extension of the tiine far �+s,yment or �nodification of sinortiastion of the autns
<br /> � teeut}d by ti�it MortaaQe �rsnLad by Lender to aay successor in interest of Borrower shall not nperate to releare,
<br /> i ia aoy ataaner, the i�rbi�ity of tlie origi�al Borrower and Borrower'e �uecessor� is� intereat. I.ender shall not be �,
<br /> � roQt�ired tt� aoa�aenee pspeeeditags agaipst suc}i eucoeesor or mfuse to extend time for psyeunt os other�viee madify f
<br /> � amostisnCion of the suma secured by tliis \iortgage by reason of any demsnd made bp the original Sorro�ver and r
<br /> iC'3 $oea�owat'� ruooaiwioer in interest. •
<br /> � wC7+ t1. l►orb�as�aes� btlrad�e Not ez 1Mai+nr. Any [orbesrance by Lender in exercieing any rig}tt or remady �
<br /> , 3l, hetan�tls�r, or otherwue atTorded by appliesble law , etiall not I�e a waiver of or preclude the exencise of any ei�ltt � `
<br /> f CC os req�ady hereu+�der. The procurement of ineurance or the payment of taxes or other liene or chuger by I,mder '
<br /> ' � �:,, �hsii mot be s waiver of I.eader's sight to mecelerate the ivaturity of the indebtedne�e secured by this Mortpge. '
<br /> � ;� 14. ��M�s CatmnJali�w. All remediea provided in tJ�is �4ortgage are distinet and cumutative to say ok6et �
<br /> � � 37�ht or rewedy uader thie �IprGgage or uffordeci tiy lav►• m• c�uity , and may �x ezercised concurreatly, indepead- s
<br /> 3 � enWy or waoeraively.
<br /> i ^ !1. aue�ewoes a�d Aaaiy�u Bouad: Ieiat m�d S�verad Liability: Caplioes. The eovenante and sgreecaeata
<br /> � herein contaiaed �hatl bind , and the righte tiereunder �hall inure to, the respective successors and aesi�ns o[ Leader
<br /> sad Sorrnwer, subjeet to the provisions of paraRrapli 17 hereof. Al! covenantti and agreementa of Borroaer ehsll
<br /> � be joint pnd several. The captiona and hexdinge of the paragra�ih� of tliin \tortgage are for convenience orily and
<br /> sse aot to be ueeci to interpret or define tlie I�rovisions hereof.
<br /> ; !�. Netip. Any notice to Borrower provide�l for in tl�ir \iortgagc �hall I�c, �ive�r by niuiling e�uch notice by
<br /> a�
<br /> certiSed �nail addrer•sed to Borrower at the YropeKy addres�: rtiited below , ezcept fur any natice required under
<br /> paragrap6 IS l�ereof to be given to I3orrow�er in the mssnner � �rescribed by- xp��licsblr Isw . Any naticR provided
<br /> for ia thi� ?liortgage e�hall be deeiried to liave been givrn to Borroµ�er a� hen gi��en in thc: mnnner design$ted herein.
<br /> 15. Uafioem Mortyayr. Go��saiuq La�v: Ssvuability. 'Cl�ih forin of inortgage combinee� uniform covenaats
<br /> for t�tioeasl use and non-uniform covenants witlt limiteci �•ariations by jurisdiction to constitutt a uniform seou-
<br /> � riEy ie►s6sument covering real property. This \fortgage shall be governe<1 by the law of the jurisdiotion in whieh
<br /> y the Property is lceated. In the event that uny �uovision or clause of this Mortgage or the Note eon9icb w�ith
<br /> 9 applieabiip lsw�, such conflict shalt not affect other ��rovisions of this \lortgage or the Note whieh can be given
<br /> eQeot witJiout the conflicting provision , and to this end the ��rovisions of the tiiortgage and the Note are declsred
<br /> to bs sevexsble.
<br /> li. �oao�►�r's Copy. Borrower shall be furnished n conformed copy of this �Qortgage at the time of exeeu-
<br /> ; tion os after reoordation hereof.
<br /> 17• lY�� of tlu Prep�rty: A�sumptioa. If all or any part of the Property or an intereot the�ein i� �d
<br /> z or traosferred by Bortower without I.ender's prior written consenk, excluding (a ) the ereation of a liea or eaoum-
<br /> � brauae rubordinaLe to thie Mortgage, ( b ) the creation of a purchue.e inoney security intes+ast for hou�ehold �ppli-
<br /> aeae�, (o) s ttsnsfer by devise, descent or by operation of la��� u�wn the death ot a joint tenant or (d ) the grant of
<br /> " aay leaeahold interest of three yearu or lese not conteining an option to purchase, Lender msy , at Lender's option,
<br /> d�ol�re ail the auena secured by this Mortgaee to lie imirsediately due and payabie. Lender ehall hsve waived �ueh
<br /> opt�im to socelerste if, prior to tlie eale or transfer, Len�3er and tl�e ��erson to whom the Praperty ie to be rold or
<br /> traasfeesed t�eacb a�reement in writing that the credit of such �ierson is eatisiacWry to Lender and that the interast
<br /> ' p�yable oo the su� aecured by this Morigage shell Ue �t �ucli rate as Ixnder shall request. If I.ender has waived
<br /> � the optioa to sooelente provided in this paragraph 17 and if Borrower's succes�or in intereet taus eYecuted a writ-
<br /> * t�au aNumpGio�n atreement accepted in writing Uy Ixnder, Lender shall release Borrower from all obli�at.ioor usd�r
<br /> thir DY[oet��e and t6e Note.
<br /> , If I.aoder ezereis� rucl� option tu acceterace, Lender sha!! �nail Borrower notice ot acceleratinn ia soaoed�nee
<br /> witli pata�raph 14 heteof. Sueh nocice shall pro�•ide a ��erioci of not le� than 30 days from the date the notide ir
<br /> � igaiied within which $orrower may pay the sums declared due. If 13orrower faile to pay such sums prior to the
<br /> e�t�ieataon oi wch period , Let�der may , without further notioe or dr�nand on Borrower, invoke any remedies per_
<br /> mittad by p�raaraph 18 hereo[.
<br /> ' Noar-LTxirosac CovExwxrs. Borrower and Lendei• furtl�er c.oveiiant and agree ati follown :
<br /> ;
<br /> ; 1L AeedM�atiea: �di�a Except as piro�• i�led in � �•rretigru� i6 17 hereof , u�wn Borrower's breach of any
<br /> � oovenant or �reement o! $orrower in � liis 1iort�;:igc�, in�•lu�ing thc eovenants to �aav w•hen �iuc any sunie �eecured
<br /> ' by t!t» �lortqagc, I,ea�der prior to a,rcrlerotion sl�all mail notice to Borrowcr se: ��ro��i�icsi in paragraph 1{ hereof
<br /> � rQeeifyis� : ( 1 ) the bresch ; (2 ) the aetion rcyuired ro curc ,uc6 breach ; � 31 s date, not ie� tl�an thirt�� dayr
<br /> � Protn the dste the notire is maileci to $orrot+-er, h�� �rhich �ucli hrcach �uust Fx cure�l ; and 14 i that failurc to cure
<br /> ruoh braach on or before Lhe date apecified in the noticr �uny re�uk in acceleration of t6e aum� securni by this
<br /> � l�ort�ee and erle of the Yro��erty. If the breacli iF not cured on or before the date specified in the notice, Len�er
<br /> � at I.e�der's option ia�sy declam al! of the sums recured by thi� �lortgage to !�e immediaLely due and paysbie
<br /> without further demand anci may foreclo�e tl�ia Alortgnge by judicinl ��rooeeding. Lcnder dhall I�c entitled W oollect
<br /> ' in eueh prooeeding sll expenaee of foreclosure, including, hut not limited to, coats of documentarv evidence,
<br /> � ! a6�CraeEa sod title reporte. �
<br /> t . 1*. ��e's �i�bf te 8�ie�fnlr. \otu�itlixtanding I.ender'e acceleration of the su�uE securad by thie
<br /> . AIoRt�p�e, $orm�ver r6all luve the right to have any ��roceeding� begun by Lender to enfom this \lort�►ge dio-
<br /> S '
<br /> � eeet�ued at �uy tiene prior to entry of a judgment enft�cing this \lortgage if : � a � Borrosver psya I.ender all
<br /> d � �'�� �'� � � d+k uadet tt►ia aiortga�e, the �'ote and notes securin� �'uture Advancea, if any, had no
<br /> ` scMelentkfn oeeurred ; fb ) Borrow�er cures sl! bmachca vf azii utlier .•o� � l�nt, ur ,.�r.�a:iucuta �t Burruwer .on-
<br /> - � 1�d ial�fy Meetp�e ; (e) Burrower �sys all naaonablc ex��enaes incurrrcl bp I ,ender in enforring the covennnts
<br /> � Yd ipMa�116s uI Soetoaer oar►ttined in thiis 0{oetgztge snd in enforciag l.ender'K remedieu as provided in psn- �
<br /> i[aapit 13 k�eroof, imcludit�, bpt not limited to, reusona6le »ttorney'e feee ; sxu9 idl Borwwer takes wch sction as
<br /> I�e�dr �ray s+we�abfg roquir� ta � tl�at the [iea o! thia \tortgage, Lender's interest in the Pro�erty aad
<br /> �M�O�e�'a OD�taO� �0 pty Lhe awns ��ed hy thie 4lortgage shall continue asnimpsired. C'pon ewch payment � " *='-` `
<br /> Md � b! �, � M�fefq�ln sad f�t►� obligAtipac aecumd uereby shall re�ain ie fuU force and ett'eat u if
<br /> ae aeedlllabl�a Mi aeeYexed. � � ,�
<br /> �. � �1 #r�r � d �irwrr L�e ia l�w��a As additio�al reearity hero- �"�
<br /> �. �IeNYwyr �9 � 8o I.ender tbe re�t� of the Pt+a}�erty. provided ihst Hormw�er sisall, �rior to reoeJer. s :
<br /> ; .
<br /> iA11�M � poepRryll� ld M�t►f ar sha�oesieat of the Praq�ertY, l�avc tfic righx to colleet rad retsia such reaLs : �:
<br /> a� t�t b�oa diw sr0 p�urbis. ° '��
<br /> ' � � u�ide�s �►r�Ay�L 1$ }�Bst+�f ur »I�r+�ni�aL uI Ll�r Yrupeyty, I.eeder, in pereon, by agent :: ,�t,:,
<br /> � �MF ry ,f tlM�1i�r y�i�lbed; ea�niwe s�ti he eatitled !o ewtaer upen. take poiwess�on of snd roaasge t!►e Property
<br /> rllt M �IMk !!Is �wNs sf �l1s 1A+�atl+�. iaeiadi�[ ti�9�e �wt d�e. All reots oolieeted by Ler�der or the xeceiver
<br /> ,?1 tYY M�!lli�t i�we � p�ewt e1 bhe eseE+i wf +nensErmret erf fhe ProlxTt}• and co�lection of mnts , includin�, hut
<br /> � a�k 6L�A 6�, raeMri+ar't leea, �u�tu ea rre�iver's F+oads amd rnaaas�h�e attorne,y 'R feeeE. snel then to the sumn
<br /> M�aYn�d br� f�is l�aetp�e. Lmdet asd t�e redeiver suail Fre lisble to aecount only for those rents ectuallp receivecl . �
<br /> i
<br /> r
<br /> �
<br />