r , �
<br /> � If under para�raph 18 hereof thc Pmperty is sold or the Yroperty is otherwise acquired by I.ender, I,ender
<br /> shall apply, no later Lhan imm�edistely prior to thc eale ot the Property or its acquieition by I,ender, any Ftmda
<br /> held by Lender st t�he time ot apj�►ication as a credit sgxir�st the �wns secureci by this :4Lortgage.
<br /> S. JI�ypJiaalios o! Dqrym�ata. Uniess spplicable Iaw provider otherwise, all payulent� reeeived by I,eader �
<br /> under the Note and peragraplsa 1 and 2 hereof glisll t�c s��plied by l.ender first in payment of amounts peysble to ,
<br /> Lendar by Borrower uader paragrnpl� 2 bereot, then to i�ten�t payable on tltie NoLa and on Future Advsnoq, if
<br /> any, and thea to the principat of the Note and to tl�e nrincipal of Future Advances, if any. � ` '
<br /> �, 4- C.4m�st Li�a�. Bosraaer a4s1! pay all tau,ea, ar�anenta and other chsx�es, fi�ee and impwitioas atCrib- ' �Y;
<br /> r ut,�bb to bl�e Property �vtsieh msy atta�a a priority over this �tortgage, and ground e�enka, i( apy, �t I.ond�r"y
<br /> optioa m tt�e msnoer �srovided under psrs�raph 2 tu:eof or by Borrower �nsking paymeot, wt►en due, diseetiy to 5
<br /> the psyee bhereof. Borsower atsa!! promptly furnisii to T.ender aU notices oP amounb due under this p�r�rapl�,
<br /> �oti in tl►e event Borrowsr ehati make payment directly, Aorrower sl�all proenpWy furni�ato to Leader e+eeeipte evi-
<br /> M deoeio� eualf psyromts. Be»^rorer shall �mmt�tly diseharge any lien which hae priority over this Mortp�e ; pso.
<br /> � vidad, thqE Borrower ahsll i►ot be �quired W diacl�arge any sueli lien so loog a� Barrowkr sMall s`ree i� �vrikiet t,e
<br /> �v
<br /> u., tbs psymeat oF the obliption s�eoured by sueh lien in ai manner acceptable W i.ender, or shsll in `ood faikh aawte�t
<br /> � ene6liea by, or defend enforceatent of suel� lien in , leeal proceedinge wltich operate to prevent the entoroeroeot ot
<br /> �, tl�e 2i�a os forteiture of the Proparty or any part tLereof.
<br /> S. 8aa�asd h�urtm��. Borrower shsll kcep tLe improvementa now ezisting or hereafter ee�ei,�ted on the Prop-
<br /> � erty in�swed aasivat late by &re, haaards included within the term "eztended coversge", and auch other hasard� �rr
<br /> ^ I.e�iet may nQuire and in such amounts and for sucli periods ae Lender may require ; provided, that Lendat �h�tt
<br /> h � requiro that the amount of such eoverage exceed that amount of coverage reyuired to pay the eums weue�ed 'byr
<br /> �•
<br /> T�►e inaurae�ce cartier providiAg tt�e inaurance shall be choaen by Borrower aubject to approv�i by I,epder ;
<br /> provided, that such approvsl ehall not be unreuronably withheld. All pnmiumr on iasurance policiee skwlt be paid
<br /> at I.ender'r option in the manner provided under paragrapli 2 hereof or by Borrower making payment , vhen due,
<br /> dinetJy to the inautance cerrier_
<br /> In the event any policy ae not renewed oa or before teea days of ito espiratic�n, the I.ander, to pe�uteet
<br /> ita iatee�est, may p�acure ineusance on the improvements, WY the premiume and w�ch rum da�U be�ae�e
<br /> imenediately due and payable with interest at the nte eet forth in oaid note until paid and �ail be
<br /> seeurad by this Mott,�aQe. Faiture by Borrower to comply mey, at optioa of Lender, c�onstitate a det�utt
<br /> e
<br /> uader t6e tesms o# thie Mort,�a`e.
<br /> ALl inaurance policies and t�enewals thereof ehall tie in forn� acceptable tn� Ixnder and shall include a Rtandsrd
<br /> inort�4�e clauee in favor of and in form seae�table to Lender. I,ender ehall have the rigLt to hold t.he policies aad
<br /> roue�vais thereot, and Sosrower ehall prompWy furnish to I.ender all renewal notic�s aad all reoeipte o! p�id pe�e-
<br /> miums. In the event of lorr, Bormwer ehall give prouopt notice to the insunnce carrier and I.ender, and Iwsder
<br /> mar make prooi of lors if aot made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Ua1ea Lender sod Borrower otheewioe agree in writing, ineurance proceede shall be rpplied to tertoeatios ps
<br /> repair of the Propetty damaged , pmvided such restorstion or repair is econoiuically fea�ible and the reourity o!
<br /> ', E6i� Mast:s�e is »ot theteby impsired. If such restoration or repair is not economically fearible or if the �ecuritp
<br /> ; oi th's MotEp�e would be impsised, tlie inturance Nroceeds rl�al! I ,e applied w tl�e suuu �eeured by this Mortp�e,
<br /> R wuE6 We exoas, if say, pnid to Sormwer. If the Pro�xrty is abandoned by Borrower or if Sorrow�er fails W naqoad
<br /> ; Go Lsed�r wiChin 80 days after notioe by Lender to Borrower Wiat the ineun�oe carrier olfere to sottle a cl�ia ter
<br /> i iawsanes benefib, Lender ir autharised to co!lect and apply the insuranoe proceedr st L.endez's option eitlMr to
<br /> redecation or t�►pis of the Propeety or to the swns reeured by W�ie \iort�p�e.
<br /> � UalaM Leader and Borrower otherwiee agree in writin6, any auch applicatioa of proeeeds to prinoipal �sI!
<br /> � dot �sGend or po�tpoae the due dske oi the monthly installments roferred to ia para�rrphr 1 and 2 heeeot or eh�w�e
<br /> t� aa�ormt of �ueh inetallmentr.
<br /> � If uader p�araersph 18 hereof the Pro�erty ic aoquired by Ixnder, al! right, title snd ieterast of Sorrover 's
<br /> �nd to aay insuranoe poiioies asrd in aud to tfie ps+ooeeda thet�cwt l to ttie eYtent of the aup�r seeured by thie Me�-
<br /> nd
<br /> � p�s immediately prior W eueh wle or acquieition) resulting from damage to the Property prior W the �{e or
<br /> ' sequiwEion rhsll piur to I.eadmr.
<br /> ! i. Awa�oa m�d DiaieMama d �tapelY: L�awbeida: Coed�si�. Bomower shail keep t6e Prop-
<br /> } aeEY in eood eepair and shail nat permit or eommit waste, impaiernent, or deterioration ot the PraQerty and �al!
<br /> � comsly with the provisions of say leaee, if this 4lortgage is on a leaeehotd. If this A4ort;age ic on s oosdomiei�
<br /> wtit, Borro�ver s�sll perform sll of 8orrower'e obiia►tions under the declaration of condominium or ma�er ded ,
<br /> j tbe by-laws snd re�ulatione of the condominium project and constituent dceumente.
<br /> 7• PkO1�3ea of Iwed�s's S�eusity. If Borrower fails to perform the covenente and nereementr oept�in�d in
<br /> this Moet�ye, or if any �otion or pmceeding ie commenced which ivaterially affects Lendcr'� inte�+e�t ia t6e ProQ-
<br /> eetp� imlttdin�, but not lunit�ed W, otnutent donu►in, inwla�ency , code enforcement, ur xrrau�eetents or pe�aesed_
<br /> inp involvin� s bankntpt ot deeed�t, theo Lender st Ixnder's option , upon notice to Borrow�ez, msy malte �uo6
<br /> 3• appaarance�, d'uburee suci� eums and talce such action aa ie necessary to protect I.ender'a interraL, inclaidio�, but
<br /> ; nat tanited to, disbur�ement of rerwnable atWrney's fees and eatry upon t!k Property to �m,l[e rq�aiis, Aer
<br /> i sma� di�twned by I.endar puewant W tl�ir parairsph 7, wiLh iatere�t thereon, ahall beeome additie�al ied�bt-
<br /> �edeew ot Borrewer saeured by t6is Moet;t�e. Unler� Bonvwer and Lender aR+ee W other tm�s ot pay�ent, wei
<br /> j �m�eun� dull be pa�able vpoa e�tiee from Leader to Borrow�er reQue�t+a� PaYmeat thoneof, and �ha11 1�: isi�e�-
<br /> wE troe� tbe d�te of diebure�ent ,t the rate stated in the Note ut�lew psyment of intetert at ruc6 rate w�ould bs
<br /> i a�ry fo applicable law, ia wbioh event such amouats shall besr interest at the hi�he�t rrte permirible by
<br /> � la�►. Nothin� oontaineA ia this parasrspt+ 7 shsll r«�uire Lender to iacer sny erpea�e ae dp aaq fet
<br /> � S. irl�, l.eader ma u�alce o� esuae W fic �ulc ro�eowable eatries u
<br /> r Y pon a�e� inapeatia�+s ot the �ep-
<br /> , ; etGy, y�'ovi�led thrt Laader �I+rll �ive Bweqwer uotice �.rwr to any Kucl� ine�sectwn ra�ecifyt� cearonsble eawe
<br /> , � t64e�ior' eelited Lo Leeder'� iwt�a�t ia t6e Pra��erty.
<br /> � � C�. TLo p,esemede of any axacd � elum for dsm�es, disect � aan�equenti�l, ia eonneetien
<br /> .d sritb aa� ooadaqaastion os aWer takia� oE tlu Pi+ap�erty, o+• �wrt tliereof, or 1or coaveysace in lieu of o�oodemos- t
<br /> , �+, �. �r � �a ,�u � �a �, �r. .�, �.� '�.
<br /> � I� �kbe eve�t ef � total talcias of the FfFa�pe�ty, tt�e proeeeds cfull l�e spplied tA the sume eecured by tha btort-
<br /> ,. p�lf. +rk► Lbe eaoecrs. if �ap� Pud Ca B+eeea^er. Ie tJ+e event of s {�artisl talcius of t6e Propeety, iml�s Beetis�es .�
<br /> afi.�+�e +Mi�+rwire N�e ie wstN�, al�eee shsi� !+e applied to the eun» aecured by ttti� Mortp�e rueA peop��
<br /> � � t�Mu P� ar i� aprl to Eh�t peap�tioo w�ie.�k tht smouat ot tLe rums �eeured My this ![atp�e �re- # ; .,,
<br /> ,' � � A�?I�R to tl�e a1�tA� +co� t�kiei ba�n ts the fair n�a�kd vslde of W9e Prepeetar imewdiatdy peim to tl�e dM� et ,;
<br /> , 3 tal�i�, wi�i�s �Iw�a ft iti� pnoaNds �rri,d ts 8«x�aver. , �
<br /> r A ii�r�i�r is aii�es�d b� 8arss�ar or if a!l�er :+atiee br L�ender te Sernewer tl�st the aamdemaor oQess ' , :a�,i.
<br /> r � � A�GR-�R+IM�Mwi ae w6ii4 a d41� iar ti:aryia, H�r� tard W e�feid fer l.eadee �vitafin 80 days of the daof,e • ; yMIC' ,
<br /> � '� +� ��' �a �' i� yM1Y�oeiMd bD eolYmt pd ipiply IEIe p�oebedt at i.eo3ee's o�tien either to rortontioe or
<br /> ; �P11�e ai,iW Ps�oMr��r oe e� tYs s� rm�u�d b� �s Ato�tp�e.
<br /> + l�4ew I,�ne�Dt �d 9ossv�►et ot�ni'►viae
<br /> , r 7��C 1T� u'nt,i�, a�+Y �uc1� �,+o++ ut �,uu+�wru�i► W N�tirwm�w/ r�il
<br /> � � �
<br />