� . �
<br /> � '
<br /> 8. It he faile to psy any aum oz keep any covenant provided for in this nsortga�e, the �[ort�rQ�ee, at
<br /> r
<br /> its option, ma,q pay or perform the same, and sli expendituree w msde ehsll be sdded to the principsl snm {
<br /> owiar on the above note, ahail be secured hereby, and ahall bear intereat until yaid at the rate provided i-
<br /> � tor ia the priacipal indebtedneia. �
<br /> 7. Upon requeat o! the Mort�a�ee, Mortga�or ahwll execute and deliver a aupplementrl note or notes ' �
<br /> � tor the sum ar rums advanc�d by Ddort�e�ee for the alteration, modernization, or improveraent rnade at �
<br /> � the �[ort�s�or's requert ; or for maintenance o! said premisea, or for tazea or asseasmenta r�ainst the
<br /> � sa�ne, and for aay other yurpoae elsewhere suthorized hereunder. Said note or notee shall be secured
<br /> �, hereby on a parity with and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were includkd itt the note Srst
<br /> � dercribed sbove. Said wpplemental note or notea shall bear interest at the rate provided for itt the pria-
<br /> �, eipai indebtedaess and st�sli be payable in approximately equal monthly payments for auch period as mxy
<br /> be a:reed upon by the Mortgagee and Mortgagor. Failin� to agree on the maturity, the whole of the aum
<br /> ^ or sumu eo sdvsaeed shali be due snd payable thirty (30) days after demand by the Mortga�ee. Itt no
<br /> ^ event ahall the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note firat described above.
<br /> 8. He t�ereby aesi�na, tranafera and aets over to the Mortga�ee, to be applied toward the payment of
<br /> the note snd a!1 sums eecured hereby in case of a default in the performance of any of the terma and condi-
<br /> tions of this mortQa�e or the aaid note, all the rentn, revenues and income to be derived from the morb
<br /> �a�ed premises during auch time as the mortga�e indebtednesa ahall remain unpaid ; and the Mortga�ee
<br /> �ttatl have power to appoint any aQent or a�ents it may desire for the purpose of renting the same and col-
<br /> Lectin� the sents, revenuea and income, and it may pay out of aaid incomea all necessary commiaeiona and
<br /> espeases it�curred in renting and mana�ing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom ; the balance
<br /> rematnin�, it any, to be applied toward the discharge of aaid mortga�e indebtedneas.
<br /> 9. He wili continuously maintain hazard inaurance, of such type or typea and amounts as Mort�s=ee
<br /> may irom time to time i•equire, on the improvemente now or hereafter on said premiaea and except when
<br /> Dsyment for all such premiuma has theretofore been made under (¢ ) of para�raph 2 hereof, will pay
<br /> promptly when due any premiums therefor. Upon default thereoP, Mortgagee may pay the same. All '
<br /> iasurance ahall be carried in companiee approved by the Mortgagee and the policies and renewals thereo4
<br /> shall be heid by the Mortga�ee and have attached thereto losa payable ctausea in favor of and in form
<br /> acceptable to the Mort�a�ee. In event of loas Mort�agor will give immediate notice by mail to the Mort-
<br /> �a�ce, who may make prooP oP loas if not made promptly by Mortgagor, and each insurance company con•
<br /> cerned i� hereby suthorized and directed to make payment for auch loss directly to the Mort�a�ee instead
<br /> ot to the MorLga�nr and the Mort�a�ee jointly, and the inaurance proceeda, or any part therept,
<br /> may be applied by the Mort�a¢�ee at ib option either to the reductioa of the indebtednesa hereby secured
<br /> or to the restorstion or reprir of the property dama�ed. In event of forecloaure oP this mort�a�e, or other
<br /> trwn�fer oP title to the mort�a�ed property in eYtinguiahment of the indebtednesa secured hereby, aU
<br /> ri�ht, titie and interest of the Mort�a�or ia and to any insurance policies then in force ahall paaa to the
<br /> purchs�er or �rsntce.
<br /> f 10. Ar sdditional and collateral eecurity for the payment oP the note described, and all suma to become
<br /> dae uudar this mort�a�e, tiae Mort�a�or hereby aasigns to the A�ortp�a�ee all lease bonuaea, profits, reve-
<br /> nues, royalties, ri�hta, attd other betseRta accruin� to the Mort�a�or under any snd all oil aad Qas leaeea
<br /> as
<br /> ao�ww, or dnrinr the life of this mort�a�e, executed on said premiaea, with the right to receive and receipt
<br /> ° for tlre ame and apply the�n to said indebtednees ae well before as after default in the conditiona of thia
<br /> � �ort�e, snd the Mort�a�ee may demand, sue !or and recover sny euch psymenta when due and payr-
<br /> able, but shall aot be required so to do. Thia asaignment ia to terminste and become null and void upan
<br /> releare of this mortQa�e.
<br /> 11. He ahall not commit or permit waste ; snd ehall maintain the property in as �ood condition aa at
<br /> present, reasonable wear and tear excepted. Upon any Pailure to so maintain, Mortga�ee, at ita optioa,
<br /> tnsy cawe reaaonable maintenanoe wark to be performed at the coet of Mortgagor. Any amounb paid
<br /> ttier+etor by l[ortrxgee ehall bear intereat at the rate provided for in the principal indebtedneas, shall
<br /> , thereupon become a part of the indebtedness eecured by this inatrument, ratably and on a parity with all
<br /> ' other indebtedness aecured hereby, and shall be payable thirty (SO) daye after demand.
<br /> �
<br /> a 12. If tl�e premises, or any part thereof, be condemned under the power of eminent domaia, or
<br /> �uired for a public uae, the dama�q awarded, the proceeds for the takin� of, or the coneideration for
<br /> a�ch sa�uisition, to the extent of the full amount of the �maining unpaid indebtednese secured by this
<br /> �eort�a:e, or hereby aeei�sed to the d[ortQa��ee, and shall be paid forthwith to said Mortga�ee, to be
<br /> afrplied on :ccouat of the laat maturing inataliments of euch indebtedness.
<br /> 13. It the 1[ort�a�or lsila to make an.v paymenta �vhen due, or to conform to and comp�y with sny
<br /> • ot tl�e oonditioeu or agreemente eontained in this mortaage, or the notes Which it seeurea, then the
<br /> " entire priaei�l wm and accrved interest ehall at once become due and papuble, at the election of the
<br /> l[oetp�ee ; aad thu mort�a�e may thereapoa be forecloeed immediately Por the whole of the indebted-
<br /> nen hereby a�cnred, includinr the cost of e�ctendina the sbatract of title from the date of this mort-
<br /> {ys Oe tlfe thae of commencin� such suit, a reasonable attorney'a fce, and any �ume paid by the Veterans "
<br /> A+d�tini�trstion on acconnt of the guaranty or 9nsvrance of the indebtedneas secui•ed hereby, al! of which "�
<br /> ai� b� inddded ia tlrs deee+es of foreeie�nre, -�, �
<br /> �'�' �� � �b�sd*err �ecaerel h�rebY be t�=s'snteed or inaured under Title 38, United Stat� Code, � ' ;
<br /> ����latio�u i�wed thee+eander and £a elTect on the dste hereof ahsll �ovem the righte, duties
<br /> p�i+s �tl+eb0. sad s�t q p r o vis�l o�s o f t hie or o t h er ins trumenb execated in oonnectioa
<br /> w� Nid �6wbsAa�e�s which ae+e �nooasistewt with said 'i�tle or ReFulations are hereby amended to . r�s
<br /> � � � , ..�a
<br /> iOQ K++�Msa� � �Wil1iO4 i�ibll � i.. :. , �".w4
<br /> t�d, and the beneALe aad advantagee ahsll inure to, the
<br /> �
<br />�
<br />�
<br />