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_. � � <br /> TO Iiwv& wNn To HoLD the same uato the Mortga�ce. aa herein provided. 11[ort�a,Qor sepreaents to, <br /> aad covenar►ts with, the Mort�ay�ee, that the Mort�agor hsa good right to eell and convey esid premiae� ; <br /> that they are free from encnmbrance, except aa hereinotherwiae recited ; that the Mort�aQor will wursnt <br /> sad detend the satne against the 1awPu1 claima of ail pereons wlsomaoever. Mort�agor hes+eby reliaquishea <br /> ali r(�hte o! homestead, all marital righte, either in law or in equity, and all ather contia�eat interests o! <br /> n e <br /> the Mart�a¢or in aad to the above-described premiaea. <br /> � P10pVIDED ALWAYS, snd these preaent� are executed and delivered upon the iollowia� eoaditions, to <br /> � wit : <br /> � <br /> �' Mort�a�or agrees to pay to the Mortgsgee, or order, the aforesaid principal sum ivith i:►terest from dste <br /> 4 st the rate oi elght and one half-- Per eentum ( g , 5 % ) ann n th d ntil paid. <br /> ' �' The said pHacipal and interest shall be payable at the oflice of ��rst �e�era� � v�nge aa �i,oan <br /> �% ja Lincola , Nebraska Associstion of Lincoln <br /> i , or at such other place as the holder oY the note may desiQnate in <br /> wrftin� delivered or mailed to the Mortgagor, in monthly installments o1 ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY Tw0 AND 62 / LOO <br /> � Dollars ($182 . 62 ) , commencing on the firat day of December , 1977 , and eontfnuing on <br /> hthe �rst dsy ot each month thereafter until said note is fully psid, except that, ii not aooner paid, the tinal <br /> payment o! principat and intereat shall be due and payable on the first day of November 2007 ; ait <br /> � <br /> aceordin� to the terme of a certain promissory note of even date herewith executed by the said Mortgs�or. <br /> � The ][ort�agor further a�rees : <br /> ; 1. He will pay the indebtedneas, as hereinbefore provided. Privile�e ia reserved to prepay at any <br /> time, without premium or fee, the entire indebtednesa or any part thereof not less than the amount of one <br /> inat�lltaent, or one hundred doUars ($100.00), whichever u leu. Prepayment in full ehall be credited on <br /> '�the date recerived. Partial prepsyment, other than on an installment due date. need not be credited u=stil <br /> t7fe next followin� installment due date or thirty daye after euch prepayment, wtuchever is easiier. <br /> 2. To�ether with, and in addition to, the monthiy paymente oP principal and interest psyable under <br /> the terms o! the note secured hereby, Mortaagor will pay to Mortgagee, as truatee, (under the terms of this <br /> trust as hereinatter stated) on the iirrt day of each moath until said note ia fully paid : <br /> (a) A rum equal to the ground renta, if any, next due, piue the premiums that will next be�wme due <br /> and payable on policiea of fire and other hazard inaurance coverinP the mortts�+ed property, <br /> plua taxes and asaessments next due on the mortga�ed property ( all aa estimated by the ][ort- <br /> Qa�ee, snd of w�hich the d[ort�a�or ia notified ) lesa all suma alresdy paid therefor divided by <br /> the aumber of montha to elapae before one month prior to the date when euch �round tv.nta, <br /> premiume, taxes and asseasmenta �•ill become delinquent, such sumr to be held by Mort;aree <br /> in truet to pay said �round rents, premiuma, taxes and specisl asreramenb. <br /> (6 ) The a�re�ate of the amounts payable pursuant to subparaaroph (a) and those payable oa the <br /> note secured hereby, shall be paid in a aingle payment each month, to be spplied to the follo�v- <br /> ia� itemo in the order atated : <br /> (I ) �round rente, taxea, assessmenta, fire and other hazard ineurance preiaiun� ; <br /> ( II ) intereatonthenotesecuredhereby ; and <br /> ( III ) amortization of the principal of aaid note. <br /> Any deflciency in the amount oF any such ag�regate monthly payment shall, ualeq made rood <br /> ' by the Mortgagor prior to the due date of the next euch payment, conetitute an eveat of default <br /> � under this mort�a�e. At Mort�a�ee'a option, Mortya�or will pay a "late charre" aot tzcerd. <br /> inQ four per centum (4% ) oP any inatall ment when paid more than ftfteen ( lb ) dayi after tlte <br /> due date thereof to cover the extra expense involved in handlinQ delinquent paymet�ts, but wch <br /> "late charp�e" shall not be payabie out of the proceeds of any aale msde to eati�!'y the indebted- <br /> nees secured hereby, unlese such proceeds are autlicient to diechar�e the entire iadebtedner and <br /> sll proper coats aad expeneea eecured thereby. <br /> 3. I! the botal of the psysuata ms�e by the Mort�s�or under (a) of par�a�raph 2 precedint �all <br /> ' e=esed tl�e amount of payenenb actually made by the Mort�a�ee, aa trustee, Por �round rents, tsxe� and <br /> aneMmeo4 or ituuraace yremiums. aa the case may be. sach exceu shall be credited bq tt�e A[ortsa�ee <br /> aa wb�equent psymenb to be a�ade by tke Mortsa�or for such items or, at D�[ortIIatee'� opkion, u Srnstee, <br /> Q diall be refuadad to Moet�a�or. If, however, wch raonthly payments shall not be sul5cient to <br /> ' ibanis w�en t�e �ame shaIl beoome due snd �Y �� <br /> , PaYible� then the �[ort,�or ahsll pay to the Moet�a�ee. se <br /> ! trustee, say amount necessary to make up the de8ciency within thirty ( 30) days a!'ter written aotice from <br /> ; tl�e lEortsa�ee atatin� the aa�ount oi the deflciency. which notice may be Qiven by mail. If st any time <br /> a tif� Yortip�or ahall teader to the Mort�a�ee, in accordance with the provisioas of the note eecured <br /> ; 6�eb7. itiili p�yment of the entire indebtedners represented thereby, the Mort�at+ee, as tru�tee, si�all, <br /> ia ao�t�tt3at tl�s amount of sueh indebtedne�s, creclit to the nocount of the ![ortss�or any credit bshaee <br /> , a�oa�lated nbder the �rovisioas of (a) ot pars�raph 8 hereof. If there shall be a defsult uader sny <br /> � o[ tir peovis�i�s at this aart�ase rerulttin� in s public eaJe of the presni�es covered hereby, or if the <br /> , 1[orl�e� aoquires the property otherwise after defsult, the Mort�aeee, aa truetee, ahall epply, at the <br /> ; �M o[ tfie oommanaenaeat of wch ptrooeedin;s. or at the tie�e the a:+oQertq is othenvise aoquired, tl�e � <br /> a�r4�leb tlNn sa�faiain� bo essdit ths ][aet�a�ar uader (s) o! P=r+�'+Dh E Prscedint. as a credit on tt�e " ,�, <br /> iat�eewt aocrgad asd na 'd aad tbe braance to the .� ,- _�.._ <br /> ew �u P�Inc�Pri then r�nainini' uapsid on aaid aote. . <br /> L 1Le Iim ot this iastrumeut shsll remain ia fuIl foroe aad eSect durins any poatponea�ent or es�m- � " <br /> doE a[ fl�w �S+e at payment of the indebtedm� or unY Psrt thereof �ecured hereby. , <br /> ;q b. &e rviil p�,y all �rouad rents. taxer. wearoaent+. waLer ratea, aad other guvernmental or mueici- , : ,,•� <br /> a y�1 eiarsw, Ane�, oe impositions, levied u�pim �id pee�niees and tkat he wi11 pay all taxee levied upoa this � <br /> i �Mpn oe t6e det►t �ecured tl�ereby. torether wit� aa,q other taxea or a�seasmeats which ma,y be levied . . . ' ` <br /> Ysdec 't�s lawf o! Nebrasks asainst tire Mo�rt�a�ee. ar tlte lesal holder o! said principal note, on accwunt o! <br /> tltis i�rdebtednaM. ezc;apt when payment far afl saeh iteau has t6�retolore been made under (s) of para- <br /> � 8 �f. aed he wi11 �romptly de/iver the ollidsl reaeipty thetefor to the Mortsa�ee. In defsult <br /> tl+et�so! tis l[oet�s�+ee ensY P+3' t�e Yate. � <br />