`Y �_ �
<br /> ;; �7. UG6277
<br /> �_:_�. -- : - ._ _ _ .. � ::
<br /> y� ( 8 ) Tb.at in tbe event at�y s�vai�Ca sre mede to the Mortgagors or thelr successors in incerest tor taking or Gamagin8 . .
<br /> p by the e�[arclss of eminent daaein the whole or aqy pert of the mor4ga.geG prem3ses or aqy easement thereln , the sa1C
<br /> j� t�da�e�hereD�D s t�ned�� i�e lqrtgagee ; Che Mortgsgee is hereDy authorizeG to collect , recelve , anC recelpt
<br /> � pqyment of aqy indebtednesa , wature4 or ucwatureG , secured by this Aortgage .
<br /> ot ��iatt rsst�tlaet�em �nt thep tiae whea the aame�tOetCuelaarrwSthpres8� � or of eny Snatallsent thereof , or
<br /> Dect to any coveamt or conffition here-
<br /> ot, the4 , at the oDtloa nt Mortgege e , the ancire indeOteCaees seo�sa hereby shall torttu� ith become due ana p{yable,
<br /> � m1a1; p�ar 1,pWrv�L st the elaSault rnN QeacriDY4 ln aaid note , aAd the Mortgags� w�,y lw�eeiate]y torecloaa Lhia } � �
<br /> , wart8ap ot pusyu� �oy othu ava� laDle l�al re�e� . � ;
<br /> , �
<br /> � ( S� Thit !n the svent action 1s bTougbt to foreolose thla mortgege , 4he Mortgagee shall De snLltleG to SiasdSata ; '. � .
<br /> � pcaaeasia� a! tt�e eort�g ed preslsss , ataA the court may aypolat a recelver to teke poasession of said Dreieises , with t �
<br /> ee
<br /> � t!!! uaual DO�rr6 of recelvera in iike ct8ea . j �
<br /> � f � ) 1liat SatluT'e oi' dslsy ot MortgOgee to exerclae a.[�y o! ita righte or yrivSlegea shall not be construed �s a � �
<br /> j. walve! CheTsof ; thnt �4y act o! lforLgagRe wa3vSng my epecific default of Hortgegora s3�a11 noc be conatrusC as a � 1 ' . � �
<br /> s
<br /> w4tvei^ ot soy futU�e detaults ; Cha4 Sn case of default in the DaYment oS aryy emortSzatlon installnnenta or lntereat , �
<br /> or Sn caae of E by NortgaBee of e��yy llen , �uG�eeat , tau , Sasurance , coat or ezyenae , or rants , feea or ch+argea, � � � � �
<br /> ss1C Mortpagee a all have the prlvilege , wlthout declaring the wAole SnGebtedsieas due ead pqyeble , to farecloss on '
<br /> s e�cewutt of eucR aDecific default for auch aums as are in detault and such foreclosure yroceeCings m�y be hed and � '
<br /> ttf+e land Qes�ribed hereln may be aold , sub� ect to the unpalQ SndeDtedness hereby aecured , and tA1a nortgage ahall � �
<br /> !� continue as a lien tor eny unyeld balance . � �
<br /> ( 1p) That Ehe Mortga�ee may extend and defer the maturity of anQ renew aaG reamortize said Sndebtedness , releeae , ,
<br /> tTae 11eG111ty any Dar[y liable Lhereon , enQ release from the lien nereof Dartlons of the proyerty covered LereDy , ; .
<br /> wlthout alfecting the prlorlty hereot or the 11ab111ty of Mortgagors or ar�y other parCy for the D%Ymeat of ae1G . � �
<br /> indebtednesa , aIl such extensions , deferments , renewals , ana reamortlzations to De secured hereby . �
<br /> � ( 11 ) 7Tenster ot 6eCurlty . It Ss agreed Detween tne partles �hereto , thelr helrs , legal reDresentatives and asslgas , . �
<br /> that the integrSty and resyonslblllty of the Mortgegors conscltutes a part of the conslderatlon for the note aecured
<br /> hereby , anQ tAat in the event Che Mortgagors shall sell , cransfer , or convey the property AescribeC hereln , the
<br /> NCTt6egee mqy at 1ts oDtion declare the entlre Sndebtedness SmmeQlately due and yayeble and may yrocee� Sn the en-
<br /> �� forCea�ept of its rlghts as on aqy other Qetault Sn the terms oS the note and mortgege . '. . �
<br /> ? i� t�`eptsAaroy�tles �IbonusesaanC Qel�ygmoneys that may�froms Sme to tlme� b come tl e nQ D YebleYupder anytoll6egasl ', � � �
<br /> !; oT other mineTal lease o1 any k1nG now exlsting or that may hereafter come Snto exlstence , covering Lhe above land
<br /> or sqy part thereot . All sueh sums .so recelveG Oy Mortgagee shall be apylied to the inQebteCneas secured hareDy ; or ; ' . . .
<br /> ^ I saiC Mort�agee wey nt Sts oDtlon turn over and deliver co the tlor�gagors or their successors in lnteresc , aqy or sll i
<br /> 1 ( 01 euch aums wlthout DreJudSce to any of Mortgagee � s rlghts to take ana retain future sums , and wlthout pre� uClce ! �:
<br /> i E� Lo arty of 1t8 other rlghts under thls mortgage . The transfer and canveyance hereunder to Mortgagee of sald rents , ; ; ��
<br /> '� rqyaltiea , bonuses, end delay moneys shall be construed to De a provlsion for the Dyyment or reduccion of the ewrt- , .
<br /> �� ge�e aebt , sub,lact to Lhe tlortgagee � s option as herelnbetore provlCea , SndepenGent of the mortgsge llep on sa1Q resl •
<br /> t� es�F.a,te . I$on DaSrment Sn full of the mortgage debt and the release of thls mortgage ot record , thls conveyeace sDall � � � .
<br /> � become inoperative anC of no further torce and effect . ,� ; .
<br /> (Morda and ph.aaes heretin , incdudi+r,q th,¢ acMnowledgsent hereof , shall be construed as in the stirtQular o+ �ptumL " .
<br /> � wua6ers a as �asculine , fe�tinine , o• +aeuter gender , acco+dting to the context . J �' .
<br /> � v�.= �+� �. _a � : c _�� i' '
<br /> ( 3EAL ) ( 3EAL1 I'
<br /> ' �jn A . as�ge �- �^ Bar ?A . Sta �a ; �
<br /> � ^ � �� ^� �� .G�!9��L_.� �.o�cAL ) C. -f_i'.d.r�t 1L..' IJJ C_-�l"n`�.� .' ° ( SQAL ) 1 � � � .
<br /> � Dorothq P[. Stan� Alberta ii. S '� i �
<br /> �: i ( SEAL ) ( SEAL ) j; : . .
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<br /> ( SEA1. ) ( SEAL ) �
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<br /> � Cplllly pg �y lG � �
<br /> /7 I"
<br /> ���� �� ll'� th3e �Qay of ` ���' � �^b �fh� , A . U . . 1911, Defore ma , a Notary Publlc In unQ for sald County and � � �
<br /> � Ssace , versonalLy av�earea �n' A. Stantr,e sad Dorothy M. Stan¢e , hueband aad vife; and �`
<br /> r
<br /> � Sarry A . Stange and Alberta M . Stange , huebaad and wife , 1 '
<br /> � �
<br /> {
<br /> �
<br /> �, ; � to es known to De the persons nametl Sn and who executeG the foragoing instrumenc , end aclmowleOgeA that they e:ecuteA � � �
<br /> ; � th! Selee ea thelr' volurttary nct tuiQ deed . ,
<br /> , �M� NrCYi �L y7 � , `
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<br /> 4 �N �, /f„ lTyp� or prlwf ruwe uodor slyn�turo �
<br /> �.�, �� Nutary Pub11c In and for sala County ana State �
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