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<br /> T REAL ESTATE MORTWBE Foew F�e 2oe (Rev. s-n) �
<br /> 1 ,
<br /> ± ,��U����� October 20, 1973 �} -. ' � Y=��'
<br /> pate
<br /> ; i ;, ; T
<br /> � �� �; # '��.
<br /> 33 + ,� a�
<br /> . ��r A. g�� � �s4�� K. Staisae. husband and w1fe: and Barrv A. StanAs ?� � ��d��
<br /> ' as►d Alberta It. 6t�a. hwb�md aad vife )p `M ��
<br /> , Mortgago!'S, � F; �'�
<br /> �, pl nill y �r �`� �'�:
<br /> ' ^,Courit Ntbiaeka , 1n consiCerntlon of �' '
<br /> ' th0 p�vesce of the DrincSDal aum reciteC ln the note hereinafter described,receSDtof which Ss acknowledgeC, hereDy i+ �
<br /> � �gags aad comrey to
<br /> � TIIE FEOER�� LAMp 6i1MK OF QMAMA, a Coreoration.
<br /> ? ot pM�a, Dou4las Gounty, Nebrailu, wl+eie addr�ss
<br /> � is F�n C��dit /ui Idin9, OMha, N�b�aska 68100, j�
<br /> 4 i; �
<br /> Mort�agee (subJect to oil, gas, anA mineral rlghts owneG by partles other than Mortgngors; eiiating easements of (i � � �
<br /> reCord; reaervetlons in United States an6 State patents;and the rights of the publlc in all hlghways),the following- �
<br /> aeacrsaee real estate 1n �11 �our,ty, Nebzaaka
<br /> J' �� SEC. T1N. R�. �(
<br /> } � y�[ � _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27 12N ]2 W 6th P.li. �f
<br /> � �� !� � `
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<br /> � N J�!' _ .,; t? ;,,��
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<br /> cc � ,; r , ��
<br /> S 0 �r c ` , ' �+ " f
<br /> ,� � ^ � ��: �." ' ,
<br /> y� � � � `
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<br /> I� �; . ,.� � ��� C:
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<br /> ��A f"' Ym �, �yl� .. `�.'-
<br /> :# �. d! t� �... .
<br /> } k��
<br /> � containSng 1� acres, more or 1ess, cogether with all of the r1�1t, CStle, cind lntereat �
<br /> `� � (now bR�ed or hereaftef acqulred�of the Mortgagors Sn salQ property, Snc.luding all Duildings, improve�ents, fixturee, �
<br /> � or appurtensnces thereon or hereatter ple.ced Lhereon; all water, irrigntlon, and drainage rlghta; the Lenbnents ; `
<br /> � hereQl4afoents, and appwtenances thereto and U�e rents, Sssues, crops, and proflts airising trow said lenCs: esid (St ;� y
<br /> the tbrt.gsaors� r141fts Sn the yubllc domain are requlred by Morc�gee for security purppses) all leases, pertlts
<br /> 1lcense�,oryr1v11egea, a.ppurLensnt or nonappurtenatit to sald mortgageA premSses,nowor hereafter lssueQ, extsflded �;
<br /> ;.� � � oT reneweC to the Mortgagors try the Uni ted States or the state Sn vAiict: the above-descrlt>ed Droysrty Ss located or �I :
<br /> eqy QeparUeent, Dureau, or agency thereof.
<br /> �� 11tia mortgege Sa glven t.n secure a promissory note of even drste herewith, executetl Dy Mo=tgagors_t-Mortgaqee, Ln . , �
<br /> t�e prinelDnl aum ot SIIZY-'IBBEE THO[7$AaiD �IINE H[)!R)YED AD1D !10/100 �DOLI.AAS, �
<br /> �, prp+aLle with 1nterest sccordinq to tbe terms of said note, the tinal pqyment De1ng Que ana psyable on Lhe first day ��,
<br /> .$ ot �.��s'- Z'002 . 1h1s conveyance shall be void upan the pe�yment ot sald pranissory note. `� � '4
<br /> � TLis eoct;a�e !a suDJect to the DrovSslona ot SNE FARM CAEDS'f ACT ana all acts a�een0atory thereof or supplemsntal
<br /> LA�ta. Ths prxeeds ot the lo8n aecure4 hereby w111 be useQ for Lhe purposes specitlea Sn the Mortgagors� appll-
<br /> �.I; Catloa fot sald loep eaQ authos�izea by sald Act.
<br /> ;a 1}M Mpz�t��r•, aaQ eaeh ot thMn, Gereby wnxrant that they are fee owners ot the morLgagaC real ProDerty; Lhat thty
<br /> +�Sil �tend th+e title s�ainst sll clai�ncs whamsoever, and chat saSa DroyerLy 1s iree fran sll encwnbraneea; tbat
<br /> � tIIey will ksep all the Smprovaeients, flztuTea, apA appurtenances occupled and in good reDalr and permlt no act� of
<br /> waata; YfC they wili reliaQuiah all rlghta of hoaesteaC ln said Dremises,ene covansnt and agree wlth the Mortgngee,
<br /> �;� 6+! foilow: �
<br /> ,�a Lly) ��ey �_� DNyt�dlue all ta�ces, llena, JuAg�aents, or assess�eents whlch may be lawZully assessetl ygalast .
<br /> lte
<br /> {L) il�ast tday �ill lfraul�s sesd koep Sneured 0�11d1uga or other SmproveAwtits now on or �Sch may hereatter be D1aceC
<br /> �s/
<br /> a pa aala gtwises to tha aatlafnctian o2 the MortQagee,such insurnnce pollcy shall be endorsea wlth a �eortgoge clauae
<br /> 113th tLfO lass Lhez�$uuQer to Le yayable to the MorL�aQee. Auy su�as recelveA �aay Oe used to D�Y tor reeonstniction
<br /> � '� � Of CM Qsl6loylC lrlpToveAeata; ot, if noC so nyplSed, mny, at the oDtion of the MorLRSKee, be applied In psyment of �
<br /> ;.� a+�Y 1�Y34Dt.s+luw�, r.t�u�W ur w�wrtw•e.i. a«cureu by Lt�is mortgage.
<br /> �'
<br /> ;�,� �J) 1'�y0.Y �il srats, fes�, or ot�at�ea mor cJue or to beeaae �rs �aaCer tLe terms of eaeh lease, ryermit, license, or ,,;.
<br /> DClri�p�etR tAe �tbiic CoYle�tich !a sDAv+'tenanL or AOII6DD13I'C9�A6fIL to tbe mort6e6eC Dreaiaen, wlflcM has been
<br /> S 02tma,diC o�s' s'Onow�d Dy the Uiltwd StaLes or t6e atrte Sn etilcb Lhe uDove-describ,od propercy !s Yocated; ecd y,
<br /> •
<br /> t` �a'�wew ewey acit, oova�t, eonAitldf, and stlpulaClon neceaeary Co kceD eaeh ot tIIe sanee in gooa '
<br /> �f�; a00.Eo Ct�fs ewr�r �a�csN�ry stap Co a�ure tM reissue, renewal, or e=tasslon of eseh of the arAe; auC to �;, " �:
<br /> �ri�i�����p�,���ar� ������1�# la�sse,Ma i�eit, lScenae, ar yrSvllege If Mortgngara� rfghta , „„,,,.,...,.
<br /> m ylm
<br /> . �r .'v�•'.
<br /> �"+� � 1��11�r WM �i"��pe is w p�t^Cyr W .qqy 11ti�atioa atfsetin� Lb,a seeurity or the liea of !ta wyrt- �� ��
<br /> .�.���q����M{�''C t��tA toAeLofN tIIis wqrt�M:or YCY ariit ln *RISeb the Non6�Y� A4Y �a narel �' � � � ��.�
<br /> � Xd�!� it l� +1! Spt�d CO yrot�et ita rl�Itte or li�n, Sncluairig condeuinatlon and bankruDtcy {; �,.,
<br /> .' t�M��R�MC11P� Q odroao�L f� sE��tr�set fses, attomay fees (except to the �;
<br /> � tts � t t� r�e �.mss tae���ar rau r.c � � � �h ' �„
<br /> �}i aflm Cue as�}t 'axes, ::eus. �3�tuay7..,. ur acs.s;mot�ts. ..� ra11 �u ';'
<br /> �� �NM'�WO►�11 1� ,�Ia�or�11NA. at T+atl Co� r�sit�. lMs. or ges under tee tares of eqy lease,
<br /> �6 takiiOM� t�t" !�!: �NOeEpM� Ut tw�tlt^�Q to le�pepMs�a for ebstraet fees, attorney iees, coats, �`
<br /> �MM����l�8�" ��.1�R�OEOMm�lO���t��33L1�t�i�. Maft�s�#Iqr �ete �u�E 3'reY�qsat orpravlde such lnsurance, � �.;: ` . .
<br /> ■C� Yid�tYt`/Y�i6s. .Li�/!�! �ie a.part of tha imdaAtodness sacuree herebv Ao* �
<br /> � ����M�i�1IM��A#Mrll 6r�1e �t tzw tlw� od py�pt at the aees rate as proviaea for Aefault
<br /> � _ �
<br /> ,�_..,._�..._� �__... .._..
<br /> ....._-:.-�._,__..__>:-�.-:___....�...�._.._...:__..z�_..�.. -.�... ___ . , ..:_: :_ ::
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<br /> �
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