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� ; <br /> �; <br /> � � � � ✓- i ; ( 1f; � lf; l! �� <br /> � <br /> - - <br /> '!'FP' MOIiT(3.tiGqR !'11R'fFif? R ( 'OVhiNnN'rc en1D :f;RLt.S : � •- <br /> � <br /> �. 'Ch�t the Mnrt(;aC,�>r wiil pay the indebtedne4s i�s lien•inho(orr provided. <br /> � � < _ � . . - � . <br /> `� 'I'I�at :he �1��rlq.�tiur it lhr ownrr n[ sairl ��roperty in fr�� ::imple ru�d has go«I � ight and luw(ul nulhurity �o =.rll and � <br /> �:' r " c�mcoy Ihc sann� and thnL Lli^ �.n�ir is fmc 'ind clrrv of nnv licn ar rnciunbninri•; ;ind 16:�1 i.lorty,!'ur will �ti ,irranl and de(rnd Ihc � <br /> r �rn .;;� <br />�a,�a:s.r, tille tu s�iid p:emisev aQainst the �rlaims u[ i�lf n�rrxu�ty �n�h� �n-�soe� ea. <br />� <br /> �•`i'�.�. . . . . - . � . . � � . � . <br /> � ' � � To pay immedialely. �khrn �lac nnri pnyiiblc nll �i�nrral taxes, sperinl inxe�:. �prciail as..�ssment.s. •N:ller rhargcs. ��,x.rr serr. . . . <br /> � ia+ c!mrres, and othcr tnxes imd duirgcs ug:iinxt said, jira�ierty , � �nd nll li+x��4 luvi�•d un thc drht s��ruryd hrreb�. aml to furni+h thc � <br /> � !�1o�tgDg[r,� tl��n trquvvt, w1.�� Ihe � uriyin7l ::r , ;i;�p::r. af:: :.t:i�:t:: !!r_•^.t..., Thn Afndvaunr ser��cx .f}iet : there shall . �;e udded In . . � <br /> � i�ach nwnthlp P�yment requirdil herrunde� b� undcr thr. rvidrna� �uf drbt secured )n,reliy an amnunl. rstimalyd hy Ih� htorigage.o : � <br /> � � � !o ne sufFicirnf t�a en.�hle � fhe A.1nrtl:;�gee t� pay, as lhcy hccome du�•, all tnxes. nz.v_r+menls. �md sirnilnr charge; u{wn lhr prern• . : . . . . . . .. �' <br /> � �, lru•e �,ubjrct thiroto; ' any d� hiiencj L< c�u.� � uf Ihe � intiufLcienty o[ �sud� ndditionel . �iaYmcnL� sh�ll h�. t.�ru . .t�, . �iepu;itcd �by � U�r � <br /> � 11��(g�gor . � „� tts th..�...� u� .�� �:cm •i�l b� Si h! c ':i;att -. i� ny �io(auit undrr lLis para�,rqih slvill br dr��mrd a drL'�ul( in � � � <br />_. � � . - D�Ymtrn! of t urs. ay�e5tim�ntN, ar vntilar rh�rge�: rcqwr . d her� undrr. . . ' . � � . . . <br /> �. ; . � ` . . . . . . . _ . . .. .. ; . � � . . , . . ._. . : � . : . . . : , . . . _ . <br /> ; � 7'b� At irl�;agor ugroc� lh�it fhcm xh i�l alsn IH ndd� d tu i �ch � inontbl� p �ym� ut n! pnnup�l and m!� tt�l. n rywnd . hcrrv � .. . . . ....� � <br /> ' '__�. . . . . ❑P.!1^! Prt ev[i�vvv e:. ii un .i oy� ii �r� .r� r_er. �o �T . u�..•u� s:. ee . ..� . � �� . � _ � l•u.v. .u, .I.w i � .. � �nnru <br />��. . i . . � .... , rv. r - . . . . r.0 . . . . . . _ . . . . — <br /> .. . pt.��i��.:�.� �.... .:f�'y ... .. ...� �. :.., a i .. . ,i ti .. � r a e ..., ,b.G....... 1 .�., r u .. m o ,! �nrh ndi I �o�vJ nav. <br /> . + ' .�..,� . . .. ... .... �.._. . ."' """"'". . . . . . . .. ' . . . .� . . . . . . . . . "��" <br /> � m��ntc •,6all fH� forthwrth deti<xhit�.d by thc 'lfurtg���or �wilh thc 1to*Igagce upon �l� m�md by th� �7 �rt,.agcc. Any drfeuit un�f�� r this � . . <br /> £ . � � . parngroph vhnll fie de.vrr.'. n drfault in Lilc jta4iilivtl �ii iusiirinre ��trmiums. - If the �xiliry �� or policirs r�cpo<drd nn• iucli as frtvn�•� � . <br /> owne's or nll rixk {mlici��.�:, and tht• dC�xisits nrr imuf(iCient to puy thr i�nliu• ��rcminm. lhe \torll;��:�•�` may ap�dy lhc r1r�X.vi1 to � <br /> � pay prr.miurzu on risks rcquired to br insanvl by this morlgngc. <br /> � . i uynianis mdde by thc `.1ortG;•f.��r under Ihe n6uvi• �pucng::i�iii.ti ntn}•, ;d th!, nption of [he ;�1ortgugri�, I� hcld � Ly it and � . <br /> � commingled �a�iih ��ther sur.6 (unds or il+ own funJ4 (nr thr payrnrnt ��f such items. and until �o applird, su��h pnymrnla are h�veby . <br /> � pieciF�Yl as securily lor the impaid bal:mce of the� moHga�'�� iudeLtrdne�v. � . . . . . . . <br /> To prceure. drliwsr to, and m��intain for ihe hrnt�fit n[ the . hfortgngec durin� tLe life nt Ihiv n�nr!p;age origin;el pnliri�-s and � <br /> � ' � renewals thereo(. delivrrrd at li•�st tcn �iays lm[a;e� Ihe i��xpirntion u( any such p,liri��s. in;uring apaii��t firr and uthi�r m>un9hle . <br /> : . � hazardv, casuattirs, nnd continrenciev as the n7ntigngec m:iy rrquire, in an nmoun! �Y�uai to tLe indeLt��dnens viiunrl by t`i.; � � - . - . _.. <br /> Mortgngc, and in comp:mir•s acn�pL•�hlc tn t6r A1urll:n�;cc. with In��� paynble clausc in fn:or nf and in fnrm aca•pinhl�• in th�• linrigs- � � <br /> � p,ee. In ihr, event nny p�.�licy i+ nnt reorard vn ur be[ore ten dnya of its expirntiun. : lio Vurtgagre may prucur�� in�.urnna� on Ihr <br /> � impr�rvements, ptiy the Pretnium lherefur. �md such �um shall bec.->me immrdial��ly due und p:iyahle with inirrrst :tt th�• r:�l �� svt . . <br /> ` . Eorlh in snid nolc unbl {riid >mri bI18II IN' �CCUfUI I)\' Ut14 mnrtp ��,,.r. FHihirc nn lhc p:vt cf thr At��rt�;agor lr� furnish such rrn�•u�nlx . � <br /> ; �, ns nre hi�rein rrquired or (nilun, In pay any ,u�m pd+ .uiced h�•r�-und��r vhc+ll. nt the optinn c�[ th�� lfortY,a�.� n. constilutr :i defaull <br /> ' under the t�rms of lf,is murig,ey;.,. 7'he delnery u[ surh pulicias chall, in lh�� ����rnt r>( drfnuit. cnnstitutr an ns�i�;nmrnt uf tt,r un- . <br /> _ � r:r:e.'. +.:e�ium. . . _ . . — <br /> - . .:n� r,um.• :cccie,•,� I:y tl:,• ASe:�g��,••• �r: res.^.r:r, n! :;;; oi dam:�ye in+urrd ❑Fainst mny bc rrinined Ly thn Siurtgagrr. . . <br /> .. and applicd IowarJ lhr p�ayment o[ thv deLf h�n,}ry srcurod. or, at lhe nplion of ih^ 11ort�;agee. such sums �•ithrr wholly nr in <br /> . pnrt ITIllY IH' ��e1tl oeer to the 1lurtga�;or to Ikr used t��, r��pnic such 6uildings c�r tn Lwld ' new buildings in lLi�ir placr or (�r any _ <br /> othet pur��osr ur obj�•ct s:�tisf:�ctory to thr �Surly,;��i�e wilLnul afieclin�; thr lien ,m thr mor(gage for the full amuunt eecured hr•rr� . <br /> , by be(ure such payment ��ver tirok pinca � <br /> To prumpUy repnir, reslure ar tebui!d nny Luildingc or improcemrnls now �i� h��n•akrr nn thr prumisrs which mny fir�� � <br /> ? : �omr damaced or deslruY�Ki : to keep said Premisrs in ca�d �v,nditinn :�nd .�,��n� r .�^.� r.^.. :'c:.-. :::�; ��nti�i�anii's lien nr UtFicr lirn or <br /> � clr,im v: lien not expresdv sufardin�ded tu lhc li�•n hcrrof: nol tu suffer or prrmit :iny unlau�ful iuo uf or anp nuirnnre tr> ��xisl on . <br /> ' vniA �roperty nor to permit w�aste on w�id premises. nur In dn any ulhrr ucl N�hrrnby the proP�•rly hereLy c.a,.���e<I �}vdl IH�come <br /> � Ir.c; valuab!e, nor to diminish or impair itn cnlui• hy m;y act nr omi�.;ion lo ,�ct : to i•orn ��lr v:ith nll rryuin•mr�ds uf luw with rr�prct <br /> � to the morlgaged premi�es nnd the use thereoL , <br /> - : �1�ha: ;hGu:d :hc prrmix�s or ari� pai� th�:�ooi l.• �an�•n ur �i�muc���i i,y ...,....:: tr! a:; : �:;:f:�ic imprnrrmrnt or i-ondrrnnalion <br /> � procreding, or under ibe tight uf erninrnl domain, ur in any oU�er mann�•r. thr �larfgagrr �ha!I hr rntiNrd to all cornp�•nsxtinns, <br /> . aa�oreLs, and any othrr P�yment ur rrliu( ll�errfur, and slvdl M• entillyd, nt ifs optian, to rnmmenve, npprar in �nd � pr:wecule in its <br /> � uwn n.une au�Y �ction ur prr;c��ed;ny,. ur to maY.e nnY cumprumise ur seUlrmont in ��onnection w�ilh ,uch taking ur d.�magr. All such <br /> � ; compemsatiun, awnnls, damagr-s, right nf netion and proceal.9 are hereby a;signe;: !:� L:� Alorty,ag��e, whn may.-. afU�r �ueduding � <br /> i�;errir.,�. ;.;i iu � az��cneca, miruse any mnncyrs- so �rercireri np � ii �or appry �ne same un •sny InnPOtrnne.S SPCUfe(I herchy. - 1De n�or[• � � <br /> � QOSOT II�JMCS t0 CRPWI�• tiUli� (Jlili4� Bi51�;niuctiin al NpY fulit�n•p5:lllult �f\viiiiiq l�iilli.i�(�i. .-.i1(� fl�;{•t5 O� i1C�lUp afl(� �IfO(YP(�4 pF 1fID . <br /> �,� � hforlKaRe� may require. � . . � <br />�--�.a-� TI.�� : n( (ailun. fn iu.� L�rm :my ..f � L.. rv .�� 1-. ..,. .:.� . i . • � . , <br /> � ._ r�,... ,.,...� �.. . ' .��µ:re moV Ou �n( iiie oiuf(gnyu��ti urLa� T rreryi}iinR I <br /> xo rnvenanted; thot the �7urt�;agee may nlso do any act iL may deem ui�c�•ssary tu prul�•ct thr lien lhru-o{; thnl thr \iortgn�;or w�ll : <br /> � rcptiy upon demand nny m�meys puid or disbursed by Iho Mort�a�ro fur ony of lh� nbove purp�ncs. and 4urh munrys tu�;�tlicr wiih _.. <br /> intetest therron nt the rntc prwided� in v�id note ehnll becnme sn much addili�innl in�)rbteY;nrss her�by s�•rurrd and m.ry l�r in- � <br /> eluded in nny decree (oreclu.iug ihiv mortgaFe and I�e puid vul o [ thr rents ��r procrrda uf xnle of caid prorni�:i�s if n��t otf�encisr � <br /> � pnid; lhat it shwll not Ix obliFnlory upon lhe 1lortgnFee Lo inqaire �nto thr cnliditp o( nny lien, rncumhrance�.�;, or c!uim in a�1- <br /> vpneinF moneys as a6me auQiorir.rd, but nothing herein contnined s{mll M� cunstrued as requiring the .R1nrtF�Ren to ad�•anee any . <br /> moneys for any such purEx�se nor to do any uM herrunder; and lhat Mortga�ee shn11 not incur any prrwunal Iinbilily becau�n of any- <br /> lhing it may. do or omil to du hereundcr. ' . . ' <br /> - In lhc evrM of lhc defnult by Afucq;nror in the pa,mrnt of any �nstallment . as requin•d by � lu• N�dr srcurrd her�•bp. or <br /> in thr �r�rfnrmanc� o( �hr ohligst�!rn ir. !hi< ±„�,�tgage or in tt;,• ::et•• •_ _..,r•; th;.••.6y, the A?c•t�a�^r st;�!! F.r ;.a:it!r:l to :!rc!arc thc <br /> debt ercumd hrrrby due and pn��nhlr. H•ithout nolice. and thr Mnrtpager ehall be entiqrd at its oplion, withnut nolicr, either by it�elf <br /> ��r. by n [e.eiver tn Mr nppoint�Y1 by Ih� court thcenf, nnd �cithout rt•gnrct lo the nd�vacy ^f any Fe<urity fur thr indebtrdnra.a �r- <br /> � cured he:eby, to ent��r uFron nnd luke p��skess�ori <if the mrrrtgngrd premi.v.�v, and to collect end rrceivr thr rents. ivsure nnd profite .. <br /> � � tncmol; nnd � nppiY th� �am�. .1�3v cn.ats � of o�mrntion `nnd� rY�tl�.rlion. �u�kin tht� � indr�kil�Klncsa �w�curr�d !ry this morlFage; said rrms. <br /> _ � r�+. . iuue+s�nnd profiLv (rrittg hereby ne�ignrd lo lhc i�inrtgagre ns further s�cncty (or 1he paymrnt of nll ir.drbtrdnrss s�runY! hrrrby. �' � � s„�" . '+ <br /> 'i he 1�tort a en sh:dl h�ve the xrwrr to n �oint :ui a ent or a ents it mn dreire for the �ur osr of «• �vrin s�id rrin. ( N �' <br /> 2 � � �: t n� s s s v t n r � ' r. n <br /> � ,,����pyy• � irr_y; renting lht name; collectinq ll�e ren[s, revenurr nnd income. nnd it may pay oid of tiaid mcnme nll expens�s innirrMl in rent- � ' <br /> 4.��,r�y i L , ing nnd maneging the same and of m1li�ctinP, lhe rentals thcrelrom. The halnnce rnmaining, if any, shnll h�• appli�d luward thr ;� . <br /> `t��� discharge of lhe morigne,r indeblednr.w;s. Thie asaiqnment is :o terminal� and fx�coinr null and vn:d u�n relrasr of Ihia mortga�e. �.. • . <br /> 2�XY���`4�: . . . . . . �� . . <br /> ..hi'�%"'1:'}� � . <br /> . ,±e.�;�„�� . � <br />�..,... -�::.�.r ' ' . <br /> . ._ . .. _ _.._. . . _�.�._.. ' ' ' � <br /> �a�� <br /> _ _ . . ..__,__.�,�_,,,r.,,�.,_�..__—___ . .�____._'_'__ . _�. <br /> — _ _ '_..._. . .._ . .__' � <br /> M ('}� <br /> r OY <br /> H(:�.;;�}�..d� � . . � <br /> ea.r <br />�2II � <br /> ,� � � <br /> p$�� �'S � <br /> 3Eio'. _�i:�.� <br /> ,_. '� <br /> � `. � <br /> � <br />