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't =r <br /> is'?���`�. <br /> �i:' <br /> � . _ . . {c"G'�P�'' <br /> fk <br /> � � - <br />.::s:.�m�:.,-'�d� . <br /> aR�n`�1`�'�+,; . <br />�i'�� sakv P <br /> �.�"�. 3 . . <br />�6 ���; � ' � <br /> � � �...._ .. .�..r..w_..�......�_..�.....«. ..t....v ..,..` ... _ . <br /> . . . '"" .�....,.....,._�_,_ -...�......., . . . <br /> . . . � ..-...�.n y4 .�.<!ii . <br /> , . � ' '.F.:_ : :.,: +, rl'o.•_-, �..........,•.........._.......___ _ . _ � <br /> . .. _ _ . 5. . . . . . <br /> " � .. . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � <br /> ? <br /> ' . . . � . . . . . . . . � . :_ �: <br />� <br /> . . <br /> togetl�er witli all tenemcnls, hcredit:inten{s :+nd sppurtenance; bclou�jng iiiereto <br /> ; TO i1AVL• AND TO HOLD (he abore describeJ premises wid� nll the privileges and aPpurtenances thereunto helon�ing including <br /> all renls, issues and �Srofits thereof unto Dtort�gce, forecer. And Mortgag��r hereby cnvenanis that Mortgagor is well and truly seized uC <br /> � a good tiile to thc premises abo�•c cnnveycfi in the Iaw, in ice gmpie, and has good right and iawful autnority iu coiwcy tlie ;ame, aad <br /> � that the litle so convcyed is clear, fcee and unincumbered except as otherwise noted and that Mortgagor will forever warrant and de- <br /> p fend Qie samc to Alortgagec a�insl all claims whatsoever. <br /> : C:� <br /> i his niortgaFe is gi•+en by Alortg:.gors to sccure tt�e pcd'ormance uCeadi agrecment cmdauied herein , and to secure the payment <br /> � of a Iusn in the amount of tl�c Total of Paymcnts shown ahoce, which loan bring evidenccd by a promissory notc bearing even datc <br /> herewith and which is fur�l�cr dcuribed abovc. <br /> h <br /> j� PROVIDEU ALNAYS, and thesc presents are upon thc expresscd condition , that iCthc hlortg�gors shall pay in full to the D1ort- <br /> gagcea prc�missory note bearing even Jatc herewith in the amount set forth above, psyable in instellments according to 1he terms there- <br /> uf �V�i (li2! 'w'liii li�tCiiii 8i >l'i iUfi�i i�iCiCiii � 8P(i $iiBi� �uy d�� i�'�C� 'nlil�. u�..C55IIil'iiI'a iC:IC:� uFD:I :':1'� lCC� G:�?en hn(�r� I�g �mC ��C- <br /> comes dclinyucnl , and kcep Ihc buildings un said premizcs insured (or a sum cqual to thc indebtedncss sccurcd hereby, loss , iCany, pay• � <br /> able tc� �he said hlurtgagee, then �hese preseNs ro be null and void , otherwise lo be and remain in A�11 force. <br /> TNIS MORTGAGIi IS ALSU TO Bf•„ AND CONTINUE TO UE, fR01t TI9iL 'IO T1AtL, SGCURIT'Y FOR THE PAYdfENT <br /> OF SUCH SUA! OR SUA1S Of ASONGY AS TH@ MORTGAGLE AfAY FNO�S TI�f£ :O TI;IfE IN THG FUTUR@ ADVANCE TO THE <br /> �fORTGAGOR , AND EVIUENCGU :IY A SUPPLLhtENTAL N07E OK NOTGS, UUT NOT TO GXCEED THE TOTAL pF <br /> ° s . ***79.47 , �2x**. . . . . . . L• XCEPT FOR ANY AUVANCGS THAT �fAY llE DfAUE TO PROTECT THE SGCURITY lN AC- <br /> CORDANCE WITH THE TERh1S OF THIS 1fORT�ACE. <br /> Additiunal Tcrm> �^,! ro!:di!i�r.s .n � inc revcrzc of ihis agrecmcnt are madc � p:irt hercof �nd incurporated hcrcin. <br /> i1 4,'I'�NBSS \;';iEP.E0F, 1hc said Morigago�s hat�c exccutr.'. �hcsc preseNs Ihc d::y and yti�t frst ah�Fr written . <br /> > '` � <br /> � � � %� � <br /> � �'.� " � 6 � <br /> �rtgagor <br /> y� .- -'�''- - - = .L�O.� <br /> M teagor <br /> ; . STATE OF NC6RAShA } — T <br /> � � H1111 � 55 . . s <br /> � CUUNTY UF ) <br /> "' On lhis 6 dayuf Octobei � � 9 � 7 , bcfore mc, the undcrs�ned a Nutary Public, duly <br /> commissmned and qualified for and '+n said staic and cuunty, per�onally came �] en A . Spidlesand Emma Spidle _ <br /> to mc known to b� thc idcnlical person ur persnns w�hosc namc is or namcs arc a(fixcd to thc forcgoing instrumc�H and acknowledgcd <br /> ^ '� tlie execution t}icreof to bc his, her or their voluntary act and dced. <br /> ' 4, ,11Mf,!:,+�j. ' <br /> " TM21°ER :. .' nd Notatial S^°.! !�!^_ ti=� _I7C� )'C3f 11c� 2b04'C 4Tl1 (PO . <br /> � ��; DENERAI la07hRY � � � <br /> 4, ": STA E aFA L ��� � <br /> �. : 0 NFBRASKA NnT� PUE3LIC/�� <br /> � �� Gommiqsion Expires �/� J � � <br /> �'.% October 4� 1980 �� � � f../ � + ) 1 <br /> s <br /> , :��.� I�ty ' � �day of _—���V — , 1 �. r�, •.: '.. <br /> �c.,r���z,�� i10"f1CL' : SGE OTHLR SIDL' fOR ADUITIONAL T'L• IL\1S :1ND CONDITIONS , � ;; <br /> � Y �> {j a <br /> �2�a`'-w-� 1 - NEO. R.E. . l � � .�. <br /> �„�- M�� OP.iGIfJAL t� <br /> ;: .,.1�';'eg� . (D � <br /> ,:. �., ,. . . _ . .. _ Y . <br /> r; i '*, 1� <br /> �iM;:=:SY:_ . H.! <br /> cTYf. . <br />��� � <br /> � <br />� a <br />�"•x. z <br /> . �y � <br /> ` ! � �J <br /> S <br />