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<br /> an occupancy permit for "any structure located in said subdivision . In the alternative ,
<br /> said Subdividexs agree to petition for the creation of` a pavin� district for the e,fore - �: ` '
<br /> i mention�d s�reets located in the Subdivision , prior to requ� stzng such occu:pancy permits.
<br /> 2 . Wa-bex . No City water ' service is :presently availatale to the Subdivision .
<br /> Accordin� ly; the City authorizes the use of, ' private we11s in ' the subdivisi,on , 'but '
<br /> ` Subdividers a.gree ' to connect any structures using private we11s to City water system
<br /> within three construction seasons after a City water ma.in is comple� ed to serve the
<br /> Subdivision . The Subdividers a�ree to connect al1 new structures built in the Sub -
<br /> �, -
<br /> d �,v�. sion to the City wa.ter main a;fter such City main is available to the Subdivision .
<br /> 3 . Sanitar,y Sewer . No City sani�ary sewer is presently availabie ta the
<br /> ' Subdivision . Accordingly , the City authorizes the canstruction of septic tanks in
<br /> ; , _
<br /> the Subdivision, but , the Subdivi.ders a.gree to connect any structures eonnected to septic
<br /> ta.nks to the City sanitary sewer within three construction seasons after the City sanitary
<br /> sewer main is completed L- o the Su'bdivision , 'Phe 5ubdividers agree to connect a11 new
<br /> structures built in the Subdivision with the City sanitary sewer after such City sewer
<br /> is available to the Subdivision .-
<br /> � 4 . Drainage . The Subdividers agree to grade the lot, s af the Subdivision in
<br /> f � � � � � � � � � � ,'
<br /> conjunetion with the construction of any structure thereon so that storm water drains
<br /> ;
<br /> to the pu'61ic ri�ht - of-way , and tl� rough the right - of-way to a storm water detention
<br /> cell to be constructed on Lot 25 of said Subdivision according to plans and speci�'i -
<br /> .l . . , . . � . � . . . � . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.� ;�. �� � '. -:�.
<br /> � fi cations approved by the City ' s Director of �zblic Works .
<br /> ' �: ; }:
<br /> 5 . Sidewalks . '1'!ze Subdividers , if sti11 the owners of the land in the proposed
<br /> �
<br /> ; subdivision , or if the Subdividers sha11 have transferred tizle to the property , then
<br /> , �
<br /> � the darious grantess 'thereof , wi11 insta,ll , at their own expense , all pubiic sidewaiks
<br /> rK
<br /> ,
<br /> x re quired by the Grand Island City Code when the adjacent lot is built upon , and side -
<br /> i wa2ks - sha11 be regulated and required with the building permit for eac�i such lot .
<br /> � ' 6 . Warranty. The undersigned owners , as Subdividers , warrant that they are the
<br /> ; o�rners in fee simple of the land described and proposed to be known as Westroads Estates
<br /> Third Subdivision , and that an abstract of title wi11 be submiti:ed for examination ;
<br /> � if necessary� upon request of 'the City of Grattd Island .
<br /> � , .
<br /> , < _
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<br /> to the banefit of the pa.rties hereto , their successors , assigns , heirs , devisees , and
<br /> ,. ; s ,;
<br /> , legatees . Wta.exe the term "Subdividers " is used in this Agreement , the subsequent �
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