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<br /> fHall Caunty, Nebraska "
<br /> T'he zanders9.gned? Joe E. Setlik and Dorothy M. Setlik, husband and wife; and
<br /> Clarenee L. Shuda and Vernie K: Shuda, husband and wife, hereinafter called the 8ub-
<br /> ' = dividexs, as owners of a Lract of land comprising a part of the West Half of the .
<br /> Nor�heast Quarter (W�JEu) of' Section i'hirty-five (35), Township Eleven (111 North,
<br /> � Ran�e 'Pen (10} West of the 6th P.M., 3n I-Iall County, Nebraska, more particularly
<br /> s ,
<br /> } described as follows:
<br /> Beginnin� at the sauthwest corner o#' Westroa,ds F,states Second Subdivision,
<br /> said point being one thousa_nd three hundred sixteen (1,316) feet southerly
<br /> from the northwest corner of said Northeast �uarter {1V�,�-�); thence easterly
<br /> along the southerly line of Westroads Estates Second Subdivision and s�ire-
<br /> � � side Estates Second Subdivision and the easterly prolongation of said line
<br /> a distance of one thousand three hundred eleven and fifty-eight hundredths
<br /> (2 311,5$) feet to the east l.ine o£ said West Half oi' the Northeast Quarter
<br /> j (W2IVE4); thence southerly along the eas� line of said West Ha1f of the
<br /> Northeast Quarter (W�PTE4) a distance of six hundred sixty (6b0.0) feet;
<br /> thence westerly para11e1 to the southerly line of a.foresaid subdivisions
<br /> a distance �f one thousand three hundred seven and forty-Pive hundredths
<br /> � a (1,307;�5) feet to the p�olongation southerly of the west line of sair3
<br /> ' � Westroads Estates Second Subdivision; thence northerly along said southerly
<br /> prolongation of the west line of 47estroads Estates Second Subdivision a
<br /> distance of six hundred sixty (660.0) feet to the place of beginning, and
<br /> cantaining 19,841 acres, more or 1ess;
<br /> rlesire to have subdivided a_s a subdivision the above described tract of land outside
<br /> the corporate limits but within two miles of the City af Grand Island, anc3 hereby submit
<br /> ta the City Council o£ such City for acceptance as provided by law an accurate map and
<br /> plat of such proposed subdivision to be known as Westroads �states 'Phird Subdivision,
<br /> designatirag .explicitly the land to be laid out and particu2arly deseri.bing the iots,
<br /> ` % streets, and easements belonging to sueh subdivision, with lots designated by numbers,
<br /> streets by names, a.nd easements by dimensions, and propc�s� to cause the plat of such
<br /> subdivision wk�en �'inally appraved by the Regional Planning Commissior_ and the City
<br /> Council to be acknowledged by such owners, certified as to s.ccuracy of survey by a
<br /> reg3:stered land surveyor, and to contain a dedication of strests anri easements to �he
<br /> use and ben�fit oi' the pub 1ic. In cansideration oi" the acceptr�,nce o£ the plat aP said
<br /> Westroads- Estates" Third Subdivision, the Subdividers hereby consent and a�ree with the
<br /> City of Grand Island, Nebraska, that thev wi71 install a1-, thei.r e�cpense the following
<br /> impxovements:
<br /> �
<br /> 2. Streets. The Sub�ividers egree ta pave Springview Jrive, Schroeder Avernie,
<br /> _ �M1.
<br /> -Graham'Avenue, and Laura Avenue in accordance with the plans and speeifications approved ` ',��,^' '
<br /> � ' 4z.
<br /> ' [ �y the'City's Director of,Public Works, and to commence such paving prior to requesting �� �;�
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