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<br /> 2 . Water . The Subdivider a.grees to Fo�nect a11 new stsuctures located in the
<br /> p.�,.... . . �
<br /> � Subdivision to a existing water main located `. in Garland Street ; subject to the necessary r :
<br /> tap char�es prior to xequesting' any occupancy permit .
<br /> 3 . Sanitary Sewer . N'o City eanitary sewer _ is presently available to the Subdivision ,
<br /> x �. .� � � �� � � , �
<br /> � ; Accordingly , . the City authorizes the construction of septic tanks in the subdivision ,
<br /> but the Subd3vider agrees to connect ' any structures conneeted i;o septic tanks to the
<br /> �' ;
<br /> � ' City sanitary sewer within three construction sea.soris after the City sanitary sewer
<br /> ' main is installed for use in the subdivision . The Subdivider agrees to connect `all
<br /> . new structures buiZi; in tihe Subdivisi�n with the City sanitary ' sewer ' after such City
<br /> � sewer is avail.able to the subdivision . `
<br /> ' 4 . Drainage , The Subdivider agrees to grade the lots of the Subdivision in
<br /> ;
<br /> ,
<br /> ' � eonjunetion-with the construction of any structure thereon so that storm water drains
<br /> r
<br /> .
<br /> � � to the public right -of-way or to natural drainage cour�es .
<br /> ? 5 • Sidewalks . ' The Subdivider , if still the owner of the land in the proposed � %
<br /> a subdivision , or iP the subdivider shall have transferred tit3e to the property , then
<br /> , i . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . � . . � . �: .
<br /> � the various grantees thereof , will install , at their own expense , a11 public sidewalks
<br /> i
<br /> required by ' the �rand Tsland City Code when the adjacent 1ot is built upon, ,and sidewalks'
<br /> y
<br /> y
<br /> shall be re�ulated and required with the building permit for ea,ch such lot .
<br /> 6 . Warra.nt,y . The undersigned owner , as Subdivider, ' warrants tYiat he is the
<br /> ;
<br /> s awner i.n fee simple of the land described and proposed to be known as Riverside Farms '
<br /> �
<br /> � Second ' Subdivision , and that an abstract of title wi11 be su'bmitted for examination ,
<br /> 3 _
<br /> 5 .
<br /> � if necessa;ry , upon request of the City of Grand Island .
<br /> �
<br /> ' 7 : This agreement sha11 run with the land and sha11 be binding upon and inure to
<br /> i -
<br /> the benefit of the parties hereto , their successors , assigns , heirs , devisees , and
<br /> �' � legatees . Where the term "Subdivider ", is used in this Flgreement , the subsequent owners
<br /> ,
<br /> of any lots ia the Subdivision shall be responsible to perform any of' the conditiqns of
<br /> ; , this Agreement if the Subdivider has not performed such condition .
<br /> ' D�.t�a ,/-� 3- 77 � �,.-
<br /> C�� G" ' � '` �'�
<br /> ' Edward W . Koelmel
<br /> � $UBL? N IDER
<br /> 'n
<br /> , � ^ �,RAN r� ,
<br /> i QF «i�ery / ITY OF GRAN� ISLAND � 1�,�BF{I�SKA
<br /> ' ,� ��y.' `"•-,!�'� Mun�pal Corporation �'
<br /> ? . , Cj ^�`N�ORPORATfp S. Z ' � � . . . . . . . .., " :,,�,, � -.
<br /> : +� �'J'
<br /> .a � : � :;�E� By � _ '�� . "�
<br /> : ent oP the Counci3 <; � �
<br /> � � ' ' � � �� �EC. 10. 1&��" � . � . ��� .."
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