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<br /> 77-' r�����.1�
<br /> Iial1 County, Nebraska
<br /> � The undersigned, Edward W, Koelmel, a single person, hereinafter called the
<br /> ' Subdivider, as owner of a tract of'land comprising a part of' Lot Ten (10), Riverside
<br /> Farms Subdivision, situated in part of the South Aaif of the Southeast Cuarter (SZSEy)
<br /> ; of Section Twenty-nine (29), 'P.ownship Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West oP the 61;h :
<br /> F.M., in Ha21 County, Nebraska, more particular2y described as rollows:
<br /> ' Beginning at the southwest corner of said Southeast G�uarter (SE4); thence
<br /> easterly along the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SEu) a distance
<br /> of nine izundred ninety-one and eight-tenths (991.8) feet; thence deflecting
<br /> left 92:° 59' 30" and running northerly a dista,nce oi fifty-ei�it and eight-
<br /> tenths' (58.8) feet to a point on 'the northerly right-of-way line of Hi�hways
<br /> 2 and 34, this bein� the aetual place of beginning; thence continuing northerly
<br /> along the last described course a distance of six hundred forty-three and
<br /> fifty-five hundredths (643•55) f'eet; thexice deflecting right 85.° 46` and
<br /> running n�rtheasterly a distance of two hundred (200) feet; thence deflecting
<br /> right 94� 14` and runriing southerly a distance of three hundred sixty (360)
<br /> feet; thence deflecting left 9�+° 1�+' and running northeasterly a distance
<br /> of one hundred twelve and siacty-two hundredths (112.62)feet; thence deflecting
<br /> right 94` 14' and running southerly a distance of three hundred thirty-three
<br /> and eighty-twv hundredths (333.82) feet to a point on the northerly right-of-
<br /> t way line of said Fii�rhways 2 and 34; thence running northwesterly alor� said
<br /> Highway right-oi'-way line a distance oF three hundred twelve s,nd seventy-seven
<br /> hundredths (312.77) feet to the actual place of beginning, and containing
<br /> 3.85? acres, more or less;
<br /> desires to have subdivided as a subdivision the abot*e described tract of land outside
<br /> the corporate limits but within two miles of the City of Grand Island, and hereby submits
<br /> } � to the City Council of such City for acceptance as provided by law an accurate ma,p and
<br /> ;
<br /> plat of such proposed subdivision to be known �,s Riverside F�'arms Second Subdivision,
<br /> S
<br /> designating exp7.icitly the land to be laid out and particularly describing the 1ots,
<br /> streets, and easements belonging to such subdivision, with lots designated by numbers,
<br /> stree�s by names, and easements by dimensions, and propose to cause the plat of such
<br /> ; subdivision when finally approved by the Regional Plannin� Commission and the City
<br /> ' Council to be acknowledged by such owner, certified as to accuracy of survey by a
<br /> . i:: . .. .. . . . .
<br /> registered land surveyor, and to contain a dedication of streets for public use and
<br /> af ihe easements for public utilities. In consideration of the acceptance of the plat
<br /> of said Riverside Parms Second Subdidision, the Subdivider hereby consents and agrees
<br /> with the City af �rand rsl�.nd, N�brask�, -rhs+ +p,A�• z,;i� ir.stsll ^.t �?:cir ea-per.se `,�
<br /> followin� improvements:
<br /> ° l. Streets. The Subdivider agrees not to pratest any pavir�g disLricting on + , - �'q,, ,
<br /> ,- .,,.. . ,.: ,, a"
<br /> � . : . ... �.- � � . . . ; f ��y
<br /> ; Uariand Street adjoining such Subdivisian.
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