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<br /> 1 . The tract shall be used only for sesidential purposes .
<br /> 2 . No apartment house , duplex or triplex shall be built on any lot located
<br /> � , in the tract if the tract is subdivided , nor shall any basement house be
<br /> _ built on any lot , No structure shall be erected , altered , placed , or
<br /> permitted to remain on any ` lot other than one detached dwelling , which may
<br /> inqlude a private garage , and other secondary buildings , including a private
<br /> garage ' and swimming pool , incidental to the residential use of the lot . No
<br /> dwelling sha11 be erected for occupancy o £ more than one family , nor shall
<br /> any dwelling be used £or occupancy for more than one family . No commercia ],
<br /> or business enterprise sha11 be conducted or operated upon any lot .
<br /> � i 3 . Al1 frame buildings other than the main structure sha11 have the same
<br /> quality of outside wall finish and roof as that used for the residence .
<br /> 1Vo bua, lding can be made of unsightly materials , or boxes or similar lumber .
<br /> 4 . As to that part of the tract constituting the easterly three hundred
<br /> thirty ( 330 ) feet by four hundred twenty and thirty - five hundredths
<br /> ( 420 . 35 ) Eeet , all buildings shall be placed at least one hundred ( 100 )
<br /> � feet back from the front or east road right of way of the tract . Any ;
<br /> detached garage or separate secondary structure shall be not less than
<br /> one hundred twenty ( 120 ) feet back from the front or east road - right of way
<br /> of the tract . No building shall be constructed closer than twenty ( 203
<br /> ' � feet to the tract boundary lines if the adjacent tract or tracts are under
<br /> ir different ownership .
<br /> As to the remainder of the tract lying three hundred thirty ( 330 ) feet west
<br /> of the .East Section Line of the Northeast Quarter ( NE ; ) of Section Twenty -
<br /> Seven ( 27 ) , Township Eleven ( 11 ) North , Range Ten ( 10 ) West of the 6th P . M . ,
<br /> in Hall County , Nebraska , all buildings shall be placed at least one hundred
<br /> thirty - three ( 133 ) feet back from the west line of the tract . Any detached
<br /> garage or separate secondary structure shall be not le,ss than one hundred
<br /> fzfty - three ( 153 ) feet back from the west line of the tract . No building
<br /> shall be constructed closer than twenty ( 20 ) £ eet to the tract boundary
<br /> lines if the adjacent tract or tracts are under different ownership .
<br /> ` ` 5 . No building or dwelling house shall be moved into or onto this tract
<br /> � and placed on the tract . No trailer , tent , garage , shack or other unsightly
<br /> out -buildings shall be used on the tract as a dwelling at any time , nor
<br /> ; sha1T any structure of a temporarx character be used as a residence . This
<br /> � ' restriction shall not prevent the builder from using a builder ' s shack
<br /> � temporarily during construction of any building or secondary structure ,
<br /> during the course of construction .
<br /> b . The grounc� - floor area of the main residence structure exclusive of
<br /> open poxches and garages shall be not less than one thousand five hundred
<br /> ( 1 , 500 ) square feet far a one - story dwelling . The ground floor area of a
<br /> main residence structure exclusi, ve of open porches and garages for a one
<br /> and one -half or two- story main structure shall be not less than one
<br /> thousand " (l , OOOj square feet .
<br /> �
<br /> 7 . No sod , earth � sand , gravel or t,rees shall be removed to the injury
<br /> of the value oP or the aQpearance of the tract and no unused building
<br /> �at2rial � junk or rubbish shall ba left exposed on the tract except
<br /> durinq actual i�uilding operations .
<br /> ` 8 : l�io worn� out or discarded automobiles , machinery , or parts of them
<br /> shall be stored on the tract and no portion of the tract shall be used .�, �
<br /> � for worn^ out or d�F, scarded automobiles , junk piles � or the storage of any ' ' ' ,�,�, ,x � *
<br /> � Xind of junk or waste material . �
<br /> 9 . No cows , hogs , goats , sheep or similar animals shaZl be kept or
<br />�
<br /> x�taintained on �he traat oz any portion of the tract . Howeverr this -
<br /> xestriction does t�.ot a�ply to the keeping or maintai. ning of a pony or !� '
<br /> horse on the tract . "�
<br /> V = 1 - EXHIBIT A - page 1
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